Lynn Spears Ran Over And Killed 12 Year Old

White Rain

Active Member
Jan 3, 2007
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My goodness I am shocked...and can't believe this story is just hitting the news!

The ENQUIRER exclusively reveals Britney Spears' mom Lynne is hiding a shocking secret tragedy

The mother of the pop star ran over a bike-riding young boy with her car and killed him!

The accident occurred in 1975, and [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]Lynne [COLOR=blue! important]Spears[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] is still haunted by the death of the 12-year-old boy.
WR, I have heard this story before, but I do recall reading about it again recently but I can't recall where (though not in the NE).

It's very sad.
I saw it on the cover of the newest enquirer...aside from that I'd never heard this story.
The mother of a good friend of mine experienced something similar. Years ago, before my friend was born, the mom, D., was driving down the street and a little boy ran right out in front of her, was struck and killed. There was nothing D. could have done since the child ran out in front of her and it was determined that she was not speeding or doing anything wrong. However, D. was haunted by the death of that little boy and spent years in depression. It was the birth of her daughter, my friend, that helped bring her out of her depression.
The mother of a good friend of mine experienced something similar. Years ago, before my friend was born, the mom, D., was driving down the street and a little boy ran right out in front of her, was struck and killed. There was nothing D. could have done since the child ran out in front of her and it was determined that she was not speeding or doing anything wrong. However, D. was haunted by the death of that little boy and spent years in depression. It was the birth of her daughter, my friend, that helped bring her out of her depression.

Yeah I cannot even begin to imagine the grief/guilt you would feel in a situation lke this. HOW could you ever feel ok or get past this...maybe I am just too sensitive, crap I don't know.
I knew 2 woman who hit and killed a child. One was a school friend that I worked with. She was late for work, racing to get there and ran an intersection killing a boy on his bike crossing with the light. So sad. She never returned to work and dropped completely out of sight to this day.
The other was my ex SIL who hit a boy also on his bike, not her fault, but she moved out of state and pretty much out of sight and communication. This has such a devastating and lasting effect.
I'm surprised that Lynn didn't become overly protective of her own children because of this experience. My SIL did.
My ex-husband struck a little girl on a bicycle when he was in his teens. Luckily the little girl wasn't hurt very bad, bumps and scrapes. She came out from between parked cars. He mentioned often when driving down narrow streets and I know it bothered him. I can't imagine how it must feel to know that you hit and killed a child, especially when it was accidental and there was nothing you could do to prevent it.
My good friend also struck a boy on his bike. She and her husband had their two kids in the car and it was dark out. They were driving down the busiest street in our town and a 9 year old boy raced out on his bike in front of them, not even at an intersection or light. They hit him, but Thank God he wasn't killed. The boy had significant injuries and their car was pretty damaged. She wanted the police to cite his parents for letting him out after dark by his own but the police didn't do that.

My husband's friend struck an elderly Alzheimer's patient. She wandered away from her house and crossed the street. Just like our other friend, he wasn't cited or anything. There was nothing he could do. But I know he is pretty shaken up about it. This just happened and he's not driving, yet. He's too nervous.
It's things like this happening that have frightened me into resisting learning to drive. I'm 28 and still don't even have a learner's permit. I'm so absent minded since I developed Chronic Fatigue that this sort of thing just terrifies me.
I need fellow WSers to provide some input. I just had a close call in which I hit a teenage boy on a bike! He was not hurt -- thank goodness!! -- but I need opinions as to whether I did anything wrong.

I was stopped in backed up traffic at an intersection. I was about four cars back from the light and my car was blocking the entrance to a MacDonalds. A woman in a van coming from the opposite direction was wanting to make a left turn into the MacDonalds and so she was stopped and blocking traffic coming behind her. I realized that if I could get out of the way, she could make her turn and that would ease some of the traffic problem. I turned and looked behind me and saw that the next car back was stopped more than a car's length behind me and so I could pull back and clear the way for the woman to turn. I put my car in reverse and then turned to look through the back window as I backed up. The next thing I saw was a flash of orange crossing my window from right to left. I slammed on my brakes but hit the boy on his bike with the rear corner (passenger side) of my car. I have no idea where he came from but he had cut behind my car from the middle of the street or across the street to go into the MacDonalds parking lot. His friend was riding behind him but was not hit. I got out and checked him. He had only been bumped and said he was fine and he got on his bike and rode off. I was very relieved as you can imagine.

I keep playing the scenario over in my mind. I am sure that I did not do anything wrong and that the boy should not have cut behind me like that, but I would like to get input from anybody who knows the laws. Regardless, I am sure that I (my insurance) would have been held responsible if the boy had been hurt ...
Cypros...that was not your fault. You were being as cautious as possible and the teenager should have been more observant of his surroundings. Thank goodness no one was hurt. That would have been terrible. I always try to be as cautious as possible when I'm driving in a residential never know when a child might run out between cars. It's scary!
Cypros, not your fault.

On two occasions in early summer I was able to stop two children from being bit by cars, in both cases, parents were negligent. It was a traumatic experience for me both times--what if I had not been there? (In the more upsetting one, a little toddler boy was standing outside the dance studio for some time, I came upon a colleague coming out of another store, we both noticed the boy, expected someone to come after him, and then the child literally ran into the parking lot--just as a car came by. I ran after him and grabbed him just in time.)

You're a responsible person and you are probably agonizing over this far more than the teenager, but that's the way of it.

Let's hope the kid learned a lesson, and remember it is not always the driver's fault. If the little boy in the situation I saw had been hit, it would not have been the driver's fault.
Thanks for the reassurance, GreenEyedGirl and Texana. As I said, I felt that I was not in the wrong but then was second guessing myself. Several years ago I witnessed two horrible accidents involving bicycles and in both cases it was the bicyclist's fault.

Texana, I am so glad that you were attentive and protected those children. Kudos to you! I hope the parents were appropriately grateful.

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