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Victims’ kin know anguish of plea deals
Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 12:04 a.m.
Three young mothers, the widows of slain San Diego State University professors, sit around a conference table in the District Attorney&#8217;s Office, holding hands and sobbing. Please don&#8217;t seek the death penalty for our husbands&#8217; killer, they beg. A mother in Chula Vista answers a knock on her door one night. It&#8217;s a lawyer for the man accused of molesting and strangling her 13-year-old son. Please don&#8217;t push for my client&#8217;s execution, he asks her.

When the question is life or death, the answer is rarely easy. Those who have had to confront the issue sympathize with the anguish that went into the deal allowing John Albert Gardner III to escape the death penalty by pleading guilty Friday to killing North County teens Amber Dubois and Chelsea King.

&#8220;In the end, you have to make the decision you think is best for you,&#8221; said Deana Alonso, one of the three widows from the 1996 SDSU shooting. &#8220;For us, we all had young children. We didn&#8217;t want to be going to court all the time. We wanted to concentrate on healing and moving forward.&#8221;

Maria Keever wishes she could move forward, too. It has been 17 years since her son, Charlie, and his friend Jonathan Sellers were killed, and more than five years since their murderer was sentenced to die.

The case was horrific: Two boys out for a bike ride to get hamburgers in Palm City are lured into a fort made of brush along the Otay River and sexually assaulted, tortured and strangled. The crime went unsolved for nearly eight years until new DNA testing methods linked it to Scott Erskine, already in prison for raping a San Diego woman.

Faced with overwhelming evidence of guilt, Erskine&#8217;s attorneys put all their effort into saving his life. They offered to exchange a guilty plea for life in prison. Erskine said he would submit to medical and psychiatric testing &#8220;to help society understand why I have done the terrible things I have done.&#8221;

Keever said one of the lawyers even came to her house one night for a personal plea. &#8220;He wanted me to convince Mrs. Sellers not to seek the death penalty,&#8221; Keever recalled. &#8220;I didn&#8217;t really say anything. I was shocked. I couldn&#8217;t believe he was asking me that.&#8221; No deal was struck &#8212; &#8220;We were never going to plea-bargain with this monster,&#8221; the prosecutor said in court &#8212; and Erskine, then 41, was sentenced to die. He&#8217;s one of about 675 inmates on death row in California, including 40 from San Diego County. &#8220;I always say I&#8217;ll feel a lot better when he is not breathing on this Earth,&#8221; Keever said. &#8220;He&#8217;s watching TV. He&#8217;s living. My son is not.&#8221; She&#8217;s haunted by what happened to her son. &#8220;I think about him every second of my life,&#8221; Keever said.

She thought it would help if she could talk to Erskine, find out why he did what he did, maybe learn her son&#8217;s last words. But he has refused to meet with her, she said.

That hasn&#8217;t stopped her from going to San Quentin State Prison, where Erskine is housed. A counselor there arranged for her to meet with other convicted killers, to hear their stories &#8212; and for them to hear hers. &#8220;Some of them cried,&#8221; Keever said. &#8220;But they couldn&#8217;t answer the questions I needed to have answered.&#8221;

*More at link!

Guilty plea a degree of closure for so many
Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 12:04 a.m
The prom is coming up. So is the senior picnic. But, thankfully, no preliminary hearing. No long, taxing murder trial. And so a community just might be able to heal.

Scott Fisher was worried for the students at Poway High School, where he&#8217;s principal. They&#8217;ve been through so much. A trial would have been brutal. Details would have emerged. Details of a rape and murder of one of their own, Chelsea King, 17. Fisher didn&#8217;t want them to be subjected to that. He wanted to protect them. But in this day and age, the way information moves, how could he?

How could anyone? It&#8217;s over, in some ways. The TV cameras won&#8217;t be coming back. If there had been a trial, they would have. Day after day after day.

The students are remembering Chelsea in a positive light, Fisher said. Much of the mourning has passed. &#8220;A trial would have been a horrible distraction.&#8221; It&#8217;s been hard on so many here. &#8220;I still break down,&#8221; said Dan Schaitel, Chelsea&#8217;s high school cross country coach.

