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I've been giving the memory of attending Catholic school some thought.. Mr. Kyle has specific thoughts and beliefs about his work ethic and his country. Does he have any of those same deep beliefs regarding the Catholic Church or his Catholic faith? Does he say, have a reason to believe he should not recieve communion if he still attends mass? Does he still attend mass? Does anything specific stand out aside from he thinks he went to catholic school?

I ask because if we are going to delve into this, it would be nice if we should be focusing solely on a student who may not have been active within the church beyond school years, or an adult who possibly attended mass and participated or was known within his parish.

I've been giving the memory of attending Catholic school some thought.. Mr. Kyle has specific thoughts and beliefs about his work ethic and his country. Does he have any of those same deep beliefs regarding the Catholic Church or his Catholic faith? Does he say, have a reason to believe he should not recieve communion if he still attends mass? Does he still attend mass? Does anything specific stand out aside from he thinks he went to catholic school?

I ask because if we are going to delve into this, it would be nice if we should be focusing solely on a student who may not have been active within the church beyond school years, or an adult who possibly attended mass and participated or was known within his parish.


He has stated in the past that Catholic School was a hell-hole. He has a strong faith, tempered with cynicism-he actually reminds me a whole lot of my Dad in a father attended Catholic School and then studied to be a priest. Like my Dad, Mr. Kyle is well versed in scripture.

I doubt he was excommunicated which would make him unable to receive the sacraments in the church, but I suppose you never know!
He has stated in the past that Catholic School was a hell-hole. He has a strong faith, tempered with cynicism-he actually reminds me a whole lot of my Dad in a father attended Catholic School and then studied to be a priest. Like my Dad, Mr. Kyle is well versed in scripture.

I doubt he was excommunicated which would make him unable to receive the sacraments in the church, but I suppose you never know!

I didn't mean it that way. When my parents divorced my father did not take communion for at least 10 years until he had my parents marriage annulled through the church. I was just wondering if anything stood out to place him with the faith only as a child or an adult still participating in the faith.
I didn't mean it that way. When my parents divorced my father did not take communion for at least 10 years until he had my parents marriage annulled through the church. I was just wondering if anything stood out to place him with the faith only as a child or an adult still participating in the faith.

I was teasing-sorry if that did not come across!!! My Dad was the original lapsed Catholic.

I will send Mr. Kyle the link to the forum so he can reply himself and I will post it with his permission.
brought over from thread: 50/60 yr old amnesia victim #4
Ideas: help jog memory of BK
Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up.
Ask if he has memories of those holidays?
Have him look at pictures of family Thanksgiving's and
all kinds of pictures of Christmas.
See what it brings up.
It might give all of us more clues.
Did veteran's day bring up any memories?
What about those events that we all know where we were when it happened?
Those of us who are a little older, of course.
JFK assination in Dallas, 1963?
RFK assination in LA, 1968?
Sept. 11, 2001?
Walk on the moon, 7/20/69?
When Nixon resigned, 8/9/74?
Beatles, Ed Sullivan show, Feb., 1964? BK was probably a teenager then.

Last edited by dreamweaver; Today at 12:43 PM. Reason: add those of us who are older.....not everyone was born in the late 1940'
Today, 12:50 PM
...'facts can obscure truth...maya angelou Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Pacific Northwest
Posts: 142
brought over from thread 50/60 year old amnesia victim #4
I was thinking, Christmas memories.?
Was it snowing? Was there a Christmas parade? What did the tree look like?
When I was little, we visited relatives in Arkansas and they still went to a little church/school. I have definite memories of the one room schoolhouse / church and the potbelly stove and the kids all reciting Christmas lines and getting a sack of candy from Santa..
I grew up in Oregon,so our trees were very cheap and we had the same decorations forever.
But if he grew up in a state where there were not plentiful Christmas trees, maybe his family had to go out and buy one. ?

Thanksgiving? Does he remember lots of people? Or just going to a friends house? Does he remember the food, the stuffing? Did the family travel to grandma's house?
Stuffing is kind of regional. We, in Oregon, always had sage stuffing or giblet sage stuffing.
We always went to my uncle's house for big holiday meals..

When JFK was assinated in 1963? Was he in high school? Was he at home? Does he remember people crying or were people glad? There were some people who reacted that way.
I was in high school, in history class when it was announced. There was shock and numbness and crying.
I remember I watched the JFK funeral at my best friends house, on tv. We even have photos of that.
If I'm recalling correctly, I think I heard him mention JFK on Dr. Phil's show. The last few days that had been in my head and thinking he was in junior high (I think that's what he felt he remembered) at the time. That led me to wondering if he would have been the right age range for service when the Vietnam war was going on.
Time of JFK assasination; Nov.1963.
I was in 11th grade in high school. If he was in junior high, he was probably in 7th, 8th or 9th grade. So, that would make him born in
1949, 1950, or 1951. Assuming his memory is correct...

