GUILTY NM - Five Griego family members murdered in their Albuquerque home, 20 Jan 2013

And maybe he really was a saint. Maybe he was a good, smart kid, with friends, and faith/church, and a loving family. What do we know? The only thing I found online was his meetone profile which said "well I'm a fun loving guy.who like to make ppl happy I might be shy but I'll open up once you get to know me".

Maybe he really did SNAP a week prior to this. Lots and lots of kids like to play Modern Warfare, Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto. Do I think it is appropriate for kids? No. But I do not believe it made him into a murderer. Something happened. I think this family knows him better than we (and the media) do. I would take their word at this point that they never thought he could be capable of something like this.
Imo, its not just the playing of video games alone that would make a child snap; its a combination of everything around us.

This world is a dark place; we see war scenes on tv news as if they were nothing - tv, bodies strewn, slight coverings of dead bodies with pools of blood oozing out from underneath; we see crime drama shows all the time on tv, violence in movies.
For example, get a load of this. A movie about witches, and saw this commercial on tv - the voice over said it was rated PG13. this was aired during a family show, too! really? No way I'd want my 13 year old to see a movie about witches!
Beautiful Creatures

Our kids are exposed to a LOT of things that desensitize them little by little, day after day, year after year. If this is all they are exposed to, is the darkness and everything that is wrong, and they desensitize to where this is the norm, why are we so surprised that our kids are turning out the way they are?

How many prefer the happy news stories to the ones about the doom adn gloom and the ho-hum, etc? I don't think people realize just how careful you have to be regarding what you expose yourself to in the media, books, tv, movies, violent video games and so on. What goes in eventually comes out.

No, this is not the only reason, but combine the above with someone with undiagnosed mental health issues or a neglected child? Do we really need to ask why and what went wrong? It just seems so obvious to me.

Why are we so drawn to darkness and tragedy? Why is it so glorified in movies, books, video games and every where else we look? :(
I think it important to remember that this family is still reeling from the loss of FIVE family members, SIX, if you choose to count NG. Given the current political climate around the gun control debate, I personally can completely understand the point of their statement.

They do not want NG to be another Adam Lanza, the epicenter of the gun control debate. We the public have no idea who NG was, we only know snippets of info about him gleaned from neighbors who admit they did not really know him other than in passing.

This family is grieving their dead, grieving the loss of NG and thrust into the middle of the RAGING gun control debate.

I totally get their statement and why they chose to make it.

NG will forever be remembered by America as that kid who shot his family. He will be held up as the newest poster child for why this country needs radical gun control. He will be vilified, called evil, etc.

In a time of terrible grief, they are choosing to ALSO remember that this kid, who they love, was more than just the sum of his actions on that fateful night.

Their kid brutally murdered several family members. When a person makes a choice like that, that is the sum of who they are. Nothing else really matters unless there is evidence that the person was 100% insane at the time of the killings.

As to the gun issue, what the heck? These parents had a house full of kids, ex-convicts running around the property and a possibly obviously troubled son with "anger issues" (I say possibly because we don't know if he showed any signs of being troubled before this event).

Who the heck has a closet of unsecured firearms in their home under such conditions? You better believe that these killings have everything to do with the gun debate. And this kid as well as the coward who murdered the babies of Newton should be held up as poster children. Perhaps not for radical gun control (which I actually don't think too many are arguing for) but for radical responsibility when it comes to gun ownership! Come on!

I'm not a gun control person but clearly these cases speak to the need for serious responsibility when it comes to guns. There is absolutely no need for a person with children in the home to have a closet full of unsecured weapons. That is ridiculous.

Imo, its not just the playing of video games alone that would make a child snap; its a combination of everything around us.

