NH NH - Elizabeth Marriott, 19, Durham, 9 Oct 2012 - # 1 *S. Mazzaglia guilty*

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So he studied and passed his EMT exams but never got a job in the field?

Why go back to Best Buy probably making around minimum wage when you could be an EMT?

Are EMT jobs in this area in short supply?

I am wondering if he had this training to be able to "bring back" one of his sex partners after choking them...


Maybe he wanted to learn how to revive someone he choked. Maybe he was never planning to get a job in that field. JMO
Agreed, but the USA gets so freaked out about anything sex-related, even between consenting adults.

The thing that bothers me is it may have freaked Lizzi out. We don't know how she felt or if she was a willing participant. I think it is best LE get all the correct info on the sex matter before it is released to the public. JMO
Is it possible he was in a panic when he couldn't revive her, was taking her to the hospital, realized she was dead, and headed to Portsmouth? Someone in a panic isn't thinking clearly -- what wouldn't make sense to us through a rational lens makes perfect sense to someone in full panic mode. If her cell was on her (in a pocket, etc.), it would be pinging as he drove her. Just speculating.

Also, wondering if the scream someone heard was the girlfriend and not Lizzi.

You make too much sense! I agree with everything you said . . . I can picture the girlfriend screaming in horror after seeing the dead body of her co-worker/friend. I would have been freaking out too.

Here is a long read regarding Bondage, breath-play etc.

It is a long piece but give an account of matial arts, military, police and of course breath-play hold and the consequences.

I do not judge--to each his or her own. However, I do like to be well informed when sorting out the facts. JMO

Just some info here.

I am also researching how long and what would be left of a human body in water after one week.

I still am entertaining the idea thas the island path is a ruse??? JMO:twocents:

I believe bodies sink below the surface at first, but after a certain amount of time it bloats with gases. This causes it to float for a short while (not sure of the length of time). Ship traffic can complicate things though. JMO
Ok, so say he applied pressure bilaterally to her carotid arteries and she passed out in under 10 seconds. That would not kill her. Is the idea that he would have kept the pressure on long enough for her to brain to be starved of oxygen to the point where she died? They are very large arteries and you would have to apply a lot of pressure to completely block them. If so, that would take a very long time, like 4 minutes at least. That's a long time to sustain pressure to someone's neck while presumably engaged in other activities also. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it sounds like there's more to the story to me.

In the media articles they also mention suffocation. Maybe he chocked her first, then suffocated her. Horrible and sick.
Agreed, but the USA gets so freaked out about anything sex-related, even between consenting adults.

We don't know if she consented. The idea of S&M and orgies may have freaked her out. We don't know, but she isn't here to dispute anything. Perhaps, she was drugged and raped too. Imagine having your name and picture associated with something that is not something you would do plastered all over the media.
I believe bodies sink below the surface at first, but after a certain amount of time it bloats with gases. This causes it to float for a short while (not sure of the length of time). Ship traffic can complicate things though. JMO

In ocean water where the person has stopped breathing before entering the water (dead), they usually float. The last air they breathed is trapped in the lungs and causes bouncy—for how long, it varies.

Eventually water finds it’s way into the body—I’ll leave out the details—and displaces the oxygen mixture previously in the lungs. The body sinks at varying states depending on body fat ratio and what they may have eaten or drank at the time of death.

Body decomp will sometimes allow the body to rise—not always—or it can rise more than once. Basically there are many variables.

To complicate matters, cold water, such as ocean water, will hold the body below the surface longer due a different effect on the body than fresh water at warmer temps.

Each one of us will pass through different stages and duration when dropped into the water—it matters greatly as to whether we are breathing when deposited.

JMO after some reading—there are many variables… I agree with you.
In the media articles they also mention suffocation. Maybe he chocked her first, then suffocated her. Horrible and sick.

Maybe it was oral sex that suffocated her ...
We don't know if she consented. The idea of S&M and orgies may have freaked her out. We don't know, but she isn't here to dispute anything. Perhaps, she was drugged and raped too. Imagine having your name and picture associated with something that is not something you would do plastered all over the media.

Not implying that she consented; just that any sexual-type story or theory does tend to freak out people. But with an ex-girlfriend talking about this guy's proclivities, it is going to make the news.

The problem is, the truth will be very difficult to determine. It will always have to be based on he said/she said from the living. I don't believe that finding her body will give the answers.
just now posting after reading most of this thread...forgive me if i am echoing previous posts...

the suspect in this case having went through the "citizens police academy" and achieved an emt-b (basic) considering his sm/master, slave,servant private life --im not sure how to describe what im thinking... this is just my opinion after spent many years married to a paramedic and running in groups of public safety types... and there are always some "wanna-be's" that wind up as volunteer firemen, or auxiliary (sp?) police, or security guards etc. because they would never pass the psychiatric exam to be employed in any true authoritative capacity.

dont get me wrong most volunteers are wonderful and well meaning and do a lot of good in their communities. but i have witnessed more than once where a volunteer was only there for fulfilling some other kind of personal agenda...from setting fires and then calling them in to the volunteer dept. that they serve on, once a woman called 911 after being raped and when the volunteers showed up she freaked out and was screaming and pointing out one of the emts that it was him that had just raped her...

i have more in the weirdness files that i have known about and actually knowing these creeps that really are just looking for some way to be in authority...and this guy wanting to be a master over a slave --- the volunteer public safety stuff just seems to go hand in hand with everything we are hearing about him. i dont think he took emt training/citizens police training to help people... i think he did it for a number of reasons, and helping people would be way down on the bottom of the list. jmho....

eta: and actually killing someone would make some feel ultimately god/master like...so i would not be surprised at all if his true intentions were to kill someone...jmo
Okay, perhaps an accident and he panicked, but once LE was on to this, I would think if it was accidental that he would be cooperating more in helping LE now find her.
Not implying that she consented; just that any sexual-type story or theory does tend to freak out people. But with an ex-girlfriend talking about this guy's proclivities, it is going to make the news.

