MO MO - Amanda Jones, 26, pregnant, Hillsboro, 14 Aug 2005

Fox 2 (St.Louis local news) did a segment this evening about a psychic that says Amanda has contacted her from the "other side". This lady says she has been involved in other cases that have happened in the surrounding area. Also she stated that her child is still alive and that Amanda was either held captive for 4-5 days until he was born, or that whoever took Amanda did something to her and then took the baby.
tripletmomme said:
Fox 2 (St.Louis local news) did a segment this evening about a psychic that says Amanda has contacted her from the "other side". This lady says she has been involved in other cases that have happened in the surrounding area. Also she stated that her child is still alive and that Amanda was either held captive for 4-5 days until he was born, or that whoever took Amanda did something to her and then took the baby.

Now if she could only say where the baby is or who has it that would be really helpful! Psychics really aren't any help unless they can give a person info that will help find a missing person. I have no doubt that Amanda is no long living. For her parent's sake it would be wonderful if the baby really was alive and could be found. They would at least have the baby. I wonder if this psychic will take it any further and try to see where the baby is or who has him? I wish Amanda and the baby would both be found. I will always believe that sperm donar is right in the middle of Amanda's missing. Probably the girlfriend too. Wonder if she is still the girlfriend? Has she had a baby in the last few months??!!
The psychics name is Judith Hammond, they aired the report again this morning on the local news channel. I do remember somewhere seeing that he does still have the same girlfriend, but as far as having a baby I have have no idea. I do understand what you mean by it though. Hopefully this will all break soon.
tripletmomme said:
The psychics name is Judith Hammond, they aired the report again this morning on the local news channel. I do remember somewhere seeing that he does still have the same girlfriend, but as far as having a baby I have have no idea. I do understand what you mean by it though. Hopefully this will all break soon.

Well heck, this report from the psychic isn't going to do any good unless she can tell LE where the baby is and who has him. It doesn't make any sense to me that the sperm donar and the girlfriend would murder Amanda to take the baby. From the sounds of it the guy didn't want anything to do with the baby. I wonder if he is evil enough that he would have sold that baby to someone that couldn't have children? That is probably way out there but IF the baby is still alive I can't imagine the sperm donar wanting it. He contacted Amanda for some reason though and it wasn't to make arrangements for child support. I think if he murdered Amanda he would have just left the baby where it was and let it die too.

I wish that that she has released this info...would see if she can't tell where the baby is. It is really unfair to Amanda's parents to just let it drop now if she just might be right. Maybe I'll see if the psychic has an email address :eek: I googled but couldn't find anything for her...darn it.
IMO just another case of leading the family on and breaking their hearts. The only thing at all that makes sense is that sperm donor and/or girlfriend got rid of her and the baby. I'm sure neither one wanted him to have to pay child support. I don't see any scenario that makes sense that either Amanda or the baby are alive.

Hillsboro is like in the middle of nowhere and there aren't a whole lot of people around no matter what event is going on. That being said, Highway 21 where the civic center is is the main road, the way to get into town...calling it an actual highway is somewhat of a stretch... There had to be some activity going on whether cars passing by or at least some other cars in the lot or nearby. That would seem to preclude a big struggle or you would think someone would have noticed. It would certainly make a whole lot more sense that she was willingly with the father of her child wanting to know, I'm sure, if he was going to be part of the baby's life. I'm sure part of any parent wants that for their child no matter what the circumstances of the current relationship between the 2 parents.

I just think that psychics end up causing the family more pain than they ever do any good. I will apologize in advance for whomever I've made mad with that's just my opinion.
This case and Tara Grinstead 's make me absolutely sick. Whatever happened to taking a suspected perp (or at least the person who might have had reason to want to harm the person missing) into the police station and grilling them? Everyone knows who the probable perps are in both of these cases, yet nothing is done to them. I realize there has to be some evidence to arrest but didn't the police used to be able to take these people in and interrogate them over and over until they can see their stories are holding up, or not? It's so heartbreaking for these families to know what likely happened but nothing is ever done about it!!!!!
I put up a request a few days ago on a local forum asking for info on the phychic. The link to the forum is , I was told that she has moved into a retirement center, but is still very good at doing what she does. Someone also stated that she has become quite crabby, but has also helped out with three other high profile cases in the surrounding area. I just keep getting the thought that Amanda knew she was in trouble when someone took her and she went into labor, after having the child then they got rid of her. He would have had to have given the baby to someone that he doesnt know very well, so that way it wouldnt be to obivious for LE or anyone around here to reconize. So what better way to hide a baby, than to sell it to a stranger? I wouldnt put anything past the sperm donor, its so right in front of everyones eyes, but still in all what else can we do except keep on to LE to do something.
tripletmomme said:
I put up a request a few days ago on a local forum asking for info on the phychic. The link to the forum is , I was told that she has moved into a retirement center, but is still very good at doing what she does. Someone also stated that she has become quite crabby, but has also helped out with three other high profile cases in the surrounding area. I just keep getting the thought that Amanda knew she was in trouble when someone took her and she went into labor, after having the child then they got rid of her. He would have had to have given the baby to someone that he doesnt know very well, so that way it wouldnt be to obivious for LE or anyone around here to reconize. So what better way to hide a baby, than to sell it to a stranger? I wouldnt put anything past the sperm donor, its so right in front of everyones eyes, but still in all what else can we do except keep on to LE to do something.

