NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #20

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here's my mom's theory (not provable of course...just speculation):

steven went to las vegas to check on a job. the job was not legit, it involved illegal activity. steven was not the type to engage in this so backed off...the people thought that he would alert authorities. there was more than one person involved. while one or more people held steven against his will and harmed him, another person of similar, but more slender, build dumped his car. was carrying either stevens directions to job site or their own directions to/from car site away from car. second person picked up by conspirators. person walked up evening lights possibly only to avoid being further noted by white SUV.

I think it's a valid theory. I still think it was possible it was steven coming from the car and possible the conspirator was acting alone and in the neighborhood where the car was found. but I think hers, would probably be my second most likely type of scenario. I also wondered if maybe SK went up to Ruby Valley because he wanted to ask about getting a job and room/board on the ranch for a time. maybe when he was there he felt embarrassed and backed off, or he dropped a hint and they didn't catch it, so he left, discouraged. either that or he was up there doing something else...
has that whole area around whitney ranch been searched w metal detectors looking for his phone, or possibly him? looks very deserty in that square...very suspicious. this is clearly the area where his phone ended up, if only for timespan of a few days. are there a lot of apartments in this area? houses? businesses? hotels? all of the above? also the ping prior to this in SW las vegas/ henderson airport area...is this a high crime area? what is mostly around that area? I have never been to vegas. this seems like it, might have been a meetup point for him, ie, furthest point from home, or this was when he was entering the anthem area. if so, would that mean he entered the "back" way?
there is an LDS church in the area of his last few cell phone pings...not THAT much of a coincidence...but slightly notable.
Laytonian and Old Steve: Thank you for the welcome and comments on my first post.

Laytonian, I couldn't get anywhere with the link you kindly provided -could be me or my computer. However, I did got back and read quite a bit. The only thing I can say re: the second video is that what I think I see is that it looked like this: As SK was approaching the end of the window reflection, a door opened and he went in. However, it would have to be the situation where someone saw him approaching and opened the door right as SK arrived at it, or the door was unlocked and he walked in without hesitating, because he didn't break his stride. That is what I THINK I saw, but I never put much stock into what I "think" I see -am sooooo often wrong.

As far as the "person in the video" angle: I guess this is where the neophytes are separated from the pros! Initially I thought that it would be such a help to nail down, 100%, the ID of that person. However, I now realize that the odds of a person whom SK's family and friends all ID as him, even on a grainy video, walking away from his car, NOT being him, are pretty, pretty long. Back to sleuthing school.....

Odds, though, do bring up yet another question I have. Considering the facts of the case, that he took his keys with him, where he parked the car, no note, that his bank accounts and credit cards have been completely inactive, no activity related to his SS number at all, etc: I would think that LE/PI's would have some kind of professional opinion related to the odds given these facts. In other words, are they, at this point, leaning in a particular direction, something he did voluntarily (suicide or disappearance) vs. foul play? How often is it that a person who attempts suicide does so in a manner that their body isn't found? How often does a person who walks away from his life drive out of his way to ditch a car? -Those kinds of things. The facts that we all discuss and ponder, but do the professionals have some ideas based on past real life situations?

One more thing: Is there a way on this site to see all of a particular person's posts, so that one doesn't have to go through thousands of posts to see the train of thought of a specific poster?

If if you click on the person's name a drop down box will appear and you will see an option to select to see all the posts by that poster....or you can use the search option in the above left by your log in info and quick links. I dont think you have to have 25 or more posts, as you do for PM's, but I don't recall....it's been awhile. HTH
This is only a data point, not anything definitive -- I'm acquainted with a retired detective who looked over Laytonian's timeline and such. This is paraphrased from memory and not guaranteed to be accurate, and nothing he said was specific to Steven's case -- he didn't want to get involved in offering anything that could be construed as being a PI without a license.

He said he saw absolutely nothing inconsistent with suicide, and statistically that would be the most likely thing to happen to a 30-year-old unemployed single man without any close friends who is at odds with his family, who had been behaving somewhat erratically, and who disappeared without telling anybody anything. He said the majority of suicides in his experience don't leave notes. And he felt it's common for a certain kind of person to make sure not to leave too many loose ends (the Christmas gifts, the car parked where it would be found) and to make sure they're not where family or friends will find them. It's also not uncommon to walk for long distances, sometimes for days, from where they left their car.

