NY NY - Manhattan, Wht/HispMale 18-25, UP16788, living in Canada, 'Alex Pitney', Aug'69

Hmmm Did a DNA test with FAMILY TREE DNA and it's saying this Alex Pitman is a close relative of mine. An email was sent to me by someone from the Canadian Border Patrol but he was pretending to be Alex Pitman. Maybe a joke! At first, I thought it was my 1/2 uncle but when I scrolled down, the other pics didn't look like him. If it is, my uncle he is from Riverside, California and he is Hispanic.

Hi Virginia1...that's an amazing post. Thanks for joining. Do you mean the call was made by a man naming himself Alex Pitman.....Did you ever told your story of what you know of him to the Canadians? I always thought there was some kind of identity theft.
Alex Pitney is a pseudo name. The name the subject went by, when he was a teenager, was Tommy Adame and Tommy Concha. In 1968, he was 16 years old. He is Hispanic (Mexican) and is from Riverside, California, USA. He is from a town in Riverside called Casa Blanca.
Have you reported this to the authorities?
From what I have found on this person, in the above post, he has a death date listed as May 2,2008. Possibly family had him declared dead if there was no contact or trace of him?

Hi Moey55. Do you mean with 'this person' Alex Pitney or Tommy Adame/Tommy Concha? Sorry that I mix things up. Did you find a date of birth too?
Hi Moey55. Do you mean with 'this person' Alex Pitney or Tommy Adame/Tommy Concha? Sorry that I mix things up. Did you find a date of birth too?
Tommy Concha. The mothers last name was listed as Adame. The date of birth if I remember correctly was Dec 29th 1951. Some photos I found were pretty grainy so I couldn't say if it would be him or not. Unfortunately I don't have access to ancestry here to post them.
Is he still in detention? Surely he hasn't been there for 50 years :confused:
Why does he look like he's been beat up in some of his pictures? (Or rather, who beat him up?)
Is the info what he's told CBSA or what he's told others?
Why do they believe strongly he has family in the US and what documents prove he was in NYC from at least 1960? They are so vague. Releasing what train he arrived on but no audio of his voice/ accent.

Why would he go back to the US after just a few days if he was trying to dodge the draft?
Sounds like a rehearsed story to me, like 'if you get caught, say this.'
Drug-smuggler and family illegally in the US is my guess (subject to change, there is so little info.)
Doesn't NAMUS seem to say that he settled in Tronno'? I think the correct arrangement of things was our doe got into Canada in '69 onboard a D&H/NJ train (part of me wonders if any historical societies or train museums would have ticket logs that could be connected?), and was finally detained in 2016.
reminds us of our missing uncle en route from NYC his place of birth to Toronto Dec. 21, 1961 who was possibly victim of amnesia, on med pass from state hospital to visit family, luggage arrived, not him, including a doll he brought as a gift. No mov't on ss, no body anywhere, we did DNA, it is officially a year later but we don't own it, police do. He was 41 at missing, same height, hair color, eyebrow, hair line, nose seems different but they change in age. He is orthodox, but Jewish. He was sitting next to a priest on the bus. Wonder if it is him????? He was a depressed person.... pls take DNA of this guy and compare it to our NAMUS of David Mines, the public cannot view all the info and pics the police have......ours had a letter with an exception to the draft as he was still in yeshiva.....however due to his mental condition he should have had an exception later on ours had NO MOTIVE. It started prior to vietnam.
Alex Pitney is a pseudo name. The name the subject went by, when he was a teenager, was Tommy Adame and Tommy Concha. In 1968, he was 16 years old. He is Hispanic (Mexican) and is from Riverside, California, USA. He is from a town in Riverside called Casa Blanca.

Hi Virginia1, sorry to reply after so long I only just joined the site and I find this case to be really interesting. Are you saying that somebody from CBS emailed pretending to be an Alex Pitman, or that somebody from CBS rang claiming they had an Alex Pitman in custody related to you?? Was that before or after you did your DNA search?? Thanks
Unknown man "Alex Pitney", AKA Tommy Concha, AKA Tommy Adame

Image of subject at time of discovery; present-day (2018) image of subject.

Date of Discovery: August 2, 1969
Location of Discovery: New York, New York County, New York
Estimated Date of Death: N/A - Living
State of Remains: N/A - Living
Cause of Death: N/A - Living

Physical Description
Estimated Age: 18-25 years old
Race: White and/or Hispanic
Sex: Male
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 124 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Unknown

Dentals: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: $2.00, a shaving kit, New York City Library Card, Selective Services Registration Card dated June 24, 1969 in identity of one Alex Pitney, and a U.S. Social Security Card # 079 46 7451 in this Alex Pitney Identity.

Circumstances of Discovery
This unidentified living subject left New York on August 2, 1969 on a train to Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

He attempted to return to the United States on August 5, but was denied re-entry due to the fact that he was unable to verify he was born and raised in New York City.

The young man claimed to have been born in Manhatten, at home, and his birth was never recorded with the state. It has been verified that he lived in New York City from at least 1960 to 1969.

He also stated he grew up in Manhatten and spent a significant amount of time 3rd Avenue and 47th or 48th Street. He possibly went to the Greek Orthodox Church on 24th street between 8th and 9th Avenues.

It is believed he still has family living in the country, perhaps still in New York. The man claimed to have lived with his parents, his father possibly being a seaman, and one or more sibling.

He has lived in Toronto, Ontario since he was unable to return to the United States.

Investigating Agency(s)
Agency Name: Canada Border Agency
Agency Contact Person: Peter Donaldson
Agency Phone Number: 905-405-3864
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: 1017-6673
NCIC Case Number: Unknown
NamUs Case Number: 16788

Information Source(s)
I read this whole thread and still am completely baffled. Were the soc sec card and draft card determined to be fake or stolen? If legit, this guy should have been collecting soc sec benefits for several years now. How could this guy have survived since 1969 without having any other IDs? Did he have a complete separate identity in Canada that he's refusing to disclose? Did the names provided by Virginia1 ever lead to anything? So many questions.

In 1969 I don't think a passport was required to cross the US/Canada border. A drivers license would likely do. When I crossed the border many times in the 1980s, US agents asked where you were born more as a test just to see what you'd say. I don't think I ever had to provide any actual proof of it.

One more thing, if you left the US in 1969 to evade the draft, using your draft card as an ID to get back in seems like a really seriously bad idea.
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I read this whole thread and still am completely baffled. Were the soc sec card and draft card determined to be fake or stolen? If legit, this guy should have been collecting soc sec benefits for several years now. How could this guy have survived since 1969 without having any other IDs? Did he have a complete separate identity in Canada that he's refusing to disclose? Did the names provided by Virginia1 ever lead to anything? So many questions.

In 1969 I don't think a passport was required to cross the US/Canada border. A drivers license would likely do. When I crossed the border many times in the 1980s, US agents asked where you were born more as a test just to see what you'd say. I don't think I ever had to provide any actual proof of it.

One more thing, if you left the US in 1969 to evade the draft, using your draft card as an ID to get back in seems like a really seriously bad idea.
I am also very confused. Is he purposefully withholding information or are they just unable to verify? Did he have relatives?

Maybe both things are true? Maybe he was residing in the area he claims but he was born there by family members who were and/or are currently illegal and therefore can’t legally vouch for him seeing as they would all be deported? I don’t know just thinking out loud. This case puzzles me!

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