And that would make him eligible for the draft to Viet Nam.
Buf if he was in the service, his fingerprints would be on file.
If he was found unfit for military service,
why is he in perfect health now?
If he did not want to go to Viet Nam,
Some people in that era, late 1960's, registered as a conscentious objector.
Some people in that era, did not register, and went to Canada to live.
Some became protestors and refused to go.
Some were in college.
Some had a family at a very young age and were exempted.
Some 'lucked out' and had a high number in the Selective Service lottery Dec. 1969 and did not have to go.
Link: how lottery worked in 1969.'s%20your%20"Luck%20of%20the%20Draw"?
We could assume from this that BK's birthdate was not in the low or middle numbers.
The draft dodging angle is interesting-I would think that conscientious objectors whose draft number came up would be relatively easy to track...hmmm...
Thanks for tackling that area of thinking, dreamweaver. I have trouble knowing what people mean when they say "junior high". Where I grew up it was elementary (1st-5th), middle/intermediate (6th-8th), junior high (9th & 10th), and senior high (11th & 12th). So unless an actual grade level is given I'm never sure. A late/end-of-year birthdate often affects school entry year and that too can cause a misconstrued understanding of a persons age and/or grade level as well. Just a couple variables that tend to give me troubles... not that they necessarily apply here.
This question may seem way out there, but I do wonder if Mr. Kyle has any specific memories of driving a car- like a certain make/model that rings a bell with him? (For example, does he remember driving a Firebird- like in Smokey and the Bandit...) I know it sounds dumb, but there could be a "time stamp" in his memory somewhere with the most mundane memory.

I also wonder if he has any memory of skiing, snowmobiling- any type of outdoor activity as per Colorado could be concerned. (Another "out there" question.)

While the restuarant (sp) memories can help, I am wondering if Mr. Kyle has memories of any of his adult passtimes- or favorites... it's early, if I'm not making too much sense, sorry!:blowkiss:
Hey, good idea. I had thought of Thanksgiving and Christmas memories, just what did the tree look like that kind of thing.
And a car. Wow. Most people remember their cars or at least the idea of them...
Thanks for tackling that area of thinking, dreamweaver. I have trouble knowing what people mean when they say "junior high". Where I grew up it was elementary (1st-5th), middle/intermediate (6th-8th), junior high (9th & 10th), and senior high (11th & 12th). So unless an actual grade level is given I'm never sure. A late/end-of-year birthdate often affects school entry year and that too can cause a misconstrued understanding of a persons age and/or grade level as well. Just a couple variables that tend to give me troubles... not that they necessarily apply here.

Ah. Sorry. I think grade levels can be different in states and school districts.
But, yes, things have changed since the early 1960's.
Back in those days, in southern Oregon,
1st thru 6th in grade school. (elementary school)
7th, 8th, 9th grades were usually in junior high. (middle school)
10th, 11th, 12th grades were in senior high. (high school)
Another about late birthdates: back in those days,
I think the cutoff date was very late. . . Dec...? I am speculating, as all in my family had spring dob.
Later, when my daughter was starting first grade, 1976, the cutoff date was Nov. 15.
Now, 2008, when my granddaughter started kindergarten, cut off date is Sept. 1. Her dob Sept. 2, she is the oldest in her class.
((OT>> grandson, dob 8/26///he is the youngest in his class))
Not sure where to post this, here or the general discussion thread, as this is not a question for BK- but for any of our members or readers.

Does anyone have any contacts or connections with the National Restaurant Association? I'm sure they have some kind of publication that goes out to those directly involved with restaurants and any distributors who deal with the rest. industry. (Paper company's, wine distributors etc.) If so, I would REALLY love to see BK's flyers and info included in one of their publications. I believe if his info gets out to those in the industry it may very well lead to his identification.
Link: National Restaurant Association:
Colorado link:

There are email and phone numbers listed. Does someone want to take this on? Maybe they could even coordinate with CO. law enforcement when
they have their event??

Has BK responded to any of the questions posed?

Maybe we should have a thread for all the things BK has said... i.e, Catholic school, state fair, Co. memories, ....?
I either don't know he has remembered certain things or it is lost in one of our ongoing threads.
What do you think everyone?
Okay. I see we have the thread: BK's memories. But it is not devoted to a list of his known memories.
Maybe we could break it down.?
List of...............:
Link: National Restaurant Association:
Colorado link:

There are email and phone numbers listed. Does someone want to take this on? Maybe they could even coordinate with CO. law enforcement when
they have their event??

thanks dreamweaver. I will have to get to this next week as we are headed out of town for the weekend. I used to work in the restaurant distribution( paper and plastic) industry and am trying to remember the last name of the rep from Kimberly Clark. A Kathy Z, and for the life of me I can not recall her last name. It wasn't a good parting when I left ( not KC ) and I have heard Kathy has since been promoted so I was hoping to get in contact with her for a possible contact name with the NRA. If not I will contact them next week.

Another thought: I am trying to figure out which distributers/salesman service the area BK remembers. The company I worked for was in the midwest and we sold as far west as Omaha and as far east as Western NY at one time. I still have contact with a few salesman and if I can I will try to find out which rede-s are big in that area and who might have known/worked with BK- if that is making sense. Nothing coming to me yet, but working on it.
Boyz_mum I think those are great ideas!!! :blowkiss:
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