But he also said there wasn't anything really inconsistent with most of the other theories, either. He said Steven's the kind of clean cut naive young man who is easily duped into being a mule without knowing it, but drug runners wouldn't be likely to go to the trouble of staging a disappearance -- they'd have shot him and left him beside the road.

The only thing he gave a really definitive answer on was that he thinks the car was left in a place that has nothing to do with the reasons why Steven disappeared. If there was foul play, it was related to either St. George or SLC.

The rest was "in general" stuff about trends and similar crimes he's seen.

I posted most of this earlier but I couldn't find my own post :p Hopefully my memory hasn't failed me too badly...
What SUV is that?

The last house on the left on SS (as your going down it) and would have been opposite of where SK's car was parked and catty corner of Mr. Security. At the time on google maps, earth and bing, it showed a white SUV parked in the driveway. They have since updated the maps and it is no longer available to see.
Well, the Disappeared listings were all off when SK's case was shown, but I see they repeat them regularly.

My memory is no good either - but I honestly don't remember anything about the person to which you are referring??? I hope someone will come across it too and maybe re-introduce it!

As far as SP goes, I do believe LE in both cases have publicly stated they have found NO connection, whatsoever. Believe me, I wish it was true because that would mean both of them would, most likely, still be alive and well.

Do you remember if they mentioned his Temple visit of the 9th on the program?

Wanted to post this video of SK and it's audio is of SK singing:


There is one pic with him having very short hair and a part in his hair. Could this be a scar from surgery? His hair seems too short to part.
here's my mom's theory (not provable of course...just speculation):

steven went to las vegas to check on a job. the job was not legit, it involved illegal activity. steven was not the type to engage in this so backed off...the people thought that he would alert authorities. there was more than one person involved. while one or more people held steven against his will and harmed him, another person of similar, but more slender, build dumped his car. was carrying either stevens directions to job site or their own directions to/from car site away from car. second person picked up by conspirators. person walked up evening lights possibly only to avoid being further noted by white SUV.

I think it's a valid theory. I still think it was possible it was steven coming from the car and possible the conspirator was acting alone and in the neighborhood where the car was found. but I think hers, would probably be my second most likely type of scenario. I also wondered if maybe SK went up to Ruby Valley because he wanted to ask about getting a job and room/board on the ranch for a time. maybe when he was there he felt embarrassed and backed off, or he dropped a hint and they didn't catch it, so he left, discouraged. either that or he was up there doing something else...

In your mother's theory...would the person impersonating SK know of the surveillance cameras?
No one knows what all his travels were about prior to going missing. I'm pretty sure if that was known, he would have been found by now.

What would you like to know about the search? I was there and will try to answer your questions.

I'm curious of his phone records for the week before and during all the driving to RV. Did swjaxon get to review those also? I'm sure LE would have a look see at them. There was mention of a call to his sister, I believe, during that trip north, but can't remember if it was from a post here by his cousin or if on the fb page.

You should actually watch the show if you're going to comment on it. It didn't really tell us anything new, but I do believe it was factually accurate.

I thought the show did an excellent job of dismissing the SP link to SK in that it showed the SP-SK was developed before it was realized that SK had kept his passport tucked away inside a note book. So much for his going to Brazil....
A few thoughts as I keep plowing my way through the threads:

If he did commit suicide, why did he choose that particular area? It seems like an odd place for him to choose to end his life, as far as we know, he didn’t have any real ties there. I would think that if he was to do this, it would be near his home in St. George, or near a place that was close to his heart. Also, if he was walking off somewhere to commit suicide, why was he taking a folder with him? Personally, I just don’t think the suicide theory adds up. Unless he crawled into a deep mine or cave, I think someone would’ve found his body by now.

The more and more I think about it, I don’t think the location/neighborhood where the car was left has much to do with his disappearance. If someone who lived close by did something to Steven, why would they leave his car so close to their home? Wouldn’t they want to distance themselves from it? Most people wouldn’t invite someone to their home, tell them to park close by, harm them and then leave evidence that the person was in their neighborhood. They would most likely move it to another location.

