Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #7

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A judge is scheduled to hear arguments in two weeks about whether Sandusky's bail can be modified to see his grand children and to travel around the county to help a private investigator.

UGH! Sandusky wants out of his home confinement and electric monitoring so he can travel around the country with his private investigator?
NO!!!!! This is nuts! His home confinement was part of his terms of release with his bail. He is a danger to society!

Travel around the country with his private eye?

This has got me wishing I lived in Happy Valley. I would love to hear the argument to the court, supporting this idea, from Jer's lawyer. It will have to rank right up there with "Jer wuz just tryin to teach good hygene to poor kids"!
Some idiot judge will likely let Sandusky off house confinement to "travel around the country with his private eye". I have lost confidence in our justice system, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that a “Dexter” was unknowingly hired as the private eye.
Travel around the country with his private eye?

This has got me wishing I lived in Happy Valley. I would love to hear the argument to the court, supporting this idea, from Jer's lawyer. It will have to rank right up there with "Jer wuz just tryin to teach good hygene to poor kids"!

Papa, your post certainly hits home. But, as smart as I think I am, I don't understand why the heck Jerry needs to travel the country with his private eye? What are they looking for, more youngster for him to groom?

Papa, your post certainly hits home. But, as smart as I think I am, I don't understand why the heck Jerry needs to travel the country with his private eye? What are they looking for, more youngster for him to groom?


Just some thoughts of my own on this. Maybe it's because he wants to intimidate witness', offer payouts, escape the country, visit his grand kids behind the court's back or something else nefarious. I don't think this is a vacation or a goodwill trip.
Papa, your post certainly hits home. But, as smart as I think I am, I don't understand why the heck Jerry needs to travel the country with his private eye? What are they looking for, more youngster for him to groom?


Thinking just like Steely they can intimidate potential victim's/witnesses?
A judge is scheduled to hear arguments in two weeks about whether Sandusky's bail can be modified to see his grand children and to travel around the county to help a private investigator.

UGH! Sandusky wants out of his home confinement and electric monitoring so he can travel around the country with his private investigator?
NO!!!!! This is nuts! His home confinement was part of his terms of release with his bail. He is a danger to society!

Wow! Way to take a page from the Casey/Jose playbook! Hope the judge in this case has the <nerve> to say NO!
A new article from Sara Ganim:

Less than a week before the charges against Sandusky became public, Joe Paterno, Spanier and Curley were standing inside the Penn State football press room, surrounded by hundreds of reporters celebrating the coach&#8217;s 409th victory &#8212; an all-time record in major college football.

Spanier leaned in to Paterno and told him they needed to talk soon about the Sandusky investigation, sources close to the football program said.

The coach apparently didn&#8217;t hear him. Paterno was promptly whisked away by his handlers.

The next day &#8212; six days before charges would be announced &#8212; Spanier and Baldwin were first made aware that Schultz and Curley would be charged with lying to investigators and failing to report child abuse, sources said.

That same night, Spanier called Paterno and canceled their meeting, sources said.

Up to that point, Baldwin and Spanier had downplayed any possible impact of the Sandusky investigation on Penn State. In a May briefing, according to trustees, they gave the impression that the investigation was little to be concerned about.

According to trustees quoted in The New York Times, Baldwin said the investigation concerned The Second Mile, not Penn State.

Special Report: Penn State counsel Cynthia Baldwin's role before grand jury could affect Tim Curley and Gary Schultz's perjury case, experts say
The "travel the country" part of this deal with this private eye strikes me as possibly being related to his raping these children during trips to bowl games. He seems to have felt "bullet proof" from scrutiny with the abhorent acceptance and tollerance afforded him through his hometown connections in Happy Valley, but it's damn sure not that way out in the real world.

You can't just swish your way through the real world with a 10 year old child and all this "touchy-feely" crap reported by his victims and not be noticed. I think it's entirely possible that taxi drivers, waiters and waitresses, hotel maids and desk clerks, and even airline flight attendants may have stories to tell about ole Jer.

Nowhere outside of Happy Valley could I ever imagine an attorney saying a rubbing his hands all over a child in a shower was simply him trying to teach a poor child good hygene habits. Although the incidents were several years prior, if I see it, and you live through it, it's never going to be forgotten by me.

