Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 1

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Wait, what? So who have seen Jennifer last and WHEN it was? I assume husband couldn't have seen her when she was leaving, otherwise he would notice she changed her hair colour. So who was the last person to see Jennifer, when it was and when did she tell her husband she was going shopping?
So many good questions, all that need answering. Maybe you can get any of Jennifer's' friends/family to talk to you. I can't seem to get a reply at all, after reaching out briefly, respectfully and tactfully to 5 people who know her.
I don't know what this means.
I've reached out in several cases of missing persons via social media and I've never been ignored like this. Must mean something.
Could she have left willingly....with someone?

I mean, it seems unlikely for a mom of 3 to do this at Christmastime, but sometimes people lose reasoning when under pressure.

Wonder if LE has checked her computer?
reminder: if a link comes up as ******** it is unapproved here and we cannot link to it or discuss it (for very good reason. )
reminder: if a link comes up as ******** it is not unapproved here and we cannot link to it or discuss it (for very good reason. )

You meant: it IS UNAPPROVED here? :D
I do wonder if they think she's bolted.

or someone is wanting to give that appearance by suggesting the hair change.
the police are the ones suggesting that she may have dyed & cut her hair...but then DC on the fb comments say that its all overblown and that she just had a hair appt. that week. well, if that were true why could they not get in touch with the hairdresser or read the color on the discarded hair colour boxed? im

so, nevermind the hair. wth did she go without her cell phone and vehicle? not far unless there is someone else involved?? moo
On this, apparently Jennifer's Mom's FB page, look to the right upper comment- Regarding calling Dad. Now look below that.

What do you think?

So the person who posted that comment - there's a woman in the picture with him. What do you think of *that*? It's pretty blurry when you zoom in closely, but could that be Jennifer as a blonde? Hair color and style change? I can't make out the eyes, but the nose and mouth look really similar. So does the body type. Then again, I could be seeing something that isn't there. The commenter has his page set to being pretty private. And it seems weird that a missing person would have a picture that brazenly out on FB for all to see.... So I don't know. I probably sound totally crazy here, there's just so little to go on.

It's been too silent, and then this "call Dad" comment... I really wonder if she's voluntarily missing, and the family knows more than they're letting on. If not, I will eat my words. In either case, I hope she is safe.
I think I'm missing something on that one Londonrraine. (?) What stuck out to you on that one? But I do see that there's a lot of "come home", "call home" on all the various family FBs, if that's what you're referring to... I get more of a sense of "just tell us you're ok" vs. pleas to an abductor/setting up of searches... No mention of organized searches that I know of... Strange one.
Someone sent this article to that page.
But what initially got my attention was all the various postings and messages to Jen, yes. I haven't seen that much concern from her family/friends anywhere else.
I'm still not sure what to make of it all... Why the family is not sharing info more openly, if they're really trying to find her. Idk, there's just something odd, it seems.
Well, that is just a weird statement. Could mean nothing, since journalism is so awful these days. Still, it sounds weird.
Lol, yea I thought about that afterwards. You're so right. I've seen so many mistakes with Journalists these days, it's crazy! Or maybe it's always that way and i've just been paying attention. I don't know. In any event, it appears that there's no news as of now.
I've got to hit the hay...
Maybe tomorrow will bring good news, and bring Jennifer home. I hope so.
Going to go do a quick check on others, like Dylan,...and then get some sleep. It's late! :/ Night all, ;)
Same message about calling dad on this FB page, too!

She's shared the message about calling dad, don't think it's anything other than that.

Having looked at the photos (in zoomed and blurry enlargement!) I don't think the blonde is Jen - her face looks a different shape, squarer in the chin.
Her husband seems quite narcissistic in all of his "muscle" poses...and into
running/working out. Whereas Jenn seems to struggle with weight gain.
Also, very few pix of Jen and him together. Mostly kids.

And this quote from Ganesh, "Wait till you get home, you'll get the spice of life! I've been saving up the duct tape, handcuffs, whips and chains for a special occasion! Now I got one!"

They just seemed to be getting further apart as husband and wife.

Indian parents do not always approve of "mixed" marriages for their children.
Her husband seems quite narcissistic in all of his "muscle" poses...and into
running/working out. Whereas Jenn seems to struggle with weight gain.
Also, very few pix of Jen and him together. Mostly kids.

And this quote from Ganesh, "Wait till you get home, you'll get the spice of life! I've been saving up the duct tape, handcuffs, whips and chains for a special occasion! Now I got one!"

They just seemed to be getting further apart as husband and wife.

Indian parents do not always approve of "mixed" marriages for their children.

:wagon: Seank! :welcome4:

Unsettling FB comment by GR, that one....but after reading it in context... It seems like just his sense of humor? :what:

ETA... I find GR to be narcissistic, too.....his life seems to revolve around his fitness...

Her husband seems quite narcissistic in all of his "muscle" poses...and into
running/working out. Whereas Jenn seems to struggle with weight gain.
Also, very few pix of Jen and him together. Mostly kids.

And this quote from Ganesh, "Wait till you get home, you'll get the spice of life! I've been saving up the duct tape, handcuffs, whips and chains for a special occasion! Now I got one!"

They just seemed to be getting further apart as husband and wife.

Indian parents do not always approve of "mixed" marriages for their children.
I can't even believe husband said this.

Hey, I think it's my FB settings, or the reciever's settings, but I have a feeling that the messages I have sent out are not getting recieved.
Anyone want to test this out with me by giving me a FB name? You don't have to friend me. I just wnat ot know if my messages are getting to the other end!

In one case of a missing boy, the Mom kept asking me to FB message her. I did, but she says she never received the messages. Anyone want to test it w/me? Let me know.
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