I am still very curious about the pieces of info the family has but will not release to the public. His cousin stated that they wouldn’t reveal what it is because they didn’t want the person that may have done something to Steven to know the family/LE has this info. For some reason, this statement immediately made me think that LE suspects someone close to Steven of knowing more than they have admitted to. I think LE may have found calls/texts on Steven’s cell phone records that make them suspect this person. This statement also seems to indicate that LE do not think it was suicide or a planned disappearance.
A few thoughts as I keep plowing my way through the threads:

If he did commit suicide, why did he choose that particular area? It seems like an odd place for him to choose to end his life, as far as we know, he didn’t have any real ties there. I would think that if he was to do this, it would be near his home in St. George, or near a place that was close to his heart. Also, if he was walking off somewhere to commit suicide, why was he taking a folder with him? Personally, I just don’t think the suicide theory adds up. Unless he crawled into a deep mine or cave, I think someone would’ve found his body by now.

The more and more I think about it, I don’t think the location/neighborhood where the car was left has much to do with his disappearance. If someone who lived close by did something to Steven, why would they leave his car so close to their home? Wouldn’t they want to distance themselves from it? Most people wouldn’t invite someone to their home, tell them to park close by, harm them and then leave evidence that the person was in their neighborhood. They would most likely move it to another location.

I am still very curious about the pieces of info the family has but will not release to the public. His cousin stated that they wouldn’t reveal what it is because they didn’t want the person that may have done something to Steven to know the family/LE has this info. For some reason, this statement immediately made me think that LE suspects someone close to Steven of knowing more than they have admitted to. I think LE may have found calls/texts on Steven’s cell phone records that make them suspect this person. This statement also seems to indicate that LE do not think it was suicide or a planned disappearance.

I think the only think they really wouldn't say, at least at first, was that his passport had not been located. it has since been located among his things.

to the other post, as for his family and friends knowing it was him, if I had a grainy video of my loved ones where I could not see their face at all, their hair and clothes were not unusual etc, I think I could only make a probable identification. that is very different from a positive identification. if you saw the ID show, the mother asked herself several times: "is that him? is that him?" she didn't look at the video and say, yep, that is definitely my son. so I think that is what we have, a probable identification and not a definitive one. that leaves other possibilities open. as far as separating amateurs from people who know what they're doing etc., I think that's an odd statement to make given the circumstances of this very stalled investigation and the only thing I am going to say is he has not been found. that speaks for itself, no one knows, what happened to him.

as to my mom's theory, I'm thinking, no. examining a house closely for cameras by a potential suspect was probably not done. I think I would say the same whether that was steven going to meet someone nearby or whether it was not steven.
has that whole area around whitney ranch been searched w metal detectors looking for his phone, or possibly him? looks very deserty in that square...very suspicious. this is clearly the area where his phone ended up, if only for timespan of a few days. are there a lot of apartments in this area? houses? businesses? hotels? all of the above? also the ping prior to this in SW las vegas/ henderson airport area...is this a high crime area? what is mostly around that area? I have never been to vegas. this seems like it, might have been a meetup point for him, ie, furthest point from home, or this was when he was entering the anthem area. if so, would that mean he entered the "back" way?
there is an LDS church in the area of his last few cell phone pings...not THAT much of a coincidence...but slightly notable.

Whitney Ranch is a fairly large and very populated area. Lots of everything there! Stores, restaurants, homes, etc.

There's a lot of desert surrounding the area near the Henderson airport. It's not heavily populated in the immediate area. Anthem is to the east and Southern Highlands is on the west side of I-15. And there are LDS churches all over this city!

I have always believed that Steven didn't randomly wind up in that SCA neighborhood. He had to have been given specific directions at some point, IMO. Not only is it not a place you would stumble upon to dump your car, but it is completely across the city from where you would enter coming in from Utah. IMO.

For those who believe it is not Steven on the video, you should know that the direction that person is walking is further into the neighborhood. The way out is in the opposite direction.
A few thoughts as I keep plowing my way through the threads:

If he did commit suicide, why did he choose that particular area? It seems like an odd place for him to choose to end his life, as far as we know, he didn’t have any real ties there. I would think that if he was to do this, it would be near his home in St. George, or near a place that was close to his heart. Also, if he was walking off somewhere to commit suicide, why was he taking a folder with him? Personally, I just don’t think the suicide theory adds up. Unless he crawled into a deep mine or cave, I think someone would’ve found his body by now.

