NY - Ted Ammon, 52, murdered in his East Hampton home, 20 Oct 2001

I don't believe this guy. I mean I believe this guy had anonymous sex with someone in 1999 but I don't believe it was Ted Ammon.

I don't believe the niece either.
lisafremont said:
I don't believe this guy. I mean I believe this guy had anonymous sex with someone in 1999 but I don't believe it was Ted Ammon.

I don't believe the niece either.

I can't believe this day and age people are still risking their lives for anonymous sex. I would hope Ted was smarter than that.

Forensic pathologist backs Pelosi's alibi


December 3, 2004

The wine left in Theodore Ammon's stomach shows he was killed just three or four hours after his dinner -- when Daniel Pelosi was at least 40 minutes away -- according to a forensic pathologist hired by Pelosi's defense.

Werner Spitz, the former chief medical examiner for Wayne County, Mich., and a respected consultant and lecturer on determining the time of death, testified Thursday that he disagreed with the pathologist who performed Ammon's autopsy, who concluded he died four to 10 hours after his last meal.

Ammon ate his dinner of tuna, wild rice and asparagus between 9 and 9:30 p.m. in East Hampton on Oct. 20, 2001. Pelosi, who is charged with Ammon's murder, was in Center Moriches at 1 a.m., having arrived from Manhattan, according to witnesses. His cell phone was used from Center Moriches at 1:28 a.m. that night....

by Kieran Crowley

A forensic pathologist testified yesterday that Danny Pelosi could not have killed Ted Ammon because the mogul died three or four hours after eating dinner — before Pelosi could have gone to the victim's East Hampton mansion.
Dr. Werner Spitz also said that, contrary to testimony by prosecution witnesses, marks on Ammon's neck and back were not caused by a stun gun, but by strangulation.

Spitz, a Michigan pathologist who has testified about the John F. Kennedy assassination and the JonBenet Ramsey murder, said the food-digestion process proves Pelosi's innocence....

Ammon's last meal
may serve Pelosi


The stomach contents of Wall Street mogul Ted Ammon suggest he was slain hours earlier than prosecutors claim, a defense expert testified yesterday - handing Danny Pelosi a potential alibi.
Forensic pathologist Dr. Werner Spitz said the millionaire was killed between midnight and 1a.m. Oct. 21, 2001, a time frame that could clear Pelosi.

A Suffolk County medical examiner testified earlier in the trial that Ammon was beaten to death between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m., or 4-1/2 to 10 hours after his last meal. But Spitz, 78, who has done up to 60,000 autopsies over five decades, insisted it was "highly unlikely" that the estimated time of death was accurate....

Time of Death Is Challenged by Pathologist in Pelosi Trial

RIVERHEAD, N.Y. Dec. 2 - A forensic pathologist at the murder trial of Daniel Pelosi told jurors on Thursday that the victim had been killed at a time when Mr. Pelosi, according to his lawyers, was elsewhere.

The pathologist, Werner Spitz, testified that the victim, R. Theodore Ammon, a Manhattan multimillionaire, was murdered inside his East Hampton home between midnight and 1 a.m. on Oct. 21, 2001. Cellphone records show that Mr. Pelosi was at least 40 miles away at the time.

Dr. Spitz, testifying for the defense, disputed earlier testimony from a Suffolk County medical examiner who said that Mr. Ammon had been killed between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. Prosecutors say that time frame gave Mr. Pelosi, 41, ample time to commit the murder.

Mr. Pelosi, a Long Island electrician, was having an affair with Mr. Ammon's estranged wife, Generosa, when Mr. Ammon was killed; the Ammons were days away from finalizing a bitter divorce. Prosecutors have said that Mr. Pelosi wanted to gain control of Mr. Ammon's $80 million fortune.

Mr. Pelosi and Ms. Ammon married three months after Mr. Ammon's death, but later separated. She died of breast cancer last year.

Now it appears that a murder trial laced with stories of adultery, gambling and greed could boil down to the time of Mr. Ammon's death. ...

Throwing his book at him
Cross-examination seeks to discredit defense expert who disputes M.E. estimate on the time of death


December 4, 2004

In a spirited cross-examination of the defense's star witness, prosecutor Janet Albertson went after forensic pathologist Werner Spitz on Friday, trying to discredit the person whose scientific opinion essentially excludes Daniel Pelosi as the murderer of Theodore Ammon.