The problem is, the truth will be very difficult to determine. It will always have to be based on he said/she said from the living. I don't believe that finding her body will give the answers.

I think the freaking out is the fact we don't know if she consented and the crime involved murder, a form of S&M (choking and possibly suffocation) and allegedly group sex. Sorry, but this is very risky behavior and people generally tend to blame the victim to some degree. It is what it is. If she didn't consent and there may always be doubt as you suggested, it becomes very unfair to this murdered young woman. JMO
I see at least a few people here turning to the idea that the body is perhaps not in the water, which is understandable since we all want the body to be found and it's been some time now. Despite the lack of success though, I believe the simplest and most likely explanation remains that she's in the water and that our impatience is getting the better of us. If the search effort has made any error, it would seem that it was in not expanding the search area soon enough. It has seemed probable, if not obvious, to anyone who knows these waters well that a body entering the water at Pierce Island (especially with any positive buoyancy still in the lungs) could well be anywhere in the Piscataqua watershed. And yet, when the police so firmly assert that they have credible evidence to believe that she's in the water, I tend to not think them incompetent enough to say this lightly and without good reason.

An observation from Seth Mazzaglia's OKCupid profile, which I've not seen mentioned here perviously, reads:

"The most private thing I’m willing to admit:
I'm Botanaphobic... Okay, that's not so private. Just watch how I react when you try and get me to walk through that lush, green, 8 foot tall fern laden thicket. It's not happening. Nope. Keep Dreaming."

The man hated or feared plants. Outside some conspiratorial view that he wrote this to mislead us and hence taken at face value, it certainly reduces the likelihood that he placed the body in the woods or any overgrown area, often found to be a convenient and suitable hiding spot for the recently illegally departed. If not the water, or the brush, what's left within reason?

Mazzaglia was familiar with Prescott Park, having spent time on the summer stage there, and was presumably also aware of adjacent Pierce Island. Wherever the body was hidden, one might begin with Mr. Occam's principle (also that of Maimonides and Artistotle before him) and believe that the disposal area was likely a place at least familiar to the killer, but sufficiently distanced from the place of murder so as not to draw attention to its culprit. Pierce Island, I believe, still fits this notion adequately.

Simplex sigillum veri.
In ocean water where the person has stopped breathing before entering the water (dead), they usually float. The last air they breathed is trapped in the lungs and causes bouncy—for how long, it varies.

Eventually water finds it’s way into the body—I’ll leave out the details—and displaces the oxygen mixture previously in the lungs. The body sinks at varying states depending on body fat ratio and what they may have eaten or drank at the time of death.

Body decomp will sometimes allow the body to rise—not always—or it can rise more than once. Basically there are many variables.

To complicate matters, cold water, such as ocean water, will hold the body below the surface longer due a different effect on the body than fresh water at warmer temps.

Each one of us will pass through different stages and duration when dropped into the water—it matters greatly as to whether we are breathing when deposited.

JMO after some reading—there are many variables… I agree with you.

Thanks, I forgot about the salt water part. It is a lot more corrosive--plus the body tends to move around more than in a lake, because of the tidal currents. Not to mention, bodies alive or dead float better than in fresh water.

Marriott, a 19-year-old freshman at the University of New Hampshire, was last heard from Tuesday night. She had been on her way to visit the co-worker, Kat McDonough, after finishing class. Police found her car in a campus parking lot in Durham, about six miles from McDonough’s apartment, where the women had planned to meet.

A family friend told The Daily how Marriott and Mazzaglia, a martial arts instructor and actor, came to know each other. Mazzaglia dates McDonough, said Dawn Downey, whose daughter has been best friends with Marriott since seventh grade.

<modsnip> it cites a credible witness to the ID of Mazzaglia's girlfriend. I'd be surprised if this isn't the next person they're hoping to arrest.
My first post here and I want to address a few things. To begin with, I do believe that there is enough credible information that Lizzi is in the waters off Pierce Island to incur the costs and manpower hours of over a week long search of that area. I highly doubt so much money and resources would be wasted on searching an area if there weren't overwhelming support for such an intensive search. I also don't believe the search is being done for the family, I think it's being done so they can find Lizzi so a case can be made in regards to her murder.
Secondly, I don't buy for a moment that her death occurred as a result of orgy. The only thing the AG's office has confirmed is that they believe her death occurred during a sexual encounter. A sexual encounter doesn't have to be consensual. I also wonder if the defense attorney is the inside leak to the press. We all know it's not uncommon for a defense strategy to put the victim on trial and to hint that she was involved in a orgy makes Lizzi seem somehow culpable in her own death. For instance, it's common during a rape trial to somehow find something lurid in the victim's background to put the victim on trial and also to cause the jury to disassociate themselves from the victim. Or to take a mugging victim and make them somehow responsible by proving the victim to be irresponsible because they were in the wrong section of town, using an atm at an unsafe location, etc.
Lastly, we should also remember that the only one giving evidence at this point is SM and his version of events might be slightly skewed to support himself so he can save his own skin. Fact is, Lizzi was 19 and pretty, I know at that age anyone over the age of 25 was ancient and SM was portly and by all accounts a nerd with not a lot of prospects or money. I don't believe for an instant there was any attraction. Another fact is, even if Lizzi were a willing participant in some sexual orgy, she wasn't a willing participant in her own death.
My concern is all the summer homes in the Rye and North Hampton area and the hard to reach beaches there where she may have washed up on. Or even worse that she was quickly taken out to open waters.
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