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What have they really done to him except talk to his ex-wives and son? They talked to people he knows... Am I missing something.

Now if you are implying Jose Baez got them to lie for him, okay show me some proof. Or better yet, I will wait to see if the State deposes these people (if you think I am a smart *advertiser censored*, Jeff Ashton will tear them apart of they are transparent as they seem).

Oh, please! I'm just an ol' gramma but don't try to pretend with me that you think if you talked to my son's ex-wife that you would know my values or anything true about me. Her perspective would have nothing to do with how I reacted to finding a baby's body and how I well or poorly I processed the finding and notification.

Don't have to prove they're lying because oftentimes it's not the question that is asked (or answer given) that is as important as to whom you've asked the question. It's gamesmanship and in my opinion it shouldn't be a player in seeking justice. Obviously moo.
Please do not take what I am about to say out of context, but... I personally think Casey Anthony is guilty, I am just not sure of exactly what yet.

With that said, Mr. Kronk does not come to the table with clean hands. There are so many questionable things about him that I do not lose a second of sleep over him being vetted by the defense.

Let us not forget, we all originally thought Ms. Kerley's claim were recent fabrications because she had an ax to grind. And Kronk had previously denied he had anything to hide.

HOWEVER, the next day Kronk's lawyer issued a statement admitting that he was not only arrested for the charges (meaning probable cause was found for the arrest) but that a Grand Jury was convened. The very fact a grand jury was convened is a big deal and it does not mean they found he did not do it, it only means they did not believe that a conviction could be obtained "beyond a reasonable doubt."

And I know this - he had the arrest records expunged, and expungements usually occur because someone has something embarrassing in their past they do not want someone to find out about.

So Kronk is no angel, is he Caylee's killer - I don't think that AT ALL. I just have no problem with him being fully vetted.

p.s. A person I know from high school worked with Kronk in his "office" job before Kronk got the axe. The only thing Kronk cared about was reward money and his workers compensation claim for his back. And he apparently bragged about putting the stick he used up for sale on eBay and other loony ideas to make a buck.

Bolded by me:

So you feel the motion currently on the table is the only way for him to be vetted? The PI has already dug up the dirt, and impeachment can occur during cross-exam without suggesting to a jury that he should be considered as an alternate suspect.

Or are there other advantages to the defense "vetting" process through the filing of this motion with which I am unfamiliar?
p.s. A person I know from high school worked with Kronk in his "office" job before Kronk got the axe. The only thing Kronk cared about was reward money and his workers compensation claim for his back. And he apparently bragged about putting the stick he used up for sale on eBay and other loony ideas to make a buck.

How was he able to sell that meter reader tool on eBay? Isn't that thing city property?
What have they really done to him except talk to his ex-wives and son? They talked to people he knows... Am I missing something.

Now if you are implying Jose Baez got them to lie for him, okay show me some proof. Or better yet, I will wait to see if the State deposes these people (if you think I am a smart *advertiser censored*, Jeff Ashton will tear them apart of they are transparent as they seem).
In response to the part I bolded..they filed a motion asking Florida to set aside its evidentiary laws so they can point toward Mr. Kronk as the guilty party. I think calling a man a suspect and saying there is evidence he planted a body is more than just talking to people he knows.
How was he able to sell that meter reader tool on eBay? Isn't that thing city property?

Aside from it being city property, there is no way an auction like that would last a day on eBay. Surely someone would have reported it.
The public is policing eBay like never before.
What have they really done to him except talk to his ex-wives and son? They talked to people he knows... Am I missing something.

Now if you are implying Jose Baez got them to lie for him, okay show me some proof. Or better yet, I will wait to see if the State deposes these people (if you think I am a smart *advertiser censored*, Jeff Ashton will tear them apart of they are transparent as they seem).
Yes he will.
A stick, the stick he talked about jostling the bag or moving the snake with. (I forgot what language he used).
I guess LE gave it back to him 'cause he had to hand it over after Caylee was discovered.
A stick, the stick he talked about jostling the bag or moving the snake with. (I forgot what language he used).

