Portland's naked bike ride

I remember the scanner days on Kyron's threads, kimster, that was funny, you Oregonians are all about the nekid it seems, any excuse will do, oh and if not nekid, garbed in hoodies :)
I used to live in a great little apartment in downtown Ptown, and watched this ride from my balcony every year.... Awww the memories. I have friends that still participate, and have for years. There are always a few bad apples, but the group as a whole really do practice some modesty, and follow rules that are in place. As always, Keep Portland Weird! Gosh I miss that place :crazy:
Well we don't have nakey bike riding around my area. BUTT we do have the annual mooning of the metrolink which is coming up in a few weeks.
32nd annual! A celebration of butts. I think they had to intervene as people actually started having sex last year, but that is usually not the case.
Not that I would know firsthand of course.

32nd Annual Mooning of Amtrak
6th Annual Mooning of Metrolink

All Day Saturday, July 9, 2011, Laguna Niguel, (Orange County) California, U.S.A.

<highlights snipped>​

Train PassengersPassengers can ride The Amtrak and Metrolink trains to see the "moon show" between the stations of "Irvine" to the North and to the South "San Juan Capistrano" for Amtrak and "Laguna Niguel" for Metrolink. The mooning is on the EAST side of the tracks, and most trains will slow down at this point. snipped

Night Mooning After 8pm, Night Mooning starts. Bring a flash light with plenty of batteries, or better yet, bring a camping lantern. Bring a wire coat hanger to make a hook to hang your lantern from the chain link fence. An electric engine-generator with lights would be outrageous, if anyone has this to bring. The area is dark at night as there aren't any street lights along this road. Night Mooning is better because: it is less crowded, cooler temperature, and more authentic.
<more highlights>

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
  1. Must I "moon", or can I just watch? No, You can watch and/or take photos.
  2. Does It get hot here in July? Yes, mid-day it is usually about 95°F (35°C) and humid.
  3. Should I bring food & drink? If you wish. Mugs Away Saloon will be serving cold beer and other beverages. The street vendors may be prohibited this year by a new city ordinance.
  4. Is there room to park my car, motorcycle or motor home? By 9am car parking is usually over a mile away along the road's shoulder. After 5pm, some of the crowd & cars disperse.
  5. Are pets O.K. to bring? Yes, you can bring your dog, cat, snake, parrot, or iguana. Don't forget water for them.
  6. Can radio & TV stations photo this event and conduct interviews? Yes. See paragraph above.
  7. Can I decorate my butt? Yes, that's O.K.
  8. What happens in the saloon? There are bands inside the Mugs Away Saloon from Noon till closing, which is early Sunday morning.
  9. Is Amtrak associated with this? NO, neither Amtrak nor Metrolink have anything to do with this "show" except operate the trains.
  10. Can the physically handicapped get around this area? Yes, a wheel-chair should work just fine. There are no stairs to climb. Close-in car parking spots are gone by 7am.
  11. Is it convenient to come by car? NO, no, it is NOT convenient to bring a motor vehicle. Vehicular congestion is intense and there is very little parking. Coming here by Metrolink Train and the ¾ walk is an excellent alternative.
Just got back from my nekked ride. It was too hot to wear my hoodie though.

I think it went well! Everyone seemed to be having fun as I rode by! They were laughing and pointing anyway. :kimsterwink:

I think all private parts should be covered in public.

They are private for a reason.


I have no issue with nudity camps and nude beaches because when you go there, you know you will see nude bodies. To each their own.

Public streets are different IMO.

Okay. Now I really really need to know what that reason is. :innocent:
Okay. Now I really really need to know what that reason is. :innocent:

Without getting into what I believe due to my faith, I can just say this...

Because they are intimate parts.
They are private parts.
They are not meant to flop around while riding bikes on public streets.

IMO showing your private/intimate parts in public is indecent exposure and should be against the law in all 50 states.

There are social rules in life that you may not agree with, but to many, it is not acceptable for you to show your junk in public.
Well, just go to IMAGES, and search under "Portland nude bicyle ride." You'll find photos.

:floorlaugh: That's a heck of a lot of skin! What a crowd!!
Without getting into what I believe due to my faith, I can just say this...

Because they are intimate parts.
They are private parts.
They are not meant to flop around while riding bikes on public streets.

IMO showing your private/intimate parts in public is indecent exposure and should be against the law in all 50 states.

There are social rules in life that you may not agree with, but to many, it is not acceptable for you to show your junk in public.

That is stated in your faith? Huh, I thought all that "junk" had several purposes, mayhap you think of those. mo
I think it clearly stated in the original article that police were on stand by to issue tickets should by standers object-IIRC.
I imagine that legalized modesty has it's religious, cultural, social, & aesthetic :giggle: arguments.

It seems to me that the naked bikers are making a splash for biking as environmentally-friendly transportation, likely hoping that biking (sans the nudity) becomes a more widely accepted socio-cultural thing ... These nekkie biker events are organized, it seems they've worked with city officials such that their event has advanced notice and the positive outcome they're looking for. Photo evidence shows participants in excellent humor, and often, creative costume.

IMO, the biking crowd's harmless fleeting au-natural state is far less immoral, far less disgusting, and far less threatening to the world than the squandering of our natural resources.

I find this sort of en-mass nudity has low shock-value because the nudity has it's agreed upon purpose. It's funny how (IMO) one random nude person on the sidewalk is more shocking than 400 on bikes. Actually, the spectacle of en-mass naked bike riding sets me more to giggles than to shock or disgust.

:waitasec: Were I younger, and so inclined, I'd probably choose to ride at night to avoid (1) sunburn and (2) a full frontal in the local news. Because, well, you know, that (2) might be ... rather shocking. :blushing:

That is stated in your faith? Huh, I thought all that "junk" had several purposes, mayhap you think of those. mo

I purposely gave an answer that left my faith out of it.

I gave an answer about social rules and that private/intimate parts should remain private/intimate.

Not sure I understand what you are trying to say here.

All of my posts give my opinions unless I provide a link to factual info.

It is MY opinion that public nudity is wrong.

JMO/MOO/IMO and all that jazz.

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