MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #1

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From Danielle's "art" blog: ...with so much going on in my life, getting sick was that last thing i needed...


That concerned me, too ...: Is there a way to tell when it is from? The site says she has been a member since 2006. I would like to know how old/recent the post is but haven't figure out a way to tell.
Keys were taken on purpose. If left inside the locked vehicle it screams foul play.
Phone was taken because it has incriminating information about the who, what, when, where, why. She met up with someone after work.

I would be looking into boyfriends (married, maybe?).
Was she newly pregnant and told him?
Had she seemed anxious or out of sorts lately?
Does she use drugs? Maybe met up with a dealer?

Were her keys (jeep and apartment) in the vehicle or in the apartment? If they were in the jeep, she never made it into her apartment.


If she was carjacked, a robber would have taken the purse and scattered the contents. They most likely would have ditched her jeep elsewhere.

It was parked where it always was ... with contents inside. Someone very familiar with her routine, someone she knows parked it there to throw off LE?
***I feel like whatever happened to her, happened elsewhere, and the perp put her jeep back in it's place to divert from the actual crime scene. They were familiar enough with her to park her vehicle as usual.***

She made it to the friends house after all?

OR ...

She was attacked somewhere in the complex and is hidden somewhere inside the apartment buildings?

As a young woman I should be able to walk at night and not fear for my wellbeing or face victim blaming.

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To throw off LE. So it looks like whatever happened, happened in the parking lot. Instead of where it really happened. Creates distance. Someone who knows they would be suspected.

I would hope LE is looking into any old boyfriends or someone getting out of jail. I wonder if she has ever been a witness to a criminal case or civil lawsuit. Or maybe something to do with the insurance business. Does anyone know what Danielle's job title is. I know someone mentioned she was a manager. MetLife sells life, auto, home and dental insurance correct? This is what their webpage advertises, and more.
According to another poster, they did search/sweep the immediate area a couple of days after Danielle disappeared.
Someone commented that she had been dating someone about 10 weeks ago and that the guy had gone to Costa Rica and then returned. I hope they have been grilling that guy 24/7. I assume they have already searched her place for home pregnancy tests, used or unused, and checked her medical records to see whether there was evidence of pregnancy. She could have become pregnant 2 1/2 months ago, before the break-up, found out while the guy was in Costa Rica, and then informed him when he returned.
She may have thought he'd be fine with the situation, or supportive, or even excited about becoming a father--maybe she even thought he might fall in love with her or want to marry her, when in reality he was plotting her disappearance.
I hope they have confiscated this guy's passport--if he hasn't already fled--in case it goes that way. If he has ties to Costa Rica, it would be very easy for him to be in the wind very quickly.
Weird, right? Overarching theme from authorities and family isn't a search for her but seemingly a confidence she's in the custody of someone.

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Sounds familiar.....sigh...
Hopefully a Christmas morning return if so....timing is the same


This link is a picture from the Find Danielle Stislicki FB page.

Lists her job as Global Technology & Operations Associate.

That sounds a lot more ominous than it is....

https://www.metlife.com/careers/car...l Technology_5-153537_T153678-CA-career-areas

Global Technology and Operations (GTO) is investing $300 million per year in new capabilities to transform how we operate and deliver a differentiated customer experience. Our innovative technology platforms provide customers with greater convenience and more intuitive support, while enabling our employees to be more efficient and focus their energies where they can have the greatest impact.
Be Part of the Transformation

While our team includes thousands of employees across over 40 countries, we work together as one team. Collaboration is at the heart of our culture, whether we are using state-of-the-art desktop video conferencing for a virtual brainstorming exercise or gathering in person at our Global Technology Campus in North Carolina. Our teams leverage MetLife’s worldwide resources to build locally and then scale globally, accelerating the implementation of their ideas to serve our 100+ million customers.
Did anyone notice if calls went straight to vm on Saturday? Or if the phone was on ringing?

You can go look for it but in the beginning few pages it was stated that calls went straight to VM
That concerned me, too ...: Is there a way to tell when it is from? The site says she has been a member since 2006. I would like to know how old/recent the post is but haven't figure out a way to tell.

I wonder, also, if this is somehow related to the healthy diet and yoga regimen that Danielle adopted.
That concerned me, too ...: Is there a way to tell when it is from? The site says she has been a member since 2006. I would like to know how old/recent the post is but haven't figure out a way to tell.
Can't remember where I saw it, but read a social media post where she stated she's been radiation free for 2 years.

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Reading through the "Find DS" Facebook page. Apparently she did not have a Facebook account.

