MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #9

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The screen: was said that when he went into computer room to turn out light the window was open, screen was pushed out, but not completly and no one could have got thru the window like it was. I'm not 100% sure i got all this right, so feel free to correct me. :crazy:

He said the screen was pushed part way in (as if pushed from the outside in).[/QUOTE]

You are correct. He did say that the way that the screen was pushed out that no one could have entered through the window. JMO, but this sounded as if the window was pushed out from the inside.
In regards to the baby monitor..

1. It's entirely possible that the mom had the volume turned down on the baby monitor (or, had the baby monitor on the wrong channel...) without even realizing it. Unless the volume was turned way up, the mother wouldn't have heard much of anything aside from crying..

2. It's also entirely possible that Lisa didn't cry. Lifting a sleeping infant out of a crib wouldn't sound like much (if anything..) on the baby monitor. When my daughter is sound asleep, you can lift her from her crib and she won't make a sound. It's very possible that the abductor was quiet and careful not to startle/wake her. Therefore, mom would hear nothing on the baby monitor.

3. It's ALSO entirely possible that the abductor entered Lisa's room and noticed the baby monitor right away (usually monitors have numerous lights on them, etc) and disabled it in some way (turned the volume down, changed the channel, unplugged it, etc) and then re-enabled it to the way it was (so it didn't look suspicious) before leaving.

In all 3 of those scenarios, the mother would have heard nothing out of the ordinary on the monitor.
2 yr old blue eyed blond, 3ft 30 lbs. Strange sounds like a little older Lisa

I'm pretty sure all that info except the height and age match. Lisa is blue eyed, blonde hair, and 30lbs.

The only differences is Lisa is 10 months, and 30 inches tall.

The weight, eye, and hair color are all the same.
I like to think the best of people until proven wrong, so I'll just say that if I lived in a "working class" neighborhood and was getting by on one income so I could raise my kids myself and my husband was working nights, I'd probably need money to hire a lawyer. I'd make a media deal in a heartbeat if I thought it would not harm the case and would provide my family with help we needed.

Also, it's unlikely that most of us would not have things in our past that might make it to be considered "checkered" if our child went missing. It's the way things look after the fact. Little gambling problem that makes bills late? Many people have that. A DUI? Many people have that. Troubled former marriage, ditto. Only when the child goes missing do these look "suspicious." It's a false form of reasoning, like the conclusions we draw on meeting someone where we've already heard something about them that was negative - whether or not what we heard was true or in context or whatever.

I feel for this family and hope they had nothing to do with it - and I haven't seen any evidence yet to suggest they did.

This is one of the best posts I've seen here. Thank you for your voice of reasoning!
So if mom did it, why would she have all the lights make it look like.... ?
I have a 13 pound ShihTzu who is exactly the same way.

If this was an intruder who tried to break into the window, it didn't work, lets try the front door, turn on the lights because I can't see what I'm doing, the dog is in the back, however its in the middle of the night, its quiet, any dog would hear something. IMO

Also, sorry if this was mentioned, isn't 4am an odd time to return from the nightshift? Isn't nightshift normally 11pm-7am?


Dad is an electrician and was working at a commercial job site. he is not actually a "shift worker" in the classically understood way. It is common in the construction and related trades to work at night after business hours on commercial jobs. Usually in those circumstances, the work ends when the work is done or when the workers have reached the level of completion they set as their goal for the night. In other words, no set hours but more what is called for on each specific job.

Hope that helps
So far, I haven't seen any "facts" released by unnamed sources that have proved to be lies. The media has to continue working with LE and they aren't going to do anything to upset LE.

I agree that LE do lie but I doubt they lied to the Mom if they accused her of being involved days before giving her a poly.


I don't really want to compare cases here. But didn't Billie Dunn state that LE told her SA failed his poly prior to her taking her poly? Then we have DB saying that LE accused her of killing her baby prior to taking her poly. And both BD and DB are stating on national tv that they have failed their polys.

