PA PA - Philadelphia, 30th St Station, AsianMale 20-30, UP7438, gun stolen from WI, note, scars, Apr'94

It was just an observation...they say that true character comes out during death. A lot of suicide notes discuss family/romance, but he talks about his music or the "dragons", seems those were his final thoughts. Unless of course it was not written by him.

I have been thinking about this case on and off for years as to me it's very sad and odd circumstances haunt me and so I would like to offer some thoughts about it.

I think this really was suicide and not a murder. I also have a feeling the note was not written by him. The reference to 'gloves on his hands' may well be an observation of him, written by someone else who was aware that he suffered from some type of mental illness which caused him such a phobia about germs that he was commonly known by others to regularly put on rubber gloves whenever in a potentially threatening public area or when exposed to anything commonly perceived as potentially 'germy'.

In that context, the note was perhaps mocking this aspect of his character? I am thinking maybe he was jilted by a lover who used this idiosyncrasy of his to attack his character. By contextualizing it in nursery rhyme form, it could be interpreted as projecting humiliation onto this behavior of his as something childish, weak and immature.

In the context of what I'm stating about the note, the line, 'Blood on his toes' may be an attempt to point out to him that he's literally walking on ground saturated in germs, resulting from it being that of a city filled with acts occurring on a daily basis that cause blood to be spilt, blood which often falls to the ground. By making mention of this the writer may be attempting to make him feel even more uncomfortable and vulnerable in an environment in which (as the use of latex gloves would prove) he already feels threatened.

It may also be a reference to some other act of violence that he was either himself responsible for, or which had happened to someone he was close to or to a group of others close to him, this perhaps even being a trigger for the initial manifestation of mental illness in him, including being mysophobic (ie a fear of germs) known by the writer of the note.

I have considered also that this written reference to blood, which seems to indicate a foreknowledge or a prediction of his eventual, bloody death by gunshot, may also be a reiteration of an instruction he or a gang he was a member of may have received that a victim was required from within the ranks of a that gang in order to settle some dispute of a 'life for life' type nature.

I say this because it is a known that in some ethnic culture based subsections of organized criminals (where honor and respect are known to be traditionally highly valued traits involving an established, mutually respected etiquette), disputes are sometimes rationally and diplomatically settled, in order to keep the matter within the closed ranks of these underground criminal organizations (to the advantage of all concerned) and in order for their actions to remain hidden from both the perception of their adoptive society at large and the police force thereof. In that context it may been that this man did indeed commit suicide and did so as a gesture fulfilling a blood debt owed to another gang, and by doing so, was protecting members of his own family (who may also have been members of that criminal group or gang) and who were in danger of having bloody retribution enacting upon then if he had not chosen to kill himself, instead. However, I find this theory somewhat illogical and flawed. (Potentially, it's more likely that this theory may be the key aspect of an elaborate delusion constructed by this mentally ill individual which eventually motivated him to actually commit suicide.)

The line, 'He shall have music wherever he goes' possibly has some relation to a scenario where this man was being pursued by someone he felt he could never escape from. Someone, (or some group), with enough confidence in their own power to include in their threat the notion that they were effectively inescapable. This might explain why he was located at a major point of transit, because he felt he may have some small chance of escaping the wrath of whoever it was that was pursuing him, but realized when arriving at this point of embarkation that there really was no chance of escape at all. This would indicate, if we're considering a criminal group, that it must have had massive influence and a national membership and a broad scope to its operations.

The 'music' which the note refers to may also be a reference to a traditional criminal justice related colloquialism for the accepting of an inevitable, just punishment for one's actions, that is; 'to face the music'. This aspect of it might then lend it to being read as a reference to an eventual fate from the result of retribution possibly perceived by him as inescapable and thereby offering to him only the route of suicide as away out.

I'd hazard a guess that this was the case, since an individual or even a smaller, unaffiliated group of criminals would not be able to back up a threat of this magnitude, which given this man's suicidal response to a threat which one might read as, 'there's nowhere to hide' would indicate it as a serious threat and quite true.

The writer of the note may have been a criminal gang (Dragons) affiliated member who was now the new romantic partner of this man's former lover and the content of the note could have been written in jealousy and as a threat toward him to keep away, centering in on his known psychological vulnerabilities, as previously speculated upon. He then may have been despondent enough, as result of the threatening nature of the note's content and the loss of his lover, to kill himself.

He may also have been an illegal immigrant, and this may indicate the reason why he felt he could not trust the authorities to protect him from those who pursued or were threatening him. Given this all happened at a train station, cross country smuggling may also factor into this scenario.

I doubt this is simply a case of a suicide from mental problems and lean toward it being something associated with this man's connection to a large criminal organization.

