NY-Long Island-4 bodies on Beach-Possible Serial Killer-Dec 2010 #2

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I'm trying to paste a real image of the Map the lets you Travel it, it's a pain in the behind to do.

Ocean Pkwy, New York - Google Maps

Thanks for posting this Righteous! It is way cool. I struggle with maps too and appreciate you taking time to do this.

Boy oh boy!!!! This surely is a desolate strip of road isn't it? It seems to go on and on. I had no idea! I am a visual person so this helps me since I am not familiar with the area.

There's quite a resemblance but I don't think it's long enough. If it had windows, I would think it was an airport limo based on the stretch Hummer.

The front part looks almost like a WWII-vintage Jeep or Power Wagon. I know a lot of those are still on the road, and commonly used for jobs like shuttling people around resort towns in areas where they need 4WD, so it's not impossible, but the back doesn't match. But that could have been added custom later, as well.

The odd angle is throwing me off. There aren't many photos of vehicles taken from the side and above like that.

eta: wait, is that an armored car? Like the Wells Fargo/Brinks vehicles that go around servicing ATMS?

I dont think it is an money truck. I do see windows, I think it is a camper on the bed of a truck. I kep looking for a make that has two tiers that would effect the diminsional look from the top. No luck so far. But If one was to spot it in a photo from arround there we would be able to tell because it is not your normal looking truck. Unless the box part is able to be removed. I want to enlarge the photo and see if there is anything in the grass in the photo as I saw i some light areas that are not flowing with the landscape but as we can see ,burlap would blend extremely well with the land scape.

If the new body is also in burlap then I have to think that that officer was there for a reason, a clue a report something as I think they may have been lead there.

I also think it is possible someone copy catted and dumped the body there to cover their own indepent crime.
How is the weather on LI today? Do any of our locals see signs of searches or no?

I know you all are READY for spring! It's been a tough winter here in coastal NC but I cannot imagine the weather you all in the NE have endured this winter.

How is the weather on LI today? Do any of our locals see signs of searches or no?

I know you all are READY for spring! It's been a tough winter here in coastal NC but I cannot imagine the weather you all in the NE have endured this winter.


I don't think they are searching again until Monday but I'm not positive. The weather here is dreary, it's snowing/raining on and off. At the moment it's not too bad but this morning it was nasty out.
It would be nice to know if the search this week was scheduled or something else made them go. I know they were waiting for the Weather to get better. LE sure keeps everything to themselves, as they should. But you would think some things are leaked out. Next week is going to be warmer.
I definitely see what you're saying, carbuff, but a mile away... I'm pretty sure that's no coincidence. I'd like to believe LI hasn't gotten so bad that killers are all but running into each other while dumping bodies.

I wasn't thinking of random killers so much as somebody who heard about these bodies and decided that would make a good place to dump theirs. Maybe even a copycat killer.
so I been looking for other cases that are unsolve. Beside AC Serila killer.

The victims were from CT,ME,NY I think that Shanna was from NJ but was on island. I just take wild guess the 5th will also be from New England state.

I found this article I found interesting but the mo don't fit. I do see some simlar to the Daytona Beach killer.

Jane Doe Investigation in Massachusetts and Connecticut
Possible Serial Killer Case
Updated: Sunday, 27 Feb 2011, 1:30 PM EST
Published : Saturday, 26 Feb 2011, 5:46 PM EST

Three 2007 Jane Does

The FBI, at its Quantico, Va. lab, performed facial reconstruction on the two skulls recovered.

•2007 Jane Doe #1
Caribbean decent.
Hispanic or African American
20-25 Years Old
Teeth in Pristine Condition
Six Fillings
Placed In woods anywhere from 1997 to 2003

•2007 Jane Doe #2
Identified as Diane Cusak
Last seen: July 2003

•2007 Jane Doe #3
Several hip bones recovered
Likely under 30 years old
Placed in woods 1987 to 2003.


I found a really cool site for moon phases and it is interesting that all of these ladies were last seen when the moon was 'waning'. A waning moon means it is getting smaller in the sky as it heads toward a New moon. A waxing moon is when the moon is growing larger towards a full moon. Hope this makes sense.

Anyway, I was interested in finding out because, for me, if I were going to dump a body, I would do it on a new moon or a dark cloudy night. Here is what I learned...

Maureen Barnes.....last seen Monday, 7-9-07....moon phase was Waning Crescent on this date. The New Moon was the following Saturday 7-14-07.

