OH OH - Kaliyah Parker, 5, Cleveland, 2006 - Not reported missing for five years

Step back just a minute... I'm not going to base my "assumptions" on just ONE case in the archives. I'm going to base it on what I see time and time and time again... fathers that are NOT involved... especially in the more impoverished communities. She was charged with a crime against her children in 2000.... should he have not kept up with his daughter after that?
Come on, Cubby.. you've been around these boards WAY too much to attack me for such an "assumption"

Ok then, base your opinion on what other fathers do versus what this father in this childs situation does. I prefer to look at the facts for an individual situation before coming to the conclusion joe acted like jack because I only have facts on jacks situation.

I'm happy to change my thoughts or opinions if you can provide me with links that back up what Kaliyah's father did or did not do with regards to his pursuit in seeing his child. Until then we'll have to agree to disagree.

I'm sorry you're not interested in learning more about Jose's case. It's a heartbreaking example of how children fall through the cracks and why this particular child, like Kaliyah was missing and not identified for 5 years.

Ok then, base your opinion on what other fathers do versus what this father in this childs situation does. I prefer to look at the facts for an individual situation before coming to the conclusion joe acted like jack because I only have facts on jacks situation.

I'm happy to change my thoughts or opinions if you can provide me with links that back up what Kaliyah's father did or did not do with regards to his pursuit in seeing his child. Until then we'll have to agree to disagree.

I'm sorry you're not interested in learning more about Jose's case. It's a heartbreaking example of how children fall through the cracks and why this particular child, like Kaliyah was missing and not identified for 5 years.


I'm totally interested in learning about Jose's case. No case involving a child is less than important to me and I will read it.... I am very aware how lots of children fall through the cracks and I'm sure it's only the tip of the iceberg that we're aware of... There are so many children of immigrants and children of the Adirondacks that are not born in hospitals and are born under conditions of poverty and no legal government agency even know exists or keeps track of... Someone needs to do a search of existing SS #s from the last 50 years forward to see how many "dead ends" there truly are. (yeah like that will ever happen) It's tragic...
Gee, guess he got a spare minute to give her an extra thought.... sigh. :maddening:

That was my first thought too. But then I thought of other parents. Where the custodial parents have refused to allow the non custodial parents to see the child on their visitation. Maybe they got by with it because the child was illegitimate and there was no visitation order because the non custodial parent didn't have the money to file for visitation. Or maybe the mother just refused visitation, and the father didn't have money to file to get the order enforced. Or maybe the father did file contempt on the mother, and when they went to court the court told the mother, "shame shame now go home and let him visit" but otherwise did little to enforce the visitation (that happens a lot.) Or maybe the father just didn't visit. Without knowing the situation it is hard to tell about the father.

What we do know is that when the mother told the father that a bookcase fell on the child's head and she died, the father sensed that something wasn't right. And the father did go to police. And the police found him believable enough that they did look into it. So if he took the time and cared enough to go that far, then I have to believe he cared. And considering no one else in the child's life did that in the last 5 years, I have to credit the father for actually checking it out.

I also noted that in the articles it said something about the mother giving excuses for the child not being available. It wasn't real clear who she made those excuses to. But I suspect it was probably to the father on previous requests for visits.

Yes it happens a lot where the absent father just doesn't show any interest. But it doesn't always happen that way, and there are some small indications that this father did try.
ugh, I'm going to assume that no one in Kaliyah's life cared enough to insist on finding out where she's been for the five years she's been dead

maybe they cared but they didn't care enough IMO

it doesn't matter what their excuses are, except perhaps prison might keep them from being able to actually investigate and even then, every single phone call or visit should've been about trying to discover Kaliyah's current status - location, school, health etc.

if I find out that her father and other family members have been trying for five years to see or talk to Kaliyah and that they got authorities involved and requested welfare checks, then I may soften my judgement but for now I'm outraged because it appears that she meant very little to those who supposedly loved her
*I* got the impression that she had been telling people that Kaliyah was dead for a while... not just now.
I got the impression that Kaliyah's Dad was told she died quite a while ago, but was suspicious because there was never any evidence.
I think he likely wanted a headstone, or a death certificate, or something... and when there was nothing he was concerned.

