NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #8

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I have been speculating that the last woman to see SG, "EC," we have not heard from because either she does not want to be exposed to the media or LE has asked her to remain silent. Whether SG was high or not, she obviously was in a state of terror and fearing for her life. She had already called 911 and may still have had them on the line, so GC and the other lady calling 911 would have not made her feel safe. I would like to know if the lady invited SG in or left her outside while she dialed 911. If she was left outside, it is not too hard to figure out why she kept running. As we have been waiting for new information and indulging in sometimes fairly wild speculation based on information from a john who only wanted an evening companion and a pimp, oh, I mean driver, who may have been the last person to see her alive, I think goathairjones deserves a medal for the most productive thoughts on the missing pieces to this puzzle.

Hi, Redbird. She wasn't just high; she was bipolar. According to the old man, Shannan stepped inside and then darted away. The woman also indicated a very fleeting encounter and, as far as we have heard, does not mention closing the door. If Ms. Gilbert felt endangered by Brewer, she could have simply left with the driver. Instead, she refused to leave even when Brewer himself left the house to retrieve the driver.

There is no indication that the driver was a pimp; nor is there any information that he was the last person to see her alive.
About MP, "Shannan's driver": It is only from MP that we are told that he knew SG from her days at the James Bond Entertainment (escort) company. For all we know he is lying about this and/or about other details or even about everything having to do with that evening. Maybe he was working for JB directly. Maybe he and JB had some sort of agreement.

When Shannon darted out of the house, for all we know, JB told MP "just find her and call me when you do" or maybe he told MP to take her to another house that MP had brought her or other women to before.

We just don't know if anything that Mr P reported on is accurate. He has a history of being a very shady character who is obviously motivated by the almighty dollar.

Hi, Just Ki. Conspiracy theories are easy. Just add conspirators. Now both Shannan's hired driver and the john she had apparently just contracted had a secret arrangement. And the best way to cement that relationship would be to allow her to make a 23-minute call to the police?
Just saying...for some reason, she seems most afraid of "her own driver." She ran from him and hid, per GC, under a boat and then supposedly took off again when MP came looking for her. She is quoted as saying, "they are trying to kill me."

ETA: There is good reason to believe that these CL women were all seeing the killer not for the first time when they were killed...that he groomed them, so to speak, got them comfortable or feeling safe and that the high dollar offer, which in ALC's case took several phone calls over that evening to convince her to leave alone and without the cellphone, was for services outside of the normal menu items. How hard is to believe that Shannan was still being groomed but something triggered a strong sense of fear in her. How hard is it to believe that once she dialed 911 JB had to pretend to allow her that sense of security. Afterall, if she had dialed 911 and he walked in on her on the call then he couldn't be certain that her phone didn't have a GPS locater component. He had to let her call and then could easily act as if she were irrational.
ITA with your thoughts on Shannan. I think Sherre has stopped talking as LE has asked her to. She had stated LE asked their family not to talk about certain things in the case.

I'm thinking I might join that site Sherre has set up for Shannan and see what more can be learned about the woman.

I also wanted to ask you something. Even though you believe Shannan's behavior can be explained by her circumstances at the time, do you also believe something had gone very wrong at JB's home and she had been threatened by someone there or seen something that almost scared the life out of her? Might she have reacted differently to a threat if she wasn't a victim of her own circumstances ~ possibly ???

Hi, Scandi. Without the 911 call and some clear sense of what she was taking or not taking, it's difficult to know triggered her response. According to Brewer, it happened suddenly after she emerged from the bathroom. Shannan's roommate said that she disliked being a prostitute and it's not difficult to imagine that an extended day with seedy customers might set her off. If she had seen something in the house that scared her, her behavior meets no logical explanation.

I think that the police routinely tell possible witnesses not to talk with the press.
Ok, Chanler, you triggered a thought or idea. What if SG found something in JB's bathroom that spooked her. For all we know, she knew there were missing CL women and maybe she even knew one of them and saw something that belonged to one of these other woman.

She may have been nosy and opened his medicine cabinet...saw something there.

Depending on the time that she went into the bathroom maybe she was told something in one of the phone calls with the driver.