And isn't it interesting that they have the same letters in their initials? LOL


Seriously, I am having a hard time with the stories. I surely hope that Baby Lisa is safe and alive and will be found pronto, and that these parents are not involved. God forbid, I am tired of parents doing harm to their children. It's sickening and heartbreaking that these sweet babies and children are being harmed.
Someone please tell me why a mother of an infant would sleep with the door to the infant's room closed and the door to the mother's room closed and she apparently doesn't respond to a monitor in the baby's room??????? Why on earth would a mother close the door to her room? With a sick infant in a closed room as well??
Better yet, how could Mom not notice all the lights going on? Even if it were my own children turning on lights, if it were in the middle of the night, I'd notice right away.

That's one of those things stg that make us moms scratch our heads. I could even hear my children click the light switches.

I'm trying to give this mom the benefit of the doubt, But something about her story and her demeaner smell.

I am just guessing here,but I think this is what SY meant when he said-it would be good for the parents to talk with the media!!- also-my girlfriend was dating a wacko for about a month and he was stalking her..she caught him on her porch one night and the dog did not bark-he told her the worst thing she did was let him get to know her dog!!
I predicted earlier this would be solved by Sunday... after tonight's interview on CNN I am sure of it... Please, justice... don't let me down! I can tell LE knows what " the deal " is....

Lots of times, LE "knows" things or seems to, and there is no resolution, i.e. Kyron...Susan P....etc...

Dad is an electrician and was working at a commercial job site. he is not actually a "shift worker" in the classically understood way. It is common in the construction and related trades to work at night after business hours on commercial jobs. Usually in those circumstances, the work ends when the work is done or when the workers have reached the level of completion they set as their goal for the night. In other words, no set hours but more what is called for on each specific job.

Hope that helps

You are correct. Electricians are frequently scheduled to do tie-ins at night so that work will not be delayed or interferred with during the day with the other crafts.
In regards to the baby monitor..

1. It's entirely possible that the mom had the volume turned down on the baby monitor (or, had the baby monitor on the wrong channel...) without even realizing it. Unless the volume was turned way up, the mother wouldn't have heard much of anything aside from crying..

2. It's also entirely possible that Lisa didn't cry. Lifting a sleeping infant out of a crib wouldn't sound like much (if anything..) on the baby monitor. When my daughter is sound asleep, you can lift her from her crib and she won't make a sound. It's very possible that the abductor was quiet and careful not to startle/wake her. Therefore, mom would hear nothing on the baby monitor.

3. It's ALSO entirely possible that the abductor entered Lisa's room and noticed the baby monitor right away (usually monitors have numerous lights on them, etc) and disabled it in some way (turned the volume down, changed the channel, unplugged it, etc) and then re-enabled it to the way it was (so it didn't look suspicious) before leaving.

In all 3 of those scenarios, the mother would have heard nothing out of the ordinary on the monitor.

That would be one danged lucky kidnapper!
Why was LE saying to her from Day 1 that she had killed Lisa? Before she even took the poly? Why weren't they saying she sold her? Or let someone take her? Or gave her away? Why right to having killed her? From day 1.

The dog didn't bark. No sound on the baby monitor. But a window bent and popped out. And possibly something woke up the little boy and he went and got into bed with mom?

My head hurts.


Why? IMO, because this story has never made sense from Day 1.
Someone please tell me why a mother of an infant would sleep with the door to the infant's room closed and the door to the mother's room closed and she apparently doesn't respond to a monitor in the baby's room??????? Why on earth would a mother close the door to her room? With a sick infant in a closed room as well??

I don't get closing the baby up all alone on the first night with daddy gone, sick or not...why all these closed doors? Especially if she doesn't have a phone near her?

I don't like comparing what I do to what someone else does...(but here I go anyway); my husband has worked 7pm-3:30AM for the last 15 years and I can barely sleep until he is home, and hear every little noise and keep lights on in the front of the house. And I am not a nervous person, just want to make the house look "awake". And I don't even have kids to worry about.
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