This world is a dark place; we see war scenes on tv news as if they were nothing - tv, bodies strewn, slight coverings of dead bodies with pools of blood oozing out from underneath; we see crime drama shows all the time on tv, violence in movies.
For example, get a load of this. A movie about witches, and saw this commercial on tv - the voice over said it was rated PG13. this was aired during a family show, too! really? No way I'd want my 13 year old to see a movie about witches!
Beautiful Creatures
Beautiful Creatures - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube

Our kids are exposed to a LOT of things that desensitize them little by little, day after day, year after year. If this is all they are exposed to, is the darkness and everything that is wrong, and they desensitize to where this is the norm, why are we so surprised that our kids are turning out the way they are?

How many prefer the happy news stories to the ones about the doom adn gloom and the ho-hum, etc? I don't think people realize just how careful you have to be regarding what you expose yourself to in the media, books, tv, movies, violent video games and so on. What goes in eventually comes out.

No, this is not the only reason, but combine the above with someone with undiagnosed mental health issues or a neglected child? Do we really need to ask why and what went wrong? It just seems so obvious to me.

Why are we so drawn to darkness and tragedy? Why is it so glorified in movies, books, video games and every where else we look? :(

Wait, witches? I dressed like one for Halloween as a kid. I also watched Escape to Witch Mountain and later, the Witches of Eastwick. Was all that supposed to dement me?

Beautiful Creatures seems no different from the vampire movies or Harry Potter fantasy-type films marketed to teens. I see nothing in it that particularly inspires violence or evil. It seems like harmless fantasy to me.

What I'm worried about is the extreme violence and horror of certain video games and movies like the torture *advertiser censored* movies I hear that children and teens go to, such as Hostel or Saw. I think extreme violence excites and inspires people with evil hearts or distorted minds. I do agree that we desensitize our kids in this country. But the desensitization will likely only radically affect kids who already have the propensity to be evil or mentally ill. And a silly fantasy film like Beautiful Creatures has little if nothing to do with desensitization, IMO. That's the least of our worries.

In fact, while I agree that violence and desensitization in general are problematic, I think any one argument - mental illness, better mental health care, better gun control or more responsible gun ownership, child abuse, bullying, violent videos and movies, etc. - is a simplification of the issue. When these cases occur, it is usually a perfect storm of causes.

But I do think there is one thing that would reduce these kinds of mass killings, better than any other possible preventative measure, including limiting gun access, providing adequate mental health treatment and limiting access to violent games and movies: The glorification of these murderers.

Whenever we say their names, write their names, publicize their life stories, flash their photos across a computer or t.v. screen, or call them the macho sounding "gunman", we glorify them. And every time we glorify one of these cowards, we inspire yet another nut or evil creep.

We can go round and round regarding the causes, which is both a logical effect of such horrific murders and an interesting subject to discuss, but i really think that the single most effective means of preventing these awful crimes is the one that is the easiest to accomplish and the one we most steadfastly refuse to employ. And I don't know why that is.

They should be called what they are: Cowards, or murderers or baby killers and never mentioned by name, except perhaps at the very beginning. There should be a social policy to refuse to give these creeps the recognition and notoriety they crave and concentrate on the victims and survivors when those exist.

But I guess, that'll be the day and we will still be wringing our hands as to the causes of these horrible mass murders, 100 years from now. :moo:
Their kid brutally murdered several family members. When a person makes a choice like that, that is the sum of who they are. Nothing else really matters unless there is evidence that the person was 100% insane at the time of the killings.

As to the gun issue, what the heck? These parents had a house full of kids, ex-convicts running around the property and a possibly obviously troubled son with "anger issues" (I say possibly because we don't know if he showed any signs of being troubled before this event).

Who the heck has a closet of unsecured firearms in their home under such conditions? You better believe that these killings have everything to do with the gun debate. And this kid as well as the coward who murdered the babies of Newton should be held up as poster children. Perhaps not for radical gun control (which I actually don't think too many are arguing for) but for radical responsibility when it comes to gun ownership! Come on!