But, if JB is telling the truth (which may or may not be the case) then something happened in the bathroom.
Just saying...for some reason, she seems most afraid of "her own driver." She ran from him and hid, per GC, under a boat and then supposedly took off again when MP came looking for her. She is quoted as saying, "they are trying to kill me."

Hi, Just K. She was freaked out before the driver entered the house and she didn't flee when he did arrive; she stayed on the phone with the police. She certainly could have disclosed his name if she felt that threatened by him. We simply don't know who the "they" in that statement or, if fact, they exist; nor do we know who she in her drugged state she believed was pursuing her
Ok, Chanler, you triggered a thought or idea. What if SG found something in JB's bathroom that spooked her. For all we know, she knew there were missing CL women and maybe she even knew one of them and saw something that belonged to one of these other woman.

She may have been nosy and opened his medicine cabinet...saw something there.

Depending on the time that she went into the bathroom maybe she was told something in one of the phone calls with the driver.

But, if JB is telling the truth (which may or may not be the case) then something happened in the bathroom.

Hi, Just K; it's gracious of you to say that I triggered anything. I think that it's more probable that what happened in the bathroom was cocaine. Shannan had experienced a long, probably degrading day. She might well have decided to recharge her batteries by snorting one of her favorite drugs. Coke kicks in quickly, especially, I imagine, when tiredness, impatience, and exhaustion are already involved.
Hi, MrsPC. That the driver hasn't been quoted in the media about her condition in the car doesn't tell us anything about onset of her paranoia. For all we know, she was snorting coke in the back seat.

Respectfully Chanler, when a girl calls 911 saying someone is trying to kill her, and she subsequently disappears, never to be seen again ... i'm much more inclined to believe the victim than others who may have a vested interested in throwing out all sorts of explanations for the victim's behaviour.
Most importantly, the only details anyone has, from that evening at JB's house and before SG took off running, are coming from two men who would benefit from everyone believing that Shannan was delusional.

Another thought, the last thing a call girl wants to do is to call the police.
"Paranoid" is an interesting word. LSD and sometimes even pot cause paranoia but cocaine does not usually make people paranoid.
"Paranoid" is an interesting word. LSD and sometimes even pot cause paranoia but cocaine does not usually make people paranoid.

By enlarge I think coke makes one get fastidious, busy sorting things etc. But it also makes allot of people peek out windows and think they see the red and blue lights of the police coming.
Just saying...for some reason, she seems most afraid of "her own driver." She ran from him and hid, per GC, under a boat and then supposedly took off again when MP came looking for her. She is quoted as saying, "they are trying to kill me."

I've wondered what MP could have meant when he told GC to the effect "you shouldn't have done that ... now she'll be in trouble". Why would the fact that concerned neighbours called 911 put Shannan in any more trouble than when she herself had already called 911?
Just for your notes, It wasn't SG who worked for James Bond Ent.

Melissa Barthelemy had worked for "James Bond Entertainment"

"Her mother had no idea Melissa was advertising on Craigslist, selling her body on the streets of New York City, and working, on occasion, for an escort agency called James Bond Entertainment under the pseudonym Chloe. She also didn&#8217;t know that on the night her daughter disappeared, she had lined up a date to the tune of $1,000."


and Shannan Gilbert had worked for "Lace Party Girls"

"Ms. Gilbert was arrested on prostitution charges in an undercover sting operation conducted by the Hoboken Police in June 2009 while working for a now-defunct escort service called Lace Party Girls. One of her aliases was "Sabrina," according to police reports. Efforts on Tuesday to reach Ms. Gilbert's relatives in upstate New York and Brooklyn were unsuccessful."

Hi, I left to go watch In Plain Sight on TV, Just making it for the last scene I couldn't believe my ears as I sat down. The lead was sitting down comtemplating, and said:

:Paranoia . . . It doesn't mean they're not coming to get you."

WOWSERS after our conversations tonight it was almost like a sign to me. LOL You guys were on my mind !!!

It could be there was something very disturbing to her she saw or heard, and even though her reaction to it was so overly extreme, it doesn't mean her fear was unfounded. Not at all.

Also, thinking tonight, I don't think she went into the water and drown. Her body would have surfaced a long time ago.