Those who have leaned toward the suicide theory believe he may have come here to eliminate the chance of his family finding his remains. I feel he could easily have accomplished that far closer to home. OTOH, he could have hidden himself away.

The more and more I think about it, I don’t think the location/neighborhood where the car was left has much to do with his disappearance. If someone who lived close by did something to Steven, why would they leave his car so close to their home? Wouldn’t they want to distance themselves from it? Most people wouldn’t invite someone to their home, tell them to park close by, harm them and then leave evidence that the person was in their neighborhood. They would most likely move it to another location.

I believe this also. If something did happen to him, it most likely didn't happen within that neighborhood.

I am still very curious about the pieces of info the family has but will not release to the public. His cousin stated that they wouldn’t reveal what it is because they didn’t want the person that may have done something to Steven to know the family/LE has this info. For some reason, this statement immediately made me think that LE suspects someone close to Steven of knowing more than they have admitted to. I think LE may have found calls/texts on Steven’s cell phone records that make them suspect this person. This statement also seems to indicate that LE do not think it was suicide or a planned disappearance.

That was regarding Steven's passport. The family initially thought it was missing, but it was later found in his room in St. George.
Do you remember if they mentioned his Temple visit of the 9th on the program?

Wanted to post this video of SK and it's audio is of SK singing:


There is one pic with him having very short hair and a part in his hair. Could this be a scar from surgery? His hair seems too short to part.

I don't recall if it was mentioned in the show, but I believe the date has been confirmed through various sources.
When I first heard that my friend steve had disappeared, I just assumed he was killed by some bad people. That was my first thought. After viewing the TV show and having thought about it for over a year, I have to agree with my first assessment.

My opinion:

He was there for a job and it turned out to be a scam.

My reasoning:

1. He spent over $100 on gas driving a thousand miles, his car was found with a half tank. He couldn't afford rent but all of a sudden he has all this cash for gas. New promising job, no?

2. He wasn't trying to dissapear, he answered phone calls and told people where he was.

3. He always seemed to take his religion seriously, it wasn't an act. I believe he'd move back home before being a drug runner. He attended the temple. In my experience, people begining to do immoral activities don't go out of their way to attend the temple.

4. GW told him on that Sunday morning: "do what you've got to do". I believe he meant: "good luck finding a job even though it's the sabath. You're so desperate, it's ok".

5. That is Steve in the video. 98% sure. He had a distinctive walk. To fake it, one would have to know steve's walk, be able to impersonate that walk and know a security camera was there to capture the impersonation. Not likely.

6. I do recall him taking programming classes before he moved to St George. He also did some web design. I would think he went to Vegas to get or perform a job related to one of his skills. Is it profitable to drive 2 hours to Vegas just to pass out fliers? He didn't pass out fliers to anyone on evening lights.

7. He was forgetful. I bet he was on his way to Vegas and realized he forgot something needed for the job. By this time he had reached mesquite.

8. If he didn't want anyone to find his body, why answer the phone and tell people which city to start looking?

9. He left his car right around 12pm. He had a meeting with someone. It's a nice round number. He didn't just decide to kill himself at 12pm. He could have done that earlier that morning.

10. He was in Vegas earlier that day. What was he doing? He must have had face to face contact with someone, else the police would have found an electronic clue. How did he know how to get to evening lights? Why didn't he go there ealier?

11. He was very naive and extremely friendly. Prime target for evil doers.

12. If he had some homosexual relationship or homosexual tendencies, there would be some electronic evidence somewhere on either his phone records or computer. If this were the case, the family would know this privetly. The family had us searching buses and fields. It doesn't seem they know anything about a possible homosexual connection.

13. Assuming he wasn't drug running. I bet the wendover drive was in efforts to see that gal pal and nothing more. He was trying to resolve any relationship potential before getting a job in Vegas.

14. He had resumes all over the trunk of his car. He told me, when working the fedex graveyard shift, that he had submitted 40 resumes with no luck. He wasn't a quiter. I send out 5 resumes and call it good.

15. Look at the list of movies he checked out from the library. I do believe one was a movie on Pistol Pete Meravich and another was about Pioneers. Who watches inspirational movies such as these and then kills themselves?

