Police Offer Mom a Deal-Will she take it??

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If Madeleine died that way, I still don't get why her parents who are doctors themselves, wouldn't call 911. It's not like they don't know about forensics.
I'm still grasping for something concrete here, but I just don't see it.
I don't understand it all that well either. But I believe that both McCann parents are very much image-conscious. Narcissistic, self-obsessed and more worried about what others think of them than "doing the right thing".

So imagine you are a medical doctor with a high opinion of yourself and believe your needs come first. You have this difficult child (as the McCann family have all testified, Madeleine was a "handful") who was a colicky baby, is constantly "hyper" and won't mind. A child in the "terrible twos".

You lose your temper with her often, and now she's managed to "ruin" your vacation because she wakes up at night crying for you while you're off drinking with friends. So you decide you're going to sedate her, only something happens. She dies.

A loving parent who puts a child first might decide to do the right thing and be open about the sedation, and maybe if they'd acted like this in the beginning the world would see it as a mistake. A big mistake with certain consequences, but still it would've eventually blown over.

But the McCanns have this whole narcissism thing going on. Admitting to drugging Madeleine and causing her death would've resulted in a loss of face in front of their friends and colleagues. At least one of them would've lost his/her medical license. The twins might have been taken away. And they couldn't stand that.

So the parents, who think they're better than everyone else anyway, decided to cover up what they did and embarked on this elaborate hoax of Madeleine was kidnapped. And they really thought they'd get away with it. They thought they were so intelligent, putting on a great act of victimization, smirking at the PJ and all the rest of us "idiots" who fell for their lies and scamming the world into contributing to their FindMadeleine fund.

I don't see the parents taking a deal unless they are faced with irrefutable evidence that makes their guilt impossible to ignore. And maybe not even then. I believe that in their eyes, as long as they keep saying they're innocent, they are. If they're truly narcissistic, they have probably even convinced themselves they had nothing to do with it. And other people who don't want to face facts will rally to them and make them feel all the more secure. So they might go to their graves believing they've suffered a miscarriage of justice, still waiting for somone to find their daughter.
Calikid, I agree. Their very positions as doctors determined their attitudes and actions about everything.

Also, the words Kate used, "We failed her" always to me sounded exactly like what doctors say when they make a mistake. They never say "I made a mistake." They say "we failed to take into consideration this" or "failed to revive her."
Check this out. Whole article at below link.

UK NEWS: Madeline McCann family spokesperson lied to press?

A spokesperson for the family of Madeline McCann may have lied to the press.

Philomena McCann, Kate McCann's sister-in-law, told ITV News that the Portuguese police offered Kate McCann a plea deal through her lawyer to confess to her daughter's accidental murder.

I was thinking perhaps by getting this out there when she does (?) admit to it, she can say that she only admitted to it to get a reduced sentence as she didn't want to be railroaded and spend the next 20 years away from her husband and the twins.
It could also have been a translation/word issue. They might have said something along the lines of "IF you tell us what happened, THEN you might only get two years in prison." Not an actual offer but a suggestion, which then repeated to the family and then to the spokesperson, became translated as a "plea bargain."

Obviously, though, everything the family spokesman says will be presented in the most favorable way possible to the McCanns, and if that means shading the words a bit or leaving things out, I'm sure that will happen. It's her job.

If she is the spokesperson,:liar: she should be more accurate, eh?
Portuguese police, meanwhile, last night described as 'absolutely absurd' reports that Kate McCann was offered a plea bargain during questioning should she admit to the accidental death of her daughter.

As I said yesterday, everything we heard about what the Police said to Kate in the interview was only what Kate had relayed to her friends & family. I personally think Kate said this so the Police would appear to be 'bullying' her into a confession........ smart tactic on Kates part!!
Check this out. Whole article at below link.

UK NEWS: Madeline McCann family spokesperson lied to press?

A spokesperson for the family of Madeline McCann may have lied to the press.

Philomena McCann, Kate McCann's sister-in-law, told ITV News that the Portuguese police offered Kate McCann a plea deal through her lawyer to confess to her daughter's accidental murder.
When I saw Philomena McCann being interviewed, I wondered if she was a family spokesperson approved by the McCanns, or just a meddling relative who should keep her mouth shut, anyone know? I am a relative newby to this case....
I think everything that comes from the McCann family is approved by Kate or Gerry, and everything is intended to stick to the message of innocent parents desperate to have their daughter returned.

The more they portray the PJ as cruel and bumbling, the better it is for them, if Maddie is never returned, it can be laid at the feet of the police--not the parents who left her alone supposedly in the first place.
When I saw Philomena McCann being interviewed, I wondered if she was a family spokesperson approved by the McCanns, or just a meddling relative who should keep her mouth shut, anyone know? I am a relative newby to this case....

She is a meddling relative who should keep her mouth shut.

Philomena McCann has gone out of her way to thrust herself in the middle of this case, getting her 15 minutes of fame, so to speak.

She is the one who insisted over the first weekend that Madeleine would never wander away from the apartment because she loved her family so much, as if it was being hinted that a 3-year-old would run away.

She is the one who referred to anyone who disagreed with the family line that Madeleine had been kidnapped as a "coven of witches".

She is the one, whom, upon being e-mailed with offers of help from strangers wanting to find Madeleine, told them in no uncertain terms to butt out.

IMO, she is not a nice person at all, and she is doing the parents a lot of harm by being allowed to spout off to the media like this.
Calikid Excellent posts! I think I'm inclined to slide off the fence.
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