Schaitel coached Chelsea for two seasons. She was a special young person. The decision made by the Kings had to be tough, he said. They lost so much losing this child. &#8220;They did what they had to do for the best of everyone,&#8221; Schaitel said. &#8220;They&#8217;re some of the strongest people I&#8217;ve had the chance to be with.&#8221; Like many, he was shocked by Friday&#8217;s news. Everybody was gearing up for a long slog.

A death-penalty trial can last months. Appeals can make the process last years. The death penalty hasn&#8217;t been carried out in California for years, Schaitel noted, so it&#8217;s more of a life sentence anyway. He didn&#8217;t think Gardner would come clean for the killing of Amber. He didn&#8217;t think he had the guts.

Psychologist Analyzes John Gardner's Behaviors
POSTED: 11:46 pm PDT April 17, 2010
UPDATED: 12:02 am PDT April 18, 2010
10 News looked inside the mind of admitted killer John Gardner through the eyes of Doctor Micheal Mantell, a former clinical psychologist with the San Diego Police Department.

Many who watched Friday&#8217;s court proceedings described Gardner as emotionless, but when Mantell watched the video for the first time Saturday, he found some of Gardner&#8217;s behaviors to be offensive. &#8220;He&#8217;s reacting, showing signs of anxiety and discomfort,&#8221; said Mantell as he analyzed Gardner&#8217;s every move on the courtroom floor.

Mantell was quick to point out the behaviors he said are characteristic of an anti-social, psychopathic individual. &#8220;He is a classic serial, sexual murderer, a lust murderer who murdered for his sexual gratification,&#8221; Mantell said.

Mantell said Gardner did not view Chelsea King or Amber Dubois as human beings, but instead simply objects of his deviant sexual fantasies. &#8220;When he's looking down my guess is, he's replaying this stuff in his mind. That's how sick and twisted and void of humanity this guy is,&#8221; Mantell said.

Mantell added that all the behaviors Gardner displayed are the physiological reactions to his internal psychological state, some of which Mantell found to be repulsive. &#8220;Some of it is simply offensive. He doesn&#8217;t look at the judge in the eye. His hands start to move, almost in a fist like way.&#8221;

Mantell said he noticed the most physical reaction out of Gardner when he heard the judge read aloud his sentence of three consecutive life terms in prison. &#8220;A guy like this, could he possibly be sorry for what he's done at all? No. This is a man who can't spell the word remorse, shell of a human being.&#8221;

Mantell also analyzed Gardner's signature on his change of plea form. He said it is as if there is not a person owning the signature. He said it is a mess and completely diffuse and without form.

Chelsea's Law: One day state will get it right
04/18/2010 01:50:47 AM PDT
California hasn't yet figured out how to deal justly with sex offenders in a way that protects the public but doesn't break the bank. Unfortunately, Chelsea's Law, proposed this week, takes another step in the wrong direction.

Backed by legislators from San Diego County, where a convicted sex offender has been accused of the February rape and killing of 17-year-old student Chelsea King, the proposed law would send some first-time child molesters to prison for life and require others to wear tracking systems forever.

"These offenders cannot be rehabilitated. They do not deserve a second chance," Chelsea's father, Brent, declared during a Capitol press conference to support the bill by Assembly-man Nathan Fletcher, R-San Diego.

The thing is, rehabilitation can and does work. As the Sex Offender Management Board pointed out in January, "Research is consistently showing that the lowest recidivism is occurring when both treatment and surveillance are more evenly balanced in an individually developed case plan."

Besides, lifetime monitoring is already required for some offenders, but it isn't done because cities and counties can't afford it. Chelsea's Law would make the state pay, but Assemblyman Fletcher acknowledges that he doesn't know what that would cost.

Here's a preview: The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation recently reported that it's costing about $55 million a year to monitor the 7,100 parolees who have GPS bracelets. It is also costing more than $40,000 a year to keep an inmate locked up. How much California afford to spend on this?

Chelsea's Law still has a long way to go before it becomes California law. As it makes its way through legislative hearings, scheduled to begin this month, lawmakers must rework it to include more of the cool-headed recommendations from the advisory board and remove the emotionally charged pieces that will do little or nothing to ensure public safety.

Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher on Chelsea's Law in his own words
Sunday, 18 April 2010 09:12
On Monday, Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher (R-San Diego) introduced Chelsea&#8217;s Law in Sacramento, in partnership with Brent and Kelly King, parents of the slain 17-year-old Poway girl. Chelsea&#8217;s Law is a set of measures targeting the worst sexual predators in an effort to prevent future tragedies like those that befell the King, Dubois, and many other families. I caught up with Assemblyman Fletcher during his whirlwind week to inquire about the new proposed legislation.

PDF: Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher on Chelsea's Law in his own words

Campaigning for 'Chelsea's Law'
Supporters plan to lobby lawmakers this week to advance a bipartisan bill

Updated 10:45 AM PDT, Sun, Apr 18, 2010
California would send some child molesters to prison for life for a first offense under a bill named after 17-year-old Chelsea King.

Chelsea&#8217;s parents, Brent and Kelly King, are campaigning for "Chelsea's Law" in California, which would send some child molesters to prison for life after a first conviction, monitor others with tracking technology until they die and make it illegal for sex offenders to visit parks.

Supporters plan to lobby the Assembly Public Safety Committee on Tuesday to advance the bipartisan bill by Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, R-San Diego.

Video: Today We Start Our Race: The Kings

Video: The Kings Travel to State Capitol

Video: Parents Launch Push for Chelsea's Law

Gardner admits killing Chelsea King, Amber Dubois
4:43 PM PDT, April 16, 2010
Gardner admitted attacking, raping and killing Chelsea King, who disappeared after going for a run Feb. 25 at Rancho Bernardo Community Park. The body of the avid runner and straight-A at Poway High School was discovered five days later in a shallow grave near a tributary of nearby Lake Hodges -- not far from Gardner's mother's home.

The defendant admitted attacking King while she was jogging, taking her to a remote area where he raped and strangled her and buried her in a shallow grave. He admitted that he killed King within an hour of attacking her.

Gardner also admitted killing Amber Dubois, who vanished while walking to Escondido High School in February 2009. Her skeletal remains were found last month in Pala. He admitted taking Dubois to Pala, where he raped and stabbed her before burying her in a shallow grave. The defendant said he killed Dubois with 90 minutes of his initial contact with her.

Gardner also pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting another woman on Dec. 27 in the same park where he raped and killed King.

Friday's hearing in San Diego Superior Court was hastily arranged, with prosecutors and defense counsel refusing to give a reason. Gardner's arrest has sparked widespread public criticism over allegedly lax supervision of sex offenders.

The judge set a sentencing date for June 1.

Video: Community Speaks On Gardners Guilty Plea 2:25

Video: John Gardner Pleads Guilty 3:15

Video: Timeline Of Chelsea King And Amber Dubois Murders 2:43

Video: Amber And Chelsea's Parents Speak On Gardner's Guilty Plea 2:29

Video: Gardner Pleads Guilty 2:44

Video: Why Did Gardner Change His Plea- 4:08

Raw Video: Gardner Admits Killing Chelsea King Amber Dubois 1:53

Video: New John Gardner Documents 2:40

Video: Chelsea's Law Introduced To Assembly 2:22

Video: Chelsea's Law Supporters Head To Sacramento 2:11

Video: Chelsea's Law Details Released 3:26

Video: Chelsea's Law Buses To Capitol 1:49

Video: Chelsea's Parents Off to Sacramento 2:41

Video: Parents Held Chelsea's Law Forum 2:12

Video: Chelsea-s-Parents-Push-For-New-Sex-Offender-Law 2:19

Video: Update on Chelsea's Law 2:40

Video: Gardner's Prison Files Released 1:56

Video: Previewing Run for Chelsea King 1:55

Video: Jogger Allegedly Attacked By Gardner Speaks Out 1:07

Related links
PHOTOS: Chelsea King Photos,0,3800972.photogallery

PHOTOS: Amber Dubois,0,5247380.photogallery

PHOTOS: First a jog, then a disappearance Photos,0,7410594.photogallery

DOCUMENT: John Gardner Guilty Plea,0,18354.acrobat

DOCUMENT: Charges Against John Gardner,0,2138640.acrobat

Complete State Correction Dept. Prison and Probation File On John Gardner,0,5424979.acrobat

John Gardner's 2000 Probation Report,0,3818733.acrobat

PDF: Gag Order In Chelsea King Murder Case,0,6019109.acrobat

AUDIO: Relative describes John Gardner during radio interview,0,294841.hyperlink

Details of search warrants for John Gardner's home
Posted: Apr 15, 2010 8:49 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 16, 2010 5:20 PM EDT
A search warrant, given to Los Angeles radio station KFI by a relative of Gardner, shows what agents were hoping to find: digging tools, rope, zip ties, handcuffs, blood stained clothing and human hairs.

