Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

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It's def. Casey! if You look at photos of her face from the side and look at her from the face of the side in some of these photos you can def. tell it's her.
I don't think its her. When I have to keep looking at the pictures to find something that definitely tells me it's her, then I have to say no.

Could it be a set up. Who knows

Whoever took the pictures didn't have anything else? A destination, a car, a house, bus, taxi. You would think they would see where she was going.

Another thing, when she gained weight in jail, she looked awful. The video of her coming into court comes to mind. She was blimpy in the hips and face.
She also has short skinny legs.
But to get over to the Old Navy she'd have to cross Olentangy Road, and it's like a freeway. No, if she is walking (has no vehicle) she'd be living on the same said of Olentangy as the Old Navy is. Just say'n. :)

Took one look and I say "that ain't Casey Anthony". I don't believe Casey walks that way, the long stride. Could be wrong, but if I saw this woman trotting down the sidewalk, I wouldn't start screaming, "There's Casey Anthony!".
The girl in the photo has blue eyes (?) Casey's eyes are brown aren't they? Unless she's wearing coloured contacts with eye glasses? :waitasec:
I don't think that is Casey. Casey's front teeth are straight and whiter then the whites of her eyes.



I have to LOL at the attention these pics have generated. And yet at the same time everyone says they will boycott an 'interview' if one is given. Yea right. It's like some sort of disorder, people just do not have it in them to ignore this woman, whatever she does.

I hope it is her because if it's not, I feel very sorry for the woman.
For those who have doubts it's her, what explanation could there be for all the freckles and marks on her skin being precisely the same in the exact same location on the face and neck? We all know no two people are even close when it comes to the randomness of freckles and moles.
For those who have doubts it's her, what explanation could there be for all the freckles and marks on her skin being precisely the same in the exact same location on the face and neck? We all know no two people are even close when it comes to the randomness of freckles and moles.

College acting/art students putting on a show to see how far it goes. Little bits of makeup can even make you look mortally wounded.
nope it HAS to be her..the moles on her neck, the one on her cheek, and that "slight cleft chin" i mentioned in the other so glad she is strolling about no care in the world..i hope the judge sees this when it comes time for her to report back to the deadline tomorrow?( if so that is my bday too...not sure how i feel about that)
she does seem "fuller figured" to me, but that could be water bloat, eating everything she so desired in her jail letters, and sorry corona lights? wouldnt that still pack pounds on( i obviously dont drink beer, i hate the taste,ironic b/c im 3/4 german! plus medical/liver issues)
she is a known style chamelon...cuts hair, dyes it, and i THOUGHT i seen/read she also played w/ different colored contact lenses in the past too??
i thought she was going to cut her long hair when she was released from jail...looks like she did that.
but to recap, oh yeah it has to be HER> no doubt about it. first seen it last night and now this morning after coffee and a cigarette..oh yes.

oh yes how can we forget that beloved cellphone of hers...wonder who she could be texting??? pick up right where she left off...must be nice.
College acting/art students putting on a show to see how far it goes. Little bits of makeup can even make you look mortally wounded.

true but they really appear to be an integral part of her skin, a couple even appearing slightly raised like one on her chin
For those who have doubts it's her, what explanation could there be for all the freckles and marks on her skin being precisely the same in the exact same location on the face and neck? We all know no two people are even close when it comes to the randomness of freckles and moles.
How do you know they are in the same place? By pictures. I could put those same moles and freckles on my face in the same place with a little makeup. Easiest change to make.
If she did have plastic surgery, would it have been healed that fast by now? It hasn't been that long (3.5 weeks?) since she was released.
Look at the chin-definitely her. She has been enjoying some good meals out of the poky, and yes I think you could put on weight that quickly. I missed where she is? I would have put her in Austin around UT so she would blend in some...
I have to LOL at the attention these pics have generated. And yet at the same time everyone says they will boycott an 'interview' if one is given. Yea right. It's like some sort of disorder, people just do not have it in them to ignore this woman, whatever she does.

I hope it is her because if it's not, I feel very sorry for the woman.

I never said I would boycott an interview. In fact, I would be sure to read it even though I'd never be certain I heard the truth.

As for "ignoring" the woman, I don't have a need just yet to "ignore" her, I have too many unanswered questions, too much curiousity.

Well, at least I'm honest, LOL.
wow @ the conspiracy theorists... yes it is her. criticize the things that matter, but picking apart her looks seems petty given that I'm sure most people behind these keyboards weigh more than this girl who is "huge". Plus, focusing on the physical really only brings you to down to the superficial level you view her to be on and [is one of the things you] despise her for.

anyway, pretty stupid to out herself on purpose so IDK about that, as her safety will now be at even bigger risk since people know where she is. she should have worn a blonde wig under the hat and sunglasses.

Ummm, if that is aimed at me I'm not picking apart her looks I am stating a fact. The fact is that girl looks at least 20 pounds heavier than the girl who walked out of the jail. And I am 5' 3" and 107 btw. AND I don't judge anyone by their weight. I would eat everything in sight too if I just got out of jail after 3 years.
Well, they certainly were low-hangers like her mothers up til a few weeks ago......

I am still reading this so sorry if someone got to it before I did but everyone seems to be forgetting she was in a jail-issue sports bra up until a few weeks ago. Anyone with any type of boobage needs serious support or they hang. Looks to me like she got a nice bra on finally. I also think the gray is making her look fat but she looks healthy in the black/white shirt. I also feel like these are staged photos though the fear in her eyes in that one shot looks real. I just can't imagine someone with death threats roaming around BY HERSELF on three occasions like that. Unless, she is staying with family, and they are trying to "control" her.
It makes me so sad to see these TMZ photos. This woman who has done absolutely nothing wrong has apparently, judging from her different outfits, had some photographer following her every movement for at least 3 days. People really need to get a grip, IMO.

How can you say she has done nothing wrong? She is at the very least a thief.
It just makes me sick that she can freely roam the country side after what she did to Caylee!!!
I am not 100% convinced that this is Casey. These photos were taken on 3 different occasions and yet there are no photos of her coming out of a home, or hotel etc. My gut is telling me this is not Casey.

Also, I just don't feel that Baez would even allow her to walk so freely around town.

I have to look for some court photos of Casey when she was a bit heavier at one point to see how her body changed.

I agree. If this person is being followed by paparazzi, why would they not follow her all the way, up until 'losing' her into a building/house/hotel, etc., especially since it looks like they had several opportunities to do so?
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