OH OH - Lori Lloyd, 14, Kettering, 10 Feb 1976

Hi there Hollow and whomever has watched this thread. I am coming back on to say that Kettering PD has reopened Lori's case. To contact them you can call 296-2555. Det. Greene is the detective in charge of her case. Also the NCMEC has also opened her case. Although I have not seen her case featured yet on their web site. We did just get an age progressed photo today. It was a big shocker. 30 years was tough to look at. But I am so glad we got it done. We have also given DNA samples and will be waiting for those results. I don't know how I feel about that one. Either scenerio will be scary for us with those results. But again I am glad it is being done. The not knowing is the biggest struggle - at least as far we have yet experienced. So I just wanted to update and I hope there will be others who will see this and get our conversation going again. At first I was holding back some so as not to upset anything Kettering PD was doing. But now I know it is OK to begin talking again. Thanks Joni
Oh My Gosh, Joni !!!! This is incredible news !!! I hope your family will get the answers you deserve at last !!! :) :) :)
Thanks. It's good to see you are still reading this. I will try to keep this updated better as news comes in. Joni

Hollow said:
Oh My Gosh, Joni !!!! This is incredible news !!! I hope your family will get the answers you deserve at last !!! :) :) :)
Joni please keep us all updated. i feel sorry for your loss :(
It's nice to know that someone still reading this thread. Lori is never forgotten, but sometimes busyness and nothing new to say gets in my way of updating this thread. Joni
Joni Lloyd said:
It's nice to know that someone still reading this thread. Lori is never forgotten, but sometimes busyness and nothing new to say gets in my way of updating this thread. Joni
She is definitely never forgotten! Sending prayers that you may find the answers you've been searching for.
Unfortunately, there is nothing new to report. I was so hopeful that this last push and having KPD reopen the case was going to produce some answers. It has not happened. Det Greene has other cases and until he gets something to move on, there just isn't anything to do on it. I keep praying for a break through. It is very frustrating. We are coming up to her birthday. She was 14 when she left and would now be 44 years old. We got the progressed picture and it was such a shock to see her all grown up. Most of us denied it looked like her at all. But after the shock wore off, we could see Lori in those eyes. We had DNA taken from myself and my mother and it is still being processed. It is a slooooow process. Thanks for asking. Joni
Still reading the thread and not giving up. Hang in there. Sometimes information sneaks up on you.
How very sad. Another girl missing from this area! And this is Lori's birthday month. It seems like this stuff happens in either Feb or Oct. Her missing date or her birthdate. And I am really scared for this family and thier missing teen. Her name is Emily Smiley. She is 15 and left a note, but she is not street smart from what I understand. She is getting a little press, but not much. Been there and done that. I thought I would clue you all into it as well so you can put the snoops out. To look at her profie: http://LinkTiles.com/profile_missing.php?i=NCMC1054856. It is another sad and scary time for another family who may be losing someone they love. Joni
But the only Lori Jean Lloyd listed on Privateeye.com is 43 (about the right age) and living in Kansas.

Luck, and fortune, Joni.
The search for a Kettering teen who disappeared 31 years ago got new vigor on Saturday with the posting of a $5,000 reward for information leading to the recovery of Lori Jean Lloyd and the conviction of those involved in her disappearance.

"She is still in our hearts," Joni Spencer, Lori Jean's older sister said. "As long a we have breath, we'll continue to search for her."

If alive, Lori Jean would be 45.

The reward is being offered by the Erica Baker Recovery Center, founded by another Kettering family haunted by similar heartache. Nine-year-old Erica vanished Feb. 7, 1999, while walking her dog near the Kettering Recreation Center. That investigation continues. An anonymous tip triggered an unsuccessful search for Erica in the Caesar Creek region two weeks ago.

The tremendous support from the community offered to Erica's family led them to reach out to the Lloyds.
"What we are doing, is passing along that support," said Erica's grandmother, Pamela Schmidt of Kettering. "We just want to help them find the truth."

Lori Jean was 14 on Feb. 11, 1975 when she walked out of her mother's home on Annabelle Drive around 11 p.m. and never returned. A girlfriend later said Lori Jean told her she was going for cigarettes at a neighborhood convenience store, but clerks there said she never arrived.

A girlfriend of Lori Jean's told the family not long after the disappearance that Lori Jean was going to meet a boy that night who had promised to take her to California so she could live with her estranged father. The girlfriend didn't know the boy's name, so police had no leads.

I was pleased to see a few articles on Lori on the web posted on her anniversary date~!!! What a cool thing for the Baker family to do! I am glad these families have connected.

Can we all try to get some momentum going on those news articles and get them posted around our regular sites?
I just checked the internet site and it appears that this chidl is no longer missing. How wonderful!! Lori's sister - Joni

Joni Lloyd said:
How very sad. Another girl missing from this area! And this is Lori's birthday month. It seems like this stuff happens in either Feb or Oct. Her missing date or her birthdate. And I am really scared for this family and thier missing teen. Her name is Emily Smiley. She is 15 and left a note, but she is not street smart from what I understand. She is getting a little press, but not much. Been there and done that. I thought I would clue you all into it as well so you can put the snoops out. To look at her profie: http://LinkTiles.com/profile_missing.php?i=NCMC1054856. It is another sad and scary time for another family who may be losing someone they love. Joni
Wow! How did this get on the web site so soon? Someone is on the ball!! This was the article written today in our local paper. It was in the 4th page of the paper which is not front page news, but it at least made it to the paper! We are very excited that the reward has been offered and now am hopeful the word gets out to the right person who holds the key to the truth we so desperately seek! We also got some local news coverage yesterday. Because it was a weekend, I am not sure how many people saw it. But Iam grateful for ANY coverage. We know how hard that is to come by!! Joni, Lori's sister.

Rle7 said:
The search for a Kettering teen who disappeared 31 years ago got new vigor on Saturday with the posting of a $5,000 reward for information leading to the recovery of Lori Jean Lloyd and the conviction of those involved in her disappearance.

"She is still in our hearts," Joni Spencer, Lori Jean's older sister said. "As long a we have breath, we'll continue to search for her."

If alive, Lori Jean would be 45.

The reward is being offered by the Erica Baker Recovery Center, founded by another Kettering family haunted by similar heartache. Nine-year-old Erica vanished Feb. 7, 1999, while walking her dog near the Kettering Recreation Center. That investigation continues. An anonymous tip triggered an unsuccessful search for Erica in the Caesar Creek region two weeks ago.

The tremendous support from the community offered to Erica's family led them to reach out to the Lloyds.
"What we are doing, is passing along that support," said Erica's grandmother, Pamela Schmidt of Kettering. "We just want to help them find the truth."

Lori Jean was 14 on Feb. 11, 1975 when she walked out of her mother's home on Annabelle Drive around 11 p.m. and never returned. A girlfriend later said Lori Jean told her she was going for cigarettes at a neighborhood convenience store, but clerks there said she never arrived.

A girlfriend of Lori Jean's told the family not long after the disappearance that Lori Jean was going to meet a boy that night who had promised to take her to California so she could live with her estranged father. The girlfriend didn't know the boy's name, so police had no leads.

I noticed the link to your blog doesn't work, Joni...did you remove it? How are you doing and how is the investigation going?
i googled and didn't find a blog, either...

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