A hand written evidence list shows exactly what agents took from the home: three pick axes, 11 shovels, five pairs of blue jeans a pair of Reebok tennis shoes and a white, Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt. The records show agents were specifically looking for that Hard Rock T-shirt, suggesting they may have a witness who saw Gardner wearing it.

Gardner's relative told News 8 that agents searched the Lake Elsinore home on February 28, two days before Chelsea's body was found by Lake Hodge and again on March 9 - right after the body of Amber Dubois was found near Pala.

The relative spoke on the radio about the search: "I'm sitting in a room with FBI agents and the FBI was telling me what happened."

Other documents turned over, include an undated letter written by Gardner to his ex-girlfriend Jariah Baker: "I am not a good person to be around at this moment."

Gardner also wrote: "I'll just ruin your life... I'm too depressed to do much of anything anymore." "I only can relate to crazy people in a conversation because it seems theirs is the only one w/ correct decisions."

Other records obtained by KFI Radio show Gardner and his girlfriend were having severe financial problems. The couple had missed rent payments at their Escondido apartment, right before Chelsea King was murdered.

The records also include a letter Gardner wrote to his mother while he was in prison. In the letter, Gardner talks about his legal problems, and he closes by writing "I love you" to his mom.

PDF: John Gardner Search Warrants

Video: Details of search warrants for John Gardner's home 3:05

Reaction to Gardner admission from parents of Chelsea and Amber
Posted: Apr 16, 2010 8:47 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 17, 2010 12:14 PM EDT
The parents of both Chelsea King and Amber Dubois were downtown, when Gardner pleaded guilty Friday.

News 8's Adrienne Moore files this video report from downtown San Diego with their reaction.

Video: Reaction from Escondido and Poway to Gardner's surpirse plea 1:32

Video: Reaction to Gardner's surprise guilty plea 2:48

Video: Reaction to Gardner Admission from parents of Chelsea and Amber 2:58

Parents of murdered Chelsea King OK'd plea deal
Posted: Apr 17, 2010 8:59 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 18, 2010 4:54 PM EDT
Chelsea's parents said they agreed to the deal because they wanted to spare their son the strife of continuing litigation as well as provide Amber's grieving family a measure of peace.

"The Dubois family has been through unthinkable hell the past 14 months," Brent King said at the news conference, reading a joint statement with his wife, Kelly. "We couldn't imagine the confession to Amber's murder never seeing the light of day, leaving an eternal question mark."

Prosecutors said they were confident they could win a conviction against Gardner in Chelsea's death but conceded Friday that they didn't have enough evidence in Amber's killing.

At the news conference after Friday's hearing, San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis said investigators tried to connect Gardner to Amber's death independently of his confession but were unable to. "Accepting this plea has been an extremely difficult decision," she told reporters. "We have the evidence to pursue a murder charge against the defendant for Chelsea's murder but not for Amber's murder."

Even if prosecutors rejected the deal, the King family would have had to endure decades of appeals if he was convicted and sentenced to die, Dumanis said.

Video: Gardner faces two life terms after pleading guilty 0:35

Gardner admits killing both Chelsea and Amber
Posted: Apr 16, 2010 5:34 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 18, 2010 4:56 PM EDT
With two teary-eyed mothers looking on, sex offender John Albert Gardner pleaded guilty Friday to murdering their teenage daughters after prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty.

Gardner, 31, faces life in prison without parole for killing 14-year-old Amber Dubois and 17-year-old Chelsea King in San Diego County.

He also pleaded guilty to attempting to rape another woman who was jogging in San Diego and waived his right to an appeal.

Gardner, wearing a dark blue jail jumpsuit with his shackled arms hanging at his sides, said nothing but "yes" repeatedly as the judge asked him for his pleas.

