OH OH - Timothy McCarty, 21, Polk, 3, Jun 1981


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Mar 18, 2017
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Missing Age21 Years
Current Age59 Years
First NameTimothy
Middle NameS.
Last NameMcCarty

Height5' 5" - 5' 8" (65 - 68 Inches)
Weight125 - 130 lbs
Race / EthnicityWhite / Caucasian

Date of Last ContactJune 3, 1981
NamUs Case CreatedOctober 13, 2015
Last Known Location Map
LocationPolk, Ohio 44866
CountyAshland County

Circumstances of DisappearanceTimothy last contacted his family in 1981 from California. He has not been seen or heard from since that time. According to Timothy's family, he traveled from TX to Castro, CA to visit family.
Physical Description
Hair ColorBrown
Head Hair DescriptionHair would turn blond in Summer time.
Body Hair Description--
Facial Hair Description--
Left Eye ColorGreen
Right Eye ColorGreen
Eye Description--
Distinctive Physical Features
Light scar on upper part of lip

The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
Help me find my missing Uncle - Timothy McCarty! — Steemit
Help me find my missing Uncle - Timothy McCarty!

chelseajo (48)in #life • 3 years ago
Timothy Scott McCarty


Tim is...or was...my uncle. You see, when he was just 17 years old my Uncle Tim ran away. My mother was still in school and he was her closest sibling (she had 7 siblings (plus her)). Tim was your average high school boy who had many friends and, sometimes found himself in mischeif. Keep in mind this was back in 1981. To be exact, Uncle Tim went missing on June 3, 1981. He had gotten into trouble for being caught trying marijuna with a friend. He wasnt a "druggie" or anything, just a typical high school boy experimenting. Well, since they lived in such a small town, Tim knew everyone would find out and eventually he would be caught, whether by just the police, or by Grandpa too, not sure which was worse!

So instead of hanging around to see what would happen, on June 3rd, 1981 Tim ran away from home. My grandparents were unsure where he left to. He didn't leave a note, hadn't told any of his siblings or friends. No one knew anything of his where abouts.

Weeks passed and my grandmother got a random call on her telephone from California. IT WAS TIM on the other line. He told Grandma that he was safe and that he was going to attempt to make it down the state to go visit my grandmothers sister for a day. He did say he was not coming home and not to go looking for him. But wanted to call to put my grandmothers mind to ease that he was alive. When he hung up the phone my grandmother said he told her "I Love You", for what would be the very last time...

Sure enough, Tim showed up at my grandmothers sisters house. Just as he said he would. He was asking for a place to stay for the evening and to borrow some money.

My grandmother had already booked the first flight out to California to her sisters house after getting off the phone with Tim that day. She thought for sure all this was going to be over and she would be bringing her son home.

Well, according to my grandmother, her sisters husband had a friend who was a cop; who had come over that evening for a drink. Apparently this spooked Tim, being young and thinking he was going to be "caught" or in trouble, he packed the few clothes he had with him and took off in the middle of the night. My grandmother arrived the next day with a heavy heart to find Tim had fled and ran once again.

The phone conversation with Tim that my grandmother had was the LAST time she spoke to her son since the Summer of 1981. The last person to see him was my grandmothers sister.

It has been 36 years since Tim went missing.. and my grandmother STILL has not yet given up hope of finding him some day. My grandmother just wants closure one way or another. Whether he is still alive and chose to change his name and identity and live a separate life away from us, or if he is dead and just never found...either way, she wants closure, before something happens to her and she passes away never knowing what happened to her son. She still goes every year and gives her DNA to be tested for recovered unidentified bodies, she has a website for his missing person, she has done everything and anything imaginable to attempt to track him down. Still with no luck.

So, I am asking you Steemit community.. as my grandmother reaches her 87th birthday this march, i am asking for your help... This may be a long shot... and nothing may come of this at all... but maybe, just maybe, this will stumble upon the right person that knows something, ANYTHING, to tell my grandmother about Tim's disappearance. I ask you to please share this in any way, via Facebook, Twitter, through up voting, resteeming, whatever you have to do to help me get this out into the world. Please, I am begging for your help. My grandmother deserves to have that peace when she goes. If i can help that dream come true of hers of figuring out what happened to her boy in any way, even if it is a long shot, i am more than willing to do whatever it takes.


Below is a link to one of my grandmothers websites she made of his missing persons as well as some others that have his case info in it:

The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
Timothy S. Mccarty - Ohio Missing Person Directory

Case Information
Status Missing
First name Timothy
Middle name Scott
Last name McCarty
Date last seen June 03, 1981
Age now 57 years old
Race White
Sex Male
Height (inches) 68.0
Weight (pounds) 130.0
Very interesting find, it’s good to have some background information. The one thing that stuck me was a bit of overreaction just for being caught smoking marijuana.
Found this article 1978, so possibly more than a little mischief perhaps. It’s absolutely normal for a relative to put a missing person in the best light!


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