MO - Grief and protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown

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Honestly, at this point, we don't know for certain why he was shot. If he did have a physical altercation with the police officer as has been reported, tried to take the officers gun, then he turned to leave the scene. The police officer may have been reacting to the "public safety first" motto.
I agree. I think the police vastly mishandled the situation, but that occurred AFTER the shooting of the suspect. They should have been transparent about the robbery. Even if it meant appearing to be insensitive to a mother's grief.

I feel really sorry for the officer that has been dragged thru the mud on this. His boss didn't stand up for him and tell exactly what happened right away, IMO, which contributed to the violence, mob justice demands, and riots. Put this man's entire family at risk, as well. This officer is going to be vindicated, IMO. He was doing his job.

And why exactly wasn't Dorian Johnson arrested??

Thing is, it WAS reported in the media, I read it. Then it disappeared and all this other "stuff" came up. Maybe LE should have released the pics, shouted from the rooftops, I don't know. I do know something is fishy here because the robbery info was suppressed/disappeared. IMO
THEY DID say that back in the very beginning. The very earliest reports aid that the cop was searching for suspects in a strong armed robbery. But obviously the shooting took precedence and some of the earlier info was ignored or overlooked.

You make it sound so easy. Putting forth information during a time of civil unrest is not always that easy. Who knows what is going to set a match to a powder keg?
No. They did not not. Not in the right way. Press conference that day: Suspect shot and killed while police tried to arrest him. And then the facts of the robbery and the details that show that the police are investigating and that a CRIME was what precipitated the stop by police.

The police should have put the true and real information out there.
My opinion is this. His being involved in a strong arm robbery in no way excuses the actions of the officer and the actions of the PD after the fact. What it does for me, is get me angry at the initial reports that MB was "just jaywalking" and had no reason to resist arrest or be in a physical confrontation with the officer. It was implied that officer had lied about a physical altercation, but now it seems that it's very likely that a fight DID happen. Again, IN NO WAY does this excuse the murder of a surrendering person, even if he is a suspect in a crime. His accomplice, in the beginning, was adamant that they were innocently minding their business and that there was no reason for the officer to "disrespect" them by talking to them the way he did. With this news, it appears the officer was treating the situation as he would any situation involving a robbery suspect (initially, before the gun discharged). It casts doubt on everything the accomplice says happened, and that could cloud the investigation and overall situation, making it harder to find out what truly happened between the officer and Brown, and that is really unfortunate. Had the accomplice admitted from the beginning that they were suspected of robbery, it very likely may have had a quieter (thought not by much) outcome. People were enraged because they were told no crime had been committed for the officer to be confronting the guys.

I think in this case I feel bad for the community and all the pundits who showed up as upset as I was that this just looked like a man walking down the street and then shot by cops. It looked so bad.

And now we find out that there is more to it. That there was a crime and the officer confronted MB.

My issue is that still we need to know how far MB was when shot and where the bullets are.
But this debacle still IMO lays at the feet of the police for not being forthcoming with information.

So this whole thing lays at the cops feet?

What about DJ and his LYING about his version of events? He personally riled up the masses with his " we were walking to Grandma's " story. No mention of the strong armed robbery.

Does he have any responsibility for this event? Or is it ALL the cops fault?
So this whole thing lays at the cops feet?

What about DJ and his LYING about his version of events? He personally riled up the masses with his " we were walking to Grandma's " story. No mention of the strong armed robbery.

Does he have any responsibility for this event? Or is it ALL the cops fault?

Conflating the two incidents.

The stealing was earlier in the day, around 10AM so it is a separate incident from that, it occurred around 12PM..two frigging hours later..

Mike Brown was going to his grandmothers, I think he was a block away..
Wholeheartedly agree, oceanblueeyes, and I appreciate your sharing your point of view. I'm glad that the area you live in isn't ravaged by crime - unfortunately, it's not just in the inner city, anymore. Although it hasn't spread to where I live - I moved out of the 'hood as soon as I was financially able to - it breaks my heart to see those I grew up with, trying to raise their children on a block that USED to be safe, and now has a shooting per weekend.

