MO - Furious Friends Demand Answers After 3 Men Found Dead at Kansas City Home Days After Watching Football Game, January 2024 #2

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This is what I am thinking. A quick moment outside to try some type of drug that one of them had.

I know that the fiance of one of those found dead said that her boyfriend didn't use drugs. Kansas City Chiefs fan found dead did not use drugs, was ‘murdered,’ longtime girlfriend says

Still, I have to wonder if one of the three had scored some cocaine that was laced with fentanyl (unbeknownst to any of them).

In 2022 West Point cadets vacationing in Florida bought some cocaine that was laced, and they almost died. West Point cadets among group of spring breakers hospitalized from fentanyl overdose in Florida

Even if any of them had never used drugs in the past, it only takes one time if the drug happens to be laced with fentanyl.

I don't believe that the owner of the house or the 5th guy doesn't know more unless they were totally drunk and/or totally absorbed by the football game.


just quickly JW is the renter, not the owner
Apparently he worked from home, but it sounds odd, since even if you are smart working your colleagues have to know that you have clocked in. It made me suspicious too, but maybe it was a normal behaviour for him.

not necessarily
this is a high-level data scientist
they don't usually have the same restrictions as us lowly peasants ;)
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When I get off work on Friday I stay in bed until work again Monday morning. I sleep most the time, watch some tv, read on my phone. I only get up to go to the restroom or get something to eat. I also sleep with a fan on every night of the year. Personally, I don't find any of the resident's behavior unusual.

Similar to the Nathan Millard case, people have a hard time believing that "normal" every day people occasionally partake in drug use. People who use cocaine recreationally used to be able to keep that part of their lives hidden, but fentanyl being cut into cocaine has exposed recreational users through overdoses. The fact that some would think cyanide or murder over a fentanyl overdose shows me that we, as a country, are still not getting the message out about how dangerous and prevalent, even recreational drug use, has become. Fentanyl overdose are now the leading cause of deaths for people age 18-45. All my opinion.
Eta link.

wow leading cause of death 18-45!
that's surprising
I am trying to think of all the possibilities that #4 did not have any idea something took place but he was up a few times and people check their phones religiously and out of habit. He had to have seen all the texts or calls.
I can not think of a logical reason he did not check his phone. He would have needed to charge it.

maybe he had no use for it since he would've been working on his laptop
not everyone is attached at the hip to their phones IMO
I find it very peculiar that after 20 years of being friends with at least two of the guys from HS that nobody in the guys' families had JW's number or was close to him? They had to track him down on FB. Twenty years is a long time. And it seemed these guys got together regularly. So he was never invited over for dinner to the families' homes or anything like that? No interactions with anybody else in their families over the course of 20 years? Doesn't that seem odd?

did they say they didn't have his number?
Sorry, I didn’t mean to write “all” I meant that since in this article (linked below) he says that his father suffers from Alzheimer, the dogs spent most of the time with him. (Sorry, my first language is not english so sometimes I don’t explain myself at best).

you're doing fine
no worries
<modsnip: quoted post was removed>
i sleep with a LOUD fan on and headphones on. i can still hear when people are desperately banging on my door, and my bedroom is a decent length of space away from front door!!! my two cents... not to mention, "host" said he was sleeping on his couch not in his bedroom so that makes the lack of notice of door knocks/phone calls/what have you, even weirder...

do people desperately bang on your door a lot?
I sleep (upstairs) with a fan on (no headphones tho) and I slept through the house next door burning down, all the vehicles blaring sirens, all the shouting, a crowd of people literally on my front lawn and my neighbours banging frantically to get me out of the house in case the fire spread so yeah, it's possible not to hear a thing
now I agree if he was on the couch (presumably closer to the front door) and didn't hear them, it's a bit odd but it's been published that he fell asleep on the couch but later went up to his bedroom so we don't know the actual facts about that yet that I know of
found it interesting to watch Banfield's interview with David Harrington's mother...
Thanks @Chypre for mentioning it. Made me go watch it.

Oh I get your question now. I just watched it again for you...
snipped to reply ..... she told him some things that she has heard about JW (and she wasn't sure she was allowed to talk about it). She also said she "knows" #5 is telling the truth and when he left, everything was fine, and "he has nothing to do with what happened."
Hopefully that's helpful to you.

Thanks, @Forest_Wood for filling in the missing parts for me. I didn't catch that tail end. I want to catch up on the video interviews. Still, I can't shake feeling confused by all the different accounts.

