NY - Ted Ammon, 52, murdered in his East Hampton home, 20 Oct 2001

Hi Lisa,

I read the same report about her being hostile, i believe Janet ALbertson mentioned it in her opening. She called her something else yesterday, it seemed like she was both a defense and prosocution witness. I wish i could remember what term she used. There were some grand jury transcripts missing from what the DA had turned over and ALberston figured since she was close to the defendant he knew when she did go to grand jury that is when she used the term.
The jurors were listening intently...but not really any noticable reaction from anyone. WIth all the press there it must be very intimidating for them.
BY the way, the press gets the 1st 2 rows of seat on either side...I thought that was odd.
I do live in suffok and hope to go back...
Great that you are nearby and can get into court! I envy you. Please keep us posted. Is there a lot of people trying to get in? Do they have lottery for the seats? Would appreciate any and all details you can provide!! You will note that lots of WSers are interested and come back to this thread regularly to read the links. So I know many people will appreciate your reports as I do!
Thanks, Shopgirl! (Did you take your hat from "You've Got Mail"?)
It depends on the day, somedays it is jam packed and people do not get in, but other days there are lots of space. There isn't a lottery. The most people i have seen was the 1st day that opening statement were suppose to happen, some family member didn't even get a seat. I haven't seen that happen since then. I will probably go agian next week sometime. Like I stated in one post the oddest thing is what is reported and what acually happens. But i guess that is how they sell papers.
You know, i knew i heard shopgirl before, but actually a friend of mine calls me that because I like to shop, now of course he is calling me a news junkie because i have ctv and all the rest on 24/7!!!
Well, great, Shopgirl, keep us posted!!! And thanks so much. Please feel free to include as much detail as you can remember and care to. I am exceedingly interested!!!

Pelosi trial takes a mystical turn


November 5, 2004

The themes of sex, avarice and revenge that have coursed through the murder trial of Daniel Pelosi suddenly seem pedestrian.

In an outlandish moment that brought the trial to an immediate halt late yesterday afternoon, Pelosi's lawyer told a judge in Riverhead that his client's family believed Pelosi's wife, Generosa Ammon, was the devil, and that she had cast a spell on their entire family.

"It was a widely held belief by the father and other family members that Generosa Ammon ... put a spell on the Pelosi family," said Pelosi's attorney, Gerald Shargel of Manhattan....

Now, the Pelosi Trial Invokes a Realm of the Supernatural

RIVERHEAD, N.Y., Nov. 4 - The murder case against Daniel Pelosi, the Long Island electrician accused of murdering the multimillionaire R. Theodore Ammon, was already plenty bizarre, with tales of $300,000 hotel bills, secret surveillance systems and stolen human ashes.

But on Thursday, it entered the realm of the occult.

Mr. Pelosi's lawyer, Gerald Shargel, argued in court that members of Mr. Pelosi's family had turned on the suspect, testifying against him because they believed they had been cursed. They accused Mr. Ammon's estranged wife, Generosa, of being a witch, Mr. Shargel said. Ms. Ammon married Mr. Pelosi three months after her husband was fatally beaten in his East Hampton home in October 2001.

"The whole witchcraft story explains in exquisite detail that we're dealing with some unusual people," Mr. Shargel said outside State Supreme Court here....

Devil of a Pelosi defense
Friday, November 5th, 2004

The family of Long Island slaying suspect Danny Pelosi believed his wife, Generosa Ammon, was "a devil" who cast a spell that caused the death of a beloved brother, a defense attorney charged in court yesterday.
The shocking claim brought the murder trial to a halt as a prosecutor objected, saying black magic had nothing to do with the murder of Wall Street wizard Ted Ammon.

But defense attorney Gerald Shargel claimed the family was convinced that "Generosa was the devil, and Danny had married the devil."

Generosa Ammon married Pelosi three months after her millionaire husband, Ted, was found bludgeoned to death in his East Hampton mansion in October 2001....

by Kieran Crowley

Danny Pelosi's murder trial came to a screeching halt yesterday when his lawyer asked Pelosi's sister — a key prosecution witness — if her relatives thought Ted Ammon's widow was a devil woman who put a "spell" on the family.
Suffolk County prosecutor Janet Albertson objected to the line of questioning and the jury was excused. Albertson told Supreme Court Justice Robert Doyle that Gerald Shargel's claims were "ridiculous" and should be excluded.