I'm not a gun control person but clearly these cases speak to the need for serious responsibility when it comes to guns. There is absolutely no need for a person with children in the home to have a closet full of unsecured weapons. That is ridiculous.


my post was in response to those who take exception to the statement issued by the Griego extended family linked here

I merely wanted to say that I understand they are coming from a place of grief. This is very personal to them. Those of us on the outside looking in have opinions about the guns, and some of what is being reported about NG. And that is fine. But I really can't blame this family for struggling with their emotions about what has happened or being upset about how this is all playing out in the media.

Are you saying you also take exception to the family statement? because really my only point was, I am not going to judge these people because they still want to cling to the happier memories of NG and his lifetime as part of their family. And if they want to tell the world that NG liked music and was active in church and sports, had friends, etc. I have no problem with them doings so. I kind of have a hard time with what the big deal is.
I will cut this family some slack because their grief has got to be overwhelming. My guess is they may not be prepared to deal with the unimaginable loss they have suffered just yet. This "don't judge our family member and don't use him in the gun control debate" stance may simply be their way of trying to get a handle on the situation. It's going to take them a while to fully process the pain they are feeling.

That being said, I think it is entirely appropriate for questions to be raised about this young man's appalling murderous rampage. He slaughtered five people in his own family, including his two year old sibling and even texted a picture of his murdered mom to his twelve year old girlfriend! That, and the circumstances mentioned above (unsecured weapons, a parade of convicted felons in or near the home, etc.) make the questions completely understandable in my opinion. JMO, MOO
I will cut this family some slack because their grief has got to be overwhelming. My guess is they may not be prepared to deal with the unimaginable loss they have suffered just yet. This "don't judge our family member and don't use him in the gun control debate" stance may simply be their way of trying to get a handle on the situation. It's going to take them a while to fully process the pain they are feeling.

That being said, I think it is entirely appropriate for questions to be raised about this young man's appalling murderous rampage. He slaughtered five people in his own family, including his two year old sibling and even texted a picture of his murdered mom to his twelve year old girlfriend! That, and the circumstances mentioned above (unsecured weapons, a parade of convicted felons in or near the home, etc.) make the questions completely understandable in my opinion. JMO, MOO

Thank you for explaining this better than I was. Your post gets to the crux of what my last two have tried to express.

I am not saying this conversation should not be happening (guns, NG, etc) I am simply saying I can afford this family a little leeway as they absorb this tragedy without dissecting their statement to bits.

Thank you for expressing what I was not able to.
Can't believe he shot a 9, 5, and 2 year-old !!!!
I don't know what the family situation was with the parents and I'll reserve judgement until there's more information.
Nehemiah Griego not only destroyed his own life; but his extended family and friends; also anyone in his past who may have tried to help him.
Hard to imagine what they're going through.

My condolences to those who loved that family --- and will probably never understand WHY ????

Edited to add : Even IF NG was abused... well I have news for him--others have been abused and didn't murder little children ; but instead went on to live kind and productive lives.
I do not hate NG ... however I'm feeling a lack of compassion for him atm. Just the thought of those little faces (possibly) looking at NG when he shot them !!!!!
my post was in response to those who take exception to the statement issued by the Griego extended family linked here

I merely wanted to say that I understand they are coming from a place of grief. This is very personal to them. Those of us on the outside looking in have opinions about the guns, and some of what is being reported about NG. And that is fine. But I really can't blame this family for struggling with their emotions about what has happened or being upset about how this is all playing out in the media.

Are you saying you also take exception to the family statement? because really my only point was, I am not going to judge these people because they still want to cling to the happier memories of NG and his lifetime as part of their family. And if they want to tell the world that NG liked music and was active in church and sports, had friends, etc. I have no problem with them doings so. I kind of have a hard time with what the big deal is.

No, I don't take exception for the most part (except for the political statement about guns). It actually sheds light on certain things to me. And yes, I do understand the motive behind their statement. They know this kid and the victims. They must be shocked and stunned.

