Lovely bones movie

I have seen this movie 3 times now and have cried every time. Usually I like the book better than the movie, but I enjoyed the movie much more. Its not true to the book, there are a few moments that they leave out, but overall a powerful and touching movie!

Enjoy it!

The movie was wonderful. Funny you mention the book: I tried to read the book but for some reason I just couldn't get into it. However, I loved the movie. Maybe now I'll go back and try the book again..
Just picked up the book from my local library, can't wait to get into it!
P.S. too late to edit my post, but when I said the movie was "wonderful" I meant well-made, sensitive, spiritual and heart-wrenching. It was beautifully done.
This movie was so tough to watch. I read the book many years ago. I'm not sure if I even had kids yet. The book seem so magical, described more to where she ended up. The movie, gosh I cried so much. It was just horrible. Makes me wonder if parents should let there teens watch it, maybe they will learn something. In the book I swear i remember Susan being there while her sister searched the home, it seem like it played out in my head when she screamed run, but in the movie, it wasn't there. I really recommend reading the book.
Yes, as always, the book is much more detailed. When I watched the movie, I noticed a lot of things were left out that I thought were very important to the story line.

I guess they have to cut so much to make it fit into the movie time frame.
I just rented this movie and watched it with my teens last night. They had seen it at the theaters when it was first released.

It is very different from the book. I prefer the movie to the book only because the first 3/4 of the book held me spellbound but the part of the book that dealt with the paranormal (you all will know what I'm talking about without me writing a spoiler) was so long and detailed it tried my patience.

That's just my personal opinion though and many people enjoy the book greatly. From my perspective it was like I was reading 2 different books that had been spliced together. The first 3/4 of the book was breathtakingly ingenious. I've never seen a narrative voice quite like that one before, and it blew me away. Then the last quarter of the book left me saying...wth? LOL.

But that's just me and I always suggest that book without reservation because it is such a well written book. The movie only touched for a brief moment on the part of the book that diverted in style from the first 3/4's and I did enjoy the movie so much that I will watch it again sometime. :)
I loved the book but not the movie. It was a lot different and my perceptions from the book were not what I had planned on for the movie (does that make sense?). The book really painted a picture for me that the movie did not portray.
I read this book over the weekend and I really enjoyed it. The end of it did seem a bit "scattered", I felt like it should have gone on longer than it did, but it is a very intriguing book and now I can't wait to watch the movie.
I didn't read the book but found the movie too "fantasy like." I found it very scary and true to life though and it made me cringe.

I finally watched this movie last night. I thought it was well done and the acting was very good. I didn't read the book however so can't compare. I enjoyed it very much even though it was very sad and cried through most of it.
I read the book and saw the movie (just yesterday). Thought both were mediocre at best.
I read the book and saw the movie (just yesterday). Thought both were mediocre at best.

I haven't seen the movie, but I totally agree with your assessment of the book. I am always surprised when people praise the book! It was a great story concept, but the writing was mediocre, and THAT is giving it the benefit of "grace."
Haven't read the book, but saw the movie on our local cable channel, just a couple nights ago. For parents concerned about whether the content, is scary for kids..this movie is rated PG-13.
The internet movie database has a 'parent's guide' for anyone wishing to see what levels of violence are in this movie. You can access it here:

(hope I linked that ok, as I am new here)

But I will state with no doubt, there are some pretty frightening scenes. Definitely, in my opinion, it's not for kids under 12-13 years of age. So please, approach this with a large degree of caution, when making a decision about whether your kids should be watching it.

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