Nancy Grace 10-14

The car switcharoo probably amounts to nothing. But it doesn't appear LE was aware of it beforehand. Oops on the part of the bondsman, whatever his reason for participating were.

Casey Anthony was taken to jail after officers observed her switch cars on a highway and pulled her over, an Orange County Sheriff's Department spokesman said.

After the indictment, undercover officers followed Anthony as she traveled in her mother's SUV. The officers saw the SUV stop under a highway overpass, at which point Anthony got into another vehicle and drove off. Officers made the traffic stop after she entered the second vehicle, the spokesman said.

It was an attempt to keep the press from taping her arrest. To 'punish' the media and everyone watching. It's the mind set that is going on with them right now.

They claimed that when she was first arrested, the police was staging a major event.T he second time, she was allowed to turn her self in. This time, THEY made it a major event.

They failed to take into account that the police would be watching her to make sure she doesn't flee. Actually, one of the reasons for the meeting of the grand jury being secret and the charges not being read until after the arrest, is so the person isn't warned to flee. These are Death Row charges, or Life in Prision.. If giving the chance, folks would run.. But this was rather hard to keep secret. They knew it would be today.

Since the LE wasn't informed of the little game they were playing, it looked like she was fleeing.
Thank you. So it's not true that Cindy was confronting the reporter rather than hugging Casey for the final time while she was being taken into custody. Casey was still in the car with her and they drove off.
No...I guess it was Cindy confronting the reporter while she could have kept her butt in the car with her poc daughter.
I can't help but feel sympathy for GA today. He didn't have a choice but to testify at the GJ and he probably knew KC would be indicted. Knowing that his testimony helped put her behind bars is probably the unthinkable. Like it or not, that has got to be a horrible situation for a parent to be in.
What did you think about how CA and GA's attorney, MN, represented both of them tonight? Did you notice any difference in his attitude between the two of them?

Yes, I did notice he seemed to lean more towards George. When asked if they would now cooperate with LE, he stated George had voluntarily given his DNA. He didn't say George AND Cindy in the first sentence. She came later.
Wasn't that Holly on camera reporting that Cindy called her earlier tonight? Good lord.

Thanks for the clarification on that video - I couldn't tell that it was shot in two different places. I wonder why they didn't get the hop out on camera, if they were following Cindy's car.

Hahaha. Yes it was. And she will not be getting ANY MORE exclusives! LOL.
Mr. Grund VERY upset....sounds like some tears are being shed at that house....

And understandably so, as Casey was once to be his daughter-on-law, and he believed for a bit of time that Caylee was his grandchild. Not to mention his poor son, who probably still loves Casey to this day and is ripped up that she could do such a thing to that little baby he held in the hospital and continued loving even after learning he wasn't her bio father as if she were his own. I feel terrible for them - as he says, no matter how different we all are, there are certain human things, such as love, that do bind us all. My sympathy is also with them this evening.
Uh Uh-no way...she is a sociopathic con and she missed her cue today and cried for her own self when she should have been sobbing for her could see it all over her face-FALSE FALSE FALSE-I cried my eyes out when I heard them indict her-I mean I absolutely sobbed, and I am a STRANGER...I feel more for this child who was a stranger to me than her own mother feels for her. Don't let her innocent little demure look fool you-remember how she looked this past Friday when she was defying the court order in her skin tight clothes and sporting the big white sunglasses that she bought on her shoplifting spree while her daughter lay DEAD. She is a piece of work, and I hope that she becomes the 50th woman on death row in these United States we reside in...:mad::furious:

Same for me, magic. I couldn't stop crying, partly for Caylee, partly because this case has exhausted all of us.

All I can picture is that poor baby, buried in a shallow grave (if she's lucky), exposed to the elements. NOBODY in the Anthony family protected her or watched out for her welfare. She was just a pawn for KC and Cindy to fight over.

And KC was so smug, doing what she wanted, only crying because she's going to jail. That's where she belongs. Actually, she deserves Caylee's fate.
Mr Grund said that? IMO, Casey is not a real person. She's a sociopath. She has skin and bones, but that's where the similarities end to a real person. Casey flat out has no soul. Being the religious person he is, I'd think he'd understand that better than most people.

I didn't understand him to be speaking of Casey. ?
I watched on live tv as Cindy drove right past the turn-offs to her house and couldn't believe my eyes. The reporter had just been saying that their helicoptor had been following her but she turned into the airport area and they lost her because they couldn't enter the airspace. Next thing you know she's coming up the road and passes all the turns to her block, then they're reporting a switch-off between cars. Strange, all of it!

