MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #8

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I don't agree with Alonzo's theory about the parents, but he has, from what I can tell, been scooping the MSM on a couple of the stories - including the teen neighbor of the Irwins, and the parents/LE breakdown in cooperation/communication.

Been reading his posts for a while today. He is, as wfgodot said, quite a character. I think he plays an interesting role for the KC community - folks are often scared, especially in big cities with a higher crime rate, to call police with a tip, so Alonzo serves as a sort of middle man. People probably feel safer passing along a tip to him rather than police. He takes the tips and passes them along to police. He does sound a little puffed up, but I think his heart is in the right place.

You nailed it! He is a buffer between the tipsters and the police. He was very involved in the Precious Doe/Erica Green case.
Oh Lord, let someone come forward, let there be a good lead, let baby Lisa be found, today if it's Your will Lord! :praying:
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i have not formed an opinion yet, i need to know more. i can say i'm not ready to hang the parents from the tallest tree just yet. just hoping we get some more info soon and hoping this sweet baby is safe!!
Let's just suppose that the teenaged neighbor is responsible for taking little Lisa from her home.

He/She cannot take the baby to his/her house because his/her parents would know immediately. He/She would not need to use a car because all of these locations are within easy walking distance to his/her home.

However, he/she knows that there is a river about 4 blocks or so from the home. He/she could easily dispose of a baby in a fast flowing river in the middle of the night.

My gut feeling is that this teenager is a male and was seen by the passing motorist around midnight, he stole the baby in the middle of the night for sexual reasons, and when he was done doing what he wanted to do with her, he put her into the river. When he realized that he had stashed her clothing into a pocket of his clothing, he went to the dumpster and set the clothing on fire.

My guess is that as he was retrieving the clothing from his pocket, he inadvertently "butt dialed" one of the cell phones he had stolen from the Irwin home. Since the dumpster site, as well as his own home are in close proximity to the Irwin home, it stands to reason that cell phone pings would show as being from the same area/location--and not necessarily from the Irwin home itself.

So, that is the theory that I have been tossing around this afternoon. Any thoughts?

Also, why have we not heard of any searches being done near the riverfront if it is so close to the home?
While they haven't advertised searching the river front, their command post was within feet of it. I am sure they were looking there too, but the media isn't covering it because they were blocked from the area. Just a few feet from the riverbank is where they were unloading their atv's and such.

And your theory makes as much sense as anybody elses other than the fact of walking to the river. Too many houses would have had to be walked past to get there - mine for one and I had my windows open that night and every little thing wakes me up! (yes I am half being snarky and half serious about ME hearing it) But a squawking baby would have surely been heard if on foot. Not saying that it couldn't have been in a car though - totally plausible then.
Family of missing Missouri baby setting up reward

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Decades of statistics on infant abductions in the U.S. suggest one of the least likely scenarios in this week's disappearance of a Kansas City baby is that a stranger broke into her home and quietly snatched her from her crib.

But the numbers also lead national experts to believe that if 10-month-old Lisa Irwin were taken by an intruder in the middle of the night, as her parents told investigators, she is likely still alive.

Strangers who kidnap infants or young children, though rare, often do so because they want a child of their own, not because they intend to hurt or kill the child, said David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire.

"The recovery rate for infants is very, very high. There is real hope here," added Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in Arlington, Va<>&ps=1011

At the link:

On Saturday, police spoke with the couple on the phone but had not met with them in person, Kansas City police spokesman Capt. Steve Young said

What do you make of this comment? It strikes me as thought-provoking (but I am not sure my thoughts have any relevance to Lisa disappearing.) Are the older children "his" or "hers" but not "theirs"? Am I right assuming that Lisa is the only one in the family who is biologically related to everybody else in the family and that's why she's the glue that holds everything together? It makes me wonder if there have been some problems fusing two existing families, step-parenting etc. A bit uncomfortable with the thought that the responsibility to keep the family together falls to a ten-month old baby's shoulders.