(I could be wrong though!)
The decedent was found in a men's bathroom stall at the 30th Street Station in Philadelphia on July 22, 1994. He died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The gun he used to shoot himself was a .25 caliber handgun that had been stolen from a Wisconsin residence in 1985.

John Doe was found minutes after death and had a recognizable face. He had brown eyes, drk brown - black hair, a 1/4" round scar on his right knee pit, was wearing latex gloves, a sweatshirt that said PALM BEACH, USA on the front, Bugle Boy brand blue jeans, and Etonic brand white sneakers size 7 1/2.
He was 5'9 and approximately 168 lbs.

He has been named "Philadelphia John Doe" not to be confused with the "Philadelphia John Doe" of 1957.
He has gone unidentified for 24 years. I'm sure someone out there has been missing him.
One very interesting piece of information is that Doe was found with a handwritten note. The note said, "With gloves on his fingers and blood on his toes, he will have music wherever he goes. Don't f*ck with the dragons."

I searched to see if there was any info about this young man on websleuth already and I couldn't find any threads about him. If you have any ideas or would like to contribute to this thread, please do so!
Philadelphia John Doe (1994)


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White socks, white underwear, and no tattoos does not exactly scream "gangsta" to me (though it's possible), so I went looking for what that poem might mean.

I don't know whether it was in 1994, but "dragon" is sometimes slang for marijuana cigarettes. You know, like Puff the Magic?

"*advertiser censored** you, I'm a dragon" is a slogan for a group of people who identify as otherkin. Just google it; I don't feel up to explaining...but here's an example: Forum: you, I'm a dragon. | DeviantArt. I don't know to what extent this particular form of insanity existed yet in 1994; some sources I found trace the phrase to a flame war in LiveJournal in 1997, but the people who think they're dragons were around before that. So maybe.

Dragons are common in the world of Dungeons and Dragons and online role-playing games, and would have already been pretty common in 1994, though not as prevalent as now.

The St. Benedict medal includes a line "May the holy cross be my light! May the dragon never be my overlord!" which is known as the Vade retro satana among Catholics. The dragon there represents Satan. I can see somebody who got involved with some sort of neo-black-pagan cult thinking they had *advertiser censored**ed with Satan and lost. Too bad he's not carrying a medal.

I also found some stuff that's just too weird to even follow up on. :p

The dragon is also one of the Chinese zodiac signs and probably one of the most desired one. Some other Asian countries like Vietnam also use the Chinese zodiac. If this person was born in the year of the Dragon, his most likely year was 1976-1977 or 1964-1965.

eta: the gang angle is a very possible scenerio though. The Florida to East Coast corridor is a well known drug trafficing route. If he was a drug mule, maybe he tried to rip off the gangs and they tried to get him to expel the drugs but failed. Then it could be they shot him and left him in the bathroom with the note.
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If you have any information about this case please contact:
Philadelphia Medical Examiner's Office

You may remain anonymous when submitting information.

Agency Case Number:

The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) - (Mortuary picture warning)

The Doe Network: Case File 1213UMPA



Sex: Male

Race / Ethnicity: Asian
Estimated Age Group: Adult - Pre 30
Estimated Age Range (Years): 16-30
Estimated Year of Death: 1994

Estimated PMI: Minutes
Height: 5' 9" (69 inches), Measured
Weight: 168 lbs, Measured


Type: Unidentified Deceased

Date Body Found: April 22, 1994
NamUs Case Created: July 22, 2010
ME/C QA Reviewed: July 23, 2010

Location Found

Street Address: Railway station bathroom.

30th St Station Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
County: Philadelphia County

Circumstances of Recovery

Decedent was found in a bathroom stall at a train station (30th St Station) in Philadelphia wearing a pair of latex gloves.

He had what was determined to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound of the head.
A .25 caliber handgun (RAVEN MP25) was recovered from the scene, the gun had been reported stolen from a residence in Wisconsin nine years prior (1985).

The decedent had no effects other than a handwritten note stating:


Details of Recovery

Inventory of Remains: All parts recovered

Condition of Remains: Recognizable face

Physical Description

Hair Color: Black
Head Hair Description: Black
Body Hair Description: Black
Left Eye Color: Brown
Right Eye Color: Brown

Distinctive Physical Features

small, round scar on inner right knee
small, snakelike, elevated scars on forehead, face, and neck
brown birthmark on left upper chest

Clothing and Accessories

White long-sleeved sweatshirt with "Palm Beach, USA" on the front, size XL
Bugle Boy brand blue jeans
White sneakers, Etonic brand, size 7 1/2
White undershorts with print
White socks

Dentals: Natural teeth

I searched for a thread on him and didn't find one so sorry if I somehow missed one.
I find the note that he had on him interesting, makes me wonder if he was involved in gang activity or got on someone in a gang's bad side. Philadelphia has the 9th largest Vietnamese population in the country so I wonder if he was part of the Vietnamese community there.
Thanks, CCJD. I thought there was probably one as well, because that little "poem" is hard to forget! And thanks to EAD90 for bringing additional attention to this UID. It's a super strange case.
With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes....whoever wrote the note had a reasonable grasp of English children’s poems.