Parents Brent and Kelly King, and Maurice Dubois and Carrie McGonigle were in the courtroom to hear the admissions. Kelly King and McGonigle were teary-eyed throughout the proceeding. Sobbing could be heard when Gardner entered his pleas.

Live Stream Video: John Gardner's court hearing 28:03

Video: Gardner admits killing both Chelsea and Amber 3:45

Reaction from Escondido to Gardner's surprise plea
Posted: Apr 16, 2010 9:12 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 18, 2010 4:56 PM EDT
The stunning turn in the Gardner case is also the talk at Escondido High School, where Amber Dubois went to school.

News 8's Jeff Zevely spoke with parents, teachers and classmates about Gardner's surprise plea. He files this video report from Escondido High School with their reaction.

Video: Reaction from Escondido to Gardner's surprise plea 2:14

Local Psychiatrist Analyzes Gardner Letter To Girlfriend
POSTED: 6:25 pm PDT April 15, 2010
UPDATED: 12:34 pm PDT April 16, 2010
A local psychiatrist analyzed a handwritten letter accused killer John Gardner wrote to his girlfriend, Jariah Baker, and described Gardner as "a very depressed individual." Gardner viewed himself as a victim, according to Dr. Mark Kalish, and that is what stands out in a two-page letter he handwrote to Baker last December.

In the letter, Gardner wrote, "I can only relate to crazy people in a conversation because it seems theirs is the only one with correct decisions." Kalish said, "I think what he is talking about is his immaturity and his inability to relate to normal people, adult people."

Gardner also expressed that he was overwhelmed with daily decisions. He said, "I have tried talking to you and everyone and asking for help, direction, advice, and no one will even talk to me anymore." Kalish said of those statements, "I think what he's talking about there is being overwhelmed by being an adult and having to make adult decisions."

In the letter, Gardner warned his girlfriend, "I'm not a good person to be around. I'll just ruin your life, to [sic]. I am too depressed to do much of anything anymore." "Well, that's a bit of foreshadowing isn't it," said Kalish. "It may be an indication that either he has or will commit more crime."

Along with the letter was one page where it seems Baker is questioning Gardner. One of those questions asks where Baker's son Aaron slept. "Why would she be asking that, an odd question," remarked Kalish. Baker also asked Gardner "Did you use?" His reply was, "After midnight." The letter is full of suspicion, said Dr. Kalish, but no clue as to what prompted it. "The big question in my mind is how much did she know about his past history," Kalish said.

Gardner also wrote that he is still "a shy picked on kid, who took it until it was too much." Kalish said that is another indication of Gardner's immaturity and self pity.

Video: Local Psychiatrist Analyzes Gardner Letter To Girlfriend

Video: 11 Shovels Among Items Found in Gardner's House

Video: Report Reveals Gardner Search Warrant Details

Video: Hundreds Post Reaction To Gardner Plea On Facebook

Video: Reaction To Gardner Plea Mixed At Poway High School

Video: Escondido High School Principal Urges Staff To Stay Vigilant

Video: Neighbors Of John Gardner's Parents React To Gardner's Guilty Plea

Video: Investigator Discovers Gardner's MySpace Page

Video: King Family Heads To Sacramento To Push Chelsea's Law

Video: Brent King Reacts To Gardner's Guilty Plea

PDF: King Family Statement

PDF: Charges Against Gardner

PDF: Gardner Guilty Plea

Gardner pleads guilty to killing 2 SoCal teens
Friday, April 16, 2010
Gardner, 31, faces life in prison without parole for killing 14-year-old Amber Dubois and 17-year-old Chelsea King in San Diego County. He also pleaded guilty to attempting to rape another woman who was jogging in San Diego and waived his right to an appeal.

Gardner, wearing a dark blue jail jumpsuit with his shackled arms hanging at his sides, said nothing but "yes" repeatedly as the judge asked him for his pleas.

Parents Brent and Kelly King, and Maurice Dubois and Carrie McGonigle were in the courtroom to hear the admissions. Kelly King and McGonigle were teary-eyed throughout the proceeding. Sobbing could be heard when Gardner entered his pleas.

District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis said Gardner led investigators to the skeletal remains of Dubois two days after authorities charged him with the murder of King. He did so on the condition that prosecutors not go public with the information or use it against him in court. "This was a somber decision," Dumanis said. "To end the anguish of the unknown for the Dubois family and to bring Amber home, we agreed."

