NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #31

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Things could get a little sticky on here soon.

I'm sure it's nothing that Tricia and her fine team haven't dealt with before but I just want to bring it to peoples attention.

Calm heads are going to be needed to prevail.

Oh Lordy...should I go hunt for another xanax tucked away somewhere?
2:02? That's the end of the video, isn't it? :waitasec:

One thing is clear from that video - the police told the reporter they were looking for "body" even before this new excavation started.

I accidentley put the wrong time it is about at the 142 mark.... sorry :blushing:
Thank you NCMOM. It was my understanding that EB & her daughters were not speaking, let alone visiting each other. Wasn't AB arrested for running them off the road? Didn't EB threaten BS?

Both daughters feared EB, they even spoke to the judge in the courtroom when EB was arraigned. No mention of anyone seeing Zahra on Oct. 7th has come up, as far as I know.

I have to discount this sighting on Oct. 7th.

BS said she was also abused as a child by EB. She thinks EB is a monster, but still feels that if EB did indeed kill Zahra, it was an accident. I can't imagine wanting to believe your Mother is a cold blooded killer, even if you are estranged from the parent. BS has also indicated that if AB does know something, she hopes he would tell her.

Keep in mind, children of abuse are very good at hiding their feelings, true intentions, and thoughts. They are used to their mouths getting them in trouble, so they aren't going to go out and seek out public attention.

I don't have any confirmation of the Oct 7th thing, as soon as I do, I will let WS know immediately. I only have the posts on here about the neighbor saying that BS stated that. I will try to confirm.
mmmm biomum found them in USA - passports in the car - $10000 cash from unknown male - planning on moving country again???? Did Zahara object to moving for the 6th time? Or did she maybe jump from the moving car and die around the same spot they found her leg? So many theories here

Jumped from a moving with a badly fitted prosthetic leg? I think that's pushing credibility just a little. JMOO
Things could get a little sticky on here soon.

I'm sure it's nothing that Tricia and her fine team haven't dealt with before but I just want to bring it to peoples attention.

Calm heads are going to be needed to prevail.

Why do you feel things will get a little sticky here?
If that is blood on the plastic and it has been tossed out like that, then we can pretty much kiss a conviction goodbye. That was sarcasm by the way. NO WAY is that a piece of evidence, much less one with blood on it.
If that is blood on the plastic and it has been tossed out like that, then we can pretty much kiss a conviction goodbye. That was sarcasm by the way. NO WAY is that a piece of evidence, much less one with blood on it.

I don't think it's blood. Fresh blood is red, but it turns brown/black pretty quickly.
Why do you feel things will get a little sticky here?

Are you referencing a specific post, or just that the pics from Biomum will elicit stronger emotions than we already have for this case and Zahra?
Can it be determined from where the prosthetic leg was found, i.e. which side of the road to suggest if it were discarded on the way from Hickory heading further from home or if it were discarded on the side of the road that would be heading home?

I'm looking on the Google map and it appears to me that the prothesis would have been found heading further away from home, going away from Hickory.
To think that this may have happened to keep precious Zahra from her mum is just unthinkable! If this is the motive, how did they get the passport? I'm sure this was probably discussed before, but doesn't Australia require the non-custodial bio-parent to approve their child to leave the county? Was the paperwork forged?

Oh God, please don't bring this up again...:blowkiss:

Just joking.

The long and the short of it is this:

1. Mother/Father on birth certificate need to sign for consent for child to get a passport for international travel.
2. If consent can't be attained there is then a waiver consent form(B9) that needs to be filed out truthfully. You must have exhausted all possibilities to find those named on birth certificate.
3. B9 form is then given to an investigator to check the veracity of statements contained.

Signature on the consent form could have been falsified.
Information on the B9 form could have been falsified.

An Australian court (and nothing else) can take away parental responsibility from an adult named on the birth certificate. Parental responsibility for the sake of the Australian Government in this case means anyone named on the birth certificate and has nothing to do with custodial matters.

That is the legislation and procedure as it stands today, I don't know what it was back in 2008 but I imagine it would have been quite similar if not exactly the same.