The psychic has already opened the door to this case by taking a look at it. I wonder how old she is...maybe just in her 60's? If she really thinks that the baby is alive then she should try again. She has to come up with something better then she did. I wonder why she even told anyone what she thought she was told by Amanda? If she didn't plan to continue to try for more info she shouldn't have even mentioned it at all. If I could get ahold of her I would. I wonder if this has reached the ears of Amanda's parents? I hope not but if this lady has put this info in the news then they have probably heard it and couldn't help but feel some hope.

If the sperm donar did have the baby and sold it or gave it away I wonder if it would be to someone in the town he lives in or in some other town? Maye LE should do a little snooping and contact doctors in the area to see if anyone has adopted a baby in the last so many months and it is under the doctors care. We know approx when it would have been born and that it was a boy. I wonder if someone it that girlfriend's family couldn't have a child? For some reason she was somehow involved because she got herself an attorney which always seemed strange to me. I've never heard of such a thing before.
Do you live in Amanda's town and if so do you have an address or email address for LE?
englishleigh said:
This case and Tara Grinstead 's make me absolutely sick. Whatever happened to taking a suspected perp (or at least the person who might have had reason to want to harm the person missing) into the police station and grilling them? Everyone knows who the probable perps are in both of these cases, yet nothing is done to them. I realize there has to be some evidence to arrest but didn't the police used to be able to take these people in and interrogate them over and over until they can see their stories are holding up, or not? It's so heartbreaking for these families to know what likely happened but nothing is ever done about it!!!!!

I always thought LE could bring in anyone that they wanted for questioning. They don't even have to be a suspect or person of interest. Maybe they think a person might know something about a case...they can question them.

I don't know if they ever took that sperm donar in and questioned him...I would sure hope so. Who else would have a motive to get rid of Amanda? What just makes me so angry is that she hadn't even had anything to do with that creep throughout her whole pregnancy...from what I've read. Then he wants to meet with her. From what I've read about Amanda it doesn't seem like she would have pressed him to support the baby or anything. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong and that is what got his feathers ruffled that day. Maybe she said she would identify him on the birth certificate as the father. Maybe she threatened him with child support. It had to have hurt her for him to be so cold about the whole thing....especially face to face. I wonder if they ever hooked this weasel up to a polygraph? He would probably have refused though. I still think Amanda is on his or his parent's property somewhere.

As far as Tara goes it is a maddening case too. I think she is somewhere close by. Probably right under LE noses. I've always thought it was that Marcus but I don't know what I think now. It sounds like she had a few on the string. They should haul each and everyone of them in and grill them. It sounds like there is a lot of covering butts in that town. I just wonder if Tara's case will ever get solved. Sounds like it is coverups from family right down to some LE officers. Maybe with GBI handling the case now they might get somewhere if they just disregard anything that was done before and start at square 1 forward. I wonder if any evidence was found and destroyed.

I'm beginning to think that sometime during the evening that Tara disappeared she talked to someone and made arrangements to meet with them after the BBQ. I think they picked her up and that is why her keys and purse are missing but nothing else is. It's a darn shame that Dolly...her dog can't talk :banghead: Do you know of any psychics for dogs that can read their minds :waitasec: I feel so bad for Tara's mom. I don't think she is well and this has to be so hard for her. I hope she has some support. She has kind of been left out...maybe by choice...I don't know. I just hope that she has people around her that care. I wonder if Tara and Anita were her only children.

I just hope that both of these cases are solved darn it. No parents should have to go through this. They should be able to lay their children to rest and have a place to take flowers.
AS far as the age of the psychic in Amandas case, I really dont know. They showed a pic of her on the news but I couldnt judge her age,,, but Im sure it would be over 60.