Melissa Barthelemy.....Last seen, Sunday, 7-12-09.....moon was waning 3/4 moon when she was last seen.
7-16-07 call to family. Waning 1/4 moon
7-19-07 call to family. Waning crescent moon
7-22-07 NEW MOON
7-23-07 call to family WAXING Crescent moon

Megan Waterman.......last seen, Sunday, 6-6-10. Moon phase, Waning 1/4 moon. The new moon was the following Saturday 6-12-10

Amber Costello......last seen, Tuesday, 9-7-10. Moon Waning sliver of a crescent. The New Moon was the following night, Wednesday, 9-8-10.

Here's a link to the site.


Aside from the fact that all these ladies were last seen when the moon was growing less visible in the night sky, I was struck by the days they were last seen being early in the week.....Megan and Melissa last seen on a Sunday, Maureen last seen on a Monday, and Amber last seen on a Tuesday. Could this be a clue?

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday seems odd for someone who is gainfully employeed to be looking for extra curricular activities of this type but what do I know. Perhaps Mia or another of our sleuths with experience in the escort business can weigh in here.

I'll now go back and look at Shannon's last seen date and post those moon phases. Sorry, I didn't mean to leave her out.

BBL (be back later)


ETA Shannon Gilbert.......last seen, Saturday, May 1, 2010, Moon, FULL. New Moon almost 2 weeks later on Friday, 5-14-2010

Apologies for quoting my own post but I wanted to bring this forward to update. I always like looking at outside factors like moon phases and weather in cases where the perp seems calculating and meticulous in his planning of the crimes.

As far as moon phases, Shannon does not fit the pattern as she is the only one who disappeared on a full moon night. But the moon would have been waning in the night sky in the following days. Could this perp be holding the women or their bodies for disposal on a new moon?

I also wanted to add Elena to this bit of research...

Elena Jazmir Lozada, 5'2", 105 lbs, 24 years old.
Missing, Tuesday, 7-6-10. MOON, Waning Crescent. New moon 6 days later on Mon. 7-12-10

I am a bit bleary eyed today due to lack of sleep. Does anybody see any pattern here? Or should I ditch this area of research? I will go with majority rule, haha! thanks,


Apologies for quoting my own post but I wanted to bring this forward to update. I always like looking at outside factors like moon phases and weather in cases where the perp seems calculating and meticulous in his planning of the crimes.

As far as moon phases, Shannon does not fit the pattern as she is the only one who disappeared on a full moon night. But the moon would have been waning in the night sky in the following days. Could this perp be holding the women or their bodies for disposal on a new moon?

I also wanted to add Elena to this bit of research...

Elena Jazmir Lozada, 5'2", 105 lbs, 24 years old.
Missing, Tuesday, 7-6-10. MOON, Waning Crescent. New moon 6 days later on Mon. 7-12-10

I am a bit bleary eyed today due to lack of sleep. Does anybody see any pattern here? Or should I ditch this area of research? I will go with majority rule, haha! thanks,



I think it's very interesting as I saw in my minds eye the light of the moon...or maybe lack of in total darkness...

everything shows ritual...when I try to think about placement...I feel that the killer passes by there on occasion...maybe on his way somewhere mundane...but he can drive by and feel a thrill or a secret...maybe he can walk there...or he lays in bed at night and imagines his neatly placed nests..facing the water and wishes for the day his project will stretch the coastline...

maybe the killings happen when a significant other is traveling for business...I'm not a psycic but I feel he has done this for a long time and that
as he gets older he may be killing closer to home.

all conjecture...sure.
also...the aspects of the moon have been studied in many important cases and it could prove relevant and help in identifyin or finding a profile of the killer.
I sure don't wish for anyone to interpret this as anything psychic. I am just trying to think like a killer who needs a dark, moonless (or low visibility) night to visit their secret spot to dispose of bodies without drawing much attention to themselves. Not that that parkway seems like alot of traffic would pass thru at night but there is always a risk involved with nefarious activities.

I want to find a site that we can learn the weather of the day these ladies disappeared along with a few days following their disapppearance.

I find it interesting that all of the above mentioned ladies, with the exception of Shannon, were last seen on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. What could this tell us about the killer?


I wasn't thinking of random killers so much as somebody who heard about these bodies and decided that would make a good place to dump theirs. Maybe even a copycat killer.