Manyana Pookies xox
I'll bet the police pretty much know who the serial killer is by now, but just don't have enough to file charges yet. An older white man who speaks with a slur and possibly is a drunk. He may be the older man one of the victims would visit on Long Island, the one who her boyfriend knows where he lives, and got the thirty calls in 8 eights months time. The only crazier thing would be if a sex addict (JB?) was living near the beach, and all the victims visitied him. The SK could be a nosy neighbor obsessed with keeping crime out of his neighborhood and lured the women to himself after finding out their names and numbers. Of course, Shannon would have just ran into him that night, and he acted impulsively. Even if this scenario isn't likely, he may have gotten some girls' names from JB, referalls.
I have been speculating that the last woman to see SG, "EC," we have not heard from because either she does not want to be exposed to the media or LE has asked her to remain silent. Whether SG was high or not, she obviously was in a state of terror and fearing for her life. She had already called 911 and may still have had them on the line, so GC and the other lady calling 911 would have not made her feel safe. I would like to know if the lady invited SG in or left her outside while she dialed 911. If she was left outside, it is not too hard to figure out why she kept running. As we have been waiting for new information and indulging in sometimes fairly wild speculation based on information from a john who only wanted an evening companion and a pimp, oh, I mean driver, who may have been the last person to see her alive, I think goathairjones deserves a medal for the most productive thoughts on the missing pieces to this puzzle.

Thanks RedBird! I really appreciate that. I have a mutual friend with EC. I am trying to get some info out of that mutual friend but she hasn't responded yet. I think I will be paying the mutual friend a visit this week! I'll keep you posted.
I realized that I have been assuming that whatever happened to SG happened not long after she went through the neighborhood. But what if she "crashed" somewhere to feel safe.. such as the brush area, down the beach.Calling 911, coming in contact with people..did not make her feel safe. No one could find her which makes me think she hid. The timing of all of this is so off.... that her murder happened so close to when LE were looking for her seems so risky. But if she hides for awhile or passes out, sleeps, and then starts walking in the area when everything has "calmed" down, including herself, does she go to a house that she is familiar with?
I don't think it's JB or the driver. You would have to be nuts to hurt her after the police are out there.
Also, SG was known not to take her bipolar meds. WHich means she most likely was using drugs, in addition to all the usual reason people do drugs, to self medicate. I don't put much stock in her seeing something at JB's that scared her. I think she just had a bad drug trip. And I just don't see JB as the winer diner type LOL.
Delusions and paranoia are not a given for all people diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. Additionally, there are many different kinds of bi-polar disorder, some are more high functioning than others.


I have no idea what SG's medical history is/was, so I'm not inclined to jump to the conclusion that, simply because she had been diagnosed as having bi-polar disorder, that somehow must have contributed to her unusual behavior the night she went missing. A far more likely scenario, in my mind anyway, is that her strange behavior was due to intoxication.

1). We have a source close to the case stating that JB and SG left the house in a vehicle together for about 15 minutes. This could very well have been a drug run.

2). We have SG placing a call to a CVS pharmacy shortly before making a barrage of calls to her driver.

3). We have JB himself saying that SG went into the bathroom, and when she came out she was acting strange. I assume from this statement, that she hadn't been acting overly strange prior to that.

Now, both MP and JB have plenty of reason to lie about the events that transpired that night...prostitution and illicit drug use are both illegal activities. But there are some whopping grains of truth in their statements, imo. My personal feeling is that JB and SG did, in fact, go on a drug run and that this is what triggered SG's out of control behavior. Either JB slipped SG something, and she freaked out because she thought she had been drugged, or something she took voluntarily reacted badly with other medications she was taking. I believe that is what prompted her call to CVS. IF Shannan thought that JB (or some other party) had drugged her, her fear that someone was trying to kill her makes perfect sense to me.

Agreed, bi-polar disorder does not often cause hallucinations or even paranoia. When in a manic phase, it actually is more apt to give someone a false sense of security and delusions of grandeur resulting in risky behavior. When in a cycle of depression, the person might possibly have suicidal ideations or attempts but SG was trying to protect her life. It is unlikely that her panic or extreme fear was due to Manic Depression (bi-polar disorder.)
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