Probably not what he meant but that's the image it evokes in my brain.

That's my take on his comments. Taking it one step farther, if Lisa were the only glue binding them, then would one of the parents take drastic measures if the other parent wanted to end their relationship? iow, "you can leave but she stays with me." There have been cases where parents have killed their children so the other parent can't "have" them.

Let's just suppose that the teenaged neighbor is responsible for taking little Lisa from her home.

He/She cannot take the baby to his/her house because his/her parents would know immediately. He/She would not need to use a car because all of these locations are within easy walking distance to his/her home.

However, he/she knows that there is a river about 4 blocks or so from the home. He/she could easily dispose of a baby in a fast flowing river in the middle of the night.

My gut feeling is that this teenager is a male and was seen by the passing motorist around midnight, he stole the baby in the middle of the night for sexual reasons, and when he was done doing what he wanted to do with her, he put her into the river. When he realized that he had stashed her clothing into a pocket of his clothing, he went to the dumpster and set the clothing on fire.

My guess is that as he was retrieving the clothing from his pocket, he inadvertently "butt dialed" one of the cell phones he had stolen from the Irwin home. Since the dumpster site, as well as his own home are in close proximity to the Irwin home, it stands to reason that cell phone pings would show as being from the same area/location--and not necessarily from the Irwin home itself.

So, that is the theory that I have been tossing around this afternoon. Any thoughts?

Also, why have we not heard of any searches being done near the riverfront if it is so close to the home?

Your brought up some good points about the cell phones, the dumpster and this could explain the reported sighting of a man carry a baby down the road that night.

I too have been thinking about this teen a lot too since I heard this morning about him/her being interviewed by LE . I don't think a sexual motive could be the only reason that teen could have been involved if they were, maybe something simple as jealousy.

From other post it was said that this teen was in the Irwin house earlier in the day on Monday. Was the teen aware that JI was going to be working that night?

I assume the teen knew JI longer, what did the teen think of DB? Did this teen spent a lot of time at the house babysitting JI's son before DB moved in?Could the teen have gotten rid of the child thinking it would break JI and DB up and DB would move out?

I have heard of crazier things happening.

Be interesting to know if this was the first time that LE talked to the teen and who suggested to them that they do.
You nailed it! He is a buffer between the tipsters and the police. He was very involved in the Precious Doe/Erica Green case.
Thanks for reminding me that Alonzo's out there, being provocative, if nothing else. He can be a sharp cookie. I forgot all about that KC crime link.
DB said door to Lisa's nursery was open - said they always close it when Lisa goes to sleep at night.

Not necessarily new - but I want to comment on the baby monitor. DB said she didn't hear anything on the monitor. Question: what good is a baby monitor if no one hears anything on it?

I guess one way you don't hear anything is if 'this one night' you 'forgot' to turn it on?......
I've missed the teen neighbor angle. All that I can gather is the teen was a neighbor who was over often? And may know "codes" from the house? I've only garnered that from skimming as I'm packing and moving. Fun but grueling at the same time.

Anyway, if someone feels up to filling me in that would be really appreciated!
Lisa Irwin Timeline

A few good news/video links:

Monday October 3, 2011

Abducted by intruder through bedroom window. Far right window of house.

UPDATE—according to police spokesman window may not be correct.

3620 block of North Lister 64117


Lisa in bed at 7:30 p.m. Debbie in bed at 10:30 after checking on Lisa. 6 year old son slept with Debbie in parents room. Point of entry by abductor was unlocked front door, window mentioned earlier was NOT tampered with.
Irwin, an electrician, said he returned from work around 4 a.m. Tuesday and discovered Lisa was missing. Bradley said she last checked on the child around 10:30 p.m., then fell asleep in her bed with her 6-year-old son and a stray kitten they found earlier in the day.

Read more:

Tuesday October 4, 2011 3:30 a.m. (first report stated it was 4:00 a.m.) Father returns home from work and discovered baby missing from crib.,0,3181219.story

UPDATE 10-6-11 3 cell phones also taken. One does not even work. Also, dad came home to find front door unlocked, most of the lights on and front window open.