Video: Gardner pleads guilty to killing 2 SoCal teens 3:10

John Gardner Pleads Guilty to Amber Dubois and Chelsea King Murders
Last Update: 4/17 1:06 am
convicted sex offender pleaded guilty Friday to killing a 17-year-old Poway High School senior and a 14-year-old Escondido High School freshman, and he was expected to be sentenced to two consecutive life prison terms without the possibility of parole. John Albert Gardner III, 31, also faces an additional 33 years to life in prison for assaulting a woman Dec. 27.

Gardner, whose plea spares him from a possible death sentence, is scheduled to be sentenced June 1. His plea also bars him from filing an appeal of his conviction and sentence.

Gardner entered his guilty pleas moments after prosecutors charged him with Dubois' murder and rape. Before the defendant entered his pleas, Superior Court Judge David Danielsen informed Gardner that he would be spending the rest of his life in prison. Gardner will also be deemed a sexually violent predator. the judge told him.

Defense attorneys Michael Popkins and Mel Epley refused comment after the court hearing, but District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis briefed reporters on the reason Gardner was allowed to plead guilty. "The murders of Chelsea King and Amber Dubois have shaken the collective soul of our community and beyond," she said.

Jogger's Family Reacts
Gardner admitted he attacked 22-year-old Candice Moncayo in broad daylight on a populated hiking trail near Lake Hodges, in Rancho Bernardo. Gardner tried to rape her, but Moncayo bashed him in the nose with her elbow and escaped.

Moncayo now lives out of state. Her family says Friday's plea brings back feelings of guilt that two others died while their loved one survived. "I feel so bad for them I can't imagine what they're going through, said Candice's younger sister, 18-year old Kelsey Moncayo. "I know what we're going through, and my sister's still alive."

*Much more at link!
**7-Page Article!!

King Family Statement
We stand here because of a despicable, evil act committed against our beautiful daughter Chelsea, committed against our family and committed against our community.

The decision whether to give our blessing to the District Attorney&#8217;s proposal was torturous. While our unequivocal first choice is the death penalty, we acknowledge that in California that penalty has become an empty promise.

For that reason, as well as the following, we support this penalty of life imprisonment without any possibility of parole or appeal.

First, a multi-year court proceeding will have a destructive effect on our 13-year-old son Tyler, who deserves as much of a normal childhood as we can provide. Additionally, our community will benefit from the opportunity to heal sooner knowing that this confessed murderer has been dealt with.

Second, we find ourselves in a position to help give another grieving family a measure of closure. The Dubois family has been through unthinkable hell the past 14 months. We couldn&#8217;t imagine the confession to Amber&#8217;s murder never seeing the light of day, leaving an eternal question mark.

Lastly, we know that Chelsea and thousands of others are counting on us. Now unencumbered from a protracted trial, we can fully devote ourselves to raising our son and bringing about changes that protect our children.

There is nothing satisfying about this moment. It is only one more unbearably painful day that we will have to carry in our memory as long as we live.

KFI: Search warrant records

PDF: Read Gardner's Signed Admission (24.2KB)

PDF: Read the Gardner Plea of Guilt (2.5MB)

PDF: Read the charges against Gardner (4.2MB)

PDF: Read the amended complaint (52.2KB)

PDF: Read the DA's statement upon guilty plea (216.3KB)

PDF: Read the Gardner protective order (39.6KB)

PDF: Read part 1 of the John Gardner prison file (6.0MB)

PDF: Read part 2 of the John Gardner prison file (6.1MB)

PDF: Read the John Gardner criminal complaint (1.6MB)

Video: John Gardner News Conference 4/16/10 14:38
District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis and members of Chelsea King and Amber Dubois's families announce the guilty plea from John Gardner in the murders of the two teens.

Video: Gardner's Remorse? 4/18/10 1:44
John Gardner reportedly decided to confess to Amber Dubois' killing while watching her father on TV.

Video: Gardner Plea Follow Up 4/17/10 2:12
For the last three days Amber Dubois' family hosted a search and rescue training in Poway.