I have posted this from memory and believe it to be accurate. I can supply all the links to the AU Gov websites if anyone wants to read it for themselves to delve deeper into this issue.

I have publicly stated on a few occasions my suspicions that Adam Baker did not have consent or misstated information in the B9 form or at worst forged signatures - This is pure speculation on my part and I have nothing to back it up with other than some msgs sent to me by someone claiming to be a friend of Zahra's mother.
Evidently AB & EB knew on the 5th Oct. that Biomom had found Zahra. Now they have a problem. How are they going to explain that Zahra doesn't go to school?
life insurance questions I can help with....
No life insurance company would KNOWINGLY consider insuring anyone diagnosed with cancer unless that person can prove with medical records that they have been cancer free for at least 5-10 years (varies with different companies) Even then, they look at health conditions that can linger because of the cancer.
With that being said, the underwriting of insurance for children is not very strict. The word of the parent is usually taken if they report that the child is healthy.Life insurance companies will not pull all the medical records to insure who they were told is a healthy child. So it IS possible that there is a life insurance policy issued for this child, but at the time of death, the insurance company would request ALL the medical records on this child from birth, and they would know if the application consisted of lies, and therefore legally can deny any claims.
For clarification, IF AB or biomom applied for a life insurance policy before Zahra was diagnosed with cancer, there would have been no lies on the application. If they had kept this policy in force, at the time of her death the Insurance company would be held accountable to pay. But if the named beneficiary is found to have had any part in her death, they would NOT receive one penny.
I've missed alot tonight....just making sure AB is still out of jail. Spending time thinking when they'll have enough to charge him with something else.
Read biomums long post underneath it..... She found out Zahra was in the states a week before she was reported missing. Could AB and EB have found that out????

It sounds possible. And another reason why EB would want charges dropped to remove warrants.

If the kidnapping were planned for real, like not to cover up a murder then the question still remains where is Z. I couldn't imagine this couple killing Z just so biomum cannot find her.
Jumped from a moving with a badly fitted prosthetic leg? I think that's pushing credibility just a little. JMOO

What do you mean??? Are you saying that someone with one leg could not throw themselves out of a moving car??? It is certainly possible, but unlikely I agree.
Oh God, please don't bring this up again...:blowkiss:

Just joking.

The long and the short of it is this:

1. Mother/Father on birth certificate need to sign for consent for child to get a passport for international travel.
2. If consent can't be attained there is then a waiver consent form(B9) that needs to be filed out truthfully. You must have exhausted all possibilities to find those named on birth certificate.
3. B9 form is then given to an investigator to check the veracity of statements contained.

Signature on the consent form could have been falsified.
Information on the B9 form could have been falsified.

An Australian court (and nothing else) can take away parental responsibility from an adult named on the birth certificate. Parental responsibility for the sake of the Australian Government in this case means anyone named on the birth certificate and has nothing to do with custodial matters.

That is the legislation and procedure as it stands today, I don't know what it was back in 2008 but I imagine it would have been quite similar if not exactly the same.

I have posted this from memory and believe it to be accurate. I can supply all the links to the AU Gov websites if anyone wants to read it for themselves to delve deeper into this issue.

I have publicly stated on a few occasions my suspicions that Adam Baker did not have consent or misstated information in the B9 form or at worst forged signatures - This is pure speculation on my part and I have nothing to back it up with other than some msgs sent to me by someone claiming to be a friend of Zahra's mother.

Thank you! :blowkiss: I was hoping to be enlightened and appreciate you repeating for those that didn't see it.
Originally Posted by darnudes View Post
Valhall has just posted some photos from Zahra's mother showing two adorable photos of Zahra as a baby and a child.

Valhall said: { Oct 28, 2010 - 08:10:14 }

Biomum has allowed me to share two of the most precious pictures of Zahra as a baby. Here she is in 2000 as a bucket full of happy beautiful baby!

Thank you so much for these beautiful pictures of Zahra as a baby. She is positively beautiful! Blond, beautiful, bright eyed, and peaceful. Love it. :blowkiss: for bio mom and a big thanks to Valhall and darnudes for posting. moo mho OOps link not workingl sorry

Let's try this link:
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