OK OK - Daryn Collie, 32, Guthrie, 26 May 2013

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Okay. Let's go back to Square One. There seem to have been some additions to the story that the family has just recently reported, and other points are not being mentioned at all:

Daryn and his brother fly to NY to attend their sister's graduation. Their biological mother attends. It is being reported that no one remembers Daryn having his suit with him at the time.

Daryn and his brother fly back to the OK/AR area...but just where do they land...AR? OK? (Still a point of confusion for some odd reason).

[What about the pings?! Purely mis-info about pings out of NWA, or did they fly back into NWA and drive back to OK?]

It is now being reported that Daryn's brother implies that he and Daryn stopped by Daryn's apartment and THEN Daryn took him to Job Club in Guthrie. (Addition to our information here). It is being reported that Daryn's brother does not remember Daryn picking up his suit from the apartment.

Daryn's brother reports that Daryn dropped him off at Job Club in Guthrie and says that he is in a hurry to get home to get some rest for the next day (work).

Monday June 3, 6:30 a.m. Daryn's car is spotted in Hood River County, OR, near Mt. Hood, "one of the tallest peaks in the area."

Now: LE has been able to search the car and found the following:

Sleeping bag

Family is also reporting that the FBI has refused to enter the search, "...because there's not sufficient evidence of foul play."

A few changes and omissions to the original story that was told. Whether someone has changed their story, or whether in the initial confusion and rush to get the word out some family members got info wrong, I don't know. But the above is what is being reported at this time.

If the passport was indeed Daryn's, maybe he planned to go to Canada, as Canada isn't really that far away from Oregon overall..... and the sleeping bag, either camping and roughing it, or perhaps he was going to visit a friend?
With a suit in the vehicle, maybe he had a job interview that would require him to travel someplace?
Not sure where in NY, but yes, he may have hoped to go to Toronto, Niagara, etc.

Good point about sleeping bag. :(

Clarification: Family now reporting that Daryn and his B flew into OKC (NO idea how all the NWA stuff got into the whole scenario).

Brother claims they ate at a Taco Bell after landing in OKC. (Family notes that they are not sure which one).

Brother states that he had left a backpack at Daryn's, so they went by Daryn's and retrieved the backpack before going on to Job Club in Guthrie.
His brother left a backpack at Daryn's home in Del City? He brought it there before the trip to NY and then needed it when he got back? Okay, I guess that could happen.

I can't believe how much the story has changed and how Daryn's missing poster and missing info on NAMUS turns out to be incorrect. This is very unusual!
Daryn's car was out of gas.

Daryn has a cat. Step-mom relates that OR LE did not tell them whether Daryn's cell phone was found in car.....or the kitty :(

So kitty is not at the apartment (step-mom was at the apartment herself recently); and kitty is not in the car. [Because surely to goodness if there'd been a cat in the car LE would not have overlooked telling the family this!] The pet owners among us know that pet lovers do not just let their pets loose and then disappear themselves! Nor do pet owners drive their pets across country, let their cats loose, and disappear onto a mountain!

I wonder if he'd boarded the cat somewhere local and the boarders don't know Daryn is missing and have no phone numbers for family to let them know where the cat is located? I'm hoping this...but I'm thinking not.
His brother left a backpack at Daryn's home in Del City? He brought it there before the trip to NY and then needed it when he got back? Okay, I guess that could happen.

I can't believe how much the story has changed and how Daryn's missing poster and missing info on NAMUS turns out to be incorrect. This is very unusual!

(Nodding). I contacted the family and strongly urged them to get in touch with NaMus to update the information.
Daryn's car was out of gas.

Daryn has a cat. Step-mom relates that OR LE did not tell them whether Daryn's cell phone was found in car.....or the kitty :(

So kitty is not at the apartment (step-mom was at the apartment herself recently); and kitty is not in the car. [Because surely to goodness if there'd been a cat in the car LE would not have overlooked telling the family this!] The pet owners among us know that pet lovers do not just let their pets loose and then disappear themselves! Nor do pet owners drive their pets across country, let their cats loose, and disappear onto a mountain!

I wonder if he'd boarded the cat somewhere local and the boarders don't know Daryn is missing and have no phone numbers for family to let them know where the cat is located? I'm hoping this...but I'm thinking not.

