People Magazine Article

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jilly said:
Oh I plan to get it tomorrow panthera!

Annie - if you want I can send you your own copy if you want to pm me your address. Otherwise I can try and scan it for you if you pm me your email?

You're an absolute hunny-bun! Thanks, jilly .... and you too otto for posting that link...

pm-ing! Wow ... tku, tku, tku ... :blowkiss:
panthera said:
You really should get it, even though the information in the article is the same as what we already know, the pictures of Michelle and Cassidy are great. :)
I managed to find one tidbit in it that we did not know and I will take it as being so because it came from LE - Richard Johnson who indicated he spoke with JY, expressed his condolences and told JY that LE needed his help - Johnson went on to say that JY was not cooperative from the very begining starting with the phone conversation.

This was I believe before any arrangements for a lawyer could have been made and if Pop was the influence for this even at the time LE spoke with JY on the phone - one seriously has to wonder why. He who has nothing to hide, hides nothing. For me this tidbit was most telling - if on finding out about MY, JY goes into an immediate defensive posture, even if at the urging of Pop, no one wasted much time worrying about MY, their time was spent worrying about protecting JY.

JMO - that absolutely stinks. Was there an obvious reason - perhaps a black eye, a chipped or broken tooth ? Something was amiss that put this family into a defensive posture that quickly IMO

Second thing about that article that picqued my interest is throughout the article, there was no indication that JY intended to stay at his parents for the night - the article seems to indicate completely the opposite. Maybe poor investigative journalism or an oh well, no one in the JY family will talk to us so we'll just put it this way and let it run. I don't know what to make of this.

Thanks, Sami! :woohoo: (and CTV too I guess)

raisin, one sentence you wrote got me in my already scratchy throat:
"no one wasted much time worrying about MY, their time was spent worrying about protecting JY."

I'm telling ya (preaching to the choir, right?) JY learned his behavior SOMEWHERE and right now all is pointing to his mom and step-dad. I bet he was the "perfect" son. (cough, gag, choke)
Taximom said:
Thanks, Sami! :woohoo: (and CTV too I guess)

raisin, one sentence you wrote got me in my already scratchy throat:
"no one wasted much time worrying about MY, their time was spent worrying about protecting JY."

I'm telling ya (preaching to the choir, right?) JY learned his behavior SOMEWHERE and right now all is pointing to his mom and step-dad. I bet he was the "perfect" son. (cough, gag, choke)
Sorry luv ! Perhaps my judgement of that was a bit harsh but if this fellow refuses to comply even at the initial phone call - there is something to that smoke IMO.
raisincharlie said:
Sorry luv ! Perhaps my judgement of that was a bit harsh but if this fellow refuses to comply even at the initial phone call - there is something to that smoke IMO.
Nope, not harsh at all. What's that about the apple not falling far from the tree? :cool: In this case, a wormy apple.

I just finished reading the People article and hoped for some tiny tidbit...but for naught.

It still bothers me that JY was "stunned" and "fell to his knees" upon hearing the news of MY's death. Did he say "WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" or ask any other questions like "What about Cassidy?"

I bet not. And I bet that's why Daddy Dearest got an attorney on the job pronto. You don't just fall to your knees and accept that a loved one has been murdered or found dead right away. Yeah, yeah, I know "there's no handbook on how one handles grief". :silenced:

I know we've discussed this before, so I'll stop!!! It just aggravates me. If Daddy Dearest expected that comment to change the way I feel about JY and his innocence...WRONG.
TaxiMom, I am with ya there. If someone tells you such news about your loved one, I don't think it would even register at first. You would think that the person telling you was mistaken. Thats how I would be anyway.

Charlie, I picked up on that as well, about Jason's phone conversation with LE. I would think he would have had hundreds of questions for them. I know that if I was in a state of shock my parents would have asked the questions for me. Seems all of them thought it was more important to get a lawyer so that he could talk to LE.
If my husband were murdered while I was away on a day trip, I would be absolutely in shock. I would speed race home and to police headquarters. I would not be able to believe it. I would want to see my husband. I would be asking so many questions. I would be yelling and screaming and helping police any way that I could. I would be asking what they were doing about the case every day. I would ask if there was anything that I could do. A lawyer would be the last thought on my mind. The only way that I would hire an attorney is if the police told me that I failed my polygraph and that they were suspicious of me. I of course would tell them they were out of their minds!! It would not stop me from hounding them to find the killer!!
I agree Nan. It was not that he was told she had been in a car accident, which would be terrible. But murdered? I would be searching my mind on the way to the police dept. of who could have killed my spouse.
I'm jumping in late on this case, but from what I've read I think her husband killed her or had her killed. The one thing that really gets me is why do it in front of their daughter? Why would he risk his daughter's physical and emotional safety? Unless of course he is a sociopath. This story reminds me more and more of Laci and Scott everyday. So sad and such a waste.

I'm anxious to read more and get my facts straight so I can post with you guys. :) Be easy on me, I'm sure I'll ask questions that have been covered already. :waitasec:
Second thing about that article that picqued my interest is throughout the article, there was no indication that JY intended to stay at his parents for the night - the article seems to indicate completely the opposite. Maybe poor investigative journalism or an oh well, no one in the JY family will talk to us so we'll just put it this way and let it run. I don't know what to make of this.
Interesting. Do we know if he had plans to attend the football game or celebrate in get-togethers that weekend? MY apparently had plans to do so with friends. Was he included? I would think he would head home after a meeting rather than go to Brevard if it was such a big alumni weekend.

