NY NY - David Michael Loew, 22, USAF Sergeant, Rome, 10 Dec 1984

Richard, where did u find this case? I couldnt find him on doenetwork or googling. I was wondering if there is a picture of him somewhere that can be compaired to does.


David's family came to me requesting assistance with their search for him back in 1997. With their approval, I posted his case here on

I do not recall if I submitted it to Doenetwork. They have some specific criteria for posting cases and there may have been a catch requiring either the investigating officers (in this case the US Air Force) or an actual family member to make the request. I will have to check into it, because this case would be a good one for them to consider.

I have a very good photo of David taken in 1981 in his uniform which would be an excellent one for posting and comparisons.
David's family came to me requesting assistance with their search for him back in 1997. With their approval, I posted his case here on

I do not recall if I submitted it to Doenetwork. They have some specific criteria for posting cases and there may have been a catch requiring either the investigating officers (in this case the US Air Force) or an actual family member to make the request. I will have to check into it, because this case would be a good one for them to consider.

I have a very good photo of David taken in 1981 in his uniform which would be an excellent one for posting and comparisons.

Would you post it? That would be great. I would love to see what he looks like to compare. This is an interesting case.

There are many cases out there that are not on doe or any coldcase websites. It always intrigued me why. I know of one such case.

Would you post it? That would be great. I would love to see what he looks like to compare. This is an interesting case.
There are many cases out there that are not on doe or any coldcase websites. It always intrigued me why. I know of one such case.

I have been reviewing my rather thick file on this case and have contacted the Anne Arundel Police Department with a request that they take another look at a possible match between David and their "Oscar Doe" case.

I do not know if the Air Force ever initiated a "missing person" case for David. David's family attempted to initiate a Missing Person report in Halifax, NC with the Sheriff Department, but I have been unable to find any record of it.

Griffiss AFB no longer exists. It was closed down with all the base closures in the late 1980's and early 1990's. The Air Force Office of Criminal Investigations has some files on David, as does the Air Force Deserter Office.

The big problem with comparison of David's medical/dental records and with the body of "Oscar Doe" was that some significant Dental records were lost from David's records. It took months and months for the Air Force to come up with a record for comparison. The Maryland Medical Examiner Office was not a full time position but rather was manned by temporary contract personnel from time to time for the purpose of clearing cases.

In the end, no positive identification of "Oscar Doe" could be made due to some discrepancies between David's dental records and Oscar's dentition. On the other hand, it was stated that David's record DID NOT rule out a possible match. So, in effect, back to square one with a whole lot of coincidental similarities.

My feeling is that the Air Force Office of Criminal Investigation lost David's more recent dental records (which I know included a color photograph of David's mouth) and then sent back to St. Louis Military Personnel Records for another record - which may have been a much earlier one. This could account for discrepancies which would cause a Medical Examiner to say that he could not make the call but also could not rule out a match.

It is hoped that a DNA comparison might be made which might answer the question. The military has made an exhaustive effort to obtain DNA from relatives of all personnel who are listed as Missing in Action, or Prisoners of War. There has been an on-going effort also to obtain DNA from all active duty military personnel. BUT--- there has been no such effort when it comes to the families of personnel who have been declared deserters.

It should be pointed out that David Loew was DECLARED a deserter in January 1985, simply because he had disappeared and was not where he was supposed to be. It was an administrative action based on military rules which mandate such a declaration after a certain amount of time of the person being missing.

It is NOT a JUDICIAL decision or Court conviction for the crime of desertion. However, to the man's family it has the same effect. They are barred from obtaining any kind of veterans or service death benefits for the service member. All pay and allowances stop. No SGLI insurance benefits are paid out. No memorial headstone or American Flag is provided by the government in the service member's memory.

Of course, if it is proven that the service member was murdered or abducted and held against his/her will - then the record is restored and all those benefits can be paid out.
Do we know what type of Plymouth David Loew owned? It did say Plymouth in one of the articles I believe.

Well, Plymouth introduced the Reliant in 1981, also called the Reliant K. Anyways, Oscar doe had a key on him with an R. This could stand for Reliant. Do they usually put the make or model on keys?
Do we know what type of Plymouth David Loew owned? It did say Plymouth in one of the articles I believe.

Well, Plymouth introduced the Reliant in 1981, also called the Reliant K. Anyways, Oscar doe had a key on him with an R. This could stand for Reliant. Do they usually put the make or model on keys?

