NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #26

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Good luck in finding what you are looking for as I will never be able to convince you that both videos are the same as well as the content. I am now moving forward.
You did amazing work :) thanks for everything. I may and maynot find it...But I saw it.

Law Enforcement Officer Court Appearance Schedule

What clip are you talking about?

I have the original recorded show showing exactly how it all happened "live" and it matches NG's transcript.

@ 7:11 Seconds the caller comes on

Off of the transcript which matched the video:

STACY: Hi, my question is what was the mother thinking of doing this to her 5-year-old child? And I believe that -- my husband and I believe that she was on crack cocaine or some sort? This is really bizarre, you know.

GRACE: Hold on, Stacy, repeat the question.

STACY: I just want to know what she was thinking, because of doing this to her 5-year-old child.

GRACE: You know what? I`m going to throw that to Byron Coleman. He is there with his father, Shaniya`s father. I know you guys have seen the mom in court. You`ve seen the video of that guy, Mario McNeill, with her. You knew Antoinette. How could she just hand the baby over, Byron?

COLEMAN: And that`s something, I mean, it`s hard to believe a mother would hand a child over to a complete -- I don`t know.

Hi Patty!! I was not referring to your tapes, I understand you have the full un-doctored version, that corresponds to the transcripts. I was referring to how many different clips NG has used these comments in - broken up in pieces - according to transcript - following the original air date - but if you access playback of the corresponding date they may be missing.

This is a completely fabricated example:

RUSH Transcript Monday May 3rd 2025

Mr XYZ stated in court today 'he never felt any animosity towards his former lover and business partner, Miss ABC - who has been missing for 5 years!

She disappeared after Mr XYZ introduced her to his 17 year old son JR - at a dinner party. Out to the lawyers. Lawyer 1 sound off:

Lawyer 1- well yeah, nancy this is important because this means he had no reason to harm her...

NG: wait, wait, wait - just a minute, are you saying just because Mr XYZ is under oath, testifying before our supreme court justices, you think he is telling the truth??? what rock have you been hiding under?
Lawyer 2 respond: etc, etc, etc....

cut to commercial

Then play back the corresponding tape:

DATE Monday MAY 3, 2025 - Mr XYZ testifies no animosity

I should hear what I read - I am just as likely to hear:

Lead in: Only here tonite will you hear Mr XYZ

NG: Mr XYZ admitted in court today he never felt any animosity towards his former lover and business partner Miss ABC. Let's hear from our lawyers -

But first! lets take your calls, SHELLY from Mars; WHAT's YOUR QUESTION FOR OUR LAWYERS, DEAR?

Shelly "Oh Nancy! I don't have any questions, I don't even know who Mr XYZ is! I just had to tell you those twins of yours, they're are just so delightful, ever since you showed your first ultra sound picture! well I just felt this incredible attachment to those delightful babies, I have every picture you've ever sold of those precious twins - framed right here in front of me and oh watching (the boy) shave for the very first time last night - to go out on his very first date - I was just moved to tears, yes I was. where did the years go, Nancy? I mean, they'll be moving out on their own in just 20 more years or so.... Did the 3 of you have a good time last night, Nancy? I just need to know..

NG - "Oh Shelly, I know, I know - and bless your heart! that is just the nicest thing anybody ever said to me! And Oh, we did - we had Driver take us to go pick up the little girl friend and he took her to McDonalds for french fries, well there's the picture now, that's Driver he was opening the car door and that's the back of little girl friend's head sitting in the front seat, next to Driver and that's me and (boys name) eating our fries and catsup. You know before I had the twins I always said 'Only health food for my kids' but you know, if they want french fries then they should have french fries. Oh there's the next shot with Driver walking that girl to her door, so nice....."

Cut to commercial.

If you read the transcripts in the days following BC II appearing on NG, any time she talked about the case you will read (with or without Stacy asking):

(optional) STACY: I just want to know what she was thinking, because of doing this to her 5-year-old child.

NG: You knew Antoinette. How could she just hand the baby over, Byron?