I don't think I'm all that different.
Oregon weighs in:

'Penn State' bill introduced in House Education Committee: 2012 Oregon Legislature
February 2, 2012

"Oregon's House Education Committee will hear a proposal today to expand the kinds of people required to report child abuse, adding higher education employees and youth volunteers to the list. House Bill 4016 is in response to what happened at Penn State University, where the school's former defensive coordinator is now charged with abusing children over a period of many years...."


"....The proposal in Oregon would make mandatory reporters of employees of community colleges, state universities, private colleges and the Oregon Health and Science University. It would also add anyone who trains or coaches child athletes, and anyone who works for or volunteers with public and private groups offering child-related services or activities...."

more at link
Oregon weighs in:

'Penn State' bill introduced in House Education Committee: 2012 Oregon Legislature
February 2, 2012

"Oregon's House Education Committee will hear a proposal today to expand the kinds of people required to report child abuse, adding higher education employees and youth volunteers to the list. House Bill 4016 is in response to what happened at Penn State University, where the school's former defensive coordinator is now charged with abusing children over a period of many years...."


"....The proposal in Oregon would make mandatory reporters of employees of community colleges, state universities, private colleges and the Oregon Health and Science University. It would also add anyone who trains or coaches child athletes, and anyone who works for or volunteers with public and private groups offering child-related services or activities...."

more at link

You would think that you wouldn't need a damn law to make people do the right thing and report abuse. I'm frankly sick to death of hearing about Sandusky and Paterno. I just want them to get on with the trial and get that man locked up. He has been free for far too long to perpetrate his crimes. He should be no bail. He is a danger to society.
Crazy Rominger quote:

At the defense's request, it will receive the names of Sandusky's accusers on Friday -- information that's not expected to yield any surprises.

"Without the names, you don't know who's going to show up at trial, and you can't be 100 percent certain and good trial preparation requires us to be 100 percent certain," Rominger said.

Up to now, the victims have been identified in the grand jury presentment only by number.

By week's end, the Sandusky defense team will know their names, raising fears their identities could be released to the public.

"Obviously we're not going to do it. If we were going to do it, we would have already told you who they were," Rominger said.

Rominger is admitting that Jerry already knows exactly who each boy is, recognises the stories, ect.
Crazy Rominger quote:

At the defense's request, it will receive the names of Sandusky's accusers on Friday -- information that's not expected to yield any surprises.

"Without the names, you don't know who's going to show up at trial, and you can't be 100 percent certain and good trial preparation requires us to be 100 percent certain," Rominger said.

Up to now, the victims have been identified in the grand jury presentment only by number.

By week's end, the Sandusky defense team will know their names, raising fears their identities could be released to the public.

"Obviously we're not going to do it. If we were going to do it, we would have already told you who they were," Rominger said.

Rominger is admitting that Jerry already knows exactly who each boy is, recognises the stories, ect.[/I]

BBM - Exactly! It may also be a case of not knowing which of his victims have come forward and which ones have not. I suspect there are many, many victims still out there.
Big Cat posted a link to Ganim's report on Cynthis Baldwin "representing" Curley and Shultz during their Grand Jury testimony in January 2011. She also travelled with Spanier and sat in during his testimony in April. What's missing is, what did he say when he was asked if he had counsel present?
I thought at first that maybe Baldwin had just been hired and no one knew yet what the role of University's own counsel would be. But she was hired January 2010 and delivered the four men's subpoenas in December.
There are differing ways to interpret "You can hire your own attorney." With a guilty conscience and a fresh subpoena in hand, perhaps no one was listening to the former Supreme Court Justice, who seems to have been doing polite "womanspeak" anyway.
New article (I think) from the PostGame from a high-profile commentator on the affair:

Did We Get It Wrong On Joe Paterno?

Read these words carefully: Joe Paterno, in March of 2002, after being told by a graduate assistant coach that he had witnessed longtime defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky allegedly raping a young boy in the football team's facility the night before, notified the police. In fact, Paterno discussed what he learned with the man, Gary Schultz, who had administrative control of the Penn State police.