I wonder if the UID was a member of Born to Kill, the gang set up to oppose the Vietnamese Flying Dragons (see VFD section of Flying Dragons (gang) - Wikipedia). IF it was a murder set up to masquerade as a suicide then it would have been a lot of effort and risk to go to. If that is how the UID died he must have been a valuable target to someone, for them to risk so much.
I was doing some research for another case that reminded me a little of this one.
NY - NY, Queens,AsianMale, hostage.

In the early 1990s, human smuggling from China by intl Chinese gangs was a booming business. It was brought to the forefront by the grounding of the Golden Venture in New York. If an immigrant didn't pay their passage fee (read: ransom), they would be kidnapped and/or murdered by the gang. Reading through some accounts has been horrifying. I wonder if he was involved with one of these gangs, either as a member or as a migrant, and died because of it. 30th Street Station seems like such an odd place to do it, though.

This 1993 AP article mentions a gang, the Green Dragons:
"″Fuchou Paul″ (aka Wong Kin-fei) is the reputed founder of the Green Dragons, a gang in the borough of Queens. He is wanted on federal murder and extortion charges, and is thought to have fled to Fujian two years ago. Wong, 37, is suspected by police of having changed specialties - from smuggling heroin to smuggling immigrants."
The 'Snakeheads' Are the Masterminds With PM-China-Bitter Passage, Bjt

Another 1993 article mentions a Philadelphia group taking in asylum seekers from the Golden Venture.

"The *advertiser censored* Ching typically charged immigrants fees of $20,000 and up, a sum far exceeding the average Chinese resident's per capita income. The Golden Venture incident brought public attention to the complex and brutal nature of the smuggling operations. Migrants who accepted the gang's assistance but didn't pay were forced into indentured servitude to work off their debt. The least fortunate were kidnapped, tortured, even murdered."

"He received a telephone call at 4 A.M. Friday and was informed that his relatives had been abducted from their apartment on Rivington Street. The kidnapper warned that if he were not paid $30,800 for each victim, they would be killed."
Yes these kidnap for ransoms continue in a lot of places today, including in western countries. Many Asian families will not go to LE unless it’s a “stranger crime” (ie: by someone unknown).
I was looking for this case! Finally found it. The Doe Network sketch of this guy is awful. It looks absolutely nothing like him. I'd bet this John Doe is Vietnamese. He has a resemblance to a Vietnamese friend.

I'm not sure if this has been brought up on the thread before, but the note found with his body is an alteration of a nursery rhyme called Ride a *advertiser censored* horse to Banbury Cross, as someone on another website pointed out.
I was looking for this case! Finally found it. The Doe Network sketch of this guy is awful. It looks absolutely nothing like him. I'd bet this John Doe is Vietnamese. He has a resemblance to a Vietnamese friend.

I used to have a great contact at Philly MEO. In 2010 he sent me this re: 94-2003 via email

MEO 94-2003
for your records. attached are scanned documents of a cold case unknown. this guy shot himself inside of a bathroom at the 30th street station in philly on 4/22/1994. I just opened this case up to get some new eyes and new technology on to it. my initial thoughts are that he can be from anywhere?? since he was at 30th street, could have traveled anywhere by train on the east coast. he appears to be in his 20's however I wouldnt rule out younger. He could be asian or hispanic, maybe even mexican. I cant tell.

and later (when I opined that the UID was Asian)

We have asian contacts throughout the city, however that particular population keeps within their circle as many are illegal immigrants. Most keep tight lipped. I cannot see that he was reported missing in philly, but you never know. Thanks for your help

The sketch itself - I enlarged the original the MEO sent me and it appears it was done by a Chester County detective.


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I used to have a great contact at Philly MEO. In 2010 he sent me this re: 94-2003 via email

MEO 94-2003
for your records. attached are scanned documents of a cold case unknown. this guy shot himself inside of a bathroom at the 30th street station in philly on 4/22/1994. I just opened this case up to get some new eyes and new technology on to it. my initial thoughts are that he can be from anywhere?? since he was at 30th street, could have traveled anywhere by train on the east coast. he appears to be in his 20's however I wouldnt rule out younger. He could be asian or hispanic, maybe even mexican. I cant tell.

and later (when I opined that the UID was Asian)

We have asian contacts throughout the city, however that particular population keeps within their circle as many are illegal immigrants. Most keep tight lipped. I cannot see that he was reported missing in philly, but you never know. Thanks for your help

The sketch itself - I enlarged the original the MEO sent me and it appears it was done by a Chester County detective.

