LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #19

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Does anyone else but me find it odd that a supposedly-stationary security guard would know MS's route to that degree?

never thought about it before, but now that you mention it, it does seem odd....
Told me they couldnt talk about it. Active investigation blah blah but that there was no other footage of her. Basically the same **** theyve said in their pressers.

Perhaps splitting hairs here, ACI, but did they say there was "no other footage of her", or that there's "no other footage available"? Sometimes, as I'm sure you know, LE will parse words in such situations.
You shouldn't be afraid pm a mod with your questions, Bayou Belle. We have a policy at WS that says members who are either family members or friends to the parties in a case, or locals who are privy to sensitive information and would like to post it here should first be verified by admin. It's strictly voluntary. No one is required to become verified. But non-verified members are not allowed to present information as factual without the appropriate back up.

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Bumping for any locals who missed this.
You are correct that the best defense is not to put yourself in a vulnerable situation. But, there are people abducted in broad daylight walking to their car in a parking lot. People have car trouble and are abducted. Awareness is the first defense.

Mickey was 21, not a teenager.

My children absolutely know how to use a gun and have been raised around them since they were small. I would have absolutely no issue with my daughter carrying a gun at 17, 18 years old. Before that, she really has no business being anywhere alone.

What a sad world we live in that we have to walk around with guns in our pockets.I could not live like that myself.:(
Might have been looking out for her. Didn't he mention that the guard often talked to mickey?

yes, but why would a security guard, who I would assume would be posted standing up at a doorway-not down at street level where she might ride by-have a chance to get to know talk to her and learn her route? He might see her ride by his position occasionally...but have not known where she was prior nor after. JMO
What a sad world we live in that we have to walk around with guns in our pockets.I could not live like that myself.:(

Better than being a victim and that is something that I refuse to be.
Years and years ago, my sister worked at a newspaper and worked late into the night hours. The paper had security guards who would walk the women to their cars when they got off work so they would feel safe.

At the same time, there was a series of rapes that occurred nearby.

A few months later who was arrested for the rapes? The security guard who walked the women to their cars each night.
yes, but why would a security guard, who I would assume would be posted standing up at a doorway-not down at street level where she might ride by-have a chance to get to know talk to her and learn her route? He might see her ride by his position occasionally...but have not known where she was prior nor after. JMO

If she rode by often, is he saying she stopped and talked? That in itself seems odd...a bike is transportation for her, apparently, the same as a car. Is there a light she would have to stop at, near his post? And is this confirmed info, about the guard?
yes, but why would a security guard, who I would assume would be posted standing up at a doorway-not down at street level where she might ride by-have a chance to get to know talk to her and learn her route? He might see her ride by his position occasionally...but have not known where she was prior nor after. JMO

I'm not sure of the position of the guard. She might have mentioned her route. The guard might have seen the lights from her bike.

Some guards aren't stationary either. Sometimes they have to travel the grounds. Either in carts or vespas.
But Mickey isn't a teenager.

I know that,I was talking about teenagers.Some people don't like to carry guns. At 21, in my opinion she very nieve to be riding her bike at 2:00 am so far from home.Even with a gun, I wouldn't do it.
Don't know. Evidence might tend to stay on the bottom of a lake. A river might bring it back to the surface. Pure conjecture.

There are also a lot of homes along the Vermillion, so a lot of witnesses.

I went on a swamp tour at Lake Martin last weekend with Bryan Champagne Swamp Tours. During the beginning of the tour he said the water in the middle of Lake Martin is 6-8 feet deep but most of it and the swampy areas was 1-3 ft deep.
I think that's accurate. I've never been clear on the supposed absence of cell phone/tower data.

Between the vague LE statements and the sister's insistence that those phones never die....there's something there that we can't see.

Just jumping in to clear up something. Charlie never said these phones never die. She said the battery lasted a really long time.

We do not know when Mickey last charged her phone.

We DO know that LE has been consistent in saying her phone was "turned off". They haven't said the phone died.

I think that is significant.
Bumping for any locals who missed this.

I was going to do the same thing. Thanks.

There have been several people here lately who were associated with the volunteer search who thought they had relevant information that was not known to the general public. But they were not apparently VERIFIED and their information was considered rumor.

If I understand this correctly, VERIFIED POSTERS have more liberty to share unsubstantiated information. If there are any present, and they have information they wish to share something, I think it would be VERY helpful at this point.

The trail is cold and the well of clues has run dry.
If she rode by often, is he saying she stopped and talked? That in itself seems odd...a bike is transportation for her, apparently, the same as a car. Is there a light she would have to stop at, near his post? And is this confirmed info, about the guard?

And even if she did have to stop, at a light or something, and even if the guard was not stationary....since she was safety conscious enough to carry mace, would she be giving a random security guard detailed information about her bike route? In what kind of casual conversation at a 1 minute stop light would that come up? I find it stranger and stranger the more I think about it.

If he did befriend her somehow, the I find that strange as well......
Some security guards also patrol...whether by foot or vehicle.
If she rode by often, is he saying she stopped and talked? That in itself seems odd...a bike is transportation for her, apparently, the same as a car. Is there a light she would have to stop at, near his post? And is this confirmed info, about the guard?

Chicken Fried talked to the guard so I believe him. I thought it was odd when I read it too, you don't usually befriend people along your bike route because it is like driving a car, you just ride by. I commuted by bike for years and that never happened to me, and I'm generally friendly. Maybe she had an interaction with him at some point (if she had a problem with her bike at that intersection or something or just in her regular life), so she knew him somehow.
Does anyone else but me find it odd that a supposedly-stationary security guard would know MS's route to that degree?

Meh. At first, yes. But after thinking a bit...if she was there, day after day, seeing Mickey ride by. Mickey was friendly, there was probably eye contact, maybe a wave or smile. A security guard's job is to take note of their surroundings. So I don't find it that odd.
So she gets a text at BW's house, then within a few minutes of that, she says she's ready to leave because she isn't feeling well (but yet she feels well enough to go to TB for food).


Sounds like the stage was set for her to meet some sort of connection. Booty call, or just hanging out, or maybe to score some MJ. Thoughts?

And couldn't the telephone # of the last person who texted her be gleaned thru phone records from her provider?

I don't think she was looking to score pot at 2 am. She had plenty of time to do that earlier in the night. No reason to do so alone in the middle of the night, on bicycle. She didn't need it at that hour, and she had early family obligations the next morning. I don't think she would have kept that a secret from BW either. So I count that scenario out, imo.

But there is the possibility that she wanted to hang out with someone she liked or had just met. And I can see that she might have kept that a secret, and wanted to just swing by somewhere on her own. But LE must have her cell records and would know if there was a secret text from someone, setting it up.
I know that,I was talking about teenagers.Some people don't like to carry guns. At 21, in my opinion she very nieve to be riding her bike at 2:00 am so far from home.Even with a gun, I wouldn't do it.

Yes, I agree. I wouldn't let my teenager carry a gun either.
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