NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #28

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Dear Mods. we need a similie of a big needle.:seeya:

Like this?
Like this?

Don't suppose you have a rusty one (about that same size) in your bag o' tricks? :angel:

Has the father and aunt been present during all of this?

Last I remember hearing (this was long ago) the dad had moved out of state. I don't recall the aunt being mentioned at all, I had the feeling they were estranged after this happened. I hope I'm wrong because they both loved our angel and as much as I disagree with decisions they made AD and MAM murdered this baby not her dad and not her aunt.
Has the father and aunt been present during all of this?

IDK but dad seems conspicuously absent since the press attention abated. JMO but Mark Lunsford and Mark Klaas were front and center to see justice for their children and that speaks volumes to me.


It is MOO about dad but he makes me sick.

Shaniya deserved better.

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The criminals in this case are behind bars and awaiting trials....

The victim's family who love her....

I hope and pray these two are convicted and never get out of jail!
THis might be the most devastating case that I ever followed on here. That video of the poor child being taken into the elevator is devastating. All the jury needs to see is that poor sweet angel being taken into that room by that monster. UGGHHHHHHH I could kill him myself.
I wish I could get that image out of my head but it's there, probably forever. She was such a beautiful child. I will never understand the likes of these evil beings that harmed her.
I hate feeling hate in my heart but it's there for people like this.
My gosh I don't hit people, don't like it when other people hit people, but I just want to punch them both in the face. More than once.

It would be nice to have an update on them to see how they cope with this, how the foundation is going, etc.

I'm sure they will be there for every step once the trial begins, right?
I'm still so upset with both of them. Her dad said let her go and he knew what this egg donor was. Her aunt that took her there. As a mom I wish she would have stood up to her brother, but I know he could have made it where she couldn't see Shaniya anymore, but still.

My heart not only breaks for Shaniya, it bleeds for her! This case is the one that roped me in.

God bless all the children being hurt and cast aside, especially by those who should be protecting them at all costs.

:sick::furious::scream::shakehead::cry: and so much more

I woke up this morning thinking of Shaniya. The murder of this beautiful child has hurt so much and will never be forgotten.

I am so very anxious for justice for this precious angel. There are honestly days when I am almost overwhelmed with the horror of it all over again.

Someone was wondering where Shaniya's Dad is now. I heard he is/was living in Louisiana. Baton Rouge, I believe.

I will always love and remember you, Shaniya!

Rest in peace sweet girl. You did not deserve this. Your life mattered. The only comforting aspect is knowing that you are safe and no one can hurt you ever again. May those that ended your precious, short life soon be brought to justice.
Innocent, precious, and beautiful! I hope the monsters who took Shaniya's life never forget what they have done.
That poor girl was delivered into evil. I can only hope that ALL the people who put her there are punished under the law. Maybe Pilate washed his hands, but it doesn't mean they weren't bloody.

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2 people have been charged with crimes in this case.

I'm assuming they are the ones who will be punished.
Many guilty people manage to escape justice. Happens every day. Doesn't make it right. Only one person has been charged in Zahra's death. Nobody has been charged in Jhessye's or Aliayah's cases. Does that mean no one is to blame?


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Many guilty people manage to escape justice. Happens every day. Doesn't make it right. Only one person has been charged in Zahra's death. Nobody has been charged in Jhessye's or Aliayah's cases. Does that mean no one is to blame?


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But the fortunate thing about THIS case is that they have charged both people who hurt Shaniya.
I think we are all frustrated with the process of justice for Shaniya right about now.

Justice is a work in progress- and while the process itself is often painfully slow, and sometimes still lives in all of our hearts, and isn't that what this is all about? Keeping other children safe and free from the sort of horror Shaniya experienced by holding ourselves accountable for children everywhere? By a commitment to childrens' safety, and helping to give the opportunity to live a life of joy, love, and safety to every child, everywhere?

This is the justice we can all have a part of while we await legal justice. We don't have to be LE, attorneys, DA's, courts, social services. We could just channel this energy into watching out for that child you see alone in Walmart- that child you see looking uncomfortable with the adult they are with in the grocery store- that child you see in a hotel lobby that is dazed and confused, and instantly know something is not right.

I hope we can do that here at WS's.

Spring has come early to NC, and Shaniya has some lovely flowers blooming. :)
Let's bloom with her, and while we wait- let's give her our own justice, by watching out for children everywhere.

Thanks everyone, for caring about children everywhere.
But the fortunate thing about THIS case is that they have charged both people who hurt Shaniya.

Respectfully, I disagree. IMO they charged two of those responsible, but not all. I know there are varying opinions on that, though, like with Adam Baker.

I am very anxious for these two in custody to be tried!

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IMO there is no comparison between those two fathers.
But I do know there are a lot of people who place blame on Shaniya's Daddy.
Shaniya's threads were FULL of posts bashing him at one point.

Thank God the mods nipped that in the bud. We were told here, at WS, he was to be treated as a victim. And that WS is victim friendly.

It took a while to get Shaniya's threads back on track so that the focus would be on Shaniya and the accused. I really hope it can stay that way. So that it does not turn out to be a hostile thread like it used to be.

I pray daily for Shaniya and all who love her. I also pray for earthly justice. And I know in my heart the real justice will happen when MAM and AD take their lasts breaths.


ETA: Here are a few posts from Mods and from Tricia regarding Shaniya's threads. There were many more. But, I think these cover it.

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[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NC-Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #27[/ame]
Thank you, Kimberlyd125 for the reminders. They are there for a good reason, I think.

Shaniya was in her mothers care and custody at the time MAM murdered her. Are there other people responsible for facilitating the situation? I think probably yes. Seems like there are always others with accountability when a child is murdered.
But then- all of us are- when we look the other way when we see an abused, neglected, scared, terrorized, frozen child. :(

Maybe Shaniya's father has more responsibility than we do- I don't know. What I do know is that the only way to change anything, is to pay attention to the world around us. The people who directly put Shaniya in harm's way and who murdered her- are currently safe from opportunity to harm another child, and hopefully will be safe from that opportunity forever.

My heart breaks for those that loved Shaniya and may have missed some really big red flags. :(
I think we mostly can agree that everyone involved knew Antoinette was a drug abuser and living in filth. With a parent who is a drug abuser, there is nothing good that can come of the situation.

I can respect everyones opinions about Shaniya's father, and I still have my own opinion which has not changed. He was grief stricken of course. Look, we didn't even know she existed yet here we are over 2 years later still grief stricken.

That kind of thing is devastation. Lifelong grief. So we can try not to blame and not to judge. No matter what we feel "should have happened" and "what we'd do" we had no say.

A high percentage of missing/murdered children had an adult who wasn't paying enough attention. But you never think this will happen, never in a million years because we live in "safe" places.
No I don't agree that everybody involved knew AD was abusing drugs and living in filth.

There are a lot of details from this case that's points differently.
I think a common misconception is that AD never really spent time with Shaniya before that awful day. I think people think BL just had Carey drop her off into filth with a drugged out mother. That simply is not true.
I really wish I could find my Shaniya notebooks but I have misplaced them over the years.

I remember reports of elaborate lies AD fed Brad. He really thought she was clean and living in her own place and had a great job. Because that's what AD told him for months.

Looking over the Oprah page I found this interesting...

Brad said: Any time Antoinette asked to see her, I made arrangements that she was able to spend time with her daughter.

Aunt Carey said: When he's gone, Shaniya's with me. And on October 9, Antoinette had called me and asked me if she could visit with Shaniya. Shaniya loved her mother very much, and she did want to be with her.

As she had many times before, Carey says she dropped Shaniya off at her mother's house.
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