Jeremy Irwin, Lisa’s father, told local media that whoever took his daughter also took all three of their cell phones so they couldn’t call anybody, including 911.

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~one of the cell phones did not work.. all three were on the counter and she was in the midst of reprogramming them/putting numbers into them

~phones were gone

~she did not notice if anything else was taken.. all she cares about is that the baby was gone.

~she grabbed the boys and went out into the yard and flagged down LE when they pulled into the yard

~she said nothing else appeared to be missing but she does not know

(thank you NBM)


Other two sons asleep in different bedrooms. (sons are half brothers to Lisa-the 6 year old is Debbie’s and the 8 year old is Jeremy’s from previous relationships.)—Correction. One son—the 6 year old was asleep with the mom and a stray kitten he had found earlier in the day.

Father is electrician that works nights. This night was the first night he EVER worked at night.—Jeremy

Mother is a SAHM--Debbie

Monday October 3, 2011 10:00 p.m. Last seen in crib wearing purple shorts and purple shirt with white kittens on it.

**Possibly seen by Mr. Parscale (a man that lives in the area) according to his wife Lisa around 12:00 a.m. Tuesday wearing only a diaper being carried by a male. Quote from Lisa--“He seen the guy act like he was going to go into a residence,” Parscale said, “but then my husband drove off so we’re thinking that maybe he was just doing that so that my husband would leave.”

**Parscale says her husband saw the man walking on a street perpendicular to North Lister, where Lisa Irwin lives with her parents and brothers.

Tuesday October 4, 2011 3:30 a.m. (first report stated it was 4:00 a.m.) Father returns home from work and discovered baby missing from crib. Father calls 911 around 4:04 a.m.

UPDATE at 2:00 p.m. October 4 presser Capt. Steve Young speaking—Parents’ story has no holes. Looking into neighbor that possibly saw Lisa being carried by the male. No suspects other than neighbor sighting.

Tuesday October 4, 2011 approx. 7:00 p.m. amber alert cancelled. Lisa is considered a MISSING/ENDANGERED JUVENILE. Per police the alert has served it’s purpose. Police and dogs will search for a while into the night.

*** Tuesday night authorities searched a van and car at the home. There is no word on what police found or were looking for. Officers searching for the child focused on areas near the family's home such as railroad tracks near the north side of the Missouri River and a wooded area behind the home.,0,6273053.story

Tuesday 9:25 p.m.

Mass exodus of police from the command center. Looks like K-9's are finished searching for the night. Police search will continue in AM
by cliffjudy via twitter 9:25 P
**family stayed with relatives after being questioned until 10:30 p.m.

Wednesday October 5, 2011

9:00 a.m. press conference Capt. Steve Young speaking—basically no new information. Still searching with dogs, however there have been no hits. Parents not ruled out, but also not suspects. Very cooperative.

** KMBC's Jana Corrie: Children who were also inside the home at the time of the disappearance staying with neighbors

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**conflicting reports…unless the Grandparents are being referred to as “neighbors”

NBC Action News reporter Sloane Heller reports Lisa’s grandparents are watching the couple’s other children and have not been able to reach them since earlier Tuesday.

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Next news conference sometime this afternoon.
2:00 news conference—Jeremy spoke with Deborah (Bradley?) by his side. Begged for baby to be dropped off somewhere safe. The brothers are waiting to see their sister. Declined to take questions.

Again, Capt. Has no leads, not ruling out anything. 300 knocks and searches. 46 tips. No ransom note. Family is free to go where they would like. Family does not want to be at house.
**Alleged sighting of Lisa with a middle aged white male and female at a Love’s gas station in St. Joseph, MO I-29 and US HWY 169. Driving older model SUV. Article came out around 5:15 p.m. Surveillance video has been turned over to LE. Police say it doesn’t seem to be a major lead.

