Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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Seeing this video tonight prompted me to become a member.

I am just heartbroken for Kaine and Kyron's lil sis. With the eldest brother moving out of the home, sweet Kyron missing, and her mommy now gone, I worry she may suffer extreme separation anxiety when Kaine must leave her at daycare.

I am excited to join such a caring group of intellectuals and look forward to participating in the discussions.:woohoo:
I just cannot help feeling Kaine really learned some information yesterday.
Such as LE confirming they will arrest KH soon or that there is not much hope Little Man Kyron is alive. :cry:

Kaine is truly suffering now and I will be :praying: for God to give him the strength he so needs right now.

Seeing this video tonight prompted me to become a member.

I am just heartbroken for Kaine and Kyron's lil sis. With the eldest brother moving out of the home, sweet Kyron missing, and her mommy now gone, I worry she may suffer extreme separation anxiety when Kaine must leave her at daycare.

I am excited to join such a caring group of intellectuals and look forward to participating in the discussions.:woohoo:

Welcome, momoftwo! :wave:

I'll go see if I can find some intellectuals for you. :crazy:
:Welcome-12-june: momoftwo2002

You are in good company here. :seeya:
Ooohhhhh Boy. I just saw a man ready to break down into a sobbing mess.

I can't imagine how surreal this must all be in real life.
Seeing this video tonight prompted me to become a member.

I am just heartbroken for Kaine and Kyron's lil sis. With the eldest brother moving out of the home, sweet Kyron missing, and her mommy now gone, I worry she may suffer extreme separation anxiety when Kaine must leave her at daycare.

I am excited to join such a caring group of intellectuals and look forward to participating in the discussions.:woohoo:

Ooohhhhh Boy. I just saw a man ready to break down into a sobbing mess.

I can't imagine how surreal this must all be in real life.

I hope none of us have to.

I get so used to my mommy-sense telling me where my tot is that if he drops off radar for a moment, I feel that instant shot of adrenalin up the torso until I spot him again, and then it takes me a couple moments afterwards to shake the feeling. Imagine that for weeks or years?

I can only liken it to "phantom limb" syndrome, but with so much fear.

Oh Man! I recently had that feeling for 10 seconds at DisneyWorld! I threw down my shopping bags, screamed my daughters name and tried to run in 20 different directions at the same time only to see her standing behind my Mom! And yes, I'm sure I looked like a fool. I immediately worried how she was feeling, trying to get back to me. To think that Kaine has felt that way for weeks now is just disgusting. I hope he has a solid support system in place for the long haul.
It was terribly sad when he started crying. He's a man who's really been kicked in the gut. I'm so glad he's going for counseling, and I hope he has lots of family and friends around him to carry him through all this shock and trauma.


:snipped respectfully/BBM

Is there a link confirming this?
Though, in a way, it would be worse to have privacy, because that would mean no one cared about Kyron's case any more. I have no doubt KH has his private time to think of Kyron - the Wall is specifically for keeping the case in the public eye, and to show the media that people still care about Kyron.

Public attention can be awful, I agree - but if it's a community saying, "We care about this missing child," that might very well be comforting in a way, IMO.

Wishing and hoping for Kyron. :frog:


LOL - I honestly was going to post this as the exception, the public support. That or him running into someone about to leave the wall, sharing their best wishes, prayers and other means of support for Kyron and the family. I just reelly hope the media isn't camped out there or nearby, is all.

ETA, I think if it was me in Kaine's position, I would want privacy while at the wall - only to take it all in, read the notes, poems, etc. I wouldn't want my train of thought interrupted. Does that make sense?
TFS Calliope :smile:

Boy do I feel stupid with my answer to Clu as I totally misread her question. :blushing:


I did not see anything stupid that you said? It was a question I had as well...was not sure what the answer was...
Surely the wall of hope is for attention to Kyron and the reporters are doing their job. Personally, I would be sickened to even visit something like that for a kid of mine since it would seem like some big funeral memorial without church, but Kaine is bringing attention to Kyron's disappearance and the story is out there. He should have pleaded with whoever's hiding Kyron to come forward if he still believes his child is alive unless he's just becoming hopeless now in the stages of grief. The question about the warning signs was so appropriate and timely because the last statement was discounting Desiree about the increasing warning signs that she saw.
That is a wrecked man. He looks like crap. You know how it is, women of WS... men fall apart later. Well, this is his later. I feel horrible. :( Kyron needs to come home. Now. If I'm weary, I can't imagine his parents. Damn.......
I guess my only question is why is this video edited.
Kaine Horman tears up while talking about Kyron outside Skyline School
Published: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 6:02 PM
Updated: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 8:11 PM

Kaine Horman had tears in his eyes Wednesday as he spoke about his son Kyron outside the school where the seven-year-old was last seen more than six weeks ago.

Horman carried letters filled with prayers to Kyron, missing since June 4, and tied them to the Wall of Hope, a balloon-covered chain-link fence turned memorial in front of Skyline School.

Horman, who has presented a stoic demeanor at several planned press conferences, choked up as he told a reporter from KGW/8 news that he thinks Kyron is still alive.

"I see his face and see him kind of in that frame before he left, and just picture that he's out there," he said.
At least DY and TY have each other, Kaine has no one AND has to put on a good face for a baby. I fear for this man. His whole world has crumbled.

I think the fact that we have not seen DY or TY in public recently is because they too, have progressed to this next stage of grieving.

Kyron where are you?
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