That being said, I think what they are requesting is highly unreasonable. Their murdering relative is going to be considered a monster for the horrible way in which he slaughtered his family, especially for lifting the head of his dead mother and forcing his 9 year old brother to look at her before shooting him for crying, for taking a photo of his dead mother and sending it to his 12 year old girlfriend and for coldly and sternly describing the murders and the motivation being "annoyance" with his mother.

Further, he will necessarily be part of the gun debate. If there was any sign that he was troubled, he should have never had access to any kind of weaponry. That includes guns, knives, bows, etc. And the fact that he was a minor and that there were other kids as well as ex-cons on the property suggests that there should never have been unlocked guns on the property. The family statement indicates, to me, that they are hardcore into guns and don't believe even criticism of how they are stored should be allowed. Otherwise, in the midst of their intense grief and shock, I can't imagine way the gun debate would even come to their minds right now.

And let me make my views clear: I am against a blanket ban on guns or gun ownership. I do not believe that many/most gun control laws would work in our country. I am not into killing things but I have enjoyed shooting guns and I see nothing wrong with most minors being able to shoot guns or hunt if they are well supervised by responsible adults.

I do see a huge problem in having unsecured firearms and ammunition on a property with any children. You really can't 100% trust kids. They can do stupid things.

I also have a major issue with teaching any troubled kid, any disturbed kid, any anti-social kid or kid having "anger issues", how to use a gun and I have a major issue with any such kid being allowed to hunt or shoot as a hobby. Guns are meant to kill with and troubled kids should not have access to them or any other weapons or violent imagery, or anything that could spark latent fantasies.

This family had a whole closet of unsecured firearms in their house,with 10 kids and excons. It is unreasonable to suggest that that fact will not become a topic of discussion surrounding these murders and the debate about guns in general. And the fact that the fear their murdering relative will become a poster child for some gun issue is one of the first thing out of their mouths at such a time, tells me something about that family that may shed light on why what happened was able to occur.
I follow, and I don't disagree with what you have posted. I actually agree. I think they are not going to get what they ask for in their statement, I just don't take exception to their asking it, I would kind of expect them to.

Obviously no amount of backstory on what a great kid this was is going to unring the bell. He brutally murdered members of his own immediate family.

And the guns

Don't even get me started on a household with children in it and guns and ammo in a closet for anyone to get at.

I just took exception to the idea that people would take exception to their statement.

If that even makes any sense.
I follow, and I don't disagree with what you have posted. I actually agree. I think they are not going to get what they ask for in their statement, I just don't take exception to their asking it, I would kind of expect them to.

Obviously no amount of backstory on what a great kid this was is going to unring the bell. He brutally murdered members of his own immediate family.

And the guns

Don't even get me started on a household with children in it and guns and ammo in a closet for anyone to get at.

I just took exception to the idea that people would take exception to their statement.

If that even makes any sense.

It does make sense. You are reacting with compassion and understanding to a family's grief. More people should do that!
Here is the idea her parents should think about. I think she should postpone dating for while.
Here is the idea her parents should think about. I think she should postpone dating for while.

And her parents need to sleep behind locked, bullet proof doors. It's only a matter of time, I tell you. Milk ain't clean, there.
If he sent a picture of his Mother, who he had just murdered to his 12 year old girlfriend, then he had already told her he was going to do it. Sending that picture was essentially the equivalent of Tarzan thumping his chest.... he was BRAGGING that he had carried out what they had discussed! Disgusting! I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I also bet they had discussed killing her parents as well, so they could "be together". I bet her parents did not approve of the relationship. The father lost his job within the last two months, and I bet the parents of the 12 year old girlfriend were beginning to make noises about them being together. Plenty of stress there for a 15 year old who felt his world crumbling around him. All of this is of course, my opinion, but it is like watching familiar puzzle pieces click into place. Sadly, once all of the pieces are in place, the picture still does not make any sense to those of us left standing in the dust! :banghead:

You have posted my theory exactly, LOL. I suspect that the argument with is mother may have been about her forbidding him to see this 12 yr. old girl. Looks like Romeo decided to take care of the problem with the support of his gf, IMO.
Dr Drew had a relative of the shooter's on tonight (on HLN)! It will repeat later, so I came to let everyone know.

