MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #2

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Judge calls for sidebar after defense attorney Eliza Little asks Nicole Albert:
EL: "You do know your husband is a highly trained fighter?
"NA: "No he’s not"

EL: What type of car is that? (husbands work car)
NA: It’s a Ford Edge, a black Ford Edge
EL: Is there a reason why you didn’t want to say that? (in prior testimony)
EL: In your mind, a ford edge has significance in this case?
NA: I have heard it talked about

EL: In May of 22, 4 months after John O’Keefe’s death you got rid of your dog?
NA: I rehomed my dog.
NA says Chloe's is in VT.
She confirms a neighbor was injured trying to break up a fight between Chloe and another dog

If this dog thing is/was really an issue, wouldn't JO's body have had the dog's DNA on it?
if that phone data is accurate, it's pretty damning evidence as far as a timeline and really puts the defense in a pickle.

good luck with many of whatabout theories - i guess they're trying to say he was confronted in the yard by someone else (Colin?). but, unless Apple is participating in a cover up, he never made it from the car into the house or anything like that and was mortally wounded and not moving by 12:32 AM.

The defense has not presented their case yet.

"I did not get rid of my dog. I re-homed my dog," Nicole Albert says of her decision to send Chloe to Vermont. Says if ever needed, the dog was available.

12:47 PM · May 10, 2024

Little asks if Nicole Albert initially told Sgt Lank that someone else was the last person to leave. "I've always maintained Caitlin was the last to leave," Albert says.

12:47 PM · May 10, 2024
If this dog thing is/was really an issue, wouldn't JO's body have had the dog's DNA on it?

What are they comparing it to? Unless they have the dog's DNA on file but we'll never know since it mysteriously disappeared. Also, does potential dog DNA survive on a body that has been out in a snowstorm all night?
What are they comparing it to? Unless they have the dog's DNA on file but we'll never know since it mysteriously disappeared. Also, does potential dog DNA survive on a body that has been out in a snowstorm all night?
dog still exists... unless the one is VT is really another dog...and if he were scratched or bitten the DNA would stay on the skin/clothing...if he were just chased and tripped or slipped and hit his head, obvi no. (how many cases on WS involve multiple people who were drinking and then we all try to figure out what they were thinking? if anything.)
#KarenRead Here's the connection the defense is making: Owner of house where O'Keefe died is ex police officer Brian Albert. Brian has a brother Chris, who is married to Julie, who is friends with Courtney Proctor, who is the sister of Michael Proctor, the lead investigator.

OK no offense, but Canton is 23K. Not too many immigrants, I presume. I grew up in a megapolis and like urban life, but from my family tree, and my husband’s family story (they lived in a town with 18K inhabitants), of course everyone knows everyone, up to all local gossips. Everyone went to the same high school, probably even the same kindergarten. I missed Canton being that tiny. What’s there to expect? That everyone knows everyone is not an argument for the defense. There is an element of KR being a non-local, and a professor, too, so, “not their own”, but the fact that all these people knew each other is unsurprising. (And: one has to select from the same pool, because who in his right mind, except for maybe sheer careerists who want to move in, rapidly grow through the ranks, and move out, wants to relocate to this tiny village?)
If this dog thing is/was really an issue, wouldn't JO's body have had the dog's DNA on it?
The cops did not swab JO's body because they assumed his death was from a vehicle strike.
I don't think the defense ever got custody of JO's clothing to do independent DNA tests, I thought the prosecution "lost tissue samples" and never compared JO's arm injuries to the measurement of Chloe the Dog's canine teeth.

Actually, I think we just saw this witness admit live that she always knew where Chloe was rehomed - despite the defense requesting and never receiving this information.
Nicole Albert says she didn't mention Colin being at the house that night to investigators because she didn't consider him part of the group at the Waterfall.

Little shows phone records to Nicole Albert and says they show she got brief calls from her sister, Jen McCabe, the morning O'Keefe was found. "She may have placed those calls, but I never answered them," she says.

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dog still exists... unless the one is VT is really another dog...and if he were scratched or bitten the DNA would stay on the skin/clothing...if he were just chased and tripped or slipped and hit his head, obvi no. (how many cases on WS involve multiple people who were drinking and then we all try to figure out what they were thinking? if anything.)

So then why wasn't the dog provided to the defense upon their request?
if the phone data is accurate, why does Jennifer McCabe make such an effort to delete her calls and texts?

what is your theory?
I don't think she's unintelligent. She knew the deletions would be discoverable.
But she never expected her phone to be investigated, she assumed she would be protected from that.
if the phone data is accurate, why does Jennifer McCabe make such an effort to delete her calls and texts?

what is your theory?
i don't need a theory. she will have the chance to answer those questions in court.

i delete calls, texts, and screenshots all the time and it has nothing to do with any crime i'm trying to cover up.

ex. i frequently manage to screenshot the splash screen on my iPhone (i find it very easy to accidentally squeeze the buttons on both sides) and am often deleting those "pictures."
So then why wasn't the dog provided to the defense upon their request?
Yeah, there's a long history here. The Alberts fought tooth-and-nail to prevent any info about Chloe from being made available to the defense. Contrary to what Nicole just testified to on the stand, the Alberts hired a lawyer to prevent the dog's animal control records from being released to the public. Their attorney even wrote in his motion that Chloe she had never attacked a human, when in fact she had bitten two people.

Although the defense eventually received the control records, I believe the location of the dog itself has been kept from them.

Edit - Note that on the stand today, Nicole never admitted that Chloe had bitten anyone. She said that the dog "injured" one person and the other one fell. In fact, one was bitten on the hand, the other on the arms, leg and neck.
i don't need a theory. she will have the chance to answer those questions in court.

i delete calls, texts, and screenshots all the time and it has nothing to do with any crime i'm trying to cover up.
What do you think the 2 screenshots showed, the ones JM deleted at 2:26am?
Later she takes a screenshot of BA's contact info around 6am, and then deletes it, too.
NA says she was unaware of anything going on outside her bedroom until her Jen McCabe walked in
Little asking about 2 calls she says records show that Jen McCabe made to her at 6:07am 6:08am.
That would have been before McCabe came in.
"She may have placed a phone call to me but I never answered it." NA says

judge calls lunch break

NA says she was unaware of anything going on outside her bedroom until her Jen McCabe walked in
Little asking about 2 calls she says records show that Jen McCabe made to her at 6:07am 6:08am.
That would have been before McCabe came in.
"She may have placed a phone call to me but I never answered it." NA says

judge calls lunch break


I believe the defense has some very interesting recordings that will directly rebut this testimony.
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