Levees bombed to flood black people?

I don't believe this. But I do believe a lot of preparation and evacuation could have been a better part of the mayhem. Resulting in less deaths.I also think that the plans weren't good ones with no thought to what would happen.And it is still happening. No one knows what to do with the victims and current affairs dictate that everything is structured to divert this attention.

It is inconceivable to me that no one knew the possibilities and it is inconceivable to me that all attention is mostly geared to Harriet Miers and her ascending to a justice post. That is just ludicrous. People have lost everything and we are looking at someone who thinks George is god. I rest my case.
concernedperson said:
I don't believe this. But I do believe a lot of preparation and evacuation could have been a better part of the mayhem. Resulting in less deaths.I also think that the plans weren't good ones with no thought to what would happen.And it is still happening. No one knows what to do with the victims and current affairs dictate that everything is structured to divert this attention.

It is inconceivable to me that no one knew the possibilities and it is inconceivable to me that all attention is mostly geared to Harriet Miers and her ascending to a justice post. That is just ludicrous. People have lost everything and we are looking at someone who thinks George is god. I rest my case.
LOL George is God.
concernedperson said:
I don't believe this. But I do believe a lot of preparation and evacuation could have been a better part of the mayhem. Resulting in less deaths.I also think that the plans weren't good ones with no thought to what would happen.And it is still happening. No one knows what to do with the victims and current affairs dictate that everything is structured to divert this attention.

It is inconceivable to me that no one knew the possibilities and it is inconceivable to me that all attention is mostly geared to Harriet Miers and her ascending to a justice post. That is just ludicrous. People have lost everything and we are looking at someone who thinks George is god. I rest my case.
Now they are negatively commenting on the 17 person committee appointed by the mayor, who are drafting plans for the recovery of New Orleans. All 17 are very wealthy individuals who aren't there to keep an eye on the rights of the low to lower middle income residents.
Buzzm1 said:
Now they are negatively commenting on the 17 person committee appointed by the mayor, who are drafting plans for the recovery of New Orleans. All 17 are very wealthy individuals who aren't there to keep an eye on the rights of the low to lower middle income residents.

Oh well, corruption always fits the shoe. Does anyone really wonder why? This is a paradox that is so easily explainable. It has always been so and will always be so. I want change big time but I may be in a minority.
Jeana (DP) said:
If they would do anything to save the city NO, then breaking the levees on purpose would do just the opposite. :confused: :confused:

The theory is that they broke the levee to let the water go into the 9th Ward and St. Bernard Parish so that it wouldn't go into downtown NO...I don't know! Did I say it made sense?

It's ludicrous!
I'm Soooooooooo Sick About Hearing About The Race Issue, So Far I'd Say Bull Sh#t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MrsMush99 said:
Oh Brother. The sad thing is, is that some people will actually believe this nonsense.

His spokesperson, the leader of the Black Panther party, was on Hannity and Colmes a few weeks ago, and made a misstatement about the Republican government wanting to get rid of black people.....Hannity reminded the guy that the mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisiana were Democrats....Hannity started off his correction of the mis-statement by saying "Let me educate you" and the guy starts repeating "You can't educate me." "You can't educate me." LOL, I was sitting here thinking, THAT's obvious!!

There are also evacuees who believe with all their hearts that terrorists camein after the hurricane and blew holes in the levees.....the purpose being to make black people believe that white people had done it and thus start a new civil war, ultimately destroying USA.
Jeana (DP) said:
Do they not realize that there were also people of other races there? How prejudiced of them not to notice.

Yeah, all the beautiful half million dollar homes that were destroyed, so many people of ALL races suffered damage. But the Black Panther guy had an explanation......that's just collatoral damage.

An article came out in my local paper yesterday saying that surveys taken among the evacuees show that 4 in 10 evacuees will not return to New Orleans. Lots of talk going around now about how this is going to change Louisiana into a Republican state since the ultra strong black democrat base of New Orleans will not be such a player any more. It is so interesting to sit and talk with some of these evacuees.....the poorer people believe the levees were broken to destroy the black neighborhoods, the ones with more assets believe it was to destroy the Democrat stronghold. Unbelievable. Of course there are those who believe the levees broke because of Katrina, but people do love a conspiracy theory.
kgeaux said:
Yeah, all the beautiful half million dollar homes that were destroyed, so many people of ALL races suffered damage. But the Black Panther guy had an explanation......that's just collatoral damage.