Thursday October 6, 2011

**Jeremy and Debbie provided LE with a list of 9 names of people that could be possible suspects.

**Per Debbie regarding cell phones and possible other missing items:
~one of the cell phones did not work.. all three were on the counter and she was in the midst of reprogramming them/putting numbers into them

~phones were gone

~she did not notice if anything else was taken.. all she cares about is that the baby was gone.

~she grabbed the boys and went out into the yard and flagged down LE when they pulled into the yard

~she said nothing else appeared to be missing but she does not know

(thank you NBM)

** police detectives are meeting early this morning to talk about where to search next.

**per Debbie, “Lisa is very sweet and will go to almost anybody.”

**per Jeremy, window was not tampered with, so perp (s) must have come in through unlocked front door.

**Lisa went to bed at 7:30 p.m. Debbie went to bed at 10:30 after checking on Lisa. 5 year old son slept with Debbie in parents room.


***Debbie and Jeremy have a heated discussion with LE before speeding off in police car to command center to find out about possible new lead.,0,5671503.story


**the list of suspects provided by the parents is now up to 12.---suspects all cleared
Capt. Young: "the mother and father no longer want to cooperate with detectives."

Read more:

Originally Posted by BeanE [ame=""]
[/ame]--thank you BeanE
Capt. Young: "There is no doubt they informed us that they no longer wish to cooperate with the investigation."
by Brian Foster - 8:05 PM

Capt. Young: "We have no plans to close the command center yet, but it will close at some point."
by Brian Foster - 8:04 PM

Capt. Young: "I don't have to illustrate how their lack of cooperation hurts the investigation."by Brian Foster - 8:03 PM

Capt. Young: "I cannot get into the details of the investigation."
by Brian Foster - 8:03 PM

Capt. Young: "the mother and father no longer want to cooperate with detectives."by Brian Foster - 8:02 PM

Capt. Young: "We don't have any suspect. If we had enough to charge anyone with, we'd probably be pursuing charges."
by Brian Foster - 8:02 PM

Capt. Young: "We don't have any suspects. From an investigative standpoint we've enjoyed their cooperation"
by Brian Foster - 8:02 PM

Capt. Young": The parents have intimate information as to what's been going on...our door is open and it doesn't help that they are no longer cooperating"
by Brian Foster - 8:02 PM

Capt. Young: "They've always been free and cooperative up until this point, but they've decided to stop cooperating"
by Brian Foster - 8:01 PM

Capt. Steve Young: Mother and father of baby Lisa Irwin have stopped cooperating with police
by Brian Foster - 8:01 PM

"This evening we will be shutting down the command post. We believe we have done all we can regarding geographic searches and will continue tracking leads as we get them or develop additional information," police Officer Darin Snapp said in a news release.

Read more:

Family statement: We saw the press conference at 7 PM, and we want you to know we have never stopped cooperating with police.
by Brian Foster - 9:11 PM

Read more:

Friday October 7, 2011
(thank you BeanE for gathering these)
#LisaIrwin's mom:We want to thank everybody who has helped us so far.
1 minute ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: we are not angry, we just want our daughter home, that's all we care about.
2 minutes ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: we appreciate everything the police dept. has done, we appreciate everything everybody has done.
2 minutes ago

#LisaIrwin mom: we don't know, which is why we need everybody to continue to look for her...because we want her home, we can't do this alone
21 seconds ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: "he's a good father and he's good to me and he loves her and everybody loves her, but no, there's no way." (about father)
38 seconds ago

#LisaIrwin's dad: hasn't taken polygraph but "if that's what it takes..."
3 minutes ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: "what do you say when someone tells you that and you know you didn't do anything."
4 minutes ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: volunteered to take polygraph, told failed. Says that's not possible.
4 minutes ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: We don't care what anybody thinks, we don't care what they think, our concern is to find Lisa, our Lisa.
5 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

#LisaIrwin's Mom: don't have hard feelings, not mad, this is what they (police) have to do.
5 minutes ago

#LisaIrwin's Mom: police really nice yesterday, not like that the first time.
6 minutes ago

**Debbie failed LDT. Jeremy has offered, but LE said it’s not necessary.

Floor plan of Debbie and Jeremy’s home (thank you Carriebean)

**a neighbor in the area also had her dog come up missing the same night. (maybe related, maybe not)
**FBI cleared all the people that Jeremy and Debbie mentioned as possible suspects.