This morning on the news they announced that a mulch pile had been excavated in a quarry, but turned up nothing. They also commented that it was searched with leads coming from a psychic, but didnt name the psychic.

Im just wondering if the quarry is the one that is owned by the sperm donors parents?

I dont live in the same town that Amanda is missing from, I have been there several times, I only live maybe 30 minutes away from there. I dont have any email addy's for LE, but I will see what I can find.
tripletmomme said:
AS far as the age of the psychic in Amandas case, I really dont know. They showed a pic of her on the news but I couldnt judge her age,,, but Im sure it would be over 60.

This morning on the news they announced that a mulch pile had been excavated in a quarry, but turned up nothing. They also commented that it was searched with leads coming from a psychic, but didnt name the psychic.

Im just wondering if the quarry is the one that is owned by the sperm donors parents?

I dont live in the same town that Amanda is missing from, I have been there several times, I only live maybe 30 minutes away from there. I dont have any email addy's for LE, but I will see what I can find.

I wonder if that was the same quarry too. Maybe they should take a real good look around that quarry. Oh boy, the lead came from a psychic. Now they will probably disregard any new leads coming from any psychic...maybe they should!

Thanks for looking for an email addy for LE or even a mail address would be fine. People talk about looking in the white pages and I haven't got a clue what they are talking about. I asked once if anyone had an address for a person's parents and was told by a relative of the family to look in the white pages. Well my phone book wouldn't have their address...we live states away from each other :confused: :eek: A kind person on here gave me their address though :D
I found that Jefferson County Sheriff's dept does still have Amanda listed on their missing persons website,

not much of an article though.

The website for the sheriffs office, along with email addresses is

Hopefully if everyone would send a "little message" something more could get done on this case. Thanks Bobbisangel for the idea of getting the email addy on here to hopefully speed this case along.

The Sheriff, Glen Boyer, does have his own email address it is
tripletmomme said:
I found that Jefferson County Sheriff's dept does still have Amanda listed on their missing persons website,

not much of an article though.

The website for the sheriffs office, along with email addresses is

Hopefully if everyone would send a "little message" something more could get done on this case. Thanks Bobbisangel for the idea of getting the email addy on here to hopefully speed this case along.

The Sheriff, Glen Boyer, does have his own email address it is

Thanks so much. I'm going to get some emails going tomorrow and see what happens. It can't hurt anything to email the sheriff. I'm going to let him know where I live just to show him that it isn't just people in Amanda's home town that care about her and want to know what they are doing to find her.
I agree lymom3, Hillsboro is in the middle of nowhere. But there is acres and acres of land all around Hillsboro that can swallow up a body.

If the family firmly believes that the sheriff is not working hard enough on this case, and the psychic is a good one, the Texas Rangers can be notified.

And Im not talking about a sports team, the Texas Rangers are a law enforcement group that not just anyone can get into. They will go into counties and investigate cases, but they must be asked to do so. Ive seen some of the guys and they are very intimidating with their raybans, khakis, cowboy hats, cowboys boots and dark sport coats.
Thanks so much for the info Txmom, but who has to be the one to ask the Texas Rangers to investigate a case? Maybe this is just what we need to get to the bottom of all of this. I know Im not the only one that would ask them to come and "do their thing"
tripletmomme said:
Thanks so much for the info Txmom, but who has to be the one to ask the Texas Rangers to investigate a case? Maybe this is just what we need to get to the bottom of all of this. I know Im not the only one that would ask them to come and "do their thing"

I'll bet it either has to be Amanda's parents or local LE. I wonder if her parents would contact the Texas Rangers? I would like to have Amanda's parents address so that I could write to them. I've wanted to do that for quite a while but wanted to wait til things settled down some.
Txmom said:
But there is acres and acres of land all around Hillsboro that can swallow up a body.
Amen to that. Lots of trees and fields and back roads.
Bobbisangel said:
I'll bet it either has to be Amanda's parents or local LE. I wonder if her parents would contact the Texas Rangers? I would like to have Amanda's parents address so that I could write to them. I've wanted to do that for quite a while but wanted to wait til things settled down some.
I was able to locate the address using
Sorry to take so long to get back online. I usually am only able to use the computer on weekends....the local sheriffs dept and police dept will not welcome the Texas Rangers to their county....but they know that when they arrive they have no choice. Let me do some checking on a phone number and or address for the Hillsboro area.

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