Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert

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I read the Schwartz Report post when someone posted a link to it some time ago. From my read, that poster's comment was speculation as opposed to fact.
I read the Schwartz Report post when someone posted a link to it some time ago. From my read, that poster's comment was speculation as opposed to fact.

I read a report a day or so ago that said police had responded to Coletti's 911 call..looked for Gilbert....didn't find her...later did a flyover with a helicopter.

IMO, most likely police didn't do much of anything til her family filed the missing person report.


(according to the link the missing person report was filed on May 4th)

I'm thinking that's when they probably learned about Pak and Brewer, and then they interviewed them.

But I really don't know.
this link has the full text of some of the earlier articles - if you search for keyword "vague" on this page - it takes you to the Newsday article about Gilbert's family complaining how police didn't respond quick enough.


While Gilbert's family members await DNA testing of the bones, they say they believe that Suffolk police did not respond quickly to Gilbert's 911 call. Suffolk Dep. Insp. Gerard McCarthy, commanding officer of the Special Services Bureau, said in an interview that the response to the 911 calls was not "immediate." He said Gilbert was "incoherent" and gave a vague location of "near Jones Beach" while talking to 911 dispatchers, making it difficult to get to her quickly. He could not provide the time officers arrived on the scene.

Coletti said an officer from the police marine unit arrived about 30 minutes after he called 911. If true, Gilbert's family said that would mean authorities didn't arrive until 40 to 45 minutes after her 4:51 a.m. 911 call. They have that time from Gilbert's cell phone records, which they say show she was on the phone to 911 operators for 23 minutes.

"If somebody had gotten there within 10 or 15 minutes, my niece, most likely, would be alive," said Gilbert's aunt, Lori Grove, 51, of Williamsburg, Pa. "She was on the phone with police for more than 20 minutes. Why did no one get there?"

Family members say they received so little official information from Jersey City police - to whom they first reported Gilbert missing - and Suffolk police that they launched their own probe, going so far as to knock on doors in Oak Beach, contacting Brewer and the man who says he drove her to Oak Beach.

Suffolk and Jersey City police defended their probe. McCarthy said Suffolk sent units to Oak Beach twice on May 1 and later sent canine units to canvass a wide area of the barrier beach. Brewer and Gilbert's driver have told Newsday they were extensively questioned by Suffolk detectives and took lie detector tests administered by police. Police have not confirmed the use of lie detector tests.

"It's certainly true that families don't get updates on their cases, breaking leads," McCarthy said. "The difficulty we run into is if we give out pieces of information that could compromise a case."

Stan Eason, a spokesman for Jersey City police, said the department initiated the missing-person case in May and worked diligently. "Our efforts and commitment to this case led to the initial and follow-up searches that are still ongoing," he said.

Sometime in early summer, Suffolk police said they stopped searching the underbrush and marshy areas along Ocean Parkway. It wasn't until Saturday when a canine officer and his dog working farther west along the road found the remains.

but, we still don't know exactly when Brewer & Pak were first interviewed...
About MP, "Shannan's driver": It is only from MP that we are told that he knew SG from her days at the James Bond Entertainment (escort) company. For all we know he is lying about this and/or about other details or even about everything having to do with that evening. We just don't know if anything that Mr P reported on is accurate. He has a history of being a very shady character who is obviously motivated by the almighty dollar.

But MP's story would have been easily verified by LE. People SG knew, others who worked at James Bond Entertainment, and SG's phone records could all verify her relationship with MP. Also MP would know his story can be checked out and that lying would put suspicion on him.
But MP's story would have been easily verified by LE. People SG knew, others who worked at James Bond Entertainment, and SG's phone records could all verify her relationship with MP. Also MP would know his story can be checked out and that lying would put suspicion on him.

Apparently, SG worked for another group not James Bond. Someone said it was Lace Ladies or something Lace.

Hopefully, LE did check to see if she had a long standing business arrangement with MP and that LE checked his cell records and if he really was logged in playing OL Poker.

MP could have easily made arrangements with any of the high end Johns without any of the girls knowing about it. he could have been running his own game...skimming a little side $$$...we just don't know enough about what really transpired that night.
found the article about "Lace Party Girls" (sorry if this was already posted)


In that newsreport it was stated that Shannan Gilbert was arrested at 300 Sinatra Drive in Hoboken NJ.

I found that this is what is located at that addres:
Trinity Bar & Restaurant on 300 Sinatra Drive Hoboken, NJ

However the exact address is in fact:


306 Sinatra Dr, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Phone: 201-533-4446

Here is a link to the Trinity Bar & Restaurant website:

i just wanted to mention that when the girls go on these jobs, the driver is supposed to not only transport them, yet the driver is supposed to offer protection to the girl.

that shannan's driver didn't protect her and she became afraid of him says a lot about the driver.

also we know the driver is asian and that they found the body of an asian male in his 20's. would this be related?

the latest articles have been saying that shannan's mom is having survivor's guilt and mentions that shannan worked that night to get her mom a bday gift and had a spat with the driver since the driver was always taking too much of his cut of money,

imo, the driver's word and jb's are not enough to go on. if only we know who shannan had named in the 911 calls. i would bet she named the driver. the media has not once mentioned the name of that driver and i am starting to think it's not to protect his identity.

if shannan's disappearance/murder is about money then that gives her drive a perfect motive. they are very high priced girls.

i would look into the driver's background, has he driven around a lot of girls? where does he live and is familiar with?


throughout the media blitz we've had several names dragged through the mud, brewer, hackett, and not one mention of the driver. yet le says jb and dr h are not suspect. neither is the driver, who still suspiciously to this day has not been named hmmmm
"I’m doing a job so I’ll have some money to buy you something for your birthday."'