You aren't going to be visiting a dead child, so if you think she is dead... I wouldn't be surprised it would take 5 years to report her missing.
He probably thought he wouldn't be taken seriously. "Yes officer, I'd like to report my dead daughter missing please?"

Has anyone found a myspace or facebook on this one? I have a feeling it could be very interesting.

I may have found one... but I'm not sure.
I wonder if her older child is a girl as well?
*I* got the impression that she had been telling people that Kaliyah was dead for a while... not just now.
I got the impression that Kaliyah's Dad was told she died quite a while ago, but was suspicious because there was never any evidence.
I think he likely wanted a headstone, or a death certificate, or something... and when there was nothing he was concerned.

You aren't going to be visiting a dead child, so if you think she is dead... I wouldn't be surprised it would take 5 years to report her missing.
He probably thought he wouldn't be taken seriously. "Yes officer, I'd like to report my dead daughter missing please?"

I may have found one... but I'm not sure.
I wonder if her older child is a girl as well?

I got an entirely different impression. My impression was dad did not have court ordered visitation and had been trying to see his daughter, but was given excuse after excuse why he couldn't. (Similiarly to what Jose Martinez Bernardo's father was told by his sons mother).

That push came to shove and Kaliayah's father was going to take court ordered action to see his child which forced Kaliayah's mother to tell the truth.

My impression was Kaliayah's mother made excuses to not only Kaliayah's father, but also to other family members who inquired about Kaliayah as well. If dad or any of Kaliayah's maternal or paternal family members knew she had been dead for awhile, why would ALL of these family members keep monster moms secret? Just doesn't make logical sense.

Thank God Dad finally sought answers to why he was unable to see his child. God Bless him. At least he did the right thing by notifying LE. I'm very saddened to see him vilified in this thread for not knowing, when we have zero information to know whether he was absent by choice or he made attempts to be part of his childs life but was denied access like so many fathers. I have no information at this point to indicate he is not a victim and according to WS TOS, I will choose to treat him like a victim until we have verifiable information to the contrary.

If I was told that someone died, I probably wouldn't ask to see a death certificate or try to verify that the proper authorities have been notified. I might be naive enough that I would just assume that all that was taken care of. But I would ask about a funeral and where she was buried, so I can go visit her. I suppose people might have been told that she was cremated and ashes scattered and how is anybody able to tell the difference?
You know, I always thought that if Cindy A knew that Caylee was dead before calling 911, that she would have never called 911 and this type of scenario would have played out. They would have told family and friends that Caylee got sick and died and they didn't have a funeral. JMO of course!
Does this woman have family? Mother, sister or brother, aunts, uncles, cousins? I just can't wrap my head around everyone in the family not questioning her about a child they have not seen or heard from in 5 years!!! No memorial, no funeral service, no burial site, it's not making sense. The father or his family not having any contact, sure... but didn't anyone related to the mother question her about the child's whereabouts for those whole five years??!!! I see more concern from people I know about a DOG going missing.... this is a CHILD!!!!!!
so family members didn't find it odd the child hadn't been seen in 5 years????seriously?? Why was this just reported, wonder what led to it?

Some people actually go years without seeing family members, or even phoning, etc. (Even if they did phone, mother could just say, "Yeah, she's fine." Some families aren't all that close, especially if there are issues like drugs or abuse or criminality that cause one or more family members to be remote.
I believe women like this should be sterilized! That's my honest opinion and I don't apologize for it!


I believe both women & men should be sterilized if they are repeat offenders . . . Same with me, JeannieC, "That's my honest opinion and I don't apologize for it!"

Something needs to be done to protect these disposable children & families!
The man that reported Kaliyah was not her father, but rather the father of Kalyiah's half brother. When he would pick up his son, he used to see Kaliyah, but then stopped seeing her and started getting excuses when he would ask about her. After enough of that, he finally called CPS to ask them to inquire about Kaliyah's welfare.

So with that in mind, it is likely that Kaliyah's actual father was not in the picture, and in fact I have found no reports, barring very early ones, that say her father reported her. It was her older half-brother's father that cared enough to report her.

Parker's daughter Kaliyah, 10, was reported missing by the father of one of Parker's other children...

