MI - Deuntay Miller, 2, body found burned, Detroit, 11 Nov 2007

The couple has 4 children including this one. :(

Let's neglect, starve and beat these POSparents before grilling them. :( :( This just makes me so sad, sick and ANGRY.

OMG! You mean they have more children?
I hope they are removed from them, forever!

God bless these children.
I agree with you, Taximom. Severe measures are in order for these two !!! Animals treat their young better! My God!

What in he!! would possess someone to do such unthinkable acts?

Where was child protective services in the mean time??? They had to have been tin the system, you don't just wake up one morning and decide to kill and grill a child!!!

I think I'm going to be sick!:furious:
It's not real clear, but the news video suggests one was being abused, other than the one they killed. I'm not sure what led to LE finding out 1 of the 5 wasn't alive.

I'm totally sure the other 3 have been abused though too. OHHHH, just give me 5 minutes with each of them.

I HOPE that the others didn't witness the killing (or maybe it was just a slow death over time) or the other part that's really making me sick. :(
The original story said 5 kids under the age of 5? WTF! If this is not reason to end the welfare program I do not know what is, you cannot tell me they weren't thinking aw screw birth control we will just get more money for more babies. And I defy anyone to say this poor excuse for a human being should not be forcibly sterilized along with her equally poor excuse for a human being husband or whoever he was. :furious: :furious: :furious:
And the maternal grandmother knew all about it too, but didn't open her mouth!
She did nothing to bring help to her grandchildren?
Sick and disgusting all the way around!!!
Hey sweetmop,

It happened in Detroit.
,Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy charged Joseph Miller, III, 28 and Nickello L. Reid, 23 both of Detroit.
curious1 is right, they had 5 children:
Miller and Reid are already being held in the Wayne County Jail for a pending child abuse case. Police began to unravel the story of Deuntay's death after one of the couple's children, an 18-month-old son, was hospitalized in November with burns over one-third of the body. The couple had five children in total, including Deuntay. (more :( at link)
Hey sweetmop,

It happened in Detroit.

Hey philamena!

Thank you!:blowkiss:

This is especially sickening. very very upsetting. Poor children, they just don't have a chance living in such horror!

These 2 obviously just kept having children for the welfare money.
Looks like that is all these poor babies meant to them, as a way to get money! :furious:
curious1 is right, they had 5 children:
Miller and Reid are already being held in the Wayne County Jail for a pending child abuse case. Police began to unravel the story of Deuntay's death after one of the couple's children, an 18-month-old son, was hospitalized in November with burns over one-third of the body. The couple had five children in total, including Deuntay. (more :( at link)

Oh my! I would take these children in a heart beat! These poor innocent babies!
My heart is breaking right now!
I can't understand this at all!
Why isn't this a death penalty eligible case???????????????????
Sorry if my earlier post offended anyone. I can be a bit abrasive. :eek: Shocking I know. I just get sooooo tired of reading about people abusing children and/or animals, just helpless little things. And it makes me just want to jettison the whole lot off the face of the planet.
I can't even click on the link. Just reading the title brought tears to my eyes. These poor children nowdays, what is wrong with people, how can they do things like this to a sweet, innocent child???? :(
This is the most sad, disgusting and depraved story I have read in a long time.

These people need to have LWOP and those children need to be adopted asap. The adoption agency needs to be certain it is someone from outside the circle of family and friends. Obviously these people have lived like this a long time, for the mother inlaw to not say a word. She needs to go to jail too for the rest of her life. They are usless people that need to be put away forever.

This is the most sad, disgusting and depraved story I have read in a long time.

These people need to have LWOP and those children need to be adopted asap. The adoption agency needs to be certain it is someone from outside the circle of family and friends. Obviously these people have lived like this a long time, for the mother inlaw to not say a word. She needs to go to jail too for the rest of her life. They are usless people that need to be put away forever.


I certainly agree, DeltaDawn.
These precious children need somone that is not from within that family!
The family doesn't need access to the children ever again!
I hope the whole lot of them are put away forever, and never see the light of day again. :furious: :mad: :behindbar
1. I think it's time that proper charges and sentences equaled the tragedy of these types of crimes.


They are usless people that need to be put away forever.

Again....totally agree. These 2 are just PURE EVIL and need simply to be killed instantly. I've said it before, there is NO point in these scum being alive.

Another poster (sorry, I forget who) said that these stories make them reconsider about being able to kill another (paraphrasing)....me too. I would happily grill these *advertiser censored*'s alive, very slowly!
Sorry if my earlier post offended anyone. I can be a bit abrasive. :eek: Shocking I know. I just get sooooo tired of reading about people abusing children and/or animals, just helpless little things. And it makes me just want to jettison the whole lot off the face of the planet.

I am no fan of welfare... That being said it does not encourage people to improve themselves.
I think the system should be set up to improve those in it.
Like they must work in order to receive any help and must agree to have no further children until they can support themselves and their current children.
Parenting classes as well since the majority are socio-economic disadvantaged their entire lives and often are the result of the same failing system and abuse and rarely know any other life style.

I think this case just screams generations of a family repeating the same patterns.
They need to be removed from the planet asap.
The original story said 5 kids under the age of 5? WTF! If this is not reason to end the welfare program I do not know what is, you cannot tell me they weren't thinking aw screw birth control we will just get more money for more babies. And I defy anyone to say this poor excuse for a human being should not be forcibly sterilized along with her equally poor excuse for a human being husband or whoever he was. :furious: :furious: :furious:

I agree that they should be sterilized and they should be beat and burned, but in my state you don't get extra money for extra kids. A mother gets a maximum of $276 a month and you have to eith er work or go to classes 6 hrs a day to get that.
curious1 is right, they had 5 children:
Miller and Reid are already being held in the Wayne County Jail for a pending child abuse case. Police began to unravel the story of Deuntay's death after one of the couple's children, an 18-month-old son, was hospitalized in November with burns over one-third of the body. The couple had five children in total, including Deuntay. (more :( at link)

So this is two children they burned? Burned over one third of the little baby's body. What on God's great earth would motivate or move or whatever ya want to call it grown people to hurt kids this way?
ME report says the child was malnourished, diseased,numerous broken bones and abused.

The "father" went to the sister's house to do laundry and put the babe in the rafters of the basement. How he (babe) was discovered I haven't found yet....The other four children have been in protective custody since November when this originally occurred.

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