GUILTY MT - Sherry Arnold, 43, Sidney, 7 Jan 2012 - #4

timeline here

not sure if differs anyway from above
Thank you for posting this additional link... does appear at a glance to be identical to the timeline data I incorporated & linked from the KTVQ website.

(FYI for nonlocals: Both sources are Montana CBS news affiliates who apparently share material; KAJ18 is Kalispell, and KTVQ is Billings.)

Thank you for your map. Nice job and very helpful.

Hoping and praying that Sherry is found soon!
U.S. oil shale boom puts big squeeze on small towns

Small towns in the northwest are experiencing the negative consequences of boomtowns, including an uptick in both crime and the fear of crime.

By Laura Zuckerman and Lori Grannis, ReutersSun, Feb 26 2012 at 1:24 PM EST

The suspected kidnapping and murder of a Montana teacher by two men said to be seeking work in the oilfields of North Dakota underscores the darker side of a regional energy boom that has pumped jobs and money as well as newcomers and crime into rural towns.

Stepped-up oil and gas development in northwestern North Dakota and northeastern Montana is punctuating the landscape with drilling rigs, trucks and hastily erected barracks, known as "man camps," to house thousands of mostly male workers crowding into small communities where residents once greeted each other by name and left their homes and cars unlocked.

Even as oil and gas companies pour hundreds of millions of tax dollars into those states, leaders of boomtowns like Williston, North Dakota, and neighboring Sidney, Montana, say they are ill-equipped to cope with the rapid influx of people, traffic, construction, crime and soaring demand for housing.


More at link:
anyone on the ground in williston area that can check out a junk yard not far from the walmart?
LOL......REALLY?:what: what do U have in mind?

theres an old junk yard back behind the walmart a few miles. it fits the description ms gave to le and after talking to some former locals it may still be the type of place these guys could go unnoticed..just an idea

Court documents filed by the prosecutor in the case indicate 22-year-old Michael Spell of Parachute, Colo., has confessed to his role in the crack-fueled abduction and killing of 43-year-old Sherry Arnold of Sidney, Mont.

Harry Spell said his son &#8212; who can&#8217;t read or write and has no driver&#8217;s license &#8212; was anxious to prove himself to his parents and girlfriend Angel Cruz, with whom he has a 1-year-old son.

Court documents filed by the prosecutor in the case indicate 22-year-old Michael Spell of Parachute, Colo., has confessed to his role in the crack-fueled abduction and killing of 43-year-old Sherry Arnold of Sidney, Mont.

Harry Spell said his son — who can’t read or write and has no driver’s license — was anxious to prove himself to his parents and girlfriend Angel Cruz, with whom he has a 1-year-old son.

One question for HS, why doesn't MS have an education at 22 yrs old? It kinda sounds like they're leaning towards incompetency here... anyone know if MS had a psych eval in jail?
One question for HS, why doesn't MS have an education at 22 yrs old? It kinda sounds like they're leaning towards incompetency here... anyone know if MS had a psych eval in jail?

I know from family experience that wrestling with the public school system for a child with special needs can be incredibly difficult.

My ex-sister-in-law (who I still love like a sister) has a little boy who had a brain bleed two years ago at age seven. He wasn't expected to live and then he wasn't expected to come out of the coma. But he did and he did! However, he'd lost almost all his developmental skills, like walking, talking, fine motor skills, almost everything. He couldn't even crawl at first.

A year ago and hundreds of hours of intensive therapy later, he was finally able to start back at school. And OMG, what a hassle. My ex-sil ended up getting a lawyer to protect his rights to a free education. My ex-sil used to be a paralegal (had to stop working when her little boy was stricken) and her old firm is representing her pro bono.

How many parents, particularly poor parents, have the background and resources to do something like that? My ex-sil wouldn't have been able to afford to pay for legal representation for her son (her old firm has already put in hundreds of billable hours on his case, fighting with the school district).

My ex-sil spends a *LOT* of time checking up with his teacher and his individual aide as to his progress in school, whether his environment is safe, whether they are complying with his Individual Education Plan or not, etc. And that is in addition to the 48 hours of continuing therapy each week.

In the first two months of the current school year, her son was left or put into three different dangerous situations. He can't be handled like a normal child because he's not yet normal but that doesn't mean he isn't entitled to an education and appropriate environment. My ex-sil's lawyer finally had to send a letter threatening the sue the school district before the school finally decided maybe it would be a good idea to remove four different environmental hazards from the classroom!!! Three out of the four hazards weren't just hazards for my ex-sil's son, they were hazards for all the children in the classroom.

Oh man, I could just go on and on but my point is that it can be incredibly difficult to get public schools to fulfil their legal responsibilities towards each student. And if the parents are not incredibly adept at working the system or in a position to get an attorney to safeguard their child's rights... well, it's no surprise to me when I read of someone who fell through the gaping chasms in the school system.
I know it's hard for MS family to except this! I have no sympathy for him. Even kids at the age of 7 know better. He already has a rap sheet so how was he influenced there. No sympathy--sorry folks.

I do feel sorry for his family and particularly for his girlfriend, AC.

As I recall, Spell called home and told AC what had happened because he was feeling remorse. AC talked to a friend who sent in a tip. As soon as LE contacted AC and the family, they were cooperative.

That's got to be a really, really hard position to be in.

