Possible match Pearl Shepherd Rodriguez, 17, August 1 1987, Angelina County TX

Is that definitely what it means? (Asking because like I said - not from the US originally and not a native English speaker). If so, make sure to report it so Pearl can be added to the Ruled Out list.

I'll have to do dinner etc but I'll find Pearl's thread later tonight. Thanks, Springrain! I really bad want to find Pearl now....

(I did notice she was only added to NamUs on Feb 19th 2016, I thought that was rather late for a 2013 report).

Does the DNA immediately run, or does it take a while? It's only been 10 days.
Does the DNA immediately run, or does it take a while? It's only been 10 days.

Well, he said it was completed. I wondered that too, seems kind of quickly to complete...
I really hope the DNA was actually compared and the person who emailed back isn't just assuming... That does seem awfully fast if the DNA has only been in the system since the 19th. Although I admittedly do not know how exactly they do these things.

Springrain, do you feel comfortable emailing them again and asking about the sizes for the other rings Princess Blue was wearing?
The activity here for these two ladies is, I think, one of the greatest functions of Websleuths. A huge thank you to you members who have the time and skill to work on possible matches. What a blessing for the families, even if they are currently unaware.
Just checking to see if anyone else was ever able to confirm the DNA was compared?
Was looking into Pearl as a possibility too. She looks good for a possible match to me too. I wonder if there is another person to contact possibly to check? On Namus she's not listed as ruled out.
Just curious :tyou:
just checking to see if anyone else was ever able to confirm the dna was compared?
Was looking into pearl as a possibility too. She looks good for a possible match to me too. I wonder if there is another person to contact possibly to check? On namus she's not listed as ruled out.
Just curious :tyou:

send a email to the diector of the region , michael nance always answers pretty quickly
Side by side of Pearl Rodriguez and Princess Blue:

I know her daughters.
Hello I'm the oldest daughter of Pearl Rodriguez!
I can help with some of the questions about her.
My mom was half African American/Hispanic. i have a picture of her when she went to Dunbar and she didn't graduate high school.

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