From my first post on this thread:

Description of the Car

David's car was a 1980, 4 door, Plymouth Horizon station wagon, or hatch back, blue in color. VIN: ML44AAD177965. It was purchased by David on 16 July 1984 from Saxon Auto Sales in Whitesboro, NY. Milage at the time of purchase was 59,531. Purchase price was $2,468. He financed it through a loan from the Rome Savings Bank (loan account Number 400001566). By December, David had reportedly only made three payments on the car.

When the bank learned of the car's discovery in North Carolina, it immediately (on 20 December 1984) initiated re-possession actions by writing David a letter stating their intent to sell the car to the NC gas station owner who was storing the car. The gas station man had informed the bank manager that the front grill, front bumper, dashboard and radio were gone. The bank estimated blue book value to be $1900, but considering the reported damage to the vehicle, accepted a $500 offer from the NC man to buy it. This left David (or his estate) with a debt for the remaining unpaid balance of the loan.

Regarding keys, Car companies do not put specific car names on origional keys. It is possible, however to get copies in many different colors and with various kinds of markings, logos, etc.
Twenty five years ago today Air Force Sergeant David Michael Loew disappeared from his place of duty in Rome, New York. He has not been seen since. His car turned up eight days later in Halifax, North Carolina with all identification plates and stickers removed.

Thirty days after he was last seen, the Air Force listed him as a deserter.

His family is still looking for him.
It has been 28 years since Sgt David Michael Loew, USAF, went missing.
Consider the following possible match:

Unidentified White Male (aka "Oscar Doe")
Located on April 23, 1985 in Glen Burnie, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
Estimated Date of Death: 12 weeks to 5 months prior.
Cause of death was homicide
Partial Skeletal Remains

Vital Statistics

Estimated age: 18-30 years old
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'8-5'11½"; 155-162 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Brown hair. Slim build.
Clothing: A blue and black wool sweater; light-colored, button shirt; beige pants, size 28 waist; and black, leather, tie shoes.
Personal Effects: Plastic comb, ring of keys; what appeared to be an apartment/hotel key with some letters, coins, nail clippers, small cannister, 3 folded sheets of paper.
Fingerprints: Not available.
Dentals: Available. The victim may have been treated at a dental school. The quality and extensiveness of care would be costly from private practice, and time-consuming, probably interfering with a regular daytime job. Typically, dental schools operate during weekday business. To receive this type of dental care from a dental school, he may have been unemployed, worked part-time, or evenings/nights.
DNA: Not Available

Case History

On April 23rd, 1985 the victim was found during the excavation of the construction site of the Marley Station Mall in Glen Burnie, Md.

The body was found in a metal trash container.


If you have any information on this man's identity or the circumstances surrounding his homicide, please contact:

Anne Arundel County Police Department
Homicide Unit - Cold Case Squad
Detective Jaschik

Metro Crime Stoppers

Maryland Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Dr M Korell

You may remain anonymous when submitting information.

Agency Case Number: 1985-055625

ME 142852-A

NCIC Number: U-158161438

Please refer to these numbers when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

Source Information:
Anne Arundel County Police Department
The Doe Network: Case File 29UMMD


I think Oscar Doe and David Lowe are a good possible match. Oscar died aprox 5 months before being found vs David disappeared 4 1/2 months before.There is a big coincidence that an AF base is in Glen Burnie.
I will try this again. Since the site will not allow a "side by side" comparison, I will list Oscar Doe's info first followed by the same data for David Loew...


Comparison between "Oscar Doe" and David Michael Loew

There are actually quite a few similarities between the two cases. Here are a few:


"Oscar Doe"

1. Unidentified White Male, Partial Skeletal Remains Located on April 23, 1985 Glen Burnie, MD

2. Estimated Date of Death: 12 weeks to 5 months prior. (Nov '84 - Jan 85)

3. Estimated age: 18-30 years old

4. Approximate Height 5'8-5'11½"

5. Approximate Weight: 155-162 lbs.

6. Brown hair, combed

7. Eye color unknown

8. Blood Type Unknown

9. Clothing: A blue and black wool sweater; light-colored, button shirt; beige pants w/28" waist; black, leather tie shoes.

10. Fingerprints: Not available.

11. Dentals: Available. "The victim may have been treated at a dental school. Quality and extensiveness of care would be costly..."