Thanks for clearing that up, very good point. Someone may have seen it as an opportunity to try and get someone else blamed for their crime and moved another body to that area. I really think we're soon going to find out it's connected though. I doubt this guy took so much time off from killing and then resumed and killed two girls within months of one another. I think there are more they haven't even found yet. I hope I'm wrong.
he kills after church
his sig. other travels on biz
his biz is closed those days
these are his days off
these are days he is in that area
these are days he delivers in that area

I sure don't wish for anyone to interpret this as anything psychic. I am just trying to think like a killer who needs a dark, moonless (or low visibility) night to visit their secret spot to dispose of bodies without drawing much attention to themselves. Not that that parkway seems like alot of traffic would pass thru at night but there is always a risk involved with nefarious activities.

I want to find a site that we can learn the weather of the day these ladies disappeared along with a few days following their disapppearance.

I find it interesting that all of the above mentioned ladies, with the exception of Shannon, were last seen on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. What could this tell us about the killer?



Hmm... Sun, Mon, Tues... maybe long weekend getaways to the area? But why never a Saturday? A rental or vacation property nearby? I agree, it would be nice to find out the weather on the days the ladies each went missing.
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday seems odd for someone who is gainfully employeed to be looking for extra curricular activities of this type but what do I know. Perhaps Mia or another of our sleuths with experience in the escort business can weigh in here.


Also these were the "last seen" dates, not necessarily the dates the girls went missing. We need to look into the circumstances of each victim to determine if they had a roomate or someone close enough to them to give an exact date. Sounds like something had definitely happened to Melissa by 7/16.
also...the aspects of the moon have been studied in many important cases and it could prove relevant and help in identifyin or finding a profile of the killer.

I am a former educator and our Principal would ALWAYS include the full moon on her monthly calender/newsletter distributed to staff. That's all it would say.....FULL MOON! But we knew what it meant. (watch out and be vigilant)

I grew up in AL and folks there referred to a moon phase called 'the back side of the pull'. This was our way of saying 'Waning Moon'. During the 'backside of the pull' folks seemed to be coming down off the high of the full moon, getting their affairs in order and covering their tracks from their full moon raging and making mistakes and getting caught along the way.

Funny how local folklore of our roots carries with us throughout our lives. I guess this is why the moon phases are so fascinating to me.

I truly think it is a helpful tool in profiling.


Thanks for clearing that up, very good point. Someone may have seen it as an opportunity to try and get someone else blamed for their crime and moved another body to that area. I really think we're soon going to find out it's connected though. I doubt this guy took so much time off from killing and then resumed and killed two girls within months of one another. I think there are more they haven't even found yet. I hope I'm wrong.

Or they may have felt that since the area had just been thoroughly searched, nobody would be looking there for a while.

I agree, there are likely others, and maybe he has another spot to leave them, as well. And I will be somewhat surprised if it's not related; that still seems to be the most likely.
Weather for last June & Sept in Long Beach:

Sunday, 6/6/10 = High 89, Low 62 with a trace of rain; followed by two clear days & an inch of rain and cooler temps on Wed 6/9

Tuesday, 9/7/10 = High 82, Low 66 and clear

Both these dates follow a warm, dry weekend.

I can only access last year's historical data. If anyone has Accuweather's premium service, please check the other two days.
he kills after church
his sig. other travels on biz
his biz is closed those days
these are his days off
these are days he is in that area
these are days he delivers in that area


Good thinking. It was suggested on NG that the killer could be a truck driver with a route. I have also thought of someone self employeed with an art gallery which is only open during the 'season' Wed-Sun (afternooon). Burlap is used to ship artifacts in some cases.
I live on an island in NC. It is practically a ghost town here in the winter. but in the summer, lots of specialty shops reopen during the high traffic days....Wed thru Sunday afternoon when the tourists leave for home. Many of these shops are owned by persons who have vacation homes or live up in Wilmington.

Hmm... Sun, Mon, Tues... maybe long weekend getaways to the area? But why never a Saturday? A rental or vacation property nearby? I agree, it would be nice to find out the weather on the days the ladies each went missing.

Shannon was last seen on a Saturday, let's not forget. I will try and find weather when I get a chance and post it. Someone told me Wunderground is a good resourse

Also these were the "last seen" dates, not necessarily the dates the girls went missing. We need to look into the circumstances of each victim to determine if they had a roomate or someone close enough to them to give an exact date. Sounds like something had definitely happened to Melissa by 7/16.

It would certainly help us to have more specific details about these ladies last days. I agree that whatever happened to Melissa had occured by 7-16, when the calls were placed from her phone to her family. It almost sounds like the perp had a smidgeon of remorse for killing Melisssa and made these calls to justify his dirty deed. MOO

all MOo

Thank you stillwatersc!!!!!!! I appreciate you researching the weather.

I think i'll take a break for awhile and nap. I awoke at 4 am thinking about this case..will check in later.

You all are great sleuths!!!

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