16. Would the bad guy have Steve park his car near his house or just some random place? If the bad guy is well aware of electronic giveaways (email, phone records), wouldn't he turn off Steve's cell phone and purposely turn it on near a freeway entrance. It may seem far fetched but no one knows what happened to Steve. Someone was smart enough to fool us all and I'm pretty sure it wasn't Steve.

Let's just assume that someone hurt him. Who did it, what was the motive? If he was a victim, it is worth our time to find out who did it so justice can be served. If he wasn't a victim. He chose to hurt his family. He chose his path.
When I first heard that my friend steve had disappeared, I just assumed he was killed by some bad people. That was my first thought. After viewing the TV show and having thought about it for over a year, I have to agree with my first assessment.

My opinion:

He was there for a job and it turned out to be a scam.

My reasoning:

1. He spent over $100 on gas driving a thousand miles, his car was found with a half tank. He couldn't afford rent but all of a sudden he has all this cash for gas. New promising job, no?

2. He wasn't trying to dissapear, he answered phone calls and told people where he was.

3. He always seemed to take his religion seriously, it wasn't an act. I believe he'd move back home before being a drug runner. He attended the temple. In my experience, people begining to do immoral activities don't go out of their way to attend the temple.

4. GW told him on that Sunday morning: "do what you've got to do". I believe he meant: "good luck finding a job even though it's the sabath. You're so desperate, it's ok".

5. That is Steve in the video. 98% sure. He had a distinctive walk. To fake it, one would have to know steve's walk, be able to impersonate that walk and know a security camera was there to capture the impersonation. Not likely.

6. I do recall him taking programming classes before he moved to St George. He also did some web design. I would think he went to Vegas to get or perform a job related to one of his skills. Is it profitable to drive 2 hours to Vegas just to pass out fliers? He didn't pass out fliers to anyone on evening lights.

7. He was forgetful. I bet he was on his way to Vegas and realized he forgot something needed for the job. By this time he had reached mesquite.

8. If he didn't want anyone to find his body, why answer the phone and tell people which city to start looking?

9. He left his car right around 12pm. He had a meeting with someone. It's a nice round number. He didn't just decide to kill himself at 12pm. He could have done that earlier that morning.

10. He was in Vegas earlier that day. What was he doing? He must have had face to face contact with someone, else the police would have found an electronic clue. How did he know how to get to evening lights? Why didn't he go there ealier?

11. He was very naive and extremely friendly. Prime target for evil doers.

12. If he had some homosexual relationship or homosexual tendencies, there would be some electronic evidence somewhere on either his phone records or computer. If this were the case, the family would know this privetly. The family had us searching buses and fields. It doesn't seem they know anything about a possible homosexual connection.

13. Assuming he wasn't drug running. I bet the wendover drive was in efforts to see that gal pal and nothing more. He was trying to resolve any relationship potential before getting a job in Vegas.

14. He had resumes all over the trunk of his car. He told me, when working the fedex graveyard shift, that he had submitted 40 resumes with no luck. He wasn't a quiter. I send out 5 resumes and call it good.

15. Look at the list of movies he checked out from the library. I do believe one was a movie on Pistol Pete Meravich and another was about Pioneers. Who watches inspirational movies such as these and then kills themselves?

16. Would the bad guy have Steve park his car near his house or just some random place? If the bad guy is well aware of electronic giveaways (email, phone records), wouldn't he turn off Steve's cell phone and purposely turn it on near a freeway entrance. It may seem far fetched but no one knows what happened to Steve. Someone was smart enough to fool us all and I'm pretty sure it wasn't Steve.

Let's just assume that someone hurt him. Who did it, what was the motive? If he was a victim, it is worth our time to find out who did it so justice can be served. If he wasn't a victim. He chose to hurt his family. He chose his path.

I believe your conclusions are correct and the wild rumors and speculations that I have seen on the internet is just that, wild rumors and speculations. I highly doubt that he was homosexual, not to mention what a thing to speculate if not true. I think he was the victim of foul play, and maybe the victim of a scam of some kind or at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I think whateve happened, happened in that neighborhood with someone that nobody would suspect. I doubt seriously if Steven Koecher was a drug runner, in fact I think that is totally ridiculous, that it is hardly even looking at. People who do stuff like that are by nature lazy and want to just make a quick buck. Doesn't sound like your friend, from what I have read.

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