That "stick" is slang for a city-issued steel rod tool used by meter readers to lift up the meter covers that are flush with the ground. When the cops wanted to take it from Roy after he found the skull, he said no way, that is my meter reader tool.

I really do not think that he sold that on eBay.
I guess LE gave it back to him 'cause he had to hand it over after Caylee was discovered.

OR LE has it and RK grabbed a stick out of the woods and said "looky looky here"...lmao.
p.s. A person I know from high school worked with Kronk in his "office" job before Kronk got the axe. The only thing Kronk cared about was reward money and his workers compensation claim for his back. And he apparently bragged about putting the stick he used up for sale on eBay and other loony ideas to make a buck.

This is the either the beginning or continuation of a rumor. I don't know which. This is not acceptable unless you can give a link. If you can't then please don't add more innuendo and confusion than already exists.

I'm disappointed.

aka: Link, please.
Ladies and Gentlemen of Websleuths..
I have recently learned just through the last few pages of this thread that we have several, several members here who would make perfectly great prosecutors!
Maybe we should ask the prosecution to step aside and allow websleuths to prosecute Casey.. LOL

Thank you guys so much for the laughs in this thread, by golly Caylee Anthony has a ton of people on her side...we will argue with any stop sign that gets in our way!

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you...
This is the either the beginning or continuation of a rumor. I don't know which. This is not acceptable unless you can give a link. If you can't then please don't add more innuendo and confusion than already exists.

I'm disappointed.

aka: Link, please.

If there is not a link, its a stink!
With all due respect to everyone, Mr. Hornsby may be relaying to us exactly what his HS friend told him concerning Roy and the stick/tool thing.
With all due respect to everyone, Mr. Hornsby may be relaying to us exactly what his HS friend told him concerning Roy and the stick/tool thing.

And with all due respect, if his high school friend held any merit in this, a link can be provided..
You would think an attorney in his own right would not come into public and even post such a thing unless he could back it up..
And with all due respect, if his high school friend held any merit in this, a link can be provided..
You would think an attorney in his own right would not come into public and even post such a thing unless he could back it up..
To be comes out sounding like a bunch of school girl gossip.
I will give the little snert his due -- he seems to be smart as a whip and not scared of the devil himself, and he keeps coming back. Very much like the average websleuth poster.

I might be influenced because he is very much like my divorce lawyer -- young and sharklike, at a time, when I was in desperate straits -- my (now ex-) had been sentenced to 15 years in prison for abusing my daughter (I put him there), but he was *still* coming after me. After our property (land other than the land my house sits on -- directly across the street) and my retirement. Because his father had given us the land, generally the property would go to my husband who was smart enough to say, "I will promise I will never reside there." If had gotten the land, he would have deeded it to *his* family, and the grandparents who had chosen to call their granddaughter a liar when she said her father raped her would have been living directly across the street from us. I would have to have moved. I would have had to relocate my daughter, who was 16, and trying her damndest to recover.

I needed a shark lawyer. I got one. I got everything. We were safe. We could go on and continue to recover.

I'm not saying this for self-pity, but simply to make the point that if I have to go to court, I want a shark.

He's been arguing the ethics of releasing the tape. He has not argued the morality of the tape itself. I'm not willing to compare him with Lyons. For one thing, he's much prettier.

I very much hope he stays. He'd be an incredible resource during the actual trial.

I am, however, somewhat disappointed. He is cheating on us and posting in the insession boards. In fact, he posted there first. I thought we were his only ones. <sniff>

You have to be careful about accusing Hornsby of something you shouldn't. Here's what he wrote...

And he apparently bragged about putting the stick he used up for sale on eBay and other loony ideas to make a buck.

RH is making no claims to the factuality of anything here. He's basically telling you what his friend told him. For all we know, Kronk was lying when he bragged about selling the tool on eBay. Maybe the HS friend is lying to RH.

I'm not prepared to accuse anybody of anything yet. I just thought it was unusual to sell a OC meter reader tool on eBay. I'm sure we'll hear more and maybe RH needs to ask more questions of the HS friend. But yes, there ought to still be record of the completed sale (even if not successful) on eBay. But you kinda have to know the right search words to go looking for it.
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