An article came out in my local paper yesterday saying that surveys taken among the evacuees show that 4 in 10 evacuees will not return to New Orleans. Lots of talk going around now about how this is going to change Louisiana into a Republican state since the ultra strong black democrat base of New Orleans will not be such a player any more. It is so interesting to sit and talk with some of these evacuees.....the poorer people believe the levees were broken to destroy the black neighborhoods, the ones with more assets believe it was to destroy the Democrat stronghold. Unbelievable. Of course there are those who believe the levees broke because of Katrina, but people do love a conspiracy theory.
According to Al Qaida, it was "The Wrath Of God" being unleashed to destroy us Americans. Of course, with the massive earthquake in Pakistan, that destroyed some of their village strongholds in the mountains, and killed at least a few of them, they have been forced into rethinking their original statement.
rachrach99 said:
This country would be alot better off in many ways if people would at least THINK before they say something, and educating themselves about a topic before talking about a conspiracy theory.
So many people do this, more than they'll ever admit - if they hear something that fits with what they want to be true, they believe it is true, and vice versa - things that are unpleasant to believe are doubted, regardless of the degree of facts behind them. This is a huge issue among all groups - my white, middle class, conservative father, minority groups, majority groups, and so on and so on.

A conspiracy theory can never be disproved to the conspiracy theorist. Any evidence, however sketchy is plausible and the truth, any denial, any proof from anywhere whatsoever, not matter how many sources are involved, is part of the conspiracy. :( :furious: :rolleyes: :furious: :sick:

I hear far, far too much of it from my father - I know how they think - and, indeed, you cannot educate them.
Mabel said:
So what about the 17th Street canal and the flooding of Lakeview---an middle/upper middle class area full of predominantly white, mixed & jewish families? They got up to 6-10 ft. of water in that area. I guess that was part of the plan to chase the blacks out of New orelans, too? What a racebaiting jack azz.
Buzzm1 said:
According to Al Qaida, it was "The Wrath Of God" being unleashed to destroy us Americans.
The holy rollers think it was to get rid of the sinners;
black extremists think it was to get rid of the poor black residents;
Al Quaida thinks it was to get rid of Americans.

Did I leave anyone out?
kgeaux said:
Yeah, all the beautiful half million dollar homes that were destroyed, so many people of ALL races suffered damage. But the Black Panther guy had an explanation......that's just collatoral damage.

An article came out in my local paper yesterday saying that surveys taken among the evacuees show that 4 in 10 evacuees will not return to New Orleans. Lots of talk going around now about how this is going to change Louisiana into a Republican state since the ultra strong black democrat base of New Orleans will not be such a player any more. It is so interesting to sit and talk with some of these evacuees.....the poorer people believe the levees were broken to destroy the black neighborhoods, the ones with more assets believe it was to destroy the Democrat stronghold. Unbelievable. Of course there are those who believe the levees broke because of Katrina, but people do love a conspiracy theory.
bold & undeline by j2m
raising hand..........
j2mirish said:
bold & undeline by j2m
raising hand..........

BillyGoatGruff said:
So what about the 17th Street canal and the flooding of Lakeview---an middle/upper middle class area full of predominantly white, mixed & jewish families? They got up to 6-10 ft. of water in that area. I guess that was part of the plan to chase the blacks out of New orelans, too? What a racebaiting jack azz.
Where my elderly cousin lived. She was found safe in Atlanta and will probably not return to live in NO.
too many people who are ill-equipped to use logic and thought to determine why the levee system broke fail to rationalize why they lived in a city which was 5-16 ft (depending where you live) below sea level in the first place.

If you are one of the people who lived in NO, why didn't you prepare yourself for the possibility? Didn't think it would happen? It has in the past. Didn't think it would in the future? yep...that's rationalization.

I live in a community which received a 6 ft. surge. I prepared. I have a boat. I own a lifejacket too (in case the boat doesn't float). I also own swimming floaties (those little things the kids wear) just as an extra level of protection. I also know that if I climb into my attic to get away from the flood, I better bring a chainsaw with me.

Am I rich because I prepare? Hell No.

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