I do think his mother conveyed the limbo state they're all in not having definite answers yet. MOO, she said they weren't "drug addicts" and I'm glad she managed to convey what she meant by that-- that wasn't their type of daily life style. Some family members seem worried about that term. To me, if occasional drug users than that term "addict" does not apply.

(IMO, the term "addict" means you are compelled and strung out on something you have to do continuously, maybe lie, go against your own morals to keep doing whatever, maybe even steal to keep doing whatever is your addiction. That is not the occasional drug user.)

She, and we, do not know if it was drugs. I think the Mom managed to keep an open mind that it may still turn out to be a toxic drug. Yet, she still needed to include none of the three guys could afford to buy any drugs, which implies maybe someone gave / supplied them with the drugs. I do feel the family members need to find someone to blame at this stage of their grieving, and I understand. If it were my loved one, I'd want to know who supplied that deadly drug. She says everyday is different and they feel lost. Prayers for them all.

I didn't catch the part where she said #5 left & everything was fine. Is she feeling he couldn't possibly be the supplier? While JW keeps getting the finger pointing and may also be an uninvolved bystander. MOO, I don't know if anyone did anything on purpose to harm the three men.

If they were supplied a deadly toxic laced-drug unknowingly by the supplier, then I hope it wasn't a close friend that will have to live with that horrible memory & guilt. I do get the feeling the families will push to find out who the supplier was and push for
an arrest. Can't blame them-- three young, vital men died.

All MOO and my own thoughts. Sorry, it's such a long post.

I just had a flashback.

I live in beautiful San Diego now, but I grew up in a much colder climate, and no matter the temp outside, I always slept with a fan on. Not a ceiling fan. As someone else said, I liked the constant air circulation. And the white noise.

I don't find it unbelievable at all.

YET: I just scrolled through 5 or 6 pages of posts and it seems to me that we're still in dire need of facts.
One source says this, another source says that. So I'd say we don't even know for sure if JW did indeed sleep with a fan on.

AFAIK, we still don't know for sure if the deceased watched the game at JW's house, or they watched it elsewhere and then met up at his house. Even THAT has not been confirmed one way or another.
However, an anonymous source close to the 38-year-old HIV scientist's family has revealed that he is 'devastated' that he did not get to say goodbye or go his friend's funerals - and is concerned about unfounded suspicion he believes he is facing.
View attachment 478461
Speaking to The New York Post, Willis' father said he would 'never in a million years' hurt his friends.

When pressed on inconsistencies in Willis' story, notably the fact that one of the bodies did not have a jacket on when apparently leaving his home, despite the icy cold January weather on the night, he said:

'They could've [gone] out there, it was icy and cold that night. I don't know how many cars they came in; there were three of them, and there were only two cars left on the street.

'They could've decided they wanted to go back inside his house for some reason, people leave the house all the time without coats, it doesn't matter how cold it is, so I can't answer to that statement.

'[Jordan] doesn't know what happened to them, and he never saw them again at the point that they were walking towards the front door and leaving his house.'
From linked article:
JW's family said 'What was missing from that story was context. He never once said that his friends froze to death to anyone'
I said in the first thread, that this comment had been taken out of context. I know not everyone agrees but IF he is completely innocent and had absolutely no idea as to what happened, the moment he opened the door to the police in shorts, with a glass in his hand, his whole life as turned upside down. I really feel for this guy.
From linked article:
JW's family said 'What was missing from that story was context. He never once said that his friends froze to death to anyone'
I said in the first thread, that this comment had been taken out of context. I know not everyone agrees but IF he is completely innocent and had absolutely no idea as to what happened, the moment he opened the door to the police in shorts, with a glass in his hand, his whole life as turned upside down. I really feel for this guy.

BBM for focus. Just jumping off, not aimed at you.

To my point in my previous post: has this been confirmed officially? I think it came from a family member of the deceased, but that doesn't mean it's accurate.
I see some skinny white things that could be butts or could just be leaf litter
I've circled what looks to me like cigarette butts from at least 2 different brands.
ETA: there may be more in the photo, particularly a white one to the right of the chair; also, that long white one I did circle may be a joint and not a butt. MOO YMMV
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BBM for focus. Just jumping off, not aimed at you.

To my point in my previous post: has this been confirmed officially? I think it came from a family member of the deceased, but that doesn't mean it's accurate.
I agree.
That is why I purposely said glass and shorts, not boxers and wine glasses.
But even if it was specifically boxers and a wine glass?
If he had absolutely no idea what happened, what was wrong with him answering the door in boxers, holding a wine glass?
It's not really sensational when you imagine he's a single guy working from home.
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