***Call made from Irwin home at 2:30 a.m.—I can’t find anything else about this, so regard as rumor.

**Debbie failed the LDT “MISERABLY”

** Jeremy at work constructing a new Starbucks (company? All Current Electric)

**Per the great grandfather (see the end of the following video at the 1:16 mark)

The GGFather then says "they are supposed to...with their lawyer offer some kind of statement to the press at a later time...(-00:19)

Then the reporter then says " you just heard, the couple has now hired a lawyer .....

Thank you to Hazel for finding this!
***ANONYMOUS TIP—LE searching Shawnee Kansas landfill.

**FBI: This is the second time they've searched the JOCO landfill. The first was Tuesday - hours after #LisaIrwin was reported missing.
10 minutes ago

**Searching landfill----possible connection to a dumpster fire at 4897 NE 37 st at 2:27 a.m. Tuesday, October 4. Dumpster less than ½ mile from Irwin home. Trash from fire been examined twice.,0,5538504.story

#LisaIrwin update: FBI not saying what, if anything, found at landfill.
**searching using metal detectors behind the Irwin house.

** possible sighting in California

Thanks to BeanE:

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
#LisaIrwin prayer vigil beginning now.
12 minutes ago

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
I also asked #LisaIrwin's aunt if she or family members were getting any sleep. She said, "Not a wink."
38 minutes ago

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
Walking around P&L District with #LisaIrwin's aunt as she passes out fliers with Lisa's picture.
1 hour ago

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
Talked briefly off camera with #LisaIrwin's aunt last night. Asked how her brother (Lisa's dad) was holding up. "He's a wreck."
4 hours ago

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
About to head out to 6pm missing person flyer hanging & 9pm prayer vigil for #LisaIrwin. Family plans to attend both.
4 hours ago

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
#LisaIrwin RT @itsvann @CliffJudy Prayer vigil location has changed to Penguin Park off of Vivion Rd @ 9pm
5 hours ago

LindsayShively Lindsay Shively
Just watched a 'nat'l media crew' tape a missing poster to a tree, shoot it then take it down. Not ok. Not journalism.
9 hours ago

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
Family statement denied what police are saying, brought focus back to #LisaIrwin, and even thanked PD. Another statement planned tomorrow.
20 hours ago

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
What does latest in #LisaIrwin case mean? PD strategy: pressure parents. At very least, KCPD thinks parents not as forthcoming as possible.
20 hours ago

Cliff Judy
@CliffJudy Kansas City
Reporter for KMBC 9 in Kansas City.!/CliffJudy

Saturday October 8, 2011

Re-cap—everyone cleared except for Debbie

**Possible new lead. Teenage neighbor being questioned. Also, DNA taken from teen. Neighbor was home the day Lisa disappeared and also knew the code to get into the garage.

Tweets (thank you BeanE)

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
#LisaIrwin's family says parents unavailable right now, but still hoping to talk today. Again, stay tuned.
32 minutes ago

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
Was supposed to do 1-on-1 interview with #LisaIrwin's parents at 11:00 (scheduled talks with all stations). Family's not here. Stay tuned.
34 minutes ago

CliffJudy Cliff Judy
Got call from #LisaIrwin's family this morning. Upset media still reporting no cooperation with PD. Says they talked to feds, PD 2x yest
57 minutes ago

Cliff Judy
@CliffJudy Kansas City
Reporter for KMBC 9 in Kansas City!/CliffJudy

**Parents agree to meet with police today

Debbie Bradley and Jeremy Irwin had agreed to conduct a 10 a.m. interview Saturday with KCTV5 about the disappearance of their daughter, Lisa Irwin.
The interview was abruptly canceled because the parents had agreed to meet with detectives to talk about the disappearance of baby Lisa, a family spokesman told KCTV5.
This comes after police on Thursday had said Irwin and Bradley were no longer cooperating with detectives. The parents have denied this.