Guess where this guy came from?

Leftwing Professor Kenneth Kyle convicted of raping 13-month old baby and sentenced to a term of not less than 30 years.

Kenneth Kyle was a former tenured Associate Professor of Sociology at Penn State University who left to work as a non-tenured Assistant Professor at Cal State East Bay in California.

Per the article, for Kyle to step down to a much lower position at Cal State East Bay without any job security suggests he was fired from Penn State. Tenured faculty get fired for reasons that are extremely compelling. Whatever the misconduct that got him fired from his tenured associate professorship at Penn State was evidently hushed up because he was then hired by Cal State East Bay.

Thanks Penn State for helping keep the rest of us safe!
New article (I think) from the PostGame from a high-profile commentator on the affair:


As far as I'm concerned, we did not get it wrong. This is just all part of trying to reclaim his reputation which is worth a lot of money.

The AG herself said that (Paterno):

"the 84-year-old coach could eventually face criminal charges for perjury, obstruction of justice and violating the state's Child Protective Services Law."

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #7[/ame]
As far as I'm concerned, we did not get it wrong. This is just all part of trying to reclaim his reputation which is worth a lot of money.

The AG herself said that (Paterno):

"the 84-year-old coach could eventually face criminal charges for perjury, obstruction of justice and violating the state's Child Protective Services Law."

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #7

I don't believe that quote was attributed to A.G. Kelly; when I read that SI article from November, I read it to be that the author was speculating on a possibility, despite the AG saying that Paterno wouldn't face charges. If you can find other confirmation that the statement was actually made by the Attorney General, I would appreciate having it clarified for me.

Also, I am not an attorney, but as someone familiar with PA's Child Protective Services law (having been certified to provide training to PA school employees), Paterno met the requirements of the PA code by reporting allegations to an member of his school's administration, who were then duty bound to call either the state ChildLine or the county CYS agency within 24 hours, and to follow up with a written report.

Besides, Paterno might not even have been a mandated reporter at that time. Back at the time of the 2002 incident, the law required that school employees, who suspected that a child that they came into contact with while performing their duties was abused, were mandated to cause a report to be made. Paterno never had any contact with the child, so it could be argued that he would not even meet that criteria of the CPS Act.
I don't believe that quote was attributed to A.G. Kelly; when I read that SI article from November, I read it to be that the author was speculating on a possibility, despite the AG saying that Paterno wouldn't face charges. If you can find other confirmation that the statement was actually made by the Attorney General, I would appreciate having it clarified for me.

Also, I am not an attorney, but as someone familiar with PA's Child Protective Services law (having been certified to provide training to PA school employees), Paterno met the requirements of the PA code by reporting allegations to an member of his school's administration, who were then duty bound to call either the state ChildLine or the county CYS agency within 24 hours, and to follow up with a written report.

Besides, Paterno might not even have been a mandated reporter at that time. Back at the time of the 2002 incident, the law required that school employees, who suspected that a child that they came into contact with while performing their duties was abused, were mandated to cause a report to be made. Paterno never had any contact with the child, so it could be argued that he would not even meet that criteria of the CPS Act.

The debate is not whether Paterno met the requirements legally but morally.

For over a decade Sandusky remained 'involved' in the program, Paterno saw him with young boys at a variety of venues, he failed to protect more young men from a known molester.

Legally Paterno met the mandate - morally he failed and in Paterno's own words "I wish I had done more".
The debate is not whether Paterno met the requirements legally but morally.

For over a decade Sandusky remained 'involved' in the program, Paterno saw him with young boys at a variety of venues, he failed to protect more young men from a known molester.

Legally Paterno met the mandate - morally he failed and in Paterno's own words "I wish I had done more".

Right, but the quote I replied to was discussing possible charges against Paterno. The debate about his moral obligation is definitely a different matter.

And I also don't think it is accurate to describe Sandusky as involved with the program for another decade. He maintained his privileges to use the facilities in the retirement settlement agreed to by PSU administration, not by Paterno. He was no longer coaching, and from all of the articles I have read, even those pre-dating the scandal becoming known, Sandusky and Paterno were not close - almost as if there was some distance between them.
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