In the 'burbs. It's called Maywood, and it's colloquially referred to as 'murderwood.' It's in the 'burbs. This epidemic is spreading, and it's not solely in Chicago. It is spreading across the US, and it's heartbreaking. Time for a change, IMO: Way past time for a change.

I'm worried for the town of Ferguson, and I hope that things are able to simmer down from this point on. I think complete and utter transparency with the investigation is necessary...of course, they can't do it instantly, but as soon as the results are ready they should reveal it.
The build-up isn't necessary, IMO, like they waited to release the strong-arm robbery information. I think it would have been advantageous to release this information prior. JMO

Thank you.

I do know about rampant violent crimes and it certainly isn't just happening in the inner-cities.

I live in one of the safest counties in my state but the very next town/county adjoining ours is rampant with violent crimes. Like I said previously it was ranked #46 three years ago for homicides per capita. Back in the 80s it ranked #1 in the nation.

So of course since it is in a surrounding area our local news is filled with articles about crimes happening there. It is amazing to me how there can be such a difference in one county that butts up with a county riffled with crime and one county be very safe with very little crime and the one right next to it is just the opposite.

That town that is so crime ridden has about 200K in it and is about 5 miles from where we live. It use to be a wonderful town but the DA at the time for over two decades refused to take action on gangs that had begun cropping up there. So by the time they tried to get it under control the city was too infested with drugs and gangs. And now there seems to be an armed robbery everyday or someone just walking down the street is shot for no reason and home invasions have been on the rise. It is really sad to see it actually because as a child I have so many happy memories when my family lived there. Before I moved to the county I now live in I went to school there until the 9th grade.

So many home invasions have been happening lately that the police have held several meetings with its citizens showing them how to protect themselves especially the elderly who seems to be the target a lot of times. Just this week in Georgia there was a home invasion by two suspects and they shot the father, his wife, and little girl.The father died and his wife and daughter lived. In another town about 40 miles from me there was another home invasion the very same day and the owners were beaten terribly. So while it hasn't happen in our area it does happen in surrounding areas.

I really think they didn't release the information until now because they were trying to spare Michael's parents and not disparage his name. But they really should have put out the truth from the very beginning I think. They knew if they did it right off the bat though it would only incite the passions of the protesters and they wanted calm instead. Imo, they were up against a no-win situation.

I have not commented on this case, but have watched from afar. What I feel is sad, is that the Black Panthers and Rev Jackson and the like are typically the ones that incite discord and racial tensions. Can I just say that it is a terrible thing that a young man lost his life. But, I fear for the safety of our police officers as well. They have a very tough job to do. Often times, the riots and the public judgement of the police officer's conduct is quick and without all of the facts being laid out. We do have those "witness" accounts, but as one who has followed WS for years, witness accounts can be SO wrong SO often.

Here in Utah, last year (or maybe the year before), a young girl was shot and killed by police officers. She was white, the officer was white. It didn't make the national news. No big riots. No big scene. His claim was that he thought she was going to run him over with her car. He actually was eventually charged and found guilty in her death. The charges didn't come immediately. They also didn't come because of pressure from the press. They came about from the normal course of an investigation that took time.

Also here in Utah, just the other day, a young white boy was shot and killed by a white police officer. Once again, no press. No yelling or riots. Was it a tragedy? Absolutely! Does the family think it was unjustified? I am not certain yet, but I believe that they do based upon their claims that he was unarmed.

There is reverse racism in America all of the time unfortunately. Those that claim that they want equality are often the ones that create the divide. When during one of the past riots (I believe over Trayvon Martin) happened, and a very innocent elderly woman was killed by a black man during those riots; where was the outrage?! I was outraged!! Those kinds of acts, the looting, the violence - these never bring back the dead. They just cause more to be injured - unnecessarily! They do not bring about justice. They just continue the divide that shouldn't exist.