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I just can't get past the friend not sounding alarms earlier. If I was expecting someone to meet me and they didn't show and didn't answer calls, I'd have contacted family immediately. Does Danielle have a habit of blowing people off and changing her plans last minute? Did the friend know Danielle was planning to take off for a while and purposefully stalled?
I almost hate to mention Pinterest after the Sherri Papini case, but...
If a board says "1week ago" under it, is that how long ago they added to that board? I'm not a user, so I am not sure how to read it.

Yes, however I have learned from other cases it is possible to have "group boards" on pinterest where more than one user can pin things. So we would have to be sure it's not a group board to know that Danielle's account really pinned it. Also be careful about reading too much into the captions because they carry over from the last person who posted it unless the person pinning changes them (I've learned most don't change captions). Can anyone link her pinterest please? I've been following off and on here but it's hard to keep up with this thread. TIA.
That concerned me, too ...: Is there a way to tell when it is from? The site says she has been a member since 2006. I would like to know how old/recent the post is but haven't figure out a way to tell.

If you scroll down and look on the right side, there is section called Details. It will say the day that it was submitted which was June 8th, 2006. So a little over 10 years ago. Danielle would have been 17 or 18 years old.

Personally I don't find the picture weird or alarming. I had a deviantart account back when I was in high school. Drawing was a good outlet at the time, but I would cringe if my friends/family saw some of the things i drew back then.
Sorry missgulfsouth, meant no obfuscation. I am basing my working theory on academia, contacts, and professional life of 25 years. Mods have stats but honestly, only reasons i am here is because i work within a mile of this woman, and based on my background and personal beliefs want to offer pro bono help--and not just myself, other Michiganders. My point is that based on my PERSONAL experience SNOPES is NOT the best souce of information on human trafficking in Michigan. I posted some alternative sources. I do now want to argue--if you disagree that its not factor and Michigan is safe and free from this plight OK.

Your interest and guidance is most appreciated. We don't really consider snopes to be a viable resource, in fact I think it's considered biased rumor, so I wouldn't put too much stock in anything snopes related.

About the HT angle, you mentioned that was an initial theory by local LE. I am listening. I know there is a man who helps find traffic victims, possibly in New York. I'll go hunt down his name when I get off work tonight, but if you don't want to wait for me make you can scan through the Destiny Butler thread to find out how they got their girl back. She was in Flint MI at one point, if i recall. His name is in there somewhere. [emoji4]
I just can't get past the friend not sounding alarms earlier. If I was expecting someone to meet me and they didn't show and didn't answer calls, I'd have contacted family immediately. Does Danielle have a habit of blowing people off and changing her plans last minute? Did the friend know Danielle was planning to take off for a while and purposefully stalled?

If I made a dinner date with an old friend and they didn't make it, I would think something came up in their life they couldn't avoid like a work or school obligation or a family or boy/girl friend situation. Granted, I would be concerned if they didn't make contact to cancel. But I've had friends in the past, (20's) who made an engagement with me, then got into a situation with a boyfriend and turned off their phone to avoid calls from the ex, not notifying me until the next day. That being said, if I didn't hear from them by early next day, I'd be seriously concerned.

I do think the friend tried to make contact that night. She may've known Danielle was scheduled to work in the AM and tried to call her work, then decided to stop by Saturday night to see if she was okay.
Yes, however I have learned from other cases it is possible to have "group boards" on pinterest where more than one user can pin things. So we would have to be sure it's not a group board to know that Danielle's account really pinned it. Also be careful about reading too much into the captions because they carry over from the last person who posted it unless the person pinning changes them (I've learned most don't change captions). Can anyone link her pinterest please? I've been following off and on here but it's hard to keep up with this thread. TIA.

Good to see you over here, Gardener.

I think this is her Pinterest

Forgive me if that is all kinds of wrong... I am at work and doing this quickly.
I just can't get past the friend not sounding alarms earlier. If I was expecting someone to meet me and they didn't show and didn't answer calls, I'd have contacted family immediately. Does Danielle have a habit of blowing people off and changing her plans last minute? Did the friend know Danielle was planning to take off for a while and purposefully stalled?

From what has been said about Danielle, no she does not. Her Mom was pretty adamant that in no way would she have missed that dinner.
She mentions in one of her earlier blog posts from 2010 that she was looking for an excuse to get rid of the microwave. I am betting this is what she is referencing by saying "radiation free for 2 years."
Any chance I could get a name or a contact number from ya'...................??
Steelman, you usually have good gut instincts. What are you thinking happened to Danielle, in your gut?
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