KS - New principal quits $93,000/yr job when student journalists question credentials


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Mar 4, 2009
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Kansas City Star:

New Pittsburg High School principal resigns
after student journalists question her credentials

Days after student reporters at Pittsburg High School in Kansas dug into the background of their newly hired principal and found questionable credentials, she resigned from the $93,000-a-year job.

“She was going to be the head of our school, and we wanted be assured that she was qualified and had the proper credentials,” said Trina Paul, a senior and an editor of the Booster Redux, the school newspaper. “We stumbled on some things that most might not consider legitimate credentials.”
Much more at the links.

Pittsburg Morning Sun:

Board accepts resignation of Dr. Amy Robertson amid credentials questions

Yikes! Did my student teaching long ago here. Great job, Board of Ed! (*cough)
Kansas kids ROCK!

Right, wfgodot? :wink:

Great story. Just saw it on twitter:
Kansas kids ROCK!

Right, wfgodot? :wink:
Yes they do! This incident makes proud one who got his radical start by penning and publishing an underground paper in his high school days. Journalism rules! Way to go, Pittsburg Purple Dragons!
I'm glad the kids "outed" this fraudulent woman.

However, the bigger question is HOW and WHY did the search and validation committee MISS this? How big was the applicant pool? She was applying to be a public school K-12 principal-- did she even have a LICENSE in Kansas, or any other U.S. state??

The incompetence of the hiring committee/ individuals is breathtaking. That is the REAL story here. And apparently the kids used sources available to the general public, not even protected/ restricted sources.

There should be people fired who hired her, IMO.
There should be people fired who hired her, IMO.
Agreed. The superintendent and possibly other admin should be ousted. This is embarrassing to the district. Those on the Board of Ed should not be there after the next election for their posts.
It somewhat reminded me of a case that happened in the Bay Area 25 years ago, when the superintendent of the San Jose Unified School District resigned after it was found that he did not have a doctorate from Stanford. Similarities being that someone else doing the work that the hiring authorities should have done. An interesting non-violent criminal case.


Rumors about the authenticity of Baughman's doctorate began circulating in August after Stanford officials began searching unsuccessfully for his dissertation. Cecilia Burciaga, an associate vice president of development, said she was contacted by a graduate student searching for Baughman's dissertation. Burciaga, who was an associate dean of graduate students at the time, attempted to track down the former superintendent's dissertation by his year of graduation. But when Burciaga contacted the Registrar's office to find out when he graduated, she discovered
that Stanford had no record of Baughman's enrollment.

NY Times story about Baughman after his death in 2001

But Lucent also discovered that he had the kind of past that would have normally prevented a manager from being authorized to sign large contracts or oversee the hiring of thousands of employees. In fact, by Lucent's own hiring standards, Mr. Baughman would never have worked for the company. He was a convicted felon.

Beginning in late 1993, Mr. Baughman had served four months in jail after pleading guilty to five felony charges, one count of forgery and four counts of grand theft. According to court records, Mr. Baughman had lied about holding a Ph.D. from Stanford and had embezzled money several years earlier while he was a high school principal. Mr. Baughman, who before his indictment had been superintendent of the San Jose Unified School District -- the youngest superintendent of a big-city school district in California history when he was appointed in 1989 -- had also failed to pay his taxes for 11 years, according to prosecutors.
Hurray for the J-students. Good work on researching new-hire's educational background. :happydance:

Maybe this - http://www.corllinsuniversity.org/ - is site of Corllis U, where she supposedly got masters & PhD?
From ^ CU's claimed accreditation*: Clicking on U's links to both purported accreditors, I get 'Page cannot be displayed message.'

Not curious enough to research further ATM, but IDK if ^ named entities are:
1) legit and previously accredited CU (maybe still do or maybe withdrew/revoked accreditation in recent yrs), or
2) legit and never accredited CU, or
3) are mills to give bogus 'accreditation' to diploma mills, or
4) are a figment of the imagination of someone affiliated w CU, or
5) other.

As others noted, so easy to find info online these days. Still gotta use some common sense to interp it. JM2cts.
* "Corllins University is accredited by the recognized accreditation institution: The Accreditation Panel for Online Colleges & Universities (APTEC) for its Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Programs and Global Accreditation Bureau (GAB) for its Online Education Programs (OEP[SUP]®[/SUP])."
Claims to be accredited by (by)
: http://www.globalaccreditationbureau.com/institutions/corllins-university.html
I'm also SUPER curious about the disgraced ex-principal's decade+ overseas. As is, did it really happen? What do passport records show?
Jake Tapper (The Lead on CNN, one of my favs) interviewed these students. I'm so glad to see this getting national exposure.



Booster Redux staffer and high school junior Maddie Baden said the news staff dug deeper into Robertson’s background after a search for her name brought up multiple articles published by Gulf News (an English-language newspaper in the United Arab Emirates).

One such article, from September 2012, says that Dubai’s education authority suspended the license of the Dubai American Scientific School for violating various regulatory requirements. The story also says that “When contacted, Dr Amy Robertson, the principal of the school refused to comment.”

The Dubai American Scientific School received consistently “unsatisfactory” ratings from 2008 through 2012, and was shut down in 2013.
Not to inspire a Salem-like hunt but I hope the j-class kids check others' credentials.

And for goddsakes, fire some administrators already -- spend the $$ on legit classroom teachers!
Looks like she was busy applying this year at other places too. Ripon is a small town north of Modesto CA.


Eighteen applications have been received to date for the Guy-Perkins superintendent position, including one from the district’s K-12 principal, Karen Hoskins of Greenbrier.

• Amy Robertson of Ripon, California, a CEO at Atticus International School Consultants in Dubai;


Another application for a superintendent position in another Arkansas school district in 2016.


Amy Robertson of Dubai, Oklahoma

I agree but would like to clarify that many of the teachers do care, but the administrators absolutely don't care about anything but finances.
I agree but would like to clarify that many of the teachers do care, but the administrators absolutely don't care about anything but finances.
Just like every other profession, some teachers care and some don't, some administrators care and some don't.

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Just like every other profession, some teachers care and some don't, some administrators care and some don't.

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Administration itself is finance-based. Just ask one who's negotiated a contract from the other side. And yes, they should care -- but how many administrators does it take? Because understand, the more administrators you pay for, the less money available to pay faculty, who are the classroom educators who count.
The principal got their masters and doctorate from an online college! Geez, who would hire such a person? Yes, I am judging online degrees.

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