MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #5

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If the nooses were used in a way that we all pray they were not, I would think that they could test them to see if there were any skin dna, haris, etc., from the boys. I just pray that it is not possible that a father could do that to his own children.

Still catching up from the weekend but I have to add to this. I would also think that there would be other evidence in the surrounding area where the boys were hung. IF THEY WERE HUNG ...I don't want to say they were for a fact. Not to be gross or anything but I would think there would be bodily fluids found on the floor. I would think LE would examine and test to see if a hanging (or anything else) took place.
I know sandusky very well. I have never been to that house of dougnuts though! It has a hotel connect to it. It has been there forever and there is a gas station next to it. If it doesnt have cameras the gas station may?
ok there are two dougnut shops in sandusky. jolly dougnut is milan road. house of dougnuts on perkins ave.
also another thing I wanted to say--I sure hope LE decides to let volunteers search again this week. We have a possible big snowstorm coming Saturday/Sunday. It's kind of far ahead for them to know how much snow we might get, but the weatherman said this is "one to watch" and that it "Has a lot of moisture to work with" so its very possible we could get slapped with our first heavy snow of the season- that would be very bad timing for the searching. They need to get their butts in overtime with as many volunteers as possible, IMO, if the want to find anything before it gets buried in snow =(

I wanted to add that this does not necessarily mean all hope is lost until spring if we do get this storm. We are not like Minnesota or other parts of N. America that keeps their snow until April. Typically this part of Ohio has several storms and MELTS throughout the season, we rarely keep every bit of snow we get all winter long. More times than not, we get a storm, then a thaw out/melting, then another storm/melt and so on.
I'm watching the local news right now. Channel 13 (13abc) is going to be covering the story at 6 p.m. tonight regarding the woman who says she thinks she saw the boys in Sandusky. It sounds like they might actually be interviewing her. I will transcribe what they say if no one else here does (It seems like there are a few locals here?) I have the DVR set to record it so I don't miss anything and can replay as needed.
Jolly Donuts in Sandusky and House of Donuts and Jolly Donuts showing hotel in back:


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  • House of Donuts.jpg
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  • Jolly Donuts showing hotel attached.jpg
    Jolly Donuts showing hotel attached.jpg
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Morenci to Sandusksy map:


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I just don't understand what kind of scum would kill his children and then refuse to disclose the location of the bodies. Sometimes the human capacity for cruelty just boggles the mind.
I would hope that it was the boys at the donut shop because it would mean they were alive and may just be hidden for whatever reason.

I had made a previous post that I would ask my daughter in the AF in AK if there was a way she could check his name and she said no, not if he were already out for several years, not in her department anyway. I did not think she could search it but thought it was worth it to ask her.

Still praying the boys are found safe/alive or just found anyway.
I want to so badly believe she saw them. But why hasn't LE questioned her even??? They must have a very strong reason to not think it's credible!
I don't know what to make of that woman's delayed report...every case has these sightings so it is really hard to know if there is anything to it. But with LE not calling her, that makes me think they really have reason to believe the boys could not have been there on Sunday.
I'm watching the local news right now. Channel 13 (13abc) is going to be covering the story at 6 p.m. tonight regarding the woman who says she thinks she saw the boys in Sandusky. It sounds like they might actually be interviewing her. I will transcribe what they say if no one else here does (It seems like there are a few locals here?) I have the DVR set to record it so I don't miss anything and can replay as needed.

it baffles me that not everyone in that small town does not know they are missing. unless it wasnt made aware of...especially 3 days later.. i hope she did see them and that they are alive.
I can't imagine that if someone had them they would risk taking all 3 out in public at the same time and call one by name. Especially so close to home when this story was getting so much press. Wouldn't a drive thru be easier?
I can't imagine that if someone had them they would risk taking all 3 out in public at the same time and call one by name. Especially so close to home when this story was getting so much press. Wouldn't a drive thru be easier?

unless they wanted to get caught instead of turnin themselfs in for some reason.... or noticed...
Maybe one of the boys had to go to the bathroom? But then again, why would they only be less then two hours away, three days later?
boggled in ohio said:

here is the story they just did about the donut shop...hmm..
Hmmm indeed.

The owner of the donut shop, who's a former police officer, and Sandy called Sandusky police-- but not until several days later. She filed the report this past weekend.

Why didn't Jones call authorities right away? "I thought I was going crazy so I waited and talked to him and he-- the owner Terry-- he was like 'You know what? They do look like them' and we went around the name again and we didn't know what to do because we didn't know the car or license plate and we didn't know if it could be any kind of help or not and the more we thought about it, we said 'We need to call' because there's a chance it could have been them."

It's very hard to accept that a former police officer wouldn't recognize the need to report it to LE immediately, KWIM? Sounds like the owner wasn't there at the time of the sighting.
I would soooo love to believe this woman saw them. Unfortunately... "looks like it could be them" doesn't give me a strong feeling. If it were just one of them, I could understand her uncertainty, but its three boys that have some distinct features. Unless Alexander wasn't wearing his glasses and Tanner's hair was dyed a different color I can't see how someone wouldn't be able to say for sure if it was them or not.
I don't think the donut lady's report is all that credible, but if LE hasn't spoken with her, then I would be worried. Every report, no matter how incredible needs to be followed up on. I really hope that LE isn't getting tunnel vision.
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