Also, just as the indictment was handed down it was reported that KC had requested to be allowed out until 5:30pm and that it had been granted. After that, reporters had no idea where CA and KC were headed.

Sheesh, what a fiasco. Me, I'd think that they could have driven to the bondsman's office, then got in his car to the jail. Not made a switch on the side of the road!

Definitely something fishy here. She had permission to be out at her attorney's office until 5:30 p.m.. The Grand Jury finishes and she knew she would be arrested prior to release of the GJ indictment, which was imminent. While it is imminent, despite the fact that JB announced to the world in a presser that, if indicted TODAY, he would turn her in (so she would have the defense advantage of stating she turned herself over to LE -- as mitigation). Still, KC and CA, her almost only one true believer in this world, drive away from JB's office together without JB. (If she was going to turn herself in, JB would have gone with her. That's the first clue something is dreadfully wrong -- when they left without JB.) What should have happened, if the Bail Bondsman wanted to be involved in the voluntary surrender is LE and the Bail Bondsmen meet at JB's office so she could turn herself in because she had no authority to go anywhere except directly to and from her attorney's office. So, despite all this, KC and CA leave in a private car. Previously KC had talked about helicopters not being able to see under the overpasses. They pass the exits to their house, and IMHO, this is where they were traveling outside the house and the home confinement without authority -- this is the deviation. They drive unto the surface streets and again pass the turns to their house -- further deviation from home confinement -- into a designated no-fly zone. Then, under an overpass where they cannot be viewed from the air, they make a car switch. KC gets into a grey van. Another stop is made and KC ends up in an OSCO car and pulls up to the OSCO office accompanied by LEOs -- not in a grey van. It was clearly pre-planned, but not an ordinary defendant turning themselves in as JB stated in his 10:30 a.m. presser -- was that to throw LE off the trail? Just sayin'.:waitasec:
Does anyone know...Now that the GJ has indicted - Can KC's lawyer request discovery? If so, with the Sunshine law, will that information also be made available to the public???
new mugshot is up:

whoa sexy:puke:
And her emotional "moment" was really just that. It lasted what, 2 seconds? I did see her undereye area was wet for a second or two, and that was it. Yet, she kept wiping. I tend to believe it was either worried about smeared mascara or more of a nervous behavior. She didn't know what else to do, so she exaggerated the wiping of her eyes.

yeppers...kind of reminds one of that very first call from the jail after her initial arrest in July.
OK. I've heard enough crap on this blog, tonight! First of all, GEORGE is a lying-- sorry-excuse-for-a-grandfather! He lied his small tortellinis off....they gave him a friigin ultimatum: truth or jail! dont confuse his 'willingness' to 'contribute' in this grand jury with 'heroism'.....he is just saving his skin in exchange for Casey's. If he was worth his weight in salt, he wouldn't have raised a pathetic *advertiser censored*, like Casey, for a daughter! PERIOD!
Take a deep breath...the person who deserves your energy is Caylee. The others aren't worth it IMO.
Amen. Again, I can't muster an ounce of sympathy for the man. He was ordered to appear before the grand jury so he had no choice but to go. If you ask me, they are all nothing but a bunch of cowards who have lived their lives stepping on other people's toes doing whatever they had to do to protect their precious Casey. Furthermore, GA, CA, and LA should all be sitting in the cell right along with Casey if you ask me.

I think some folks are forgetting that George A could have taken the 5th - either because he had something that was self-incriminating to say about himself and/or because he thought that lying to protect his daughter was worth it - but he didn't, did he.
Wish she would get alternate forensics expert than Koby, he seems SO biased now that on the defense payroll!
I'm not ready to believe that musical vehicles game was just to throw off the media. Not buying it here. To top this off, JB announces to the media that KC isn't running from this. :mad:
Yes, I did notice he seemed to lean more towards George. When asked if they would now cooperate with LE, he stated George had voluntarily given his DNA. He didn't say George AND Cindy in the first sentence. She came later.
I got the same feeling. I honestly felt he was also acknowledging that George knew all...
Does anyone know...Now that the GJ has indicted - Can KC's lawyer request discovery? If so, with the Sunshine law, will that information also be made available to the public???
I read something earlier that makes me believe the answer is yes.

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