I think they're doing the best they can. Sure, there's a possibility they aren't fully accepting what their son/boyfriend did but you know what? I can't say for sure I'd be able to do so in their position either.

If his father's estimation of his educational level is correct, then I think it is possible that Spell may have a history of being unduly influenced by other people.

In any case, I'm not going to bag on them yet. They really do sound like they are struggling and yet still trying to be cooperative with LE. What more could anyone ask of them?

Court documents filed by the prosecutor in the case indicate 22-year-old Michael Spell of Parachute, Colo., has confessed to his role in the crack-fueled abduction and killing of 43-year-old Sherry Arnold of Sidney, Mont.

Harry Spell said his son — who can’t read or write and has no driver’s license — was anxious to prove himself to his parents and girlfriend Angel Cruz, with whom he has a 1-year-old son.

BBM Well this was an epic fail assuming he was trying to prove himself in a positive light.

If HS and AC really believed MS was as inept as they are trying to portray, IMO they would have already declared him as incompetent, obtained disability benefits for him and be handling his money for him. No way do I believe they would have been sending him out into the cold, bitter winter of Montana to work around dangerous oil equipment with a major criminal. IMO they would have reported him missing/abducted if they thought he was not capable of handling himself with Waters or the world in general. Not buying one bit of that. MOO

Being illiterate does not mean you are mentally or socially retarded. If he was, we likely would have heard reports of that by now such as him acting inappropriate or scaring people because of his odd ways. How does AC explain having sex and a baby with someone who is on the level of a kindergarten child?

Someone who graduated high school with me was illiterate but somehow got by and fooled everyone. He went on to hold a supervisory position and did very well for himself.
BBM Well this was an epic fail assuming he was trying to prove himself in a positive light.

If HS and AC really believed MS was as inept as they are trying to portray, IMO they would have already declared him as incompetent, obtained disability benefits for him and be handling his money for him. No way do I believe they would have been sending him out into the cold, bitter winter of Montana to work around dangerous oil equipment with a major criminal. IMO they would have reported him missing/abducted if they thought he was not capable of handling himself with Waters or the world in general. Not buying one bit of that. MOO

Being illiterate does not mean you are mentally or socially retarded. If he was, we likely would have heard reports of that by now such as him acting inappropriate or scaring people because of his odd ways. How does AC explain having sex and a baby with someone who is on the level of a kindergarten child?

Someone who graduated high school with me was illiterate but somehow got by and fooled everyone. He went on to hold a supervisory position and did very well for himself.

Yes.... all excellent points!
"............Oh man, I could just go on and on but my point is that it can be incredibly difficult to get public schools to fulfil their legal responsibilities towards each student. And if the parents are not incredibly adept at working the system or in a position to get an attorney to safeguard their child's rights... well, it's no surprise to me when I read of someone who fell through the gaping chasms in the school system."

Oh I know first hand just how hard it can be... I wrangled the NYC school systems Special Ed for my children for many years. I feel bad for the family but MS is an adult and made adult choices. Justice for Sherrys family is due. The beloved math teacher that will be missed for generations to come.... RIP Sherry
Are you able to view the photos? or does photobucket require sign in?

I was able to view the photo.

Thanks for the lead, and thanks for the idea. I live in So CA, so I won't be able to search.
But...if anyone does so, thank you...and be VERY CAREFUL! :please:
BBM Well this was an epic fail assuming he was trying to prove himself in a positive light.

If HS and AC really believed MS was as inept as they are trying to portray, IMO they would have already declared him as incompetent, obtained disability benefits for him and be handling his money for him. No way do I believe they would have been sending him out into the cold, bitter winter of Montana to work around dangerous oil equipment with a major criminal. IMO they would have reported him missing/abducted if they thought he was not capable of handling himself with Waters or the world in general. Not buying one bit of that. MOO

Being illiterate does not mean you are mentally or socially retarded. If he was, we likely would have heard reports of that by now such as him acting inappropriate or scaring people because of his odd ways. How does AC explain having sex and a baby with someone who is on the level of a kindergarten child?

Someone who graduated high school with me was illiterate but somehow got by and fooled everyone. He went on to hold a supervisory position and did very well for himself.


Have you ever been involved in an application for SSI benefits for a young person in good physical condition who has a mental disability? I'm involved in that situation right now and it is not simple, quick or easy.

The person I am trying to get benefits for cannot hold down an entry level job (she's tried and failed multiple times), she has medical charts and test results inches thick diagnosing her mental disability and she's already been denied twice.

She lives with me and I know first hand that she cannot follow a three item list even if it is written down (and she is literate). She cannot handle money. She has absolutely zero judgment with people but we've been informed that unless she gets SSI, it is highly unlikely we can get her declared legally incompetent.

If Spell has ever been able to hold down a job, even odd jobs, that makes the likelihood of him being granted SSI even lower.

If you don't have legal guardianship over someone, what exactly do you propose to do if that person announces what seems to you to clearly be a cockamanie scheme to leave with someone you think is skeevy, go somewhere and find work? You're not allowed to handcuff them to their bed!
Thanks for the lead, and thanks for the idea. I live in So CA, so I won't be able to search.
But...if anyone does so, thank you...and be VERY CAREFUL! :please:

I decided to submit it to le after reading that last article...they may have already checked it. but, ya never know, worth a try.

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