Video: Gardner And Taxpayers 4/17/10 1:02
California taxpayers pay more than 47 thousand dollars a year to house, feed, and secure a single inmate.

Video: John Gardner Pleads Guilty To Murder 4/16/10 11:31
John Gardner will spend the rest of his life in prison after he admitted to murdering Chelsea King and Amber Dubois. Runs 12 min.

Video: Guilty Plea 4/16/10 2:36
Attorneys for John Gardner asked the judge to extend a protective order for Gardner. We explain what that means. Plus, reactions from San Diegans to the guilty plea.

Video: Gardner Pleads Guilty 4/16/10 6:08
Former SD County District Attorney Paul Pfingst offers insight into the behind the scenes negotiations that led to the plea deal.

Video: John Gardner Pleads Guilty 4/16/10 3:17
Register sex offender admits killing both Chelsea King and Amber Dubois.

Video: San Diego 6 News Update 4/16/10 4:00
John Gardner is expected in court today for a status hearing, a high-speed chase comes to an end in Linda Vista, a 76-year old woman is honored today, and Brooke Landau has the weekend weather outlook.

Video: Search Warrant 4/15/10 1:29
New search warrant records have been released in the John Gardner case and we're learning more about items seized from Gardner's home.

Video: Parole Questions 3/31/10 3:29
While convicted sex offender John Gardner was on parole, he was considered to be a very low threat to the public. Now lawmakers want to know why.

PODCAST AUDIO: Gardner Relative 6PM (4/16)
John Gardner Relative Speaks To John & Ken

PODCAST AUDIO: Steve Gregory 4PM (4/16)
KFI News Steve Gregory Blows The Lid Off Of The John Gardner Murder Case

PODCAST AUDIO: Guilty Plea 3PM (4/16)
John Gardner Pleas Guilty Of Killing Both Amber and Chelsea

PODCAST AUDIO: Guilty Rumors 2PM (4/16)
Could John Gardner Plead Guilty?

PODCAST AUDIO: Missing Parolees 4PM (4/15)
State Officials Admit To Losing Parolees

PODCAST AUDIO: KFI Investigates 4PM (4/14)
Steve Gregory On His Investigative Piece On John Gardner

PODCAST AUDIO: Jason The Stud 6PM (4/7)
Alleged Murderer Rapist John Gardner Had A Myspace Site

PODCAST AUDIO: Search Dogs 4PM (4/5)
Search Dog Owner Talks About Finding Amber Dubois
WANTED: Mandatory Prison Sentences for Child Sex Offenders
There should be a MINIMUM 20-year sentence for the violent, sexual assault of a child.

By Dr. Dale Archer
April 19, 2010
Chelsea King was a straight-A college bound senior who went for a run in the park and never came back. Amber Dubois was a 14-year-old member of Future Farmers of America who disappeared on her way to school. Candice Moncayo was tackled at the end of a jog by a man who tried to rape her and threatened to kill her -- she escaped. What do these 3 events have in common? They were all committed by John Albert Gardner III, a violent sex offender who recently plead guilty to raping and killing Chelsea and Amber. He received consecutive life sentences with no possibility of parole. This in and of itself is bad enough, but it gets worse. He was convicted in 2000 of assaulting (repeatedly punching her in the face) and molesting a 13-year-old. A court appointed psychiatrist, Dr. Mathew Carroll, recommended the maximum 30- year-sentence, stating that Gardner showed no remorse and that he would continue to be a danger to underage girls. The prosecutor in that case opted for a plea deal for 6 years in order to spare the young girl from a trial. Gardner served 5!

Here&#8217;s the deal: Doing a psychiatric evaluation on a sex offender is not rocket science. In terms of assessing relapse potential you want to see them take responsibility for their actions, not make excuses, admit what they did was wrong AND most importantly show regret and remorse. That&#8217;s it! If you don&#8217;t get that then I&#8217;ll bet you a million bucks they will relapse. On top of that, violent sex offenders may have a progressive course that goes from molesting to rape to murder. Their recidivism rate is the highest for all crimes and is 400% the rate of other convicted felons. As for prison, pedophiles tend to serve easier time because they are sometimes kept out of the general population for their own safety and are often released early for good behavior because&#8230;guess what, here are no kids in prison! Add to this the fact that there is no generally accepted treatment/cure for this condition and you end up with only one conclusion: If you&#8217;re convicted once of the violent, sexual assault of a child then you need to be in prison for a LONG, LONG time.