I believe that police officers make mistakes. After all, they are human. But, I also believe that they put their lives on the line every day for us - the public. I respect them and I appreciate their service. I hope that there are not mistakes made, but we are all human. How many police officers are killed in the line of duty every week? How many times are there protests and huge informational, nationwide incidents made out of these deaths?

I hope that justice will be served either way. My personal belief in this case is that the officer will eventually be cleared. It sounds to me like he was threatened, and the suspect was fleeing (at least initially). Deadly force is not something to be used lightly, but public safety is supposed to be the officer's first concern.

Stepping down now off of my soap box! Sorry for the long post!!

Great post.

I wonder which stories got more clicks to news websites? Utah or Missouri?

Follow the money.
Getting shot wasn't "punishment". It was self-defense, IMHO.

How do the British LE, who are mostly without guns, manage to defend themselves against unarmed and armed perps alike without having to resort to using deadly force?

Are our cops here in the US just that much stupider?? Somehow I don't think it's that.

Not really addressed to you, Jeanna, just more that your post made it occur to me.

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So this whole thing lays at the cops feet?

What about DJ and his LYING about his version of events? He personally riled up the masses with his " we were walking to Grandma's " story. No mention of the strong armed robbery.

Does he have any responsibility for this event? Or is it ALL the cops fault?

None of these things justify being shot dead.

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Conflating the two incidents.

The stealing was earlier in the day, around 10AM so it is a separate incident from that, it occurred around 12PM..two frigging hours later..

Mike Brown was going to his grandmothers, I think he was a block away..

It's not a separate incident. The attempted stop by the cop was because of the prior incident at the convenience store. So the two are connected, not conflated. jmo
I dont know enough about what happened, however, I do know that if it ends up being proven that the officer just walked up to a guy with his hands in the air and shot him, that is not right and he should be prosecuted for it.

Some of the news stories seem to indicate there may have been a struggle over the gun. If the officer shot him during any kind of struggle then that is self defense of course.

So the problem appears to be trying to prove exactly what happened. I can understand the lack of information coming from LE because they may have still been trying to figure it all out. Eye witnesses to this event are going to be troublesome because some may be coerced into lying. A video of the incident seems to be the best way to prove things although this case may not have the proper video to prove what happened.

Unfortunately i think it may come down to what witnesses are going to testify to and what the LE officer says happened. A jury may have to decide who is telling the truth. Its no wonder things have gotten out of hand at this point.
No. They did not not. Not in the right way. Press conference that day: Suspect shot and killed while police tried to arrest him. And then the facts of the robbery and the details that show that the police are investigating and that a CRIME was what precipitated the stop by police.

The police should have put the true and real information out there.

Scarlett, what is the "right way" to come out publicly and say a dead young man was robbing a convenience store? That would have further inflamed the crowds, just as those on this board are saying that robbery isn't a death penalty offense. Those who don't care what led up to the shooting don't care. There was also a news article this morning that protesters became inflamed again after the evidence that MB had robbed and assaulted a clerk. It doesn't calm the situation for those who don't want to be calmed.
How do we know that he assaulted the cop? JMO

Witness statements have said he was in a fight with the officer.

Doesn't excuse the action of murdering a person, suspect or not, who has their hands in the air though.
None of these things justify being shot dead.

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No one says they do.

But they help explain the situation. They make it clear that DJ was not being totally forthcoming in his version of events. They were not stopped for jaywalking. The cop had probable cause for asking the men to stop.

And if MB was guilty of a strong armed robbery then that increases the chances that he might fight with the officer, possibly punch him, or try to steal the weapon from him. jmo
If this altercation had happened in Texas this would have been "justifiable homicide" if the shooter were a civilian.

Someone coming up, assaulting a person and then trying to grab their gun could legally have ended in the death of the assailant.
What is even crazier is the that Chief Johnson who was brought in to help just said that he did not even know about the information released until he saw it this morning..

There is a huge clustercover thing going on in this police dept.

I think what would have been a horrible event but one that would have not even made national news ordinarily became a huge nightmare because and only because of the way the police handled this.
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