With his car out of gas, I would highly doubt he would go hiking at that trail then.....sounds like it ran out of gas so then it was ditched there perhaps?
And the cat....where's the cat? :(

Whoever drove the car to Oregon, must have gassed up somewhere along the way from Oklahoma so they had to have cash or a credit card to purchase gas
and now there's no gas? I keep going back and forth from a car jacking to voluntary, to car jacking, etc.....
Wait-are we on day 12 and there is no MSM article or a police report on this person??
has anyone checked to see if he was indeed, still employed? Could it be that he lost his job and was lying to his family- and intended to go out and find another one? (explains suit and/or travel)

Trail heads this time of year tend to have a lot of cars but after a few days they get noticed by the USFS/state police. So not a horrible idea as far as leaving a car.

The car was out of gas. Interesting. I don't know what to make of that. Had he every run out of gas before/ been known to be careless like that? I am leaning towards carjacking/kidnapping either back at his home or in OR. NO ONE leaves their passport in the car.
This is a confusing case!

Is it known whether he sometimes took the cat with him on trips? Most cats don't like travel, but a few do, and owners take them with them.

And if he did take the cat with him, maybe she escaped and he ran after her and got lost?

That would explain why everything was still in the car, if he was chasing the cat.

Hope he (and kitty) will be found soon!
If he gave the cat away, surely someone would say so by now. If he had the cat in the car, he would have picked it up when they went back by the apartment. Surely brother would know that. Did anybody who had been with him think he was acting depressed or different? If there is no cat food out or water, I would think he left the cat somewhere or boarded it. How long can you leave a cat alone and was the litter box clean? I think there is so much missing here!

Coming back to this picture of his fingernails - is this a fashion statement or a lifestyle thing, or what is this about? I'm thinking if it's some kind of group (goth, vampires, idk), maybe he is gone to hang out with them? May be nothing.
Daryn's car was out of gas.

Daryn has a cat. Step-mom relates that OR LE did not tell them whether Daryn's cell phone was found in car.....or the kitty :(

So kitty is not at the apartment (step-mom was at the apartment herself recently); and kitty is not in the car. [Because surely to goodness if there'd been a cat in the car LE would not have overlooked telling the family this!] The pet owners among us know that pet lovers do not just let their pets loose and then disappear themselves! Nor do pet owners drive their pets across country, let their cats loose, and disappear onto a mountain!

I wonder if he'd boarded the cat somewhere local and the boarders don't know Daryn is missing and have no phone numbers for family to let them know where the cat is located? I'm hoping this...but I'm thinking not.

Since he was returning from a trip to NY I think it is very possible he either boarded the cat or had a friend watching the cat while he was gone.
FYI- it takes 28 hours to get from Oklahoma to Mt. Hood! That is with a few toll roads as the "quickest way".
That is a heck of a long drive.

IF the cat was in the car with him---- there will be fur everywhere. We drove across the country with our cat. Our cat was in a standard carrier but it shed like crazy (cuz cats don't like driving) and fur was all over the interior- much more than could be transferred via owner's clothes.
(no order)
1. met someone over internet- drove to meet them
2. Drove by himself, no duress vacation?
3. drove for an interview
4. Drove to buy/sell something
5. Any of the above 1-5 but was carjacked there near Mt. Hood
6. Was carjacked and kidnapped in OKC, driven to OR
7. Was carjacked in OKC, carjacker went to the house let the cat out?
8. someone came to his house, carjacked him, took him somewhere
9. ???
Since he was returning from a trip to NY I think it is very possible he either boarded the cat or had a friend watching the cat while he was gone.

Of course. That's probably it.

But still, I would expect that person to have made contact by now - it's been 2 weeks almost.

Or he boarded her for longer, knowing that he would go on another trip after returning from NY.
Wait-are we on day 12 and there is no MSM article or a police report on this person??

There's a police report, but it has not been published. I personally emailed MSM in Daryn's home area, begging them to run his story. Only one station had so much as the courtesy to respond, and that was a cookie-cutter email saying they'd consider it. Guess the answer was no.

Daryn had the misfortune of turning up missing in an area gobsmacked by storms, tornadoes, and floods both pre- and post-disappearance.
If he gave the cat away, surely someone would say so by now. If he had the cat in the car, he would have picked it up when they went back by the apartment. Surely brother would know that. Did anybody who had been with him think he was acting depressed or different? If there is no cat food out or water, I would think he left the cat somewhere or boarded it. How long can you leave a cat alone and was the litter box clean? I think there is so much missing here!

Bio mom says he was in a "good place" in his life.

Boarding is definitely a possibility.

If he had left the cat at his place, his dad and step-mom would have found it when they went through Daryn's home, unless it bolted when they opened the door and they missed it. Don't know if the litter box was clean or not. If it was clean, that surely would indicate the cat had not been left alone.

Thanks for the input!
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