I'll have to see if Safeway has the new issue in yet. It didn't Monday.
Taximom said:
I'm telling ya (preaching to the choir, right?) JY learned his behavior SOMEWHERE and right now all is pointing to his mom and step-dad. I bet he was the "perfect" son. (cough, gag, choke)
Sounds a lot like dear little Scotty, now doesn't it? :rolleyes:
packerdog said:
I agree Nan. It was not that he was told she had been in a car accident, which would be terrible. But murdered? I would be searching my mind on the way to the police dept. of who could have killed my spouse.
Of course, he didn't have to wonder who did it since he already knew. First clue that he's guilty.
BarnGoddess said:
Interesting. Do we know if he had plans to attend the football game or celebrate in get-togethers that weekend? MY apparently had plans to do so with friends. Was he included? I would think he would head home after a meeting rather than go to Brevard if it was such a big alumni weekend.

I'll have to see if Safeway has the new issue in yet. It didn't Monday.
BarnGoddess - check post 63 above by Sami - she posted a link where you can read most of the article.

I have heard mixed stories about the weekend plans for homecoming so truthfully, I'm not sure whether there were plans to attend the big game or other festivities or not. I agree - it seems to me that being homecoming weekend with friends from out of town now in town - one would have wanted to go home to partake - only one person knows and hopefully LE has figured it out.

NewMom2003 said:
I'm jumping in late on this case, but from what I've read I think her husband killed her or had her killed. The one thing that really gets me is why do it in front of their daughter? Why would he risk his daughter's physical and emotional safety? Unless of course he is a sociopath. This story reminds me more and more of Laci and Scott everyday. So sad and such a waste.

I'm anxious to read more and get my facts straight so I can post with you guys. :) Be easy on me, I'm sure I'll ask questions that have been covered already. :waitasec:

Jump in, we'll help answer your questions if we can - lots of patience here ! Lots of time to talk about it right now as well - so have at it ! And welcome !:)

You're right I think - it is so similar to the the Peterson case - very spooky!
Good Morning,

There were three things I thought were noteworthy since we had heard all of the rest:

* Police won't say whether such a meeting occured.

* . .if he was due back that night.

* Young "has not been ruled out as a suspect." {acc to Johnson, LE}

Don't you think that is interesting police won't say there even was a meeting? I do! lol And the way I read when he was due back home seems to be completely open, as if no one knew this. What it does for me is open up the possibility he wasn't due home that night, as the word if expresses some doubt.

The most important thing I caught though was that he hasn't been ruled out as a suspect. For a guy who has never been named a suspect in the case, and only listed as a POI, it really says a lot I think.
scandi said:
Good Morning,

There were three things I thought were noteworthy since we had heard all of the rest:

* Police won't say whether such a meeting occured.

* . .if he was due back that night.

* Young "has not been ruled out as a suspect." {acc to Johnson, LE}

Don't you think that is interesting police won't say there even was a meeting? I do! lol And the way I read when he was due back home seems to be completely open, as if no one knew this. What it does for me is open up the possibility he wasn't due home that night, as the word if expresses some doubt.

The most important thing I caught though was that he hasn't been ruled out as a suspect. For a guy who has never been named a suspect in the case, and only listed as a POI, it really says a lot I think.
Hi scandi! It sure seems there is still a whole lot of information that we've not been made aware of~ obviously good investigation keeping it close to the vest by LE. I'd think by now that there would either be confirmation or denial of some of the important parts of the case~ like Jason's meeting, the evidence back from the lab (it's now 2-1/2 mo. after the murder) and so forth, but we just get little bits and pieces. Guess we'll just wait and see!
I'm wondering about this clip: "Police won't say whether such a meeting occured" in any way could mean JY hatched a plan to kill her and he wanted to have some good reason to be out of town so he didn't have to find the body.

It was his 'insider' friend ConcernedCitizen posting at CTV who told us all about that meeting, that it was at 9am in Blacksburg Va, and also that he had called and talked to Michell at 11pm on the night he left home. CC also gives us a timeline for him leaving the house, saying at first he left as they were coming in which would be about 8pm, an hour before the show started to have wine and crackers beforehand.

None of that info which we have been using has been verified by LE that I know of. Yes, he did drive to Va as we know for positive there is not a Get It Market in NC.

What he could have done is taken a long round about way to get to Brevard, first gassing up, renting a motel room in VA to prove he was there, doubling back to kill her, drive back to the motel to pick up his receipt, shower and maybe change clothes, drive to the western tip of Va and then down to Brevard.

With the rumors of a divorce and knowledge of his affair with MM, Michelle could have ordered him to be gone by that night, which would certainly go towards explaining part of the motive and why MY's good friend Rhett Fussell stated when he left he had several suitcases in tow. I'm still trying to find a link to that but do remember reading it.
scandi~ excellent thoughts as usual. I've always thought the call to Meredith was a ruse for several reasons, and that the business trip was too coincidental, in other words that he'd arranged to have his tracks covered. Now if Fussell actually did see several suitcases with Jason as he was leaving the house, it sure doesn't look like a business trip, but that he'd been asked to move out. I'd think the phone call that was supposed to have taken place at 11pm could be verified as well as how long the call was. And it's quite likely he checked into a motel then drove back to Raleigh, back to the motel, and so forth within that time frame during the night. If there was no real business meeting to get to the next morning, he'd have plenty of time.
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