LE serves search warrant on family's home

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Would that collar fit around a sick whining baby? K...let's not go there. ;)

I thought it was a clicker, not a remote.. The click is the reward for good behavior.
Finally! I made to the end of this flying thread...what a full and uneventful day this has been for Baby Lisa's case. I hope they find what they're looking for at the house...I have a sneaking suspicion it's those cell phones and perhaps even baby Lisa. I hope they check the freezer...actually I hope they tear the place apart and look in every nook and cranny....either find evidence that parent/s are involved or completely rule them out.
If the family has any game tables like pool or Foosball, LE needs to look inside the game tables and pockets for the phones or other evidence.
Clicking sound - nails on a computer keyboard or cell phone. :waitasec:

You know there is so much talk about these cell phones. I wonder if there was one we don't even know about. Why the big explanation of the cell phones and that they were taken? Makes me say :waitasec:
What if there were no clicking sounds and that is just the lawyer putting up some defense since the Mom heard nothing?

I doubt he'd toss out a detail without a basis for it. In the Ft. Bragg case you don't want us to discuss, the child was found in the attic. Many attics in ranch homes have a set of pull down steps. We have such steps and they do make a lot of noise pulling down and then "clicking" the folding steps into place.

I apoligize for bringing in that "other" case.

Going back into my distant past (doodoodoodoodoodoodoodoo)...

I'm the child of a mother who gives herself alot of "adult time". I'm in bed, and I hear clicking noises. I'm trying to figure out what the noise is, but I don't dare get up. What do I see in my mind?

Wait! How am I hearing this clicking? Am I in Mom's bed and I'm hearing it through the baby monitor on the bedside table?!
I just can't get over the fact the news people are not tweeting or anything. Are they all sleeping. :whip: Wake UP!

Silly grandmaj- don't you know that they all took their lunesta hours ago???
A good defense attorney will file a motion to suppress any evidence collected without a warrant. Now that the parents have lawyered up, any evidence previously removed from the home may not be allowed in court. For instance, the receipt for the wine could be suppressed as well as the video of Deb purchasing the wine if there was no warrant in place when those things were obtained. Getting a search warrant is the best way to keep the evidence "clean" so to speak.

Well, actually, if anything had been taken with the parents consent to search, you will see the parents signature on the bottom of esch inventory sheet - that is SOP. That makes it admissible in court.

Sometimes LE will go ahead and get a search warrant while searching with consent if they find anything interesting. Other LE will wait at the scene until the warrant itself has been brought before even touching any potential evidence.

We do not actually know how many warrants LE has had and they are not telling. We do know about this particular search warrant because LE did not care if that information is out there.

We did not see the search warrant for cell phone records, but you can bet they had one early on. I am well satisfied that LE has been very careful as has the FBI. Neither are stupid, IMO.

If the boys were behind a door, then the clicking sound should be something else instead of the noise came from a keyboard or a camera.
I thought it was a clicker, not a remote.. The click is the reward for good behavior.
Ooooooooooooh. My dog is terminally bad. He would eat that clicker the first time I sat it down.
If I wanted to hide the cell phones in the house I would probably take off a baseboard, cut just enough wall board out to slide the phones under it, replace the baseboard and done.
I doubt he'd toss out a detail without a basis for it. In the Ft. Bragg case you don't want us to discuss, the child was found in the attic. Many attics in ranch homes have a set of pull down steps. We have such steps and they do make a lot of noise pulling down and then "clicking" the folding steps into place.

I apoligize for bringing in that "other" case.


I'm thinking maybe tomorrow, we should have a thread to compare some cases? Ya think? I do it could be interesting. :)
Okay, which one of you brainiacs has a layout of the house. I know one of you does. :)
Going back into my distant past (doodoodoodoodoodoodoodoo)...

I'm the child of a mother who gives herself alot of "adult time". I'm in bed, and I hear clicking noises. I'm trying to figure out what the noise is, but I don't dare get up. What do I see in my mind?

Wait! How am I hearing this clicking? Am I in Mom's bed and I'm hearing it through the baby monitor on the bedside table?!


You're brilliant. Very very possible...
Do baby monitors click when there is activity on them? I can't remember when my grandkids had them in their rooms?
Ha..maybe, the fan was on high and it was said to be a chilly night.;)

LOL. But actually one of our ceiling fans makes a clicking noise, depending on the speed. But I would imagine the boys would be used to it if it was that.

I think the clicking was "someone" quietly twisting or bending the screen so that it would appear to have been tampered with.
Do baby monitors click when there is activity on them? I can't remember when my grandkids had them in their rooms?

They don't really 'click' but noises can be distorted. If someone tapped it by accident or brushed against it or was moving things around, it may sound like 'clicks' or whatever.
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