Now is the time to take a stand, NOW! We must draw a line in the sand and make it very clear to politicians, judges, prosecutors and organizations that our children are our future and that we will do everything in our power to protect them from these sexual predators. What do you think the punishment should be for the violent, sexual assault of a child?

May Amber and Chelsea R.I.P.

Dr. Dale Archer is a psychiatrist and frequent guest on's "The Strategy Room." For more, visit his website:

Monster or Killer With a Conscience?
Updated 8:37 PM PDT, Mon, Apr 19, 2010
Was it compassion or self-interest that caused John Gardner to admit he killed Amber Dubois? A letter Gardner wrote to a former girlfriend may provide answers to that question.

James Reavis, who is an expert in sexual violence and deviant behavior, said Gardner might have felt remorse -- and guilt -- and wanted to help Amber's family after hearing Moe Dubois speak. "It's not impossible for an offender who kills a victim to feel that," Reavis said. Reavis thinks Gardner had other motives, though. "I would guess that he's more interested in saving his life than he is in providing peace to the family," Reavis said.

Reavis said that a letter Gardner wrote to a former girlfriend, Jariah Baker, reveals Gardner's inner-self. "It's self-pitying, you see: 'I'm a terrible friend to all I'm around. I try to talk to people and it doesn't help. I can only relate to crazy people,' " Reavis said, reading from Gardner's letter. "And there's nothing genuine here about remorse or empathy."

Reavis said Gardner's motive for confessing could also mixed: a last ditch effort to avoid the death penalty and some true feelings of guilt. "He certainly wasn't touched, however, in the midst of his crimes, by the victim's pleas before he killed them," Reavis said. "That did not penetrate him. He was caught up in the frenzy of his desire."

Video: Monster or Killer With a Conscience?

Gardner's relatives fear there may be more victims
Posted: Apr 19, 2010 8:40 PM EDT
Updated: Apr 19, 2010 9:36 PM EDT
John Gardner's relatives say they don't have any proof, but have a gut feeling Amber Dubois and Chelsea King were not his only victims. Now they're pleading with the 31-year-old to come clean.

Gardner's cousin says he's cutting ties with the person he now knows is a cold-blooded killer. "I just call him 'it' or 'creature' - it's really not human to me," he said.

Two of Gardner's family members agreed to speak with News 8 on the condition we wouldn't identify them. They describe Gardner as having two personalities, one outgoing and funny, and the other, mysterious and scary. "I know there was this dark side to him. I know his anger-temper side. I didn't see it a lot, but when it came up it was scary. When I saw him angry it made me afraid," a relative said.

One relative worked with the 31-year-old last summer, and says he just would disappear for days at a time. "There were just odd things that would occur, he'd show up at the house wearing pants only. No shoes, no shirt and drenched in sweat, like wondering what's going on," the relative said.

With so many bizarre and unexplained absences, relatives now fear Amber Dubois and Chelsea King weren't his only victims. "I believe there are other cases that haven't been uncovered," a relative said. "I'm not satisfied that everything has been resolved, that there may be more and we may never know."

Video: Gardner's relatives fear there may be more victims 2:53's relatives fear there may be more victims&flvUri=&partnerclipid=

Death Penalty History Played Role In Gardner Plea Deal?
POSTED: 5:24 pm PDT April 19, 2010
UPDATED: 6:05 pm PDT April 19, 2010
On June 1, John Gardner will be formally sentenced to life in prison for admitting he killed Escondido teenager Amber Dubois and Poway teen Chelsea King.

Gardner's plea agreement took the death penalty off the table and was based partly on the fact that death row inmates are more likely to die of old age than execution. The state of California has not carried out an execution in four years, even though 20 more inmates are added to death row each year.

Brent King described giving up the option of the death penalty in exchange for Gardner's guilty pleas in the murders of his daughter and Dubois as torturous, but it also made plain sense. "Most of us realize that a death sentence at this time is a hallow promise in California," said San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis.

10News learned if the state did away with the death penalty, taxpayers would save about $125 million a year.

Video: Death Penalty History Played Role In Gardner Plea Deal?


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