'She said she’s tired of the driver taking all her money,' she said.
New York magazine reports the driver was also supposed to provide security for the Craigslist hooker.

The Suffolk County police concluded neither the client nor the driver were suspects in the case."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...fears-linked-disappearance.html#ixzz1Nt7fg72j

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...fears-linked-disappearance.html#ixzz1Nt7aD4ai

from the above qoute it's obvious we only have the driver and jb's words from that night to go on since they won't release the 911 tape. the driver was supposed to be protecting shannan, yet did the opposite.
for some reason shannan was scared of the driver and ran from him. the above article mentions shannan was tired of the driver taking all her money.
it's possible the driver saw these girls as disposable income and has offed a few to take their money after they got tired and angry at him for taking to much of a cut.

not to mention the unreleased 911 tape, i'd put money on shannan mentioning the driver's name on it.

also why hasn't the media or le released the driver's name? they said he's not suspect yet they said that about jb as well. i'm sure the driver could be paid off well since he loves money so much to be quiet about a killer john.
from the above qoute it's obvious we only have the driver and jb's words from that night to go on since they won't release the 911 tape. the driver was supposed to be protecting shannan, yet did the opposite.
for some reason shannan was scared of the driver and ran from him. the above article mentions shannan was tired of the driver taking all her money.
it's possible the driver saw these girls as disposable income and has offed a few to take their money after they got tired and angry at him for taking to much of a cut.

not to mention the unreleased 911 tape, i'd put money on shannan mentioning the driver's name on it.

also why hasn't the media or le released the driver's name? they said he's not suspect yet they said that about jb as well. i'm sure the driver could be paid off well since he loves money so much to be quiet about a killer john.

If she was working for someone, and the driver was doing that to the girls on a routine basis, he would get into trouble with people who are not exactly respectful of the law. It would be a dangerous game to play. While those people don't really care what happens to the girls they do care about losing their revenue stream or the thought that money which could have been theirs was instead going to someone else in their employ.
Reposted here for reference:

Shannan Gilbert timeline
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7489595&postcount=1"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Shannan gilbert timeline[/ame]
There has been discussions on wheter Gus Coletti let Shannan into his house or not the night of may 1st.

I found this on the net, saying that Coletti alleged ststed that he did NOT let her into his house that morning.
If he really said that on Nancy Grace, it is VERY odd, because he later, in different news videos, changed it to that he DID let her in, even, pointing out where she stod INSIDE his house.
I´v tried to locate this Nancy Grace / Gus Coletti interview/video, but without sucsess :


by Guest » Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:31 am

Guest wrote:I wonder why she would flee the neighbor's house if she had found safety there? Is the neighbor telling the truth?

the neighbor was on nancy grace and he didn't let her in he went to call the police and came back and she was gone. he was feeling so guilty about not letting her in, , but he could have been hurt too who knows, what would have happened. he really didn't know what was going on if someone was just trying to get in his house and rob him using a ruse or what.
I don't believe GC let Shannon in that morning either. He is a savvy older guy, who would be wise to not trust someone banging on the door that early in the morning. It is the perfect ruse to have a distressed female show up so that you open your door, and the armed boyfriend jumps inside as the door is opening. How many of us would have let her in? (I would.... but I would have had a butcher knife, and machete, and my trusty 9mm by my side). You don't have a lot of time to make decisions about safety in situations where people are in distress. You have to go on instinct. I think Gus's instinct would have been - "wait right here.... while I call 911". That helps to explain why SG ran away. People do make unwise decisions sometimes, when confronted with an individual who is in distress. I was leaving a building downtown one night, in a not-so-good area of town. This lady comes running up to me and asked for a ride home. She appeared to be someone who was comfortable in the not-so-good part of town, but she was also crying, and genuinely upset. She said her boyfriend had a gun and was threatening to shoot someone in a local bar, and she just wanted to go home. I told her that I could not give a ride to a stranger. She wiped a tear away, and said "Thank you anyways", and started walking away. I felt like a complete Azz!! BUT.... I KNOW what can happen if you offer a ride to a stranger like that! I told her to "come on - get in the car". She did not hesitate. Before she got in the car, I made her hand me her purse. She looked surprised, but I told her that she could have a gun inside, and I was not interested in being robbed, so I was going to put it under my seat. She gave me her purse, and I drove her into a part of town that I had never been to. The following week, she came by the business where I had found her, and told the owner to tell me thank you. Looking back on it, I was stupid for doing it.... but I am glad I did. If I was GC, I would feel horrible about what happened to SG. Just a sad situation all the way around.
I read a report a day or so ago that said police had responded to Coletti's 911 call..looked for Gilbert....didn't find her...later did a flyover with a helicopter.

IMO, most likely police didn't do much of anything til her family filed the missing person report.


(according to the link the missing person report was filed on May 4th)

I'm thinking that's when they probably learned about Pak and Brewer, and then they interviewed them.

But I really don't know.

So LE does a helicopter flyover of the area looking for SG, but they don't search the freakin' house she ran from?!

What am I missing here? :waitasec:
Someone posted a video of SG's journey on YouTube:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4lDqm-D-NQ&feature=share"]A Long Journey - YouTube[/ame]

There is a man at the end of the video that I do not recognize. It is at 3:52 in the video. Right after the picture of JB. Does anyone know who that is?
Good find ghj!!! I've never seen this man wrt SG's case. Could he be the mysterious drifter? Just an idea.

That video is very disturbing. It's a statement to someone from someone but from whom. It is marked as being posted by shannanmariagilbert. It could have been posted by a friend/loved one, family member or the killer. It would be interesting to know the motive and who this is directed to...
OMG. I see who ever made this channel has made contact with one of my POI's. Thats strange.
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