Shargel argued he had the legal right to cross-examine the murder suspect's sister, Barbara Lukert. He said he wanted to prove to the jury the Pelosi family was truly spooked by Danny's lover, Generosa Ammon....
That is one kooky family. Shargel is beginning to sound like Geragos with his outlandish theories and stories.
Oh my gosh! These defense lawyers are all alike. Devil woman?! :eek:
Casting spells! :eek:

This attorney doesn't honestly think a jury is going to buy that? :waitasec: Seriously.

Hi Fran,

My take on it is that he is trying to prove the family members testifing against
Danny are all nuts and they believe in this "devil curse" and are not really credible. I do beleive there is alot more to come. Should be an interesting week.
ABC GMA has just teased that they will talk about this case this morning.

ETA: Catherine Crier was there to talk about it and Charles Gibson "bottom-lined" it by asking did Danny Pelosi have a "snowball's chance" of beating the rap and she said no.

Pelosi family's a house divided


If Long Island electrician Danny Pelosi beats a murder rap in time for the holidays, he shouldn't count on a seat at the family dinner table.
The 41-year-old suspect's dad and two of his sisters have taken the stand to point fingers at the alleged black sheep - and Pelosi's lawyer says it may be because of a belief in black magic....
free registration required


Prodigious Spending by the Pelosis Is on Display at Trial

Before they became the central characters in one of Long Island's most melodramatic murder cases, Daniel Pelosi and Generosa Ammon were just two lovers with too much money.

They burned through cash like fire through a newsstand, spending thousands on clothes, cars, vacations and alcohol, court records show. They spent weeks at a Fifth Avenue hotel. They flew to London. On trips to Atlantic City, Mr. Pelosi would tip doormen with $1,000 poker chips.

Now, the couple's spendthrift lives and deep debts are on display in court in Mr. Pelosi's trial for the October 2001 murder of R. Theodore Ammon, Ms. Ammon's estranged husband. Prosecutors argue that Mr. Pelosi killed Mr. Ammon, a successful Manhattan investment banker and venture capitalist, to get at his $80 million fortune....



November 9, 2004

Convinced that her estranged husband was hiding his considerable wealth from her, Generosa Ammon's rage escalated until one day she burned his Armani suits, smashed his antique grandfather's clock and dumped his favorite desk out of a second-floor window, Daniel Pelosi's sister testified Monday.

Generosa Ammon told anyone who listened that Theodore Ammon had her under constant surveillance and was taking her prized furniture out of their East Hampton mansion piece by piece, Barbara Lukert, who had been an assistant to Generosa Ammon, testified in her brother's murder trial in Riverhead. Lukert also said Generosa Ammon was obsessed with a belief that her husband was worth millions more than he was disclosing in their divorce settlement....

by Kieran Crowley

The sister of accused killer Danny Pelosi testified yesterday that days before Ted Ammon's murder, his estranged wife, Generosa, maliciously destroyed the millionaire's treasured possessions.
Barbara Lukert, a prosecution witness, said Generosa, by then Pelosi's girlfriend, tossed out Ammon's Armani suits and trashed his expensive desk and a grandfather clock just before his October 2001 death.

Generosa purposely pushed Ammon's favorite desk out of a second-story window at his East Hampton mansion, then smiled and said, "Oops!" as it smashed, Lukert testified....
Even if Generosa hadn't ever met Danny, I have no doubt this woman would've killed Ted with her own bare hands. She sure had a lot of rage inside her.

by Kieran Crowley

One-time kept man Danny Pelosi had the ultimate racket going — taking money from his new wife to pay alimony to his old one, a prosecution accountant testified yesterday.
The accountant, Christine Lusak, described the payments and other financial transactions made by Pelosi while she was cross-examined at his murder trial in Suffolk Supreme Court.

Pelosi allegedly murdered millionaire Ted Ammon at his East Hampton manse on Oct. 21, 2001.

Pelosi wound up divorcing his wife, Tami, three months later and marrying Ammon's widow, Generosa. ...

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