COLEMAN: And that`s something, I mean, it`s hard to believe a mother would hand a child over to a complete -- I don`t know.

I can remember several times reading this in transcript after the original show aired, but when I played the corresponding clips instead of this - it would be NG Gushing over Brad... But there was little or no Brad Gushing in transcript after the original show - I understand, the "tell us Byron" was early in the clip and the gushing was later in the same clip, of "There's your dad - there he is now, Byron. We know he is just heart bro`ken...." gush - gush - gush -

It was just annoying, I was looking for specific statements, and the transcript not matching the clips from the show drove me nutz!

The 911 call, NG must have replayed little pieces, over and over and over - in the days after Shaniya was found.

But when I went looking for the comment about Shaniya's hair "being out" I knew it was in the 911 call, I had heard it more than once - but trying to find it in transcript was really, really hard. I don't know if they played it, in it's entirety during those later shows or not, but it was not in transcript - in the order it was said.

The other clip I am looking for is Mr Coleman Sr, Mr Allen, Cheyenne and one of Brad's sons he was talking about being in the trailer and the drug raid house and seeing the perp (can't remember if it was perp MAM or when Coe was being called a perp) I immediately asked 'if the teenage son saw the inside of the houses and the perp - how can Brad claim to know nothing' but I've been looking for a month and can't find that interview. This was the 1st time I heard BC Sr say " If you want sex - that's where you go" and Allen said Shaniya had cig' burns - and we all asked if he knew this did he call the authority's or CPS???

I know this missing tape things is prolly making you nutz too, listening to us. Sorry I just needed to hear this one clip again...

Hi Patty!! I was not referring to your tapes, I understand you have the full un-doctored version, that corresponds to the transcripts. I was referring to how many different clips NG has used these comments in - broken up in pieces - according to transcript - following the original air date - but if you access playback of the corresponding date they may be missing.

If you read the transcripts in the days following BC II appearing on NG, any time she talked about the case you will read (with or without Stacy asking):

(optional) STACY: I just want to know what she was thinking, because of doing this to her 5-year-old child.

NG: You knew Antoinette. How could she just hand the baby over, Byron?

COLEMAN: And that`s something, I mean, it`s hard to believe a mother would hand a child over to a complete -- I don`t know.

I can remember several times reading this in transcript after the original show aired, but when I played the corresponding clips instead of this - it would be NG Gushing over Brad... But there was little or no Brad Gushing in transcript after the original show - I understand, the "tell us Byron" was early in the clip and the gushing was later in the same clip, of "There's your dad - there he is now, Byron. We know he is just heart bro`ken...." gush - gush - gush -

It was just annoying, I was looking for specific statements, and the transcript not matching the clips from the show drove me nutz!

The 911 call, NG must have replayed little pieces, over and over and over - in the days after Shaniya was found.

But when I went looking for the comment about Shaniya's hair "being out" I knew it was in the 911 call, I had heard it more than once - but trying to find it in transcript was really, really hard. I don't know if they played it, in it's entirety during those later shows or not, but it was not in transcript - in the order it was said.

The other clip I am looking for is Mr Coleman Sr, Mr Allen, Cheyenne and one of Brad's sons he was talking about being in the trailer and the drug raid house and seeing the perp (can't remember if it was perp MAM or when Coe was being called a perp) I immediately asked 'if the teenage son saw the inside of the houses and the perp - how can Brad claim to know nothing' but I've been looking for a month and can't find that interview. This was the 1st time I heard BC Sr say " If you want sex - that's where you go" and Allen said Shaniya had cig' burns - and we all asked if he knew this did he call the authority's or CPS???

I know this missing tape things is prolly making you nutz too, listening to us. Sorry I just needed to hear this one clip again...

RIGHT ON !!! :woohoo:

For crying out loud, lets move on, this is getting ridiculous and annoyinng. :(
Well one had been found by HeadExplodes and maybe another will be found too.
It is perfectly OK for you to move on :) and talk about other things.
What would you like to talk about? Go for it.
Closing thread, please continue [ame=""]Here[/ame]

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