What I am thinking likely happened is that Kaliyah's bio father had no contact with her, the other child's father noticed that there was a problem, and called CPS, who then tried to contact the mother, who refused to speak to them. Because she stuck to her story that the child was dead, they then would have had to locate the bio father so that someone would make the official report.
That's my take on it. Forgive me if I'm wrong.
I got an entirely different impression. My impression was dad did not have court ordered visitation and had been trying to see his daughter, but was given excuse after excuse why he couldn't. (Similiarly to what Jose Martinez Bernardo's father was told by his sons mother).

That push came to shove and Kaliayah's father was going to take court ordered action to see his child which forced Kaliayah's mother to tell the truth.

My impression was Kaliayah's mother made excuses to not only Kaliayah's father, but also to other family members who inquired about Kaliayah as well. If dad or any of Kaliayah's maternal or paternal family members knew she had been dead for awhile, why would ALL of these family members keep monster moms secret? Just doesn't make logical sense.

Thank God Dad finally sought answers to why he was unable to see his child. God Bless him. At least he did the right thing by notifying LE. I'm very saddened to see him vilified in this thread for not knowing, when we have zero information to know whether he was absent by choice or he made attempts to be part of his childs life but was denied access like so many fathers. I have no information at this point to indicate he is not a victim and according to WS TOS, I will choose to treat him like a victim until we have verifiable information to the contrary.


:clap: BBM & I wholeheartedly agree. Someone finally reported her missing after seeking out answers. It's a shame that family members didn't do what Kaliyah's father did - called LE no matter how long it took!

Too many threads, IMHO only, get polluted with personal judgments & attacks about people involved in crimes. Granted, I understand it's difficult to remove personal "feelings" or a sense of bias in some cases. However, it doesn't help & to me it actually detracts from "sleuthing" a case. Opinions are subjective & personal . . . I like to form my own opinions supported with "facts" specific to a case, not my own experience or even "trends".

I like to remain as objective as humanly possible . . . but that's the law in me. I love reading the comment sections & FB comments because it is in this medium where information can be found (IMHO). I have been so disappointed in today's "journalists" & how their #1 priority is to "get" the story out regardless of the facts !

So thankful for Cubby's insight & experience at WS!

love this sub-forum: Forum Information & Esoterica - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Poor baby. Their should be other charges they can file against her. Manslaughter at least. A death resulting in the neglect by the mother. She didn't seek medical attention for Kaliyah when this "book case" fell on top of her... and may I ask how long it was before mom noticed that a book case fell on top of Kaliyah that the little girl died in the home and there was no need to call an ambulance?

Not buying the book case story at all. Not buying that a loving mother whose child dies by accident can't call 911 and try with all her might to save that child and instead decides to throw the poor child out with trash.

She's taken a page out of Anthony-land and knowing that there will never be any way to prove any different... she's going to get away with murder or in the least, manslaughter.

Thank-you to the father of the other child for reporting this.
I have a question: Is it possible after so many years to actually recover this poor child's body for a proper funeral? Has anything like that happened before?
I have a question: Is it possible after so many years to actually recover this poor child's body for a proper funeral? Has anything like that happened before?

Sadly, If what mom said about disposing of her child in the trash, I don't think so. The only cases I'm aware of where a body has been recovered from a landfill is when LE had seperated the trash a body was believed to be in from other trash coming into the landfill. how would SAR go through 5 years of trash at a landfill? It's not possible. There are also a few cases of UID's found in the trash, at recycling centers who are yet to be identified.

I don't believe in "parenting classes". Because if you lack the most basic condition, LOVE, it's not going to make a difference at all!
I sure hope they can charge her with something. Household accidents, tragically, happen every day. There but for the grace of God, go I, and if that's all this was, I would be sympathetic to her. However, it goes back to the Casey Anthony case and what is the reaction of a parent whose child has an accident? You call 911! You try everything you can to help your child.

Not to mention that it's not like she lives in the middle of nowhere. She is 2 miles from the Cleveland Clinic! Kings and sultans and celebrities fly here from all over the world to get the care that was only a phone call away for her. And Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital is ranked in the top 10 nationally for children, and they have a Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center and that's a whopping 3.5 miles away. She probably would have had an ambulance at her door within 5 minutes. There is just no excuse.

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