Thanks CCJD. I don't think he looks Hispanic. He definitely looks Asian to me. If anything, possibly a light-skinned Filipino (again, not Hispanic), but I'd put money on Vietnamese. Also betting early-mid 20s, so probably born in late 60s to mid 70s.

This gives me the vibes of something gang-related. There are quite a few Asian gangs throughout the country, mostly on the East and West coasts. I found an article from this year that talked about a Vietnamese gang leader in Philadelphia dumping bodies in the Schuylkill River, so there is at least some Vietnamese gang presence in Philly.
Thanks CCJD. I don't think he looks Hispanic. He definitely looks Asian to me. If anything, possibly a light-skinned Filipino (again, not Hispanic), but I'd put money on Vietnamese. Also betting early-mid 20s, so probably born in late 60s to mid 70s.

This gives me the vibes of something gang-related. There are quite a few Asian gangs throughout the country, mostly on the East and West coasts. I found an article from this year that talked about a Vietnamese gang leader in Philadelphia dumping bodies in the Schuylkill River, so there is at least some Vietnamese gang presence in Philly.

Huge Vietnamese community in South Philly. They settled in early 80's? Yes, there's gang activity.

30th Street Station is basically on the Schuylkill.
Huge Vietnamese community in South Philly. They settled in early 80's? Yes, there's gang activity.

30th Street Station is basically on the Schuylkill.

Thanks Filly. I'm not familiar with Philly, so this is good info to hear. Definitely a possibility this is gang-related. The language used on the note ("the dragons") hints at that to me.
Thanks Filly. I'm not familiar with Philly, so this is good info to hear. Definitely a possibility this is gang-related. The language used on the note ("the dragons") hints at that to me.

No problem @Springrain. South Philly's gangs were The Red Scorpions and The Tiny Rascals. However they were primarily Cambodian.

Another neighborhood that had a huge immigration of Vietnamese and Cambodians is Olney. I know there was gang activity there because they threatened to kill a police officer. Logan is another neighborhood as well with a large community.

Hope that helps a little. This case has me stumped. Thank you for your hard work.
Many Cambodians are of Vietnamese origin and vice versa as the borders of Southern Vietnam and SE Cambodia in the Mekong Delta region has always been quite porous.
I think there are several possibilities here. Whether murder or suicide, I think the note was written either by a member of the Chinese Flying Dragons / Dragons gang out of NY and Philly, or somebody who wanted to stage the scene to make it appear that a member of Dragons was responsible for a murder.

From what I’ve read online ( Chinese - Asian Organized Crime Groups, Tongs and Street Gangs), the Flying Dragons / Dragons are a Chinese gang related to the powerful Hip Sing Tong gang operating out of NY/Chinatown and Philly. Mostly heroin and extortion.

i think this was a murder - and not a suicide.I don’t think the presence of a gun necessarily indicates suicide. I’m curious as to what other evidence LE might have that leads them to believe it was a suicide (even gunshot residue on a glove wouldn’t rule out murder, - in fact, I think the very presence of the gloves could be better explained by a murder scenario than a suicide scenario.

My guess is the deceased was a member of a rival Chinese gang (possibly the Ghost Shadows, but also could have been a member is any number of smaller Asian street gangs that warred with the Dragons or refused to obey and pay them

Because I think this was a murder and not a suicide, I think it is unlikely that the victim was in anyway directly connected to the gun stolen in WI. I think it’s the kind of weapon that the Dragons would easily have gotten their hands on from other gangs/thieves.

I wonder if LE has an organizational chart or even a list of names of members of the Ghost Shadows (and any smaller gangs who considered the Dragons their enemies) and operated in Philly in the late 80’s early 90’s (the victim also could have been from NJ, NY, or even Balt., but I think Philly is the best place to start.

all Jmo
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This guy's 30th anniversary is coming up. Just bringing some info forward.

This is a Flying Dragons case: Ah Lee - National Registry of Exonerations

Flying Dragons in Philadelphia:

Lots of info about Asian gangs:

There was a Philly cop who was a former member of Flying Dragons, too.

I think the UID could have been a member who pissed them off, or a member of a rival gang, or an unaffiliated kid selling drugs on their corner. I think it's more likely to be about drugs than anything else, given the date and location and language of the note. However, most Flying Dragons murders appear to be about "lucky money" instead of drugs. The scars tell me he was probably affiliated with one of the gangs. This would be a weird gang murder, usually they don't have to leave a note ID'ing themselves, it's very clear to their intended targets who did it and word travels on the street. I can completely understand why they would think suicide, but I have never seen a suicide note like this one...
I held this note in my hand. Very surreal. I did some legwork on it but couldn't really get much going. Reached out to older Amtrak folks, the former medical examiner. Didn't go anywhere. The note was written in very neat English print. Very strange.

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