**Parents trying to set up trust fund to encourage more tips.

Mike LeRette — a cousin of the baby's mother, Deborah Bradley, and a spokesman for the family — said lawyers are now working with the family to set up a trust fund that would accept donations for a reward fund.

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Kansas City police confirm they have talked with Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley by phone today.
by Karen Yancey 1:21 PM

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i have not formed an opinion yet, i need to know more. i can say i'm not ready to hang the parents from the tallest tree just yet. just hoping we get some more info soon and hoping this sweet baby is safe!!

I agree - I hope, and the chances are usually good, that this baby is safe as well.
or perhaps there are those that prefer to consider every possible angle and explanation before drawing judgment and conclusion.
Either which way not up to us to judge other members and their point of view- just challenge the point of view without challenging the members.For example- terms like "excuse maker" is highly derogatory and hardly representative of those that consider alternate theories.

I deleted my post....
Teenage neighbor has been named a POI?
I have a genuine question.. I have been lurking on little Lisa's case when it was brought to my attn thru following little Aliayah's case out of WV.. And thus far have stayed in lurkdom here on Lisa's thread due to so many of you all already asking and discussing all of the issues and details that I have questioned or find to interesting and/or telling.. I have not seen this discussed at any length(but easily could have missed where it was).. But what springs to mind as being "odd" to me was something from fairly early on and I still have yet to make sense of it in my mind.. Therefor I genuinely would like to inquire to all of you would this be the norm is you were ever to find yourself in a similar nightmare of one of our own children having been abducted.. Because in putting myself in their shoes and going with the circumstances being exactly as they are being told to be(I.e. Someone entered the home during the night when mom and 3 children were sleeping and abducted baby Lisa.. And upon dad returning home from working his first night shift he discovers 10 month old Lisa is gone and their 3 cell phones are taken).. In putting myself in that scenario I cannot fathom in my wildest dreams that myself and my husband would be able to come up with an actual list of MORE THAN 10 DIFFERENT INDIVIDUALS that we found to be suspicious and even remotely possible that they came in our home and abducted our youngest baby of 10mos in age!?!???!

So, I wanted to ask of you all following this case what is you alls opinion on this issue?? Do you all find that to be of no significance or alarming on any level!? Do you all in thinking of your circle of fam and friends, acquantices, co-workers, if you found yourself in similar situation would you be able to list more than 10 individuals to whom you feel could possibly the perp that abducted your child??? I know that we can't because I have brought this exact issue to me hubby and we both agreed that this just wasn't even remotely possible for us to come up with even a handful.. Much less a dozen different ppl we know that we'd feel capable of such a crime!! Never in a million years!!

This is something in all the many cases I have never seen a family come up with a list right off the bat of such great magnitude of ppl in and around their lives that the parents believe strong enough that these persons are capable of committing such a crime that they put them on a list and handed over to LE to investigate them..

Are we the strange ones?? That we don't know of a dozen ppl we could list?? Is that strange?? Because I am very alarmed at a family being able to compile such an extensive list of possibilities.. Do most agree??

So, that's my question.. Is this norm.. Or do u find this normal?? Or is this unusual ??

I just know that in my putting ourselves(hubby and I) in these peoples exact shoes that this list of a dozen individuals just is not probable, plausible, nor even possible for us personally to do???


Glad you mentioned this, I can't get this case out of my mind. As I was cleaning my kitchen a little while ago, that same thing came into my mind. I thought it was "9" people, perhaps it was 10, but anyway there is no way I could come up with a list of even one suspicious person, much less 9!!

I thought that odd too. Maybe we are just reading too much into it, but it is a bit bizarre if true. JMHO
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