Albertson took pains to challenge Spitz's most critical assertion that Ammon died three to four hours after he ate dinner - a timeline that would have Pelosi in Center Moriches when Ammon died in East Hampton.

Quoting Spitz's own pathology textbook back to him, Albertson cited a passage saying digestion is slowed by fear or apprehension. But Spitz countered that it would only apply in certain "extreme situations" over a long period.

Albertson argued the book differed from his testimony, but Spitz shot back: "This book is not made for you to interpret. Please allow me to consider what I considered when I made this book."...

Say Pelosi's defense slurs gays


A gay and lesbian advocacy group blasted the attorney of accused murderer Daniel Pelosi for using what they characterize as a "gay panic" defense that fuels homophobia.
Members of Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth said they are furious about attorney Gerald Shargel's theory that Ted Ammon was slain by a man whom he picked up on a gay East Hampton beach.....
lisafremont said:
I don't believe this guy. I mean I believe this guy had anonymous sex with someone in 1999 but I don't believe it was Ted Ammon.

I don't believe the niece either.
Hi Lisa

Just wondering why you don't believe the niece? I understand she held up really well under harsh cross examination. I would think she would crack if she wasn't telling truth..
shopgirl said:
Just wondering why you don't believe the niece? I understand she held up really well under harsh cross examination. I would think she would crack if she wasn't telling truth..

Hi, shopgirl! Have you had the chance to attend any sessions lately? I would be so interested in your elaboration on what you have heard. I am limited to the articles that I have posted links to and that is what I base my opinion on. I wish we had more info.

Pelosi defense may rest today

December 7, 2004, 8:59 AM EST

The defense in the Daniel Pelosi murder case could rest as early as today, after the defense yesterday changed its mind about putting on its last witness of the day and defense attorney Gerald Shargel said he is anxious for the jury to begin deliberations.

"It's time to go to the jury," Shargel said outside court yesterday.

"We've been here since Sept. 7. There's been a lot of down time ... and this witness didn't matter that much. The core of the case is murder," he said.

Two more defense witnesses are expected to testify today, including a DNA expert expected to comment on a pubic hair found on Ammon's body. Summations could come as early as tomorrow, Shargel said, adding that he felt "very confident about the case."...


by Kieran Crowley

December 7, 2004 -- In an unexpected move yesterday, Danny Pelosi's lawyers cut their defense case short — saying they're confident the prosecution hasn't proven he killed millionaire Ted Ammon.
Attorney Gerald Shargel yesterday decided not to call key witness Joanne Matheson — Pelosi's friend and housekeeper for Ammon's widow, Generosa.

Matheson, who spent most of the day outside the fourth-floor courtroom in Riverhead, L.I., was expected to testify that the Ammon children's nanny, Kaye Mayne, once said she hated Pelosi, despite her protestations under oath. ...
Hi Lisa, Unfortunatly work has prevented me from attending the sessions, however i know a few people that have attended. I was told that the DA really went after her, claiming she was lying to for her uncle and at one point tried to impeach her testimony. She didn't waiver and from what i gather was a credible witness for the defense. For a young women it must have been difficult for her which is why i tend to beleive her. I am sorry we are not going to hear the tapes that this housekeeper has, i would think it would be interesting. I would really love to go for summations, i would think they would both be very reveting. I am not sure when they will be, the papers today say tomorrow which would not be possible. I am curious what your take in the case now this seems to be coming to an end?
Keeping in mind the thought that I am limited in my knowledge to daily news accounts, it is my opinion that he did it. The one fact that is overwhelming, IMO, is the turning off of the surveillance system and the removal of the hard drive. It seems to me that ONLY Danny Pelosi had the motive and means to remove this.

I don't think the defense notion of Ammon's being killed by a gay guy he took him is at all credible for two reasons:
1) Some gay guy wouldn't have known about the surveillance & where the hard drive was hidden.

2) IF Ted Ammon was in fact bisexual and given to trysting with men, and IF he went to the gay cruising beach, WHY on earth would he call his girlfriend to say he was there and was creeped out by some of the men?? That's ludicrous.

Danny Pelosi had the means and the motive to kill Ammon. The only question would seem to be opportunity. Testimony places him on Long Island and up and awake in the middle of the night. I think he had the opportunity, too.