12. Personal Effects: Plastic comb, nail clippers, ring of keys; possible apartment/hotel key with some letters, small cannister, coins, 3 folded sheets of paper.

David Micharl Loew

1. White Male Sgt. USAF Stationed at Griffis AFB, Rome, NY. Car was found in Halifax, NC

2. Went missing 10 Dec 1984

3. Age: 22 Years old

4. Height 5 ft 8 inches

5. Weight at enlistment 138 lbs.

6. Brown curly hair, combed

7. Blue eyes.

8. Blood Type: O negative

9. Clothing Last seen: handmade sweater, slacks, Tennis shoes, or black leather oxfords.

10. Fingerprints not available in USAF records

11. Dentals: Available old copy. Recent dental work done in England by USAF

12. Personal effects: David had combed hair trimmed nails. Carried keys for house, locker, barracks/dorm room, car. Regarding sheets of paper, David was known to have been to ATM and Bank just prior to his disappearance, and may have had withdrawal slips on his person.
I spoke with the cold case investigator in charge of the "Oscar Doe" case and he told me that a DNA comparison has been made between "Oscar" and David Loew, and that they are Not a match.
Next month will mark 29 years since Sgt. David Michael Loew went missing.
I find the fact that the Air Force does not have his fingerprints to be impossible. You are finger printed when you enter the military. With the position he held, a specific level of clearance would be required and that would include his finger prints.

Something is fishy about this....

Yes, I was in the military and was on a flight crew.

While a very left field possibility, with the lack of information from the Air Force and an out and out lie about the finger prints (100% not possible they don't have his fingerprints), this looks very much like how the military and covert operations makes someone vanish if they have moved them into a special operations group.

I double checked with a former Air Force Security Officer and he verified they would have had finger prints.
This is one crazy sounding case. It made me think of this guy.

According to what I found:

Decedent was living in a night shelter and used a fake name to obtain medical treatment and food

Victim was discovered on October 10, 1987 in Tarrant County, Texas

Laundry mark in the pants, that reads "L.P. Brennan 50118,"

He may have been from Massachusetts, Indiana, Tennessee, or Mississippi, and may have served in the Air Force.

The victim may have gone by the names Thomas Jeffrey, Jeffrey Taylor, or Joseph Taylor.

This is one crazy sounding case. It made me think of this guy.

According to what I found:

Decedent was living in a night shelter and used a fake name to obtain medical treatment and food

Victim was discovered on October 10, 1987 in Tarrant County, Texas

Laundry mark in the pants, that reads "L.P. Brennan 50118,"

He may have been from Massachusetts, Indiana, Tennessee, or Mississippi, and may have served in the Air Force.

The victim may have gone by the names Thomas Jeffrey, Jeffrey Taylor, or Joseph Taylor.


Not a lot to go on with this unknown case. It is possible that David Loew could have been living a homeless existence, but not too likely. His disappearance seems to be more of an abduction/murder than a case of him running away and going into hiding.

There are DNA samples from his family on file with the Maryland Medical Examiner in Baltimore from when they were compared with "Oscar Doe".

The Air Force Office of Criminal Investigation has various military records of David which might be used to compare with this unknown person as well.
I find the fact that the Air Force does not have his fingerprints to be impossible. You are finger printed when you enter the military. With the position he held, a specific level of clearance would be required and that would include his finger prints....
... I double checked with a former Air Force Security Officer and he verified they would have had finger prints.

I actually spoke with Air Force investigators face to face about this case and they did NOT have finger prints for him.

What ever the current requirements and practices are concerning fingerprinting of ALL Air Force Personnel, I can state that back in the 1970's and 80's, it was only Officers who were initially fingerprinted upon initial entry to the service. Enlisted personnel would be fingerprinted only if and when they entered a certain job specialty or assignment which required a higher level of clearance.

There have been a number of cases in the military where an enlisted person's finger prints were taken and a National Agency check of them would turn up a link to past legal problems. this would require further investigation and clarification. For instance, if someone in the military was to be linked to a prior criminal record which had NOT been revealed upon enlistment, the person's command would be required to investigate and make a recommendation as to whether or not to retain the person in the service - and if to retain him/her whether or not to grant the clearance level.

Sergeant Loew worked in Aircraft maintenance and was not a flight crew member, or a person in need of a high level clearance.

Last December marked the 30 year anniversary of David's disappearance.

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