I had to be on the phone, so I didn't get to watch it, but I saw that they spoke with him for a while. I did hear that, apparently, the relative said something about the girlfriend, because I heard a female panelist say (paraphrased): 'you can't put this on a 12-yr-old girl!' to the man. Hmmmmm.
Dr Drew had a relative of the shooter's on tonight (on HLN)! It will repeat later, so I came to let everyone know.

I had to be on the phone, so I didn't get to watch it, but I saw that they spoke with him for a while. I did hear that, apparently, the relative said something about the girlfriend, because I heard a female panelist say (paraphrased): 'you can't put this on a 12-yr-old girl!' to the man. Hmmmmm.
Thank you. Its replaying here now and I have it on.

I just don't know what to say. Its his uncle - the dad's brother. He has actually said that the sheriff (or detectives) coerced a confession out of him. AND that the 12 yr old gf was "egging him on" and that the bit about the sending her the picture isn't true - although he did say he hasn't seen any of the evidence.

He said that the Wal-Mart bit is the ending of Grand Theft Auto (I don't know the game so I don't know if that's true).

I'm just gobsmacked at what this guy is saying and I think Dr. Drew and Lisa Bloom are as well. This is unbelievable.

He said there was no "fight" between him and his mom.

Its back on again.

Uncle is repeating the stuff about him being a drummer/muscian and athlete and church goer.

Drew is talking about a psychotic break possibly.

Uncle doesn't want this being talked about like Newtown.

There were no signs - no red flags.

Psychologist talking about psychotic depression. Worried about what he may have seen........talking about going to a Wal-Mart. Possibly slipped over that edge.

Lisa Bloom asking about Uncle being concerned that he had access to these guns. Uncle repeated about the family having different views about guns. Uncle said he wasn't aware that there were guns in the house.

Lisa Bloom talking about the dad being a reformed gang member - so history of redemption. Uncle says his brother would have wanted this kid not locked away but reformed.

Drew saying if the kid really had a psychotic break - could possibly get better?

This is really weird.

Commercial break again

DH off the top of his head says there is no such scenario in any of the Grand Theft Auto games, which he has played plenty, and I've watched him play plenty, too, and that didn't ring true to me, either.

IIRC, GTA is more about driving, car-jacking, stunts, with some drugs and hookers. No patricide, matricide, or fratricide involved, nor any WalMarticide.
Wait - didn't we read that dad had taken this kid to shooting ranges? If the Uncle was this close to the family wouldn't he have know that? Uncle said they were very close - were together at Xmas and both his (Uncle's) and the mom's b-day were coming up and they had plans to spend it together.

Ok back

Showing the press conference - about the violent video games.

Uncle saying he WAS NOT into these games.

Drew talking to the reporter that pretty much read from the charging document. Reporter saying that the church described him (kid) as a quiet boy, deeply involved in the church, was a wrestler. Day after the killings - pastor saying he was different, very dark - something was different. Father didn't want him playing those games. Was very sheltered by dad - was a very young 15 yr old. LE is saying he was involved in the games.

Drew talking about the confusion of the video games and if there is no coorelation to such.

Lisa Bloom arguing that there is research showing these games do impact kids.

Uncle says he doesn't know if he played them or not. They weren't allowed in the home. Saying the boy mentioned the games only in passing. Repeating about the Wal-Mart being the end of Grand Theft Auto. Talking about how many people missed the "cues". He's attacking the police and the media.

Drew saying he is against him being charged as an adult - especially if he is treatable. (I disagree)



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