Neighbors and Keys to The Ramsey Home


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Aug 14, 2003
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It was said early on that the Ramseys kept a key outside. Was this something that was done AFTER JR found himself locked out and broke the basement window to gain access, one would think so. I don't remember a source for the information about the 'outside' key. Can someone help with that?

We have learned of Mr. Barnhills existance through the media, as well as the 'roomer' who left town after the murder. Also Ms. Stanton and her hearing a scream in the night, then waking her husband etc. We also heard of the neighbor next door who spoke of seeing a normally ON outside light that was OFF Christmas night, AND who saw moving lights within the home that night.

We have heard nothing, am I right of any other neighbors of the Ramseys through the media?

Many crimes against children can be traced to people who live in the SAME neighborhood as the victim.

Then of course the Ramseys own up to having distributed many keys to workmen when the remodeling of the home was taking place, and not all of them were returned 'they' say.

The fact that some keys were not accounted for would have made me change the locks. Yet there were NO signs of forced entry.

With unnacounted for keys to the Ramsey home, would you think that the burglar alarm would have been set each and every night? IF a person was so discomforted by their NEW neighborhood as to install a burglar alarm, why would they NOT set it?

Could a neighbor have observed the location of the outside key when they saw a Ramsey family member retrieve it from the spot where it was hidden, and then used it that night to gain entry?

Had the Ramseys had a dispute with any of the neighbors?

Boulder in itself is an interesting town, with students finding residence in homes, either as room and board, or official student housing. Would there have been a student living close by who knew of the Ramseys and knew there was a key outside, because they had seen it removed etc. AND told someone else?

A family friend of ours bought a home for their daughter in the town where she attended college and she rented rooms to other students that she knew.

A devious person bent on murder, could have entered the Ramsey home in the night, and brought a pre written unwrinkled ransom note with them.

BPD work was lacking in many areas in a BIG way.

I can assume that the Barnhill boarder or roomer ? would be probably number one on my suspect list, IF IF the Ramseys did not look so suspect.

WHY would the boarder/roomer have done such a crime? His own son had been murdered. After 8.6 years I have long forgotten where I read of this, or the exact details of what was actually written, anyone else have a source for information on the sons murder?. Even though his own son was murdered, that does not preclude him from having an agenda against the Ramseys, WHAT would it have been? Did he elude the radar of the BPD? Anyone know if HE gave dna and handwriting samples? OR wonder who his 'circle' of friends were? Did he work, I don't remember any information about where he worked or IF he worked.

I don't remember if he was room and boarder, or just rented a room or rooms in the basement. NOW if he was a room and boarder that would mean that he ate his meals with the Barnhills, which could have lent itself to interesting conversations about the Ramseys, AND knowing where the outside key was kept at the Ramsey home.

I am quite certain that the Ramseys were VERY well known in their neighborhood, and peeked at through the curtains, by any numbers of neighbors.

The Christmas bicycle was kept in the Barnhills basement. Do you think that the roomer never shared a meal with the Barnhills?

I also wonder where Wolfs girlfriend is today, and IF she is still considered a nut with revenge as a staple of her personality. Has she thrown other boyfriends under the bus in the past 8.5 years?

We would all agree that the murderer of Jon Benet and OR ransom note writer was and 'is' devious wherever and whomever they are.

I have never heard of a key kept outside of the house. The burglar alarm was installed by previous owners not the Ramseys.
I believe it says in DOI the key was kept in a garden gnome or some such thing. BUt they tended to forget to replace it. You're right about the alarm being installed by the previous owners.
Camper said:
It was said early on that the Ramseys kept a key outside. Was this something that was done AFTER JR found himself locked out and broke the basement window to gain access, one would think so. I don't remember a source for the information about the 'outside' key. Can someone help with that?

Patsy spoke of the outside key in the 1998 interview.

TOM HANEY: There has been talk about hidden keys outside. Did you -- did you regularly leave a key hidden somewhere?

PATSY RAMSEY: I, at one time, used to leave a key under Pierre. Pierre is a little statue guy. This guy right here. You push him back, there was a little key. He sat still on a platform.

TOM HANEY: He is outside the door by the sun room?

PATSY RAMSEY: Right. He is on a little platform, and if you lean him back, there was a key under there. But then, you know, you forgot if you used the key, and we were not very diligent about putting it back.

TRIP DEMUTH: We see Pierre in photo 89.

TOM HANEY: When do you recall the last time the key was under there?

