Lawmaker works to make bestiality illegal in Florida

Dittos to all.

But I this part just...:

a Panhandle man three years ago was suspected of accidentally asphyxiating a family goat with which he was copulating.
Uh... :yow:

(Am I the only one in a cycle of reactions between
:eek: :mad: :waitasec: :puke: :shocked2: :no: :floorlaugh: :doh: ?)
I cannot believe this is not illegal already. Sounds like we live in the dark ages. Oh my :sick:
That poor goat. There are certain things that I just can't wrap my brain around this is one of those things. ARGGG
(Am I the only one in a cycle of reactions between
:eek: :mad: :waitasec: :puke: :shocked2: :no: :floorlaugh: :doh: ?)

no... this is exactly what I am feeling at the moment. I don't get it at all. How is it possible that something this cruel, sick, and disgusting has gone unnoticed in the legal system for so long?
To me, its the same as animal abuse and I can't imagine why it isn't a federal law.
ditto!!!!! I didnt even know there was a law against it, or why we would need such a law. Im truly shocked.

it is the law of my Higher Power.
Wow, I wasn't even aware that it is or ever was legal in Florida. Ick! Are there any other states we should know about? lol
I really appreciate Sen. Rich for taking a stand. Lawmakers have found that introducing anti-bestiality laws do not make them popular. It's nearly impossible to stop the s******ing comments and no one wants to debate the issue. Isn't this where we were with child sexual abuse and elder abuse a couple of decades ago? It's time, folks, to check your state laws and let your politicians know what your feelings are on this important issue.

Florida Lawmakers Poised To Make Third Attempt To Ban Bestiality

"....the state of Florida has struggled in recent years to pass a law that will make bestiality illegal. The saga began in January of 2008, when the raping and killing of a goat -- a beloved family pet -- shocked the sensibilities of Florida residents. This led to a second shock when everyone realized that the rape of the goat wasn't actually a prosecutable offense in Florida.

"There needs to be a law," declared state Sen. Nan Rich (D), who probably didn't realize at the time that enacting such a law would prove to be nigh-impossible or that she'd become known as America's top anti-bestiality lawmaker...."

more at link
ACK! Horrible and disgusting! OMG! This is one of those "once you read it you can't not read it" things...*shudder*
...the rape of the goat wasn't actually a prosecutable offense in Florida....

Since the goat is described as a "beloved family pet" and was also killed, there must have been some laws (cruelty to animals, larceny, etc.) that applied.

I think we should approach this as a cruelty to animals issue and set our skeeviness aside.
It's nice to know that gay marriage is illegal in Florida, but bestiality isn't. :banghead:
eileenhawkeye--Great point. Adoption and foster care by gay individuals was also illegal in Florida until a court struck down the ban last September.

FWIW, usually there has to be a high profile case to bring about a ban on bestiality. When the Enumclaw case broke in WA, there were no laws on the books. The man who assisted with the bestiality (horses) which resulted in a man's death was only charged with trespassing. He's since been arrested again in Tennessee for the same crime and that's all outlined on the Spink thread.

The scary thing is that besides the obvious health issues and animal cruelty issues, the practice of bestiality is well known to often include child *advertiser censored* and child sexual abuse. From what I've read, child *advertiser censored* can be used as a bargaining chip.

Meg the goat was once featured at a 4-H Club, and had been given to a family with small children by a neighbor who had suspected an area man -- she wouldn't say who -- of abusing the animal.

So he had been targeting Meg for awhile. Stalking charges should be added! :loser:

The odd local publicity helped bring back about $300, when a man from nearby Crestview made a series of $10 goat T-shirts for sale.

One shirt depicts a goat saying ``Baaa Means No!'':floorlaugh:

The article also says the owner came out and found her dogs had been released and dog biscuits strewn around to lure them away from Meg. Also said the DNA from the rape kit was inconclusive so that was why they couldn't prosecute, but even if it were conclusive they could only prosecute for misdemeanor trespassing and animal cruelty, a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
who the heck would even WANT to do anything with an animal??? especiallly an animal?? of all things .. god ppl are weird wtf man .. that whole thought just makes me wanna throw up in my mouth ..flippen wackos .. ew

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