One possibility that would explain the cell phone use at 1:28 that places him in Center Moriches....Actually doesn't just place his CELL PHONE THERE? Could he not have given his cell phone to someone and had them place a call to make it seem that he was in Center Moriches at the time that Pelosi was actually in East Hampton killing Ted Ammon?

And then there is the sheer number of people who say that Pelosi said something incriminating to....

I think he is guilty and I think he will be convicted.

'Sweating bullets,' sez Pelosi


Danny Pelosi, on trial for the murder of a Long Island millionaire, was "sweating bullets" in his jail cell last night, hours after his attorney said he would rest his case today.
"I'm in jail and I'm sweating bullets," the electrician told Daily News photographer John Roca in a phone call last night.....
I know, it is funny how we all view things differently. I think the phone call to the girlfriend is very interesting. I would think having lived in East Hampton he knew the beach he was going to. To call and say he was frightened and from what i understand he was going back to the city not just the "beach house". I think something happened at the beach, some kind of confrontation with somebody there, that may have escalated. Not so much that he was gay or even bisexual..but i beleive for him to make that call something happened there.

The hard drive to the surveillance, I would have to beleive he knew he was being watched.. I would bet in some conversations with Generosa he had a feeling something was up, and maybe he found the hard drive and thought he was disabling the system.

I really can't get over the testimony about the partner who flew out from the city in a helicopter to check on him, that is a trip for someone to make because he didn't show up to work. I manage a business and if someone didn't come in i would make some phone calls. Also when he got there he thought there may be a crime scene and to put on gloves another big assumption. I would think if he was frantic enought to fly out to East Hampton he would be in a hurry just to get in the front door and check on his partner. Added to the fact that he picked up the cell phone and kept it for a while is another strange thing, considering he made a point of putting on gloves to preserve the scene.

Another thing is that not one of the Homicide detectives testified. I find that a little strange...I would think they would have something to say given the length of the investigation.. I was thinking how grogan really seemed to put the pros case over the top when he was called in to testify..

It is a very interesting case though...
So, shopgirl, you're suggesting that Ted Ammon disconnected the surveillance system coincidentally late in the same night he was killed? And that Ted removed the hard drive?? Then where did it go?

Where is the evidence of an intruder in the house? I do not buy that some stranger had a greater motive to kill Ted Ammon than did Danny Pelosi.

I also can ignore the helicopter flight. If Ted Ammon was always the most punctual of men and just didn't show up and didn't answer the phone, then it would be reasonable for someone to go to the house. Obviously being able to afford a helicopter makes that the preferable mode of transport. You're a Long Islander and you know what traffic is like. Time is money. Taking the cell phone? A little odd maybe. BUT how do you connect the dots of beach stranger/killer and helicoptering partner?? I don't understand what you are saying apart from mentioning the items that strike you as odd.

Believing Danny Pelosi did it has at least got a cohesive story to it. There are always questions to killings, always holes in investigations. Doesn't mean the defendant didn't do it.

What do you say?
Well that is just it Lisa, I do not think all the dots connect to danny. He and Generosa weren't married at the time so she could have completely left him high and dry..i would think that would be a hugh risk for him to take. Also, I think there are any number possibilites. I think anyone of those things i mentioned brings me to doubt that he was the only suspect. I am thinking also this man had millions and i would think you make a lot of enemies along the way..Who else would benefit from Mr Ammons death finacially? From what i know Danny isn't left with much after all is said and done. I just wonder if he wasn't the easiest suspect and they didn't look at anyone else. I hear he took the stand today in his defense today. I don't know if you read the article online. The DA asked for a recess until tomorrow...That is odd..I can think of a few questions to ask him and the DA didn't have anything prepared. It should be interesting.

Pelosi testifies: I didn't kill him


December 8, 2004, 3:00 AM EST

Six questions and six answers.

That was the extent of Daniel Pelosi's direct testimony Tuesday afternoon, as the defendant took the stand in a brief but dramatic appearance in which he denied killing financier Theodore Ammon.

"The defense calls Danny Pelosi," defense attorney Gerald Shargel announced as jurors shifted in their seats and a murmur went through the crowded Riverhead courtroom.

Pelosi smiled and walked confidently to the stand. He swore to tell the truth, then sat down, looking at the jury from a completely different perspective....

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