PATSY RAMSEY: Don't know.

TOM HANEY: Do you ever recall pulling out to look under Pierre and not having a key?


TOM HANEY: Do you recall when that would have been?

PATSY RAMSEY: No. I think actually -- no, let me think. I locked myself out one time and I looked under Pierre for the key and there was no key. And I think I had to go to Betty. Betty couldn't find her key. That is how I know she misplaced her key. I think I called Barbara Fernie from Betty's. I said, where are you, can you come by my house and let me in. I do remember that, but I don't know when that was. I mean, it was certainly before all this, but how far back I don't know.

TOM HANEY: What was your usual method though for coming in?

PATSY RAMSEY: Garage door opener, go in, and then the inside garage door was unlocked. I had never used the house key ever.

TOM HANEY: Did you ever hide a key on the cars?


TRIP DEMUTH: How did you lock yourself out? How did that happen?

18 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know. I don't know. I must have usually -- when that would happen it was because I went out the front door to go lift somebody someplace and be in the car with my opener. I just can't remember. I remember looking, there wasn't a key. Betty didn't have a key, and I had to run to Barbara's house somewhere. Maybe I had been out with Barbara that morning. I don't know. Maybe Barbara would remember.

Look at that interesting sentence. "Betty didn't have a key, and I had to run to Barbara's house somewhere." Barbara lived 3.5 miles away. I doubt Patsy ran that far by foot. Obviously she did not drive, because if she had, she would have had her car key, with attached garage door opener, and would not have needed the house key which she explained she never ever used anyway. So we can throw all of that sentence away as simple nonsense said just to take up some wasted time in the interview.
Why_Nutt thank you for saving my muddy memory.

This part of your post said, "PATSY RAMSEY: No. I think actually -- no, let me think. I locked myself out one time and I looked under Pierre for the key and there was no key. And I think I had to go to Betty. Betty couldn't find her key. That is how I know she misplaced her key. I think I called Barbara Fernie from Betty's. I said, where are you, can you come by my house and let me in. I do remember that, but I don't know when that was. I mean, it was certainly before all this, but how far back I don't know." Who was Betty? Was that Ms. Barnhill?

This also spurred a thought for me about John being locked out. When we had more than one car they all had GDO's in them. I am trying hard to remember IF JR drove up to his home sans key, or IF the front door closed him outside without a key?

Why_Nutt, about the crafted response PR gave about lifting people places. We always kept our GDO's snapped onto the visor inside the car, and not on our key rings.

Thanks to the response on the burglar alarm as well. NOTE the first thing they did when they moved to GA was MAKE SURE there was a burglar alarm in their NEW house. YET they had a burglar get in there too, when JR was put into the bathroom by 'the' burglar. IF memory serves me the Ramsey comment was that 'the burglar' took some KMart type jewelry. Remember rope has a history there too, rope secured on a cabinet, cabinet moved to the bathroom door and attached to the bathroom doorknob. So a continued history of not enabling their 'burglar alarms'.

I am really trying here to point fingers away from Ramseys, but we are handicapped to the extent that WE know even less about the 'complete investigation' conducted by BPD on the bus people.

Patsy was referring to Betty Barnhill. Now you have two misplaced keys...the one under Pierre and Betty Barnhill's.

If Patsy had her car...then why didn't she go in through the garage? Unless she was outside gardening, and then tried to re-enter the home to find out she locked herself out.

I recall John saying the side door was normally used to enter the home. The door with the hallway where John read the note.

The alarm was put in by previous owners. JonBenet climbed up and hit the alarm, causing a loud siren to go off. John said it would frequently go off so he shut it off.

The garage door leading into the home was never locked. The Ramseys would enter the home from the garage. The kids always used the side door to enter the home.
>>Did he elude the radar of the BPD? Anyone know if HE gave dna and handwriting samples?<<

In PMPT it states that the Barnhill's boarder took a lie detector/polygraph test on Jan 1st and the examiner told him he had answered the questions truthfully. A few weeks later he gave hand writing samples and his fingerprints were taken.
narlacat said:
>>Did he elude the radar of the BPD? Anyone know if HE gave dna and handwriting samples?<<

In PMPT it states that the Barnhill's boarder took a lie detector/polygraph test on Jan 1st and the examiner told him he had answered the questions truthfully. A few weeks later he gave hand writing samples and his fingerprints were taken.

Plus, hair samples, according to the Camera in 1997.

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