Madonna Angers Animal Rights Group

I think the pink sheep is cute! It looks embarrassed though hehe
Pita is a crock. One time I called them for assistance (it had to do with feral cats & something that was being done to them), and not one person would return my phone call. I don't think they give a flying "fig" about animals, unless these animals involved are somehow tied to a "star."
well how about this?? i think PETA's stupid ad campaign of naked women promoting vegetarianism is utterly HYPOCRITICAL-- i think they are 'teaching people the wrong way to think about women"... not to mention USING and EXPLOITING THEM!!

but they will do anything to get people's attention, even resorting to trite, unoriginal, lowbrow stuff.
and then they have to attach their name to any cheesy celebrity who comes down the pike who says they are vegetarian, apparently to give their agenda some 'clout' or legitimacy, to the mainstream public....

morons. i guess their brains are deprived of red blood cells, hence, oxygen.
I'm not defending PETA's silliness, but I think their point was there are clearly idiots in this world, and some of those idiots would probably like their own hot pink or magenta animal. I think when they were referring to copycats, they were referring to all animals, not just sheep.

It wouldn't suprise me to see a metropolitan person who only thinks of themselves to dye their miniature poodle they carry around in their overpriced handbags a matching color. And being as stupid and impatient as they are, they'll probably use a dye that that isn't safe for the animal.

I read the linked story, (always helps) and I don't see a PETA reference in the article.

Madonna, 49, and husband Guy Ritchie, 39, insisted the dye used was temporary and did not harm the animals but an online report on has said that the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) stated that even though the dye may be safe for the animals those who copy this stunt might not be so careful.

An RSPCA spokesperson said: "Why is it necessary and what are they trying to prove? It is an irresponsible publicity stunt. It sends out the wrong message about how to use animals."

The shoot was for the book Vogue Living: Houses, Gardens, People in which Madonna is one of 36 profiled celebs. did they get introduced into this thread?
I think I'm responsible for that. I should've said "those PETA types". It doesn't really matter who they are because it's pretty unanimous they're overreacting to something insignificant. The animals weren't harmed so what's the big deal?!
Heh, good call on the non-PETA involvement. I saw someone else say it and ran with it.
Anyone ever been to Ireland? sheep are marked with dye every day based upon their sex. Mind you, not full out dye like that pretty pink one of Madonna's, but still, they are dye marked... it's not harmful.

Oh the things we do to animals LoL... I knew of a lady that had her chow pup done in a lions cut... that poor dog DID act embarrassed.
Here ya go... a snapshot from Northern Ireland... I was on a bus touring the Antrim coast when we passed by this house that had a bunch of sheep being herded past it... and all of us on the bus got a good laugh out of the fact that oddly enough: the dye marks on the sheep and their creamy coats matched the house colors. LoL


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