Maricopa Jane Doe Thread #6

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This is from the police report They did log them with the photos​


Where are the contents of the bags listed? "Miscellaneous" doesn't really help.
Where are the contents of the bags listed? "Miscellaneous" doesn't really help.

I thought some one was just concerned if the totes or duffel bags were ever logged some place. Nobody ever said anything about the contents.
I thought some one was just concerned if the totes or duffel bags were ever logged some place. Nobody ever said anything about the contents.

The bags are shown in the photos FMW posted. Not knowing what was IN them is frustrating. It was said that MJD picked up a bag at the residence they stopped at before hitting the road. You can't tell from the photos which bag belongs to whom. Is it not possible that MJD had SOMETHING in her bag that may have lead to determining her identity??? AND where are those bags now?
Well then the next question would be What did they find when they searched the bags??
The car, including everything inside, was released to Lindsey. They might've pulled a stupid move and released MJD's things to the wrong person.
The bags are shown in the photos FMW posted. Not knowing what was IN them is frustrating. It was said that MJD picked up a bag at the residence they stopped at before hitting the road. You can't tell from the photos which bag belongs to whom. Is it not possible that MJD had SOMETHING in her bag that may have lead to determining her identity??? AND where are those bags now?
The car, including everything inside, was released to Lindsey. They might've pulled a stupid move and released MJD's things to the wrong person.

Ya think? Dumb---es! The truly important evidence is likely gone forever. However, I have asked before, Lindsey FLEW out of Phoenix on an airplane. We really don't know whatever happened to the car.

Wouldn't LE have HAD to take a complete inventory of that car - including the contents of any bags, envelopes, cases, etc.????
Under normal circumstances I believe so. I've heard that police investigators don't put much effort into cases involving known/possible prostitutes... this could've been one of those, sadly.

The car I'm assuming went back to Alonzo once he got out. Someone in one of these threads managed to find that the car was totaled a few years back, but I don't remember them saying how they found out. Carfax maybe -shrugs.
Under normal circumstances I believe so. I've heard that police investigators don't put much effort into cases involving known/possible prostitutes... this could've been one of those, sadly.

The car I'm assuming went back to Alonzo once he got out. Someone in one of these threads managed to find that the car was totaled a few years back, but I don't remember them saying how they found out. Carfax maybe -shrugs.

:mad: I'm sure you're right about this. Even so, the evidence would have been long gone before Alonzo took possession again of the car. If they can find the people who were living in the house they stopped at that day, they might be able to find out something. If she was living there - they would know who she was or at least something that might help us figure it out. It just breaks my heart to think that so many people would be able to just write her off and move on with their worthless lives.
I would think that if MJD was from the area and somebody did know her they would have seen the news and saw what happened to her and that they were trying to identify her. Some one could have just made an anonymous call to the detectives office with her name. I know the kind of people she was hanging out with were no good but you'd think one of them would have cared enough to call and say she is so and so. Of course it's possible nobody did know her real name too.
@Fairy: The house is all speculation, other than it being in the LE's report (after numerous story changes).. it's like a he said/she said. Unless either ADF or LDJ come up with a physical address there's no proof that they actually did stop at one. In fact the entire case is one giant he said/she said. :furious:

@Theresa: Robin only knew her as either 'Corey' or 'Carla' so it's likely that she would've given this name to whomever she spoke with, and not just Robin.

I'm wondering if there's maybe a sibling or something that she may have gotten her street name from. Maybe in some weird, twisted memoriam of someone?
@Fairy: The house is all speculation, other than it being in the LE's report (after numerous story changes).. it's like a he said/she said. Unless either ADF or LDJ come up with a physical address there's no proof that they actually did stop at one. In fact the entire case is one giant he said/she said. :furious:

I was told there was a house that they stopped at and MJD went inside, later coming out with a bag/backpack. I don't know if this is the same house they claim Alonzo went to to buy drugs, but Lindsey is supposedly helping find the house.
I thought Alonzo bought his drugs behind the minimart and not at a house?

I will drive Lindsey MY FREAKING SELF if she can point out that damn house! lmfao!
I thought Alonzo bought his drugs behind the minimart and not at a house?

I will drive Lindsey MY FREAKING SELF if she can point out that damn house! lmfao!

I think it was said that he contacted some friends there to buy.
Oh, hm. I think it's time I completely re-read the LE report tomorrow. o_O
When it comes to anything that Alonzo or Lindsey has said I don't put a lot of stock into it because they changed their stories soooooooo many times. Who knows what to believe *sigh*
Hopefully it was just for cleaning the wheels.:eek:

ANWAY! I thought I had posted this already:confused:, but Alonzo is William Walker.

still catching up, but how then did William get all the way through the charges with this case under an ALIAS :confused:?
still catching up, but how then did William get all the way through the charges with this case under an ALIAS :confused:?

Good question Cubby!!! :clap: I don't think he could have not unless it was a legal alias Which I highly doubt it is. IMO
thanks TL.

We